
    Unbound Healing Podcast

    Holistic wellness for living with health challenges.
    en-usAnne Marie Garland & Michelle Hoover63 Episodes

    Episodes (63)

    #64 - Finding Your Community

    #64 - Finding Your Community

    Michelle and Anne talk about ways to find support and community, and they share some important news about the podcast.



    • 1:19 - Updates
    • 7:10 - What Michelle is loving
    • 10:34 - Finding community
    • 12:01 - Asking the people in your life for support
    • 14:03 - Finding support online and taking friendships offline
    • 19:05 - Sharing your story
    • 20:34 - Meeting like-minded people
    • 21:50 - Finding a cause
    • 23:40 - Anne and Michelle saying farewell for now
    • 27:36 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast

    #63 - Our Favorite Health & Business Resources

    #63 - Our Favorite Health & Business Resources

    Anne and Michelle share their favorite resources for health information and business growth. They discuss their picks for blogs, books, documentaries, podcasts, and more.



    • 1:10 - Anne’s updates
    • 3:12 - Michelle’s updates
    • 6:34 - What Anne is loving
    • 10:03 - Why does it matter to have resources you trust?
    • 11:29 - Our nutrition backgrounds
    • 13:16 - Our favorite nutrition and health blogs
    • 15:55 - Books
    • 21:06 - Documentaries
    • 24:27 - Favorite business resources
    • 33:52 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #62 - What's Up Lately: Orange Theory & Fitness Reviews

    #62 - What's Up Lately: Orange Theory & Fitness Reviews

    Michelle and Anne do a “catch-up” episode and share their latest. Michelle talks about her new fitness journey, and Anne adds her perspectives on exercise and what has worked for her.



    • 2:52 - What Michelle has eaten today
    • 4:35 - What Anne has eaten today
    • 6:56 - Michelle’s new gym
    • 12:23 - Pros and cons of Orange Theory
    • 17:48 - Other resources Michelle recommends for exercise
    • 21:36 - Anne’s experience with different types of exercise
    • 26:00 - Exercise tips
    • 32:30 - What Anne is excited about
    • 33:30 - What Michelle is excited about


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #61 - Detoxification Q&A

    #61 - Detoxification Q&A

    This week Anne and Michelle are answering your questions about detoxification. They delve into the topic of genetic mutations, how to detox with certain conditions, and how to tell if your detox efforts are working.


    • 1:50 - What Michelle is loving
    • 7:20 - Genetic mutations
    • 9:35 - Gentle detoxing at home
    • 17:25 - Detoxing with the MTHFR mutation
    • 20:57 - How can I tell if my detox efforts are working?
    • 26:06 - Histamine intolerance and detoxing
    • 27:42 - Detoxing with the COMT mutation
    • 28:42 - The connection between detox pathways and fat digestion
    • 31:17 - Meal of the week

    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #60 - Supporting Your Detox Pathways

    #60 - Supporting Your Detox Pathways

    After each doing a solo episode, Michelle and Anne reunite for this week’s conversation on supporting detoxification. They explain what it means to detox, why we need to do it, what detox pathways are, and how to unblock them. 


    • 4:09 - What Anne is loving
    • 5:49 - Michelle’s updates
    • 6:35 - What does it mean to detox?
    • 10:04 - Why do we need to detox?
    • 13:03 - Detox pathway blockages
    • 16:34 - But what is a detox pathway?
    • 19:40 - Ways to support detox pathways
    • 29:23 - Other ways to reduce your exposure to toxins
    • 35:12 - Meal of the week

    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #59 - How Long Does It Take to Heal?

    #59 - How Long Does It Take to Heal?

    In her solo episode this week, Michelle is tackling a frequently asked question: how long does it take to heal on a protocol like AIP? It’s a simple question with a not-so-simple answer. She talks about varying factors to consider when assessing how long it’ll take to heal, how long it took her to see (and feel) results, and what it looks like when you get past the elimination phase and into a long-term healing lifestyle.



    • :50 - Michelle’s updates and what she’s loving
    • 6:45 - Does AIP last forever?
    • 8:31 - AIP with reintroductions
    • 11:33 - How long does it take to heal?: Factors to consider
    • 18:52 - But no really, how long does it take?
    • 25:44 - Long-term healing
    • 29:26 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:


    #58 - Learning to Trust Your Intuition

    #58 - Learning to Trust Your Intuition

    In today’s episode, Anne is flying solo and talking about using your intuition. She shares a recent experience of listening to her own inner guidance and details five ways to tune into yours.



    • 2:47 - What Anne is loving
    • 6:14 - Anne’s recent example of following her intuition
    • 10:20 - Using your intuition to grow and heal
    • 12:35 - Intuition vs. fear
    • 14:40 - Proving your intuition to yourself
    • 20:14 - Introspective activities
    • 23:34 - Free-flowing activities
    • 25:00 - Repetitive activities
    • 26:48 - Resting activities
    • 29:22 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #57 - Limiting Beliefs

    #57 - Limiting Beliefs

    This week Michelle and Anne are talking about an important but often overlooked aspect of health and healing: limited beliefs. These are the beliefs we hold about ourselves that can hold us back, keep us feeling stuck, and make us feel like we’ll never be enough. Michelle and Anne discuss why this matters for healing autoimmunity and other health issues, what we do when we compare ourselves to others, their own struggles with limiting beliefs, and, best of all, how to bust them.



    • 1:10 - Michelle’s updates
    • 3:07 - Anne’s updates
    • 5:30 - What Michelle is loving
    • 6:53 - Busting limiting beliefs
    • 8:10 - What is a limiting belief?
    • 8:58 - Why does this matter for healing?
    • 11:40 - Comparisons and projections
    • 20:35 - Epigenetics
    • 26:20 - Limiting beliefs that Michelle has had
    • 27:51 - Limiting beliefs that Anne has had
    • 34:08 - How do we get past limiting beliefs?
    • 41:15 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #56 - Detoxing Your Home

    #56 - Detoxing Your Home

    Anne and Michelle often talk about detoxing our bodies, but did you know we can also detox our homes? Today they’re delving into that topic and discussing everything from air filters to furniture. Listen in and learn ways you can begin to reduce your exposure to toxins.



    • 3:12 - Michelle’s updates
    • 6:15 - Anne’s updates
    • 15:28 - Detoxing your home intro
    • 16:35 - Reducing your toxic exposure
    • 18:20 - Air filters + servicing HVAC
    • 23:50 - Mold
    • 26:38 - EMF and WiFi exposure
    • 31:12 - Cleaning products
    • 37:24 - Lead
    • 40:38 - Buying furniture
    • 53:40 - Clearing VOCs
    • 56:30 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #55 - All About Hashimoto's

    #55 - All About Hashimoto's

    This week Michelle and Anne are dedicating a full episode to one of the most asked-about autoimmune conditions: Hashimoto’s. They discuss how to understand blood work, why medication is often necessary, and how to begin the path to healing. This episode offers advice that can be applied to any autoimmune or chronic condition, so even if you don’t have Hashimoto’s, listen in for some good tips for managing and healing health challenges in general.



    • :50 - Introduction
    • 1:30 - Anne’s updates
    • 7:20 - Michelle’s updates
    • 11:15 - What Anne is loving
    • 17:00 - What is Hashimoto’s Disease?
    • 21:05 - Understanding blood work
    • 27:25 - Why medication is important
    • 33:10 - Healing Hashi’s
    • 41:50 - Spotlight on healing the gut
    • 47:30 - The Autoimmune Protocol
    • 50:00 - Mindset, mindset, mindset
    • 51:30 - How long does it take to heal?
    • 56:36 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    Episode #37 - Adrenal Fatigue: A Modern Day Epidemic

    Episode #8 - Crucial Steps to Healing the Gut

    Episode #5 - All About Elimination Diets

    Michelle's Hashimoto's posts

    Nutrition Coaching - Unbound Wellness

    More from Anne

    More from Michelle

    #54 - Mastering Your Mindset with Amanda Nibley

    #54 - Mastering Your Mindset with Amanda Nibley

    Today Anne and Michelle are chatting with Amanda Nibley, a nutrition and fitness coach who changed her life with the help of a real food diet and loves helping others do the same. Amanda shares her own health journey and offers advice for adjusting your mindset and making a healing diet work with your lifestyle.


    • :50 - Introduction
    • 4:20 - What Amanda is loving
    • 8:30 - Amanda’s health journey
    • 22:30 - How to find acceptance
    • 25:00 - What to do when there’s never enough time
    • 38:30 - Making sustainable changes
    • 45:00 - Following your intuition
    • 48:20 - Where to find Amanda
    • 52:03 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    Uplevel True Nutrition: Amanda's Website

    Amanda's Instagram

    Uplevel True Nutrition Facebook Group

    Nutrition Coaching - Unbound Wellness

    More from Anne

    More from Michelle

    #53 - Listener Q&A: Leaky Gut and Anxiety & Normal Thyroid Labs with Thyroid Symptoms

    #53 - Listener Q&A: Leaky Gut and Anxiety & Normal Thyroid Labs with Thyroid Symptoms

    This week Anne and Michelle are answering more of your questions! They tackle an inquiry about leaky gut, which leads to a discussion about anxiety and its potential influence on other aspects of health, and they talk about what to consider when you have thyroid symptoms but normal lab results.



    • 1:05 - Anne’s updates
    • 4:00 - Michelle’s updates
    • 6:42 - What Michelle is loving
    • 10:00 - Leaky gut
    • 21:40 - Anxiety
    • 27:55 - Food reintroductions and gluten
    • 32:12 - Thyroid symptoms with normal lab results
    • 39:00 - Hormone imbalance
    • 45:17 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    Balanced Bites Podcast Episode #319: Back in Control

    Nutritionish Podcast

    Book: Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?

    Chris Kresser: Why Your “Normal” Thyroid Lab Results May Not Be Normal

    Nutrition Coaching - Unbound Wellness

    More from Anne

    More from Michelle

    #52 - Quick Fire Questions & One Year Anniversary!

    #52 - Quick Fire Questions & One Year Anniversary!

    This week is the podcast’s one-year anniversary! To celebrate, Anne and Michelle are doing a rapid fire Q&A--everything from favorite ice cream flavor to how to find a functional medicine doctor.


    • :50 - Anne’s updates
    • 4:45 - Michelle’s updates
    • 10:55 - Happy anniversary, Unbound Healing!
    • 12:35 - Quick fire Q&A


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:


    #51 - Crystals for Chronic Illness with Sarah Small

    #51 - Crystals for Chronic Illness with Sarah Small

    Anne and Michelle talk with Sarah Small, an intuitive coach and bioenergetic practitioner, about using crystals for chronic illness. Sarah explains how crystal healing works with the energetic frequencies of our bodies, what she means by the “subtle body,” and her suggestions for starter crystals.



    • :45 - Introduction
    • 2:36 - What Sarah is loving
    • 7:39 - Vibrational medicine and intuition
    • 9:08 - Sarah’s history with crystals
    • 14:15 - Energetic frequency
    • 22:53 - The frequency of crystals
    • 27:55 - Energetic distortions in the body
    • 33:34 - Why do we use crystals?
    • 36:30 - The subtle energy body
    • 40:09 - Using pendulums
    • 42:00 - Crystals for chronic illness
    • 48:45 - Law of attraction
    • 51:10 - Charging, tuning, retuning, and cleansing
    • 53:43 - Where to buy quality crystals
    • 56:16 - Top three crystals
    • 59:27 - Electromagnetic frequencies
    • 1:05:30 - Where to find Sarah
    • 1:09:23 - Sarah’s meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #50 - Making Peace with Food with Chelsea Gross

    #50 - Making Peace with Food with Chelsea Gross

    Today Anne is talking to Chelsea Gross, a certified transformational nutrition coach and blogger at Nutrition with Chelsea. Chelsea shares her own still-in-progress story of healing from health issues and gives her advice on how to approach healing diets when you have a history of disordered eating, intuitive eating, issues that everybody has but nobody talks about, and self-love.



    • :48 - Introduction
    • 3:57 - What Chelsea is loving
    • 10:00 - Chelsea’s health + healing story
    • 29:50 - Accepting your circumstances and feeling your emotions
    • 36:10 - Adapting a healing diet when you have a history of disordered eating
    • 46:36 - Eating intuitively on a healing diet
    • 55:00 - You’re not alone: common issues
    • 01:01:01 - How to break free from disordered eating
    • 01:05:30 - The emotional component of breaking free
    • 01:10:44 - Self-love
    • 01:15:00 - More of Chelsea’s offerings
    • 01:16:50 - Chelsea’s meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #49 - Disordered Eating and a Healing Diet

    #49 - Disordered Eating and a Healing Diet

    Today Anne and Michelle are talking about a much-requested topic: how to approach a healing diet when you have a history of disordered eating. They outline steps you can take to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally before, during, and after adapting a protocol.



    • 1:03 - Michelle’s updates
    • 1:59 - Anne’s updates
    • 5:58 - What Michelle is loving
    • 7:54 - Introduction to topic
    • 10:50 - Making sure you’re in a good place
    • 22:40 - Digestion and blood sugar
    • 29:26 - Preparing mentally
    • 38:28 - Starting slow
    • 40:10 - Making AIP less restrictive
    • 52:24 - Tracking your emotional responses
    • 56:04 - When to reintroduce foods
    • 58:03 - Troubleshooting
    • 1:04:22 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #48 - Making a Healing Lifestyle Sustainable

    #48 - Making a Healing Lifestyle Sustainable

    Anne and Michelle dish on their tips for making healing diets and lifestyles last, from busting the myth about “being on AIP forever” to building community.



    • 1:00 - Anne Marie’s updates
    • 4:08 - Michelle’s updates
    • 6:04 - What Anne is loving
    • 8:55 - Intro to making a healing lifestyle sustainable
    • 11:30 - How do I do this “forever”?
    • 12:30 - Outlining your goals
    • 17:55 - Planning ahead
    • 26:55 - Make it FUN!
    • 32:17 - Keep your doctor
    • 38:50 - Building community
    • 47:13 - Working on mindset
    • 54:56 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:


    #47 - Listener Questions about Liver Detox, Mindset, and Hormone Imbalance

    #47 - Listener Questions about Liver Detox, Mindset, and Hormone Imbalance

    This week, Anne and Michelle are answering another round of listener questions. They address how to shift an unhealthy mindset, troubleshooting irregular periods and hormone imbalance, and the important subject of liver detoxification. 



    • 1:00 - Michelle’s updates
    • 7:05 - What Michelle is loving
    • 10:20 - Healing your mindset
    • 24:04 - Irregular periods and bioidentical hormone replacement
    • 41:35 - Liver detox
    • 50:30 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #46 - Safer Hair, Skin, and Body Care

    #46 - Safer Hair, Skin, and Body Care

    Today Anne and Michelle are discussing safer approaches to hair, skin, and body care. They touch on common reasons for skin concerns, such as gut health issues and hormone imbalance, before sharing their favorite non-toxic products from shampoo to deodorant to face oils.



    • 1:28 - Michelle’s updates
    • 4:36 - Anne’s updates
    • 6:34 - What Anne is loving
    • 10:50 - Common reasons for skin concerns
    • 14:45 - Hair care
    • 25:04 - Body products
    • 36:30 - Face care
    • 1:00:35 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast:

    #45 - Healing Diet on a Budget

    #45 - Healing Diet on a Budget

    This week Anne and Michelle are talking about a challenge familiar to most of us: how to manage a healing diet on a budget. They discuss some the biggest budget breakers, tips for saving money, and their favorite budget-friendly grocery stores.


    • 2:49 - Michelle’s updates
    • 8:36 - Anne’s updates
    • 14:28 - What Michelle is loving
    • 18:31 - Healing diet on a budget
    • 20:40 - Budget breakers
    • 31:25 - Budget saving tips
    • 39:21 - Things that are cheaper to make at home
    • 41:47 - Setting your non-negotiables
    • 45:02 - Grocery stores
    • 51:09 - Action items
    • 59:11 - Meal of the week


    Links we mentioned in the podcast: