
    Twilight Radio

    A one-of-a-kind collection of scriptures, prayers, poetry, messages, and spoken affirmations. In a world of increasing moral darkness, anxiety, and fear, get ignited, stay illuminated, and be infused with a narrative of hope, courage, and boldness. Use headphones for an enhanced listening experience.

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    Episodes (115)

    Hanaya's mom: Lord, she belongs to You

    Hanaya's mom: Lord, she belongs to You

    A flashback of a diary entry written by Hanaya's mother as a young single mom. She pens down a prayer for her little Hanaya and commits herself to raising her as the Lord's girl.

    What prayer would you pray for your precious little one and their future?

    There is no greater gift that you can give your children than to walk alongside them and help them develop their relationship with Jesus. It is the most important relationship they will ever have. If you unconditionally surrender your children to the Lord and diligently do your part, God will lead them for His glory.

    We don't train ourselves so we don't train our children. Everything you believe in has to be practical and applicable for your children. That means you yourself need to be fully convinced. Teach them how to engage with the Lord. For your kids, you should always present the supernatural to them. You should always give them the alternative to ask God for help first. Teach them to pray first. Teach them to believe God's Word first and encourage them not to wait for someone else to do it for them.
    – Kevin Zadai

    Raise your kids as lovers and warriors of the Lord who go on to finish the purposes of God in their generation.

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Hanaya: God of the endless blue sky

    Hanaya: God of the endless blue sky

    Hanaya is led by the Holy Spirit to be at the right place at the right time to meet Enkhtuya, a girl from a small town in Mongolia. Two minutes into the conversation, Hanaya introduces her to the God of the endless blue sky. She unpacks more truth when she discerns Enkhtuya is actively listening.

    Mongolia is poetically called the 'Land of the Endless Blue Sky', as it has over 260 days of clear blue sky. Apart from Buddhism, Tengrism the worship of the sky and nature is still practiced in Mongolia today. According to this belief, the skies are the father, and the earth is the mother of all beings in the universe.

    This clip was inspired by a dream I was given in the night by the Lord. There was a moment in the dream where I was teleported to a foreign land and found myself walking on a snow-covered road. It looked like someplace in an Eurasian country. A girl who seemed 17-19 years old walked a little ahead of me. She looked sad. I moved closer and started talking to her. I told her just two or three things about God and His love. As she listened I could see that she was being deeply moved. She had never heard about God like this.

    As I was about to go on my way, she said, “Why don’t you come to my place for some tea?”. She then gazed at the blue skies and said, “It’s a beautiful day!”. The blueness of the skies was quite amazing. I sensed she wanted to hear more about God. So I said okay.

    You can read the rest of the dream on my website superdifferent.com. It's titled 'It's a beautiful day'.

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Hanaya: Make the darkness nervous

    Hanaya: Make the darkness nervous

    Jesus sends Hanaya to Mongolia to carry out a mission. The darkness tries to intimidate her, but she doesn't back off.

    This clip was inspired by a dream that my wife had in the night some time ago. In the dream, my wife and I were walking down a road minding our own business. We saw demonic forces releasing darkness over a place. We stopped and thought we must do something about it. We moved in the direction of the darkness. My wife rebuked the demonic forces. They started feeling uncomfortable and afraid. Then she heard a voice from behind saying, "You’re the Children of the Light".

    It's pretty clear what the Lord was showing through this dream. If we never go, we will never know. If we don't show up and do something, the darkness remains unchallenged. There's no resistance. The enemy keeps stealing, killing, and destroying.

    The light of the Gospel is to be lit in the dark. The enemy convinces us that it's too dark and too late to make a difference. He makes us overthink and doubt. So we hesitate to show up and do something.

    Instead of counting the bullets that are coming at you, count how many you've expelled out of your clip. It's not how many are fired at you, it's how many you have fired. 
    — Kevin Zadai

    The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God. Jesus showed up and made the darkness nervous. He destroyed the works of the devil. When we show up, God shows up. Boldness and endurance come when you know that the Lord has sent you. You didn't go because it was a good idea. You heard Him.

    Show up with your natural and spiritual gifting, maybe practical Kingdom solutions to problems, and seize the opportunities to share the Gospel. When you speak His Word, He backs it up, releasing hope, healing, deliverance, signs, and wonders. The yoke of darkness, fear, and hopelessness over people begins to break.

    It's the smallest spark that can light the dark.
    — Newsboys | That's How You Change The World

    I don't want to be a firecracker. I want to be an atomic bomb dropped in the devil's camp.
    — John Ramirez

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Jesus: Hanaya, how far will you go?

    Jesus: Hanaya, how far will you go?

    Listen to Jesus preparing Hanaya's heart for selfless missions in an attention-wanting self-seeking world. He is calling the next generation of believers to pay the price to complete the mission of taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. 

    This clip was inspired by the title of the book 'Live to be Forgotten' by Patrick Fung (Former GD, OMF International). I haven't read the book but the phrase 'Live to be Forgotten' hits you hard in a time where there is so much love of self, even among the believers in Christ.

    Will we go where He wants us to go?

    My concern is that scripture has told us clearly that we are all to be going, and the reason the Lord left us behind is to do the job he told us to do. So we’d better get equipped to do it, instead of living this life as if this life is it. It’s not, this is a very short life. And eternal life is forever. We’re going to feel stupid for eternity if we wasted this one. — Jackie Pullinger

    Even though in the very last days of history, the love of many will grow cold, there will be a people who have white-hot, not cold, love for Jesus in the face of hatred, persecution, and killing. The Great Commission will be completed by them. The price will be very high. Not so high that it is not worth it. It will not happen without the price of opposition and suffering. In fact, the price is not just the result but the strategy of the purpose.  — John Piper
    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Hanaya: Stranger on earth

    Hanaya: Stranger on earth
    We live in a time of illusion.

    There are so many things trying to distract our affection. Many of the things that compete for our attention are not necessarily bad, but can still dilute our affection for Jesus and take away from our purpose.

    Never forget that we're strangers and pilgrims. What we are looking for is not here. It's not about us. We're alive to represent Jesus and bring Him glory. The journey isn't an easy one. It requires perseverance and patience. 

    As Hanaya spends a few days in the big city of Tokyo, experiencing many of its attractions, she reflects on her calling, the journey, the process, and the longing.

    If you love Jesus, you'll feel this poetry. This could be your story. The story of those who want Him, not just need Him. And it's this longing that keeps us awake, keeps us going and diligent to finish the work He has for us on this side.

    As you listen to this short poetry may it rekindle what you may have lost.

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Hanaya & Yuri: All you have to do is listen

    Hanaya & Yuri: All you have to do is listen

    Yuri: We may die of many things.
    Hanaya: But boredom will not be one of them.

    Two high school girls Hanaya and Yuri remind us that no matter the challenges we face, life can be still exciting when we're moving forward in alignment with God’s design, timing, and purpose for our lives. Don't miss the many perspectives covered in this clip. They say a lot with less. Some things may hit you hard and stir up diligence in you.

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Jesus: Hanaya, if you love me, raise the bar

    Jesus: Hanaya, if you love me, raise the bar

    Stop compromising. Jesus is saying it's time to raise the bar.
    Hanaya: Lord, I wait for You. I watch for what you will say to me. Where do I need to be corrected? Give me eyes that see and ears that hear, the grace to love you back, to love what you love, and to hate what you hate. Many don't care how You feel. But I want to live and represent you rightly in a world of increasing ungodliness and declining moral clarity.

    Listen to how Jesus responds and mentors Hanaya.

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Hanaya & Yuri: So, how do we live?

    Hanaya & Yuri: So, how do we live?

    So, how do we live in times of increasing uncertainties and shaking?
    What are we afraid of?

    Two high school girls Hanaya and Yuri glance at the current state of the world, the uncertainties, the shaking, and make a conclusion of defiant hope.

    There's an antidote to fear and anxiety. You can cultivate a state of mind conditioned by God's narrative, not by the calendar of the world, the current affairs, your circumstances, or the facts, no matter how dark and gloomy it looks.

    Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
    — Ephesians 5:14-17

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Hanaya: The door is about to open

    Hanaya: The door is about to open

    Don't quit yet. Endure the contradiction. Don't hold on to things and relationships because of the fear of the unknown. It's time to let go of your own preferences. Get in alignment with God's agenda for your new assignment. Discern the next step. By faith move out of the previous season, even without clearly seeing what is ahead. The door is about to open. But you cannot continue being the same you for the new. Get ready!

    Be encouraged and filled with hopeful expectations as you listen to Hanaya's resolve as she discerns the new season ahead.

    Song Credit: Sajan Nauriyal

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    Yuri: You fooled you

    Yuri: You fooled you

    In this school of life, you get a few chances to do it right. If you keep crossing the lines, some things will become permanent. You can't reverse it. You need to come to your senses before it's too late. There's a safe way to enjoy life in the will of God. Run the race God has for you. Run in such a way as to win it. 

    Listen to what Yuri thinks about compromise and playing with sin.

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya

    God: This is what you've been looking for

    God: This is what you've been looking for

    Insecure, afraid of people's opinion, trying to please, craving for attention? It will take a love out of this world to finally free you. Inspired by the truths revealed in the Bible, this is God's words to you from His heart, a special broadcast from Heaven. This is what you've been looking for all your life. Feel the rush of perfect love.

    Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T005A0_Uv2Q

    Hanaya: Yuri, you can have a fresh start

    Hanaya: Yuri, you can have a fresh start

    You made plans and tried to make it happen, but it's going nowhere. You trusted some people, but then they showed their true colors. Do you find yourself in a similar place in life now?

    The sooner you come to the end of yourself, the better. Listen to Hanaya encouraging a frustrated Yuri to start afresh.

    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways submit to Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.
    — Proverbs 3:5-6

    Song Credit: Sajan Nauriyal

    Hanaya Oki Series:  https://superdifferent.com/hanaya