
    TW Telecast (audio)

    Making plain the Bible's answers to the most important questions!
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    Episodes (411)

    How to Build a New World

    How to Build a New World
    Elon Musk wants to put human beings on the planet Mars. He’s not alone. NASA aims to send astronauts to Mars as well. But what if we make it? What sort of world would we turn Mars into? Actually, we already know the answer—and there’s a lot we can learn by exploring just how we know… Join us for this episode of Tomorrow’s World where we explain How to Build a New World.

    The War Against Parents

    The War Against Parents
    Motherhood and Fatherhood are under assault today. Broad based attempts by academia, governments, businesses, and yes, even some churches, are attempting to do away with terms such as Mother and Father, Mom and Dad. As reported in this March 10, 2021 New York Post article: A Manhattan private school aiming to use more “inclusive language” is encouraging its students to stop using the terms “mom,” “dad” and “parents” because the words make “assumptions” about kids’ home lives. (“NYC school encourages kids to stop using words like ‘mom,’ ‘dad’ in ‘inclusive language’ guide,” NYPost.com) Grace Church School serves junior kindergarten through 12th grade students in Noho, NY and offers a 12-page guide for students and staff on making this Episcopal school all inclusive. The guide explains that instead of using Mom and Dad, students and staff should use “grown-ups, folks, or family.” And instead of “husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend” they should use “spouse, partner, or significant other.” (“Grace Inclusive Language Guide”) There is no end to guides published by institutions of learning, businesses, governments, and the media on how to revolutionize how we speak to one another. Everything is included except what has been normal for most of mankind’s history. Where is this downgrading of Mothers and Fathers going to take us? Stay with me as I’ll not only use terms such as Mom and Dad on today’s program, but will honor mothers and fathers everywhere. And I’ll also be offering you an important resource for parents and grandparents and anyone else who desires to invest in our future generations. This booklet—Successful Parenting: God’s Way—by Dr. Jeffrey Fall can be yours free of charge, so be sure to have writing material available to take down our contact information that will be given several times during this program. Stay tuned as I will be back in five seconds to talk about The War Against Parents.

    The New Jerusalem

    The New Jerusalem
    Your Bible reveals the future of the world and the future of the universe. There is coming a time when this planet Earth will be purified with fire. It will become a new earth. The earth will then host a heavenly city, the New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven to planet Earth! The mysterious book of Revelation tells us in REVELATION 21:1, “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.” But will YOU be alive to enjoy that new earth and the New Jerusalem? My friends, God has planned a glorious future for those who love Him and have surrendered their lives to our Savior, Jesus Christ. You can learn more about the future from the free study guide we’re offering today, Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled! Be sure to write down the contact information to order your free copy! What can you do to enjoy the New Jerusalem and the reality of a glorious future? Join us on today’s program: THE NEW JERUSALEM.

    How Great Nations Die

    How Great Nations Die
    The world has seen many powerful nations whose wealth, influence, and reach would understandably cause any who dwelt within them to believe they would last forever--yet the path of history is strewn with their ruins. Today, two of the past century’s greatest powers, the United States and Great Britain, are on the verge of joining the failed states of the past--but the true reason why goes generally unacknowledged. Join us today on Tomorrow’s World as we explain How Great Nations Die.

    Choose the Abundant Life!

    Choose the Abundant Life!
    The national debt of the United States is approaching a staggering 32 trillion dollars. The United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have their own debt prob-lems to a greater or lesser extent, as do most nations. Why are our nations so heavily indebted? How did our world get into this financial mess? But what about you? How are you doing? Are you among the many living paycheck to paycheck, fearing what the future holds for you? Everywhere, inflation is squeezing personal budgets, but do you realize that the God of Creation wants you to prosper? Don’t take my word for it. Believe the words of Jesus Christ as found in John 10, verse 10: The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) While that abundant life applies to far more than your pocketbook, that is certainly included. So, how does He give you a more abundant life? Is it only the forgiveness of sin? Or is there more to it? On today’s Tomorrow’s World program, I’ll give you one law of God that affects you as an individual and our nations as a whole. I’ll also be offering you what is our least offered booklet, so be sure to have writing material available to take down our contact information. Stay tuned, as I will be right back to discuss one law of God that brings about a more abundant life.

    Keys to Understanding Bible Prophecy

    Keys to Understanding Bible Prophecy
    Is the end of the world coming soon? Will Russia’s military aggression –in Ukraine, lead to World War III? Will China’s powerful increase in military strength set the stage for Armageddon? My friends, Bible prophecy reveals the future of the world. You can know the answers to these questions, IF you understand Bible prophecy! On today’s program we’ll be offering an inspiring study guide, UNDERSTANDING BIBLE PROPHECY. It’s free of charge and there are no obligations. Be sure to write down the contact information to order your free copy. Bible prophecy’s many amazing messages from God’s prophets can be challenging even to Bible scholars. What is symbolized by the grand image described by the prophet Daniel? What meaning can we learn from the beasts and the harlot of Revelation--and other mysterious symbols? Proven principles of Bible prophecy will open your understanding to the ultimate future of the world, of humanity, and of the glorious Kingdom to come. Between 25 and 30 percent of your Bible is prophecy. If you understand Bible prophecy, you can find hope for the future, and for your own life. You need to know the keys to understanding Bible prophecy!

    This Is the Purpose of Life!

    This Is the Purpose of Life!
    What is the purpose for your life? Do you know? Do you even care? This last question, “Do you even care?” should shock our senses. Why would anyone not want to know the purpose for his existence? We come into this life knowing nothing. We involuntarily arrived one day and today we find ourselves somewhere, at some age and stage of life, and being who we are. What an enigma! But at some point, often in our teenage years, or as we near the end of our time on Earth, we wonder, “What’s it all about?” Do you, dear friend, ever ask yourself this question? If not, why not? Sadly, too many don’t seem to be very concerned. We here at Tomorrow’s World keep trying to give you the answer to this question, and while thousands do order our resource that explains it, many thousands do not. Apparently, there are more people interested in the future of the world than their external future! On today's Tomorrow's World program, we're going to consider the most important questions of all for each and every one of us: Who am I? Why was I born? What is the purpose of life? What is God’s plan for me? I’ll answer these questions on today’s program, and I’ll also tell you about our resource that gives a fuller explanation from the pages of the Bible. So be sure to have writing material available to take down our contact information to receive your free copy of, What Is the Meaning of Life? Stay with me as I will be back in five seconds to answer this most important of all questions!

    Debunking the Rapture Myth

    Debunking the Rapture Myth
    A vast portion of professing “Christianity” is obsessed with a myth--a myth that clouds their understanding of the end-times, that obscures other doctrinal truths of the Bible, and that provides a false hope concerning the Great Tribulation and the days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. And yet, it is widely believed! When I travel to various cities giving public presentations concerning the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and what to expect before Christ’s return, some of the most common questions I receive are centered around this myth. So, it’s about time we put that myth to rest. Join me for this episode of Tomorrow’s World, where we’ll debunk the Rapture myth.

    2024 in Bible Prophecy

    2024 in Bible Prophecy
    Where is the ongoing war in the Middle East headed? Can Israel survive when it seems the whole world is lining up against it, and many chant “from the river to the sea” – meaning there can be no Israeli state – drive all Jews out, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. In what way will events in the Middle East affect you and your family? Can you know? And what about Europe, where there still is a very real war being waged by Western nations against Russia and its allies: China, North Korea, and Iran. Is it possible to know the future? If so, how? And what should we watch for in 2024? At the beginning of each year, we here at Tomorrow’s World give you trends to watch in the coming year and beyond. Our predictions come from an ancient source that has proven to be accurate and reliable. That source is the Bible, where God makes this bold statement to the skeptic – Isaiah 46:9-10: I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.” (Isaiah 46:9-10) That is a bold statement. Is it true? On today’s program you may be shocked at how precise and accurate Bible prophecy is regarding what you are seeing right now in the Middle East. And the Bible shows that events in that part of the world will affect the rest of the world. To complement this program, we are offering you our free resource, The Middle East in Prophecy, so be sure to have writing material available so you can take down our contact information to receive your free copy of The Middle East in Prophecy. I’ll be back in five seconds to reveal what the Bible foretells about Jerusalem, about the Jewish state called Israel, and how all of this will affect you and your loved ones. Stay with me as we explore – 2024 in Bible Prophecy.

    Are You Saved or Lost?

    Are You Saved or Lost?
    This script discusses the concept of salvation from a religious perspective, challenging the idea that salvation is only possible for Christians in their current lifetime. It introduces the notion of the White Throne Judgment as a future opportunity for salvation, especially for those who have never heard the true gospel. The script emphasizes the importance of repentance and baptism for salvation, highlighting the ongoing process of spiritual growth for Christians. It delves into the three stages of salvation: past, present, and future, emphasizing the need for overcoming and enduring until the end. The script also touches on the idea that no one goes to heaven or hell immediately after death, and it introduces the concept of resurrections, including the first and second resurrections at the return of Christ and the White Throne Judgment. The overall message is that God's plan for salvation extends beyond this lifetime, providing hope for all of humanity, even those who have not heard the gospel in their lifetime. The script encourages viewers to seek God, repent, and embrace the opportunity for salvation. Additionally, it promotes a free study guide titled "IS THIS THE ONLY DAY OF SALVATION?" for further exploration of the discussed topics. The script concludes with a call to join the program weekly for teachings on the Bible, the Kingdom of God, and end-time prophecies.

    The Mark of the Beast Revealed!

    The Mark of the Beast Revealed!
    Presenter: Gerald E. Weston - TVCA1203 The Mark of the Beast is a subject that fascinates people and generates many speculations—most of them totally wrong. Yet, this special mark will, one way or another, affect your life and that of your loved ones. In fact, unbeknown to you, you may have already accepted it.
    TW Telecast (audio)
    enDecember 14, 2023

    Seven Signs of the End-Time Antichrist

    Seven Signs of the End-Time Antichrist
    Perhaps no figure looms larger in our prophesied future than the ANTICHRIST. Your Bible is clear that he IS coming, and that a level of destruction, persecution, and death arrive with him--such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again. And there is cause to believe that he is alive TODAY--certainly, his tools of deception are ALREADY in place and ALREADY impact the lives of most who consider themselves “Christian” today. Will you be among the few to recognize him when he steps onto the world stage? Most won’t--but you can. Join us for this episode of Tomorrow’s World, as we reveal Seven Signs of the End-Time Antichrist!

    What Should We Do About Christmas?

    What Should We Do About Christmas?
    Many people know that Christmas is pagan. The origins of this popular December holiday are not hidden. In fact, when Christmas comes around each year, we usually see magazine articles or Internet blogs explaining where these traditions came from. Many people are not confused about that. The bigger question for some is, why does it matter? Should anyone even care where Christmas traditions came from? After all, isn’t the big issue about honoring Christ? Maybe the other details are trivial. If you’ve ever wondered, “What SHOULD I do about Christmas?”, then stay tuned. Today on Tomorrow’s World, we’re going to examine that question. And we’ll look for the answers straight from the Bible. And later in the program, we’ll give you an opportunity to order your free copy of the study guide, Is Christmas Christian? So, stay with us, as we dig deeper into the question, “What Should We Do About Christmas?”

    The Mark of the Beast: A Clever Counterfeit

    The Mark of the Beast: A Clever Counterfeit
    The biblical book of Revelation tells us that there is a time coming when everyone will be compelled to receive a mark on his forehead or on his hand. Without that mark, you will not be able to buy or sell. But God’s wrath will be poured out on those who accept it. What is that mark? Do you know? Many people look in all the wrong places to understand this mysterious Mark of the Beast. Speculations abound. The U.S. Social Security Number was once thought to be that mark. As was the Canadian Social Insurance Number with its acronym S.I.N. The bar code and the quick response code have also been contenders. Others expect tattoos of the number 666, or a computer chip to be placed on the hand or forehead. And how can we forget the Covid-19 vaccine, but none of these are the Beast’s mark. On today’s Tomorrow’s World program, I’ll discuss from the pages of the Bible what that mysterious mark is. I’ll also be offering you our resource, The Beast of Revelation. This free resource goes into greater detail than I have time for on this program, so be sure to have writing material available to take down our contact information to receive your free copy, of The Beast of Revelation. I’ll be right back in five seconds to show you what the Bible reveals about the mysterious Mark of the Beast.

    Will You Escape Armageddon?

    Will You Escape Armageddon?
    Our planet and all our nations are faced with natural disasters, famine, earthquakes, wars, and total destruction. We even see the word “Armageddon” appearing in news headlines. Will we soon experience World War III? Will the world soon experience Armageddon? On today’s program, we’ll be offering you a free study guide that will answer those questions. It’s titled ARMAGEDDON AND BEYOND. Be sure to write down the contact information to order your free copy! The 1998 popular movie “Armageddon” portrayed an incoming asteroid the size of Texas that would destroy all life on earth. NASA recruits a team of oil drillers to save the world. Perhaps you have seen that sobering movie. Are we today in danger of incoming earth-destroying asteroids? Astronomy.com describes the meteor that exploded over Siberia in 2013: “On February 15, 2013, a small asteroid, perhaps measuring 20 meters across, came down over the southern Urals of Russia, barreling in at about 19 km/s, and exploded over Chelyabinsk Oblast, near the town of Chelyabinsk. With a mass greater than that of the Eiffel Tower, the asteroid exploded in an airburst, unleashing energy equal to about 500 kilotons of TNT, some 20 or 30 times the energy released in the Hiroshima atomic explosion.” (“Why the asteroid threat should be taken seriously,” Astronomy.com) Continuing the report, author David J. Eicher describes the dangers we face today: “The risk from asteroids impacting Earth and causing widespread damage, death, and catastrophe is real, and is present every day of our lives. But it is to a degree a counterintuitive threat, which makes it hard for some people to take seriously. The risk at any given moment is almost nonexistent, but given enough time, a catastrophic event will happen again. Do we need to worry about an asteroid strike during our next foray out to lunch? Probably not. But someday a large enough asteroid with Earth’s name on it will enter the picture, causing horror and mayhem for humanity. Unless we do something about it, that is.” (ibid.) Your Bible reveals future astronomical events as well as major military conflicts. Revelation the sixth chapter describes cosmic disturbances: “And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.” (Revelation 6:13-14). The movie “Armageddon” used the title to depict the cataclysmic end-of-the world danger described in your Bible. Bible scholars describe Armageddon as the final battle between good and evil. Who will win that battle? Will the world survive Armageddon? And will you be able to escape “Armageddon”? Stay tuned!

    The War Against Normal

    The War Against Normal
    “A World Gone Mad” is a no-holds-barred explanation of why our cities are seeing riots, why our schools are being transformed, and why our fellow citizens all over the world are increasingly at each others’ throats. To get Your Free DVD, "A WORLD GONE MAD" https://bit.ly/41eFj7X Why is this free? We are determined to follow Jesus’ command too "freely give" (Matthew 10:8). This telecast explores the profound shifts in societal perceptions of normalcy, particularly in the realms of gender, sexuality, marriage, and family. It delves into the ongoing ideological war against traditional norms, driven by academic and philosophical movements like queer theory. This telecast highlights the redefinition of language to reflect changing attitudes and the impact on education, children, and societal boundaries. Drawing from biblical perspectives, the telecast emphasizes the importance of God's design and boundaries in maintaining order and meaning in a world increasingly resistant to the concept of normality. Viewers are encouraged to reflect on these changes and consider the implications for the future. What is considered "normal" in terms of gender, sexuality, marriage, and family in today's society? How has the concept of "normal" changed over the past few decades, and why are people finding it difficult to define? What ideological war is currently being waged against the idea of normality, and who are the key players in this conflict? How have academics and philosophers contributed to the erosion of traditional norms, particularly regarding gender, sexuality, and family structures? What is the role of critical theories, such as queer theory, in challenging and deconstructing societal norms? In what ways is language evolving to reflect changing attitudes towards what is considered normal, and what are the implications of this shift? How has the war against normality extended to impact children, education, and the concept of childhood itself? What are the consequences of challenging boundaries related to sexuality, gender, and family, and how might it affect the future? What is the biblical perspective on normality, and how does it contrast with the changing cultural landscape? How can an understanding of God's design and boundaries bring order and meaning to a world that is increasingly rejecting the idea of normality? #WarAgainstNormal #SocialEngineering #Tomorrow'sWorld

    The Fall of Nineveh

    The Fall of Nineveh
    Presenter: Stuart Wachowicz - TVCA1232 We review several prophecies found in the book of Nahum which archaeology has confirmed regarding the fall of the ancient city of Nineveh.
    TW Telecast (audio)
    enOctober 26, 2023

    Seven Letters to Seven Churches

    Seven Letters to Seven Churches
    The Book of Revelation is a mystery for many. Yet, the word revelation means “revealing, making known something previously unknown.” Are you intimidated by it, finding it impossible to understand, preferring rather to put it on that proverbial shelf? If so, today’s Tomorrow’s World program is for you. Many are familiar with the four horsemen of Revelation, the book often referred to as the apocalypse, but what about the seven letters to the seven churches in Asia, as recorded in chapters 2 and 3? These letters have puzzled scholars and lay members alike for more than 1900 years. Do these letters have some special meaning for you and me? The answer is, yes, and that is the subject of today’s program. In addition, I’ll be offering you our free resource, God’s Church Through the Ages. This easy to understand booklet gives more details than I have time to cover on this program, so be sure to have writing material available to take down the contact information. Stay with me, as I’ll be back in five seconds to explain the seven letters to the seven churches of Revelation.

    Why Are You Alive?

    Why Are You Alive?
    On November 15, 2022, the United Nations announced a major historic event. For the first time in recorded history, the world population reached 8 BILLION human beings. What is the future of these 8 billion people? Are we to just “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die” as the old English idiom states? Regular viewers of Tomorrow’s World know biblical prophecies foretelling mankind’s self-destruction in the future Great Tribulation. Thank God that He will intervene to save humanity from cosmocide. But what is YOUR purpose in life? Many evolutionists will say that the purpose of life is self-preservation, self-perpetuation, and self-determination. Those motives are certainly a part of human nature. But is survival the only meaning and purpose for life? Can you truly know your REAL purpose for living? On today’s program we’ll be answering that question, and we’ll be offering you an amazing free study guide that answers one of the most important questions in life. It’s titled, What Is the Meaning of Life? Is there a more important question you personally need to answer? Is there life beyond death? Why were you born? What is your ultimate destiny? My friends, you need to answer the question, “Why are you alive?” Join us on Tomorrow’s World for amazing answers to the most important questions in life!

    Five Myths About the Bible

    Five Myths About the Bible
    The Bible is, beyond any doubt, the most influential book in human history. Yet, today, it is dismissed by many as unreliable, filled with superstition, and best not taken completely seriously. Yet, if this book truly is what it claims to be--the word of God--then there is no book on earth that you should take MORE seriously. Join me on this episode of Tomorrow’s World as we debunk five myths about the Bible.