

    Join podcaster and active duty Naval officer Michael Autery as he explores important and controversial questions about American politics and current events through the lens of the Constitution. Together we'll explore what rights we all have and how to assert those rights when needed. We'll go back and explore the enlightenment philosophy that inspired our founders and sparked the fire of the Revolution.
    enMichael Autery25 Episodes

    Episodes (25)

    #20 Muskets v. AR-15s, Due Process, Gun Violence Statistics

    #20 Muskets v. AR-15s, Due Process, Gun Violence Statistics

    In this episode, I answer the question: Does the 2nd Amendment apply to all bearable arms or just muskets? Many folks today believe the founders could never have imagined an AR-15 and would never support civilian ownership of one. I explore what it would be like if all Constitutional rights were treated this way. I talk about the success of insurgencies against superior fighting power. Most importantly, I explore the many 18th century "assault weapons" that existed when the 2nd Amendment was written.

    I answer the question: Does the state or federal government have the right to decide who can and who cannot own a gun? Many don't know that the 2nd Amendment isn't the only provision of the Constitution that protects gun rights. The 14th Amendment is also an important bulwark against gun control. To be legitimate, any gun control measure must pass muster with the 14th Amendment's due process clause.

    Finally, I debunk 4 common statistical myths that gun control activists love to regurgitate. #1 More guns = more murder. #2 Mass shooting are exceedingly common in US. #3 An "assault weapons" ban would solve gun violence. #4 Defensive uses of guns are very uncommon.

    Important links: Riddle of the Gun https://samharris.org/the-riddle-of-the-gun/

    Small arms survey https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2012/jul/22/gu n-homicides-ownership-world-list

    Demographics of gun ownership http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/06/22/the-demographics -of-gun-ownership/

    Crime Prevention Research Center https://crimeresearch.org/2015/06/comparing-death-rates-f rom-mass-public-shootings-in-the-us-and-europe/ https://crimeresearch.org/2018/11/new-cprc-research-mas s-public-shootings-are-much-higher-in-the-rest-of-the-world -and-increasing-much-more-quickly/

    2018 FBI murder rate https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018 /topic-pages/murder

    2004 FBI murder rate https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2004

    FBI Murder weapon data https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018 /tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls

    CDC Study https://www.nap.edu/read/18319/chapter/1

    Childhood firearm Injuries http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/ early/2017/06/15/peds.2016-3486

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelAutery

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnalienablePodcast

    #19 - What does the 2nd Amendment Mean?

    #19 - What does the 2nd Amendment Mean?

    In this episode, I dive into the meaning of the 2nd Amendment by explaining the meaning of the terms well-regulated and "the right of the people," by explaining current Supreme Court precedent, and by demonstrating the original intent of the founders based on their own words.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelAutery

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnalienablePodcast

    #17 - Everything Wrong with the OSHA Vax Mandate

    #17 - Everything Wrong with the OSHA Vax Mandate

    In this episode, I explore whether or not the Constitution grants the Executive or Legislative branch the power to mandate vaccines, and I explain the Supreme Court decision to block the OSHA vax mandate from going into effect.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelAutery

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnalienablePodcast

    #16.8 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever Part 8: Gun Violence Solutions and Broken Discorse

    #16.8 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever Part 8: Gun Violence Solutions and Broken Discorse

    In this episode, I'll finally give my own policy suggestions to address gun violence and I'll explain everything that's wrong with the discussion of gun reform.
    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com 

    USA Today: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/05/03/ban-assault-weapons-buy-them-back-prosecute-offenders-column/570590002/


    Photo by annie bolin on Unsplash
    Join my patreon https://www.patreon.com/unalienable 

    #16.6 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 6: 4 Statistics & Myths About Guns

    #16.6 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 6: 4 Statistics & Myths About Guns

    In this episode, I debunk 4 common statistical myths that gun control activists love to regurgitate. #1 More guns = more murder. #2 Mass shooting are exceedingly common in US. #3 An "assault weapons" ban would solve gun violence. #4 Defensive uses of guns are very uncommon.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    #16.5 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 5: 14th Amendment - Due Process

    #16.5 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 5: 14th Amendment - Due Process

    In this episode, I answer the question: Does the state or federal government have the right to decide who can and who cannot own a gun? Many don't know that the 2nd Amendment isn't the only provision of the Constitution that protects gun rights. The 14th Amendment is also an important bulwark against gun control. To be legitimate, any gun control measure must pass muster with the 14th Amendment's due process clause.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Photo by Kenny Luo on Unsplash

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    #16.4 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 4: 2nd Amendment - for Muskets or Much More?

    #16.4 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 4: 2nd Amendment - for Muskets or Much More?

    In this episode, I answer the question: Does the 2nd Amendment apply to all bearable arms or just muskets?
    Many folks today believe the founders could never have imagined an AR-15 and would never support civilian ownership of one. I explore what it would be like if all Constitutional rights were treated this way.
    I talk about the success of insugencies against superior fighting power.
    Most importantly, I explore the many 18th century "assault weapons" that existed when the 2nd Amendment was written.

    YouTube series: https://youtu.be/urEgpe0_kAY

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    #16.3 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 3: What "The Right of the People" Meant to the Founders

    #16.3 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 3: What "The Right of the People"  Meant to the Founders

    In this episode, we finish answering the question: Does the 2nd Amendment protect gun rights for individuals or only members of the militia. We explore the meaning of the phrase, "the right of the people," and we see what the founders themselves had to say about personal gun rights.

    YouTube series: https://youtu.be/urEgpe0_kAY

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Photo by DXL on Unsplash

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    #16.2 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 2: What does "well-regulated" mean?

    #16.2 - Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 2: What does "well-regulated" mean?

    In this episode, we see what the Supreme Court has ruled on gun rights, and we explore the meaning of the phrase "well-regulated" as it was understood at the time of the founding.

    YouTube series: https://youtu.be/urEgpe0_kAY

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    #16.1 - STEM School Shooting & Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 1

    #16.1 - STEM School Shooting & Best Pro Gun Argument Ever (2019) Part 1

    The survivors of the STEM school shooting walked out of a vigil in protest accusing the organizers of politicizing their tragedy.  They refused to be used as an excuse for gun control. In honor of these kids, I'm redoing and rereleasing the Best Pro Gun Argument Ever Series (with video this time).

    YouTube series: https://youtu.be/urEgpe0_kAY

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    Gut Reaction #3: No! Criticism is Not Incitement

    Gut Reaction #3: No! Criticism is Not Incitement

    In response to an out-of-line Tweet by the President, the left is calling criticism of Ilhan Omar an incitement to violence. This is not only incorrect, it's downright malicious. Nothing will hasten the doom of our republic like conflating criticism (even unfair criticism) with incitement to violence, especially criticism of our political leaders.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MichaelAutery

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnalienableP...

    #15 - National Emergency at the Border

    #15 - National Emergency at the Border

    On February 15th, President Trump declared a national emergency to fund the border wall.  This is a very charged issue and hypocrites on both sides are shouting at each other. In this episode we'll explore what's right and wrong about both parties on this issue.  Obviously there are Constitutional concerns.  So that's where we'll take this

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Trump Speech from the Washington Post - https://bit.ly/2W4CEdQ 

    School House Rock - https://bit.ly/2Hq9d2F 

    Join my patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/unalienable 

    Gut Reaction #2: Obamacare IS unconstitutional and always has been

    Gut Reaction #2: Obamacare IS unconstitutional and always has been

    Last week US District Judge Reed O’Connor ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional. Obamacare is probably the worst piece of legislation in American history, and I explain why, but this judges decision was based on a weak legal argument, and will almost certainly be overturned. Today's episode is my gut reaction to this news.

    Suggested prerequisite episode:  #11 - the General Welfare Clause  http://unalienable.libsyn.com/11-the-general-welfare-clause 

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com 


    Reason.com article:  https://reason.com/volokh/2018/06/14/strange-bedfellow-join-on-severability-i 

    Join my patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/unalienable 

    Gut Reaction #1: Female Genital Mutilation

    Gut Reaction #1: Female Genital Mutilation


    2 weeks ago US District Judge Bernard Friedman ruled that a 1996 federal law banning female genital mutilation (FGM) is unconstitutional dismissing the key charges against 8 people accused of subjecting at least 9 minor girls to genital mutilation in America’s first FGM case, ever. Today's episode is my gut reaction to this news.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com 

    Detroit Free Press: https://bit.ly/2Q8fxQA 

    Do your part: https://www.theahafoundation.org/advocacy/ 

    Join my patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/unalienable 

    #14 - Birthright Citizenship

    #14 - Birthright Citizenship

    Ever since President Trump announced that he could end birthright citizenship with an executive order, Twitter 14th Amendment experts have been clobbering each other. I began this research with no preconceived notions, and came to the only fair and honest conclusion. In this episode we'll look at the original debates on the 14th, what the Supreme Court has ruled, and what President Trump can actually do about it.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Entire Senatorial debate on 14A: https://www.loc.gov/law/help/citizenship/pdf/congressglobe_2890.pdf 

    Join my patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    #13 - Treason

    #13 - Treason

    Treason is the only constitutionally defined crime, and yet it's a word both sides like to throw around nonchalantly.  We need to be careful using this word, or it will ultimately be used as a political tool to silence dissent, as it was in every kingdom in Europe when the Constitution was written.  Since everyone has decided to throw this word around to describe anyone and everyone they disagree with, I think it's time we talk about what treason really means.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Link to my treason anecdote from facebook: https://bit.ly/2DytBgU

    Join my patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    enOctober 12, 2018

    #12 - Colin Moriarty Interview: White Privilege and Being Conservative in Silicon Valley

    #12 - Colin Moriarty Interview: White Privilege and Being Conservative in Silicon Valley

    I flew to LA, once again, to meet up with popular podcaster, Colin Moriarty.  We recorded an interview on his show first then continued the conversation on my show.  Please check out Colin's Last Stand Fireside Chats, Episode 55 for the first part of the conversation.

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    Colins Last Stand: Fireside Chats - https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand/colins-last-stand-fireside-chats-episode-55-the-end-of-america-and-other-questions 

    Join my patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/unalienable 

    enSeptember 26, 2018

    #11 - the General Welfare Clause

    #11 - the General Welfare Clause

    If you've ever wondered how the federal government got so big and how they play a role in nearly every aspect of your public and private life, look no further than the general welfare clause. The prevailing view on both sides of the aisle is that Congress’s power to provide for the “general Welfare” is a power to spend for virtually anything that Congress itself views as helpful. This view is incorrect and dangerous.  Let me explain why!
    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com 

    Join my patreon @ https://www.patreon.com/unalienable 

    New podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgsaLdE5zJLghH0V9BrCwmg

    enSeptember 03, 2018

    #10 - Matt Christiansen Interview - Meaning, Free Speech, & Outrage Mobs

    #10 - Matt Christiansen Interview - Meaning, Free Speech, & Outrage Mobs

    I sat down with hugely popular YouTuber and podcaster, Matt Christiansen, for Unalienable's first ever interview episode! We discussed finding meaning, family, starting a podcast, free speech, outrage mobs, unreason, and wrong-think. It was a deep and fulfilling conversation. I hope you enjoy! You can find Matt Christiansen's work on his self-named YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/LibraryOfCODRage

    You can follow him on Twitter @MLChristiansen: https://twitter.com/MLChristiansen


    Support my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unalienable

    Music from Jukedeck - create your own at http://jukedeck.com

    enAugust 05, 2018