
    Turtles All The Way Down

    Philosopher, musician, filmmaker, entrepreneur Jake Cenk Koseleci has deep conversations in his home studio with a wide array of guests on the biggest and smallest questions about art, science, technology, life, the universe and everything.
    enJake Cenk Koseleci40 Episodes

    Episodes (40)

    Episode 040 - Marco Pecota

    Episode 040 - Marco Pecota
    Jake has been optimistically trending towards calm after a helpful acid trip, and may finally be able to achieve some good shit in his life.
    Furniture designer, magazine publisher, film producer Marco Pecota and Jake talk about the good life, and about setting up art-centred retreats of their own.
    Still figuring out the bit rate levels.

    Furniture, design, meditate, masculine, drawing, art, artist, children’s, book, rightbrain, ugly, beauty, Seville, Spain, Europe, eu, architecture, Toronto, Junction, JunctionTO, cooking, Italy, change, revolution, structure, creativity, limits, rules, dogma95, manufacturing, consumption, China, solar, energy, Facebook, Mac, pc, catholic, religion, diversity, restaurants, retreat, shippingcontainer, tinyhome, spa, retreat, experiences, yoga, anxiety, depression, breathe, selfhelp, impulse, anger, diet, exercise, movement, walking,

    Turtles All The Way Down
    enAugust 23, 2018

    Episode 039 - Angus Rowe Macpherson II

    Episode 039 - Angus Rowe Macpherson II

    Photographer, robotics enthusiast, and all-around curious guy Angus Rowe McPherson is back for another breezy long-form conversation about life, the universe and everything.

    AI, robots, psychedelics, adderall, ritalin, caffeine, coffee, addiction, cannabis, edibles, ayahuasca, placebo, mania, setandsetting, depression, IQ, brains, culture, philosophy, science, dunbar, primates, scale, knowledge, culture, academia, blockchain, politics. networks, decentralization, information, singularity, simulation, self, aliens, sci-fi, frameworks, darwinism, fermi, transparency, job, posting, interview, attention, social, persuasiveness, speed-dating, children, twins, fatherhood, family, game theory, negotiation, PA, assistant, photography, creativity, ableton, music, production, 

    Turtles All The Way Down
    enAugust 15, 2018

    Episode 038 - Ian Graham

    Episode 038 - Ian Graham

    Physicist and IT pioneer Ian Graham, like Jake, now lives a life of leisure. They were both hyper rational young men who had to learn how to properly understand their less rational sides. 

    High level, deep discussion with two middle aged smart guys into what they’ve learned along the way about the most impressively complex information processing system they know of, the human being.

    Turtles All The Way Down
    enAugust 11, 2018

    Episode 037: Matt Ratto

    Episode 037: Matt Ratto

    Jake is better at getting off the couch and promises more output soon. He spoke with Matt Ratto who is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. Matt directs the Semaphore Research cluster on Inclusive Design, Mobile and Pervasive Computing and, as part of Semaphore, the Critical Making Lab. His work explores the intersections between digital technologies and the human life world, with particular focus on new developments that trouble the divide between online and offline modes of production. 

    Episode 035: Claire Garber

    Episode 035: Claire Garber

    Claire has been on team Turtle from the beginning as the producer of this podcast. She’s been busy with other projects lately including @AnimalStone which brings people and animals together through the creation of artful silver animal charms and the narratives around them. 

    As usual, their conversations tend to become personal and serve as inspiration for anyone trying to figure out how to navigate their meat puppets through our world of ideas. 

    Episode 034: Move 37

    Episode 034: Move 37

    It’s been a hard winter full of personal and practical challenges for Jake Cenk, but it’s turning around as the season changes and he finds himself in love again with the universe.

    An AI program called Deep Mind recently beat the world’s best human Go player embodied in Lee Sodol. Jake discusses the match then Cenk improvises music based on the audio from the Korean TV commentators reactions to the surprising (creative?) move 37 made by the AI.

    Episode 032 - Medieval Rhyme / Richard Gudiño

    Episode 032 - Medieval Rhyme / Richard Gudiño

    Richard Gudiño used to play bass guitar in a heavy metal band named Medieval Rhyme. These days he's an executive recruiter with a wife and six kids in Toronto.

    Richard has reignited his passion for the music with a crowdfunding campaign to recruit some world class talent to go into the studio with him and record a professionally produced track. He joins Jake to discuss the project, metal music, religion, philosophy and the future. It ends with Richard playing some bass guitar.
    Support Medieval Rhyme's Indiegogo Campaign  @ http://bit.ly/2hTDF6D
    Find Jake  

    Episode 026: Delane Cooper

    Episode 026: Delane Cooper

    Jake speaks with Toronto Artist and Jewellery Designer Delane Cooper. Delane and Jake take a trip through the personal territory of Jake’s psychedelic habits and later Delane talks about her personal history as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. We learn about her artistic process for jewellery design as well as her upcoming art project which will honour 12 survivors with a piece of jewellery designed specifically to tell that person's story.

    For more information about Delane check out her art project: The Story of Many on fb: The Story Of Many and see some of Delane's Jewellery designs @ http://www.delane.ca/



    Episode 025 - Victor Mifsud

    Episode 025 - Victor Mifsud

    In this episode Jake reports from Italy where he’s spending the better part of the summer. Inspired by a trip to The Pantheon in Rome, Jake explores the tension between the gods of pantheism and the God of Judeo-Christian monotheism to get at the central message common to most world religions. The special nature of human being is highlighted as the only space we know of where that which is present as well as that which is not present can exist simultaneously and bring about a communion of the disparate realms of heaven and earth. This is where we access the cosmic consciousness and is where Jake considers to be the place where art happens. This segues into his conversation with documentarian, psychonaut, and bio-hacker Victor Mifsud who talks about his lastest film “My Neuroplastic Adventure” which explores the brain's capacity and propensity to change itself. They discuss epigenetics, biohacking and the importance of environmental factors such as electromagnetic fields as determinants in one's well-being

    Episode 023: Anthea Foyer

    Episode 023: Anthea Foyer

    Jake welcomes local Toronto artist and digital innovator, Anthea Foyer. They talk of media, digital culture, AI, making a living as an artist, the death of capitalism and other big developments that are currently underway. Anthea is a story teller who talks about the power of narrative and it’s value for social good.

    Cenk music follows at the end but first we start with Jake’s musings on living systems. This time he highlights the common history between mother and child, from two completely enmeshed body systems into two divergent ones. He explores the process of finding a mate and how the prior experience of mother child bonding might influence his search and how it is likely built upon various biases of attraction. While the mind may say one thing the heart often moves  action in a different direction, idea systems vs body systems.

    Episode 022 - Andy Keen

    Episode 022 - Andy Keen

    Jake begins this episode with his thoughts on building new neuronal pathways with practice. He distinguishes the mind as the mansplainer, know it all while the body is like a non-verbal, autistic genius who is magical and mysterious and works with feelings and images; the verbal vs the textual. How then, do we learn to get the mind and body to cooperate? We can look to ancient practices such as Yoga or Thai Chi which work on the same substrate of breathing. This week our guest is Andy Keen, a local film maker best known for his film Bobcaygeon, a documentary on the legendary Canadian rock band, The Tragically Hip. The two discuss, film, art and more. 

    Episode 021 - Eva Garber

    Episode 021 - Eva Garber

    Jake primes this conversation with his thoughts on anxiety and the cyclones of energy that make up our inner and outer worlds. He says understanding anxiety often means sitting with it. Which is made difficult when we're living in a culture that appeals to laziness with short cuts to everything from cleaning the house with a Febreze bottle, fitness miracles and now durable toilet paper that will keep your ass clean for days. Alas, there are no short cuts, he reminds us. This week we take a journey with Eva Garber who takes us on a trip through her own neurotic tendencies and gets personal about her journey as an aspiring writer and comedian. Her gregarious nature makes for a wildly entertaining discussion on life, loss, fear, death and hypochondria and how to make it as an artist. Eva reflects on states of being, fame, self-respect, validation and how she’s learning to navigate her own career.