
    Uncensored Money

    Join me, Melissa Browne, ex-financial advisor, ex-accountant, ex-working till I drop. Now serial entrepreneur, best selling author and financial educator as I talk all things money. Why a podcast about money? That's because as women we're choosing not to talk about it and when it comes to dealing with money - we’re kind of sucking at it. There is a wage gap that exists not simply in the corporate world but in the world of small and medium business owners where women should be on par with men. There is a gap between men and women that we’ve tossed in the too hard basket for the moment in our superannuation funds. And there’s a widening gap between those who own property and those who do not. And let’s not even talk about the role money and power holds in our society. That’s why ladies I believe finance is a feminist issue. It’s time we started to uncensor money. Here you'll find chats about money where we throw off the notion that money is crass or uncomfortable. It's all about becoming comfortable bringing money into our everyday conversations and through it, figuring out what our own money story is and whether we might want to change it.
    enMelissa Browne100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    My Biggest Announcement Yet

    My Biggest Announcement Yet

    This week in Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie talk about wanting what’s best for you, not just what others think is best for you. And, they announce a update to the My Financial Adulting Plan that may change everything.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    I Wish We Didn’t Celebrate International Women’s Day

    I Wish We Didn’t Celebrate International Women’s Day

    This week is International Women’s Day, and you might think with the theme of Count Her In: Accelerating Gender Equality Through Economic Empowerment Mel would rejoice, talking about how important this theme is. In this episode instead, Mel talks about why she is tired of International Women’s Day, why she wishes we put as much thought into it as we do International Men’s Day, as well as some simple things you can do this week to recognise it.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    How to Say No to Speaking for Free

    How to Successfully Ask for a Salary Increase

    Super Catch-up Calculator

    Pricing in Your Business

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    When is enough, enough? Mel and Lawsie discuss overconsumption and its effect on our finances.

    When is enough, enough? Mel and Lawsie discuss overconsumption and its effect on our finances.

    In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie discuss unintentional overconsumption. And how it can leave your closet bursting, and your wallet empty.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    Regrets for my Old Dressing Gown

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    What Would You Do? Mel & Lawsie Talk Ethical Spending and Investing.

    What Would You Do? Mel & Lawsie Talk Ethical Spending and Investing.

    In this episode of Uncensored Money, Mel and Lawsie discuss what ethical means to them (and you), through a series of What Would You Do questions. Through this and a discussion of how they view sustainability differently, Lawsie and Mel talk about what is ethical spending and investing, and how to gradually reset to spending and investing more in line with your values.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    Bronwyn King Ted Talk

    Good On You


    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    "She's so lucky". It's time to make your own luck

    "She's so lucky". It's time to make your own luck

    In this solo episode, Mel talks about why the words, “She’s so lucky” are like quicksand for your finances (and your business if you have one) and what she thinks you should be doing instead...

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    10 Ways to Love Your Finances

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Mel talks Developing Great Habits with Dr Gina Cleo

    Mel talks Developing Great Habits with Dr Gina Cleo

    Want to know how to develop great financial habits? That’s exactly what this episode is all about. Mel chats with Dr Gina Cleo, one of the world’s leading experts in habits. Gina has a PhD in habit change, is an Assistant Professor at Bond University, and is an Accredited Practicing Dietician. Mel talks to Gina about sustainable habits, goal setting, and setting great habits for your finances (and all your lives). It’s a discussion travelling from the benefits of habit trackers, into the nitty gritty, like how when everything is a challenge, even setting a habit as small as brushing your teeth can be a win that sets you onto a path for recovery.

    To find out more about Dr Gina Cleo head to > https://www.drginacleo.com/ 

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    Dr Gina Cleo's Habit Tracker 

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Chloe Story

    Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Chloe Story

    Wish you could listen in as someone just like you chatted about money? That’s what our Money Chats are all about.

    In this episode, Mel is chatting with My Financial Adulting Plan alumni Chloe, a Melbourne mum of two. Chloe talks about taking the course in mid 2023, and the impact and changes that she and her husband have made since. Listen and be inspired to take charge of your own finances.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    Financial Fresh Start Training

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Jodie's Story

    Money Chats with MFAP Alumni: Jodie's Story

    Wish you could listen in as someone just like you chatted about money? That’s what our Money Chats are all about.

    In this episode, Mel is chatting with My Financial Adulting Plan alumni Jodie who is a fifty-something single mum. Jodie talks about where she was at a year ago and the changes she’s made over the last 12 months. Listen and be inspired to take charge of your own finances.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    Financial Fresh Start Training

    My Financial Adulting Plan

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.


    What If You’re Not At The Age And Stage You Should Be?

    What If You’re Not At The Age And Stage You Should Be?

    In this episode, Lawsie and Mel talk about three of the questions we’re asked the most is. ‘Where should I be at financially at my age’? How much super do you think I should have at my age? And how much should I be investing at my age? Plus we share where we were at in our thirties and you might be surprised which of the two of us would have been MUCH further ahead financially in their late thirties.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    Financial Fresh Start Training

    Super Comparison Calculator

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.


    3 Things You Should Be Stopping, Starting & Continuing When It Comes To Your Money.

    3 Things You Should Be Stopping, Starting & Continuing When It Comes To Your Money.

    Did you know that 80% of people will fail to keep their New Year's resolutions by February? 80%! And only 8% of people will stick to them the entire year. But not you. That’s because, in this episode, Mel and Lawsie talk about great financial processes and habits plus give you things to do this month so you feel motivated and empowered to keep going. 

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    Financial Fresh Start Training

    5 Financial Goals for 2024

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.


    Your NY Resolutions Aren’t Yours: Let’s Talk About Goals & Mimetic Desire

    Your NY Resolutions Aren’t Yours: Let’s Talk About Goals & Mimetic Desire

    Mel believes many of us should be tossing our New Year’s resolutions out the window. In this episode, she talks about New Year's resolutions, goals, mimetic desire and your finances and addresses how understanding what YOU really want is key to having great finances.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode

    Financial Fresh Start Training

    5 Financial Goals for 2024

    If you're on insta, come play over at @MelBrowne.Money and make sure you’re signed up to Mel's Money Musings for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.


    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.


    Ask Mel Anything – Watching Your Investments & Financial Control

    Ask Mel Anything – Watching Your Investments & Financial Control

    In the ‘Ask Mel Anything’ series, Mel answers your questions in the hope you realise you are not alone and that it helps to increase your financial literacy and confidence.

    In this Ask Mel Anything episode, Mel answers two questions. The first relates to mild anxiety experienced when watching share investments fluctuate and the second relates to reclaiming control over finances.

    If you think you might be experiencing financial abuse you can call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or WIRE's support line on 1300 134 130.

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Upcoming events:

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan 

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Ask Mel Anything – Pay Off Mortgage or Invest in Super?

    Ask Mel Anything – Pay Off Mortgage or Invest in Super?

    In the ‘Ask Mel Anything’ series, Mel answers your questions in the hope you realise you are not alone and that it helps to increase your financial literacy and confidence. 

    In this Ask Mel Anything episode, Mel answers two questions related to superannuation/retirement funds:

    • contribute to super versus paying off the mortgage?
    • exchanged traded funds (ETFs) or super?

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan 

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Ask Mel Anything – Just Because You Can (Doesn't Mean You Should)

    Ask Mel Anything – Just Because You Can (Doesn't Mean You Should)

    In the ‘Ask Mel Anything’ series, Mel answers your questions in the hope you realise you are not alone and that it helps to increase your financial literacy and confidence. 

    In this Ask Mel Anything episode, Mel discusses an email she recently received asking her why she talks about saving money and freezing meals when she can afford not to. 

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan 

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Ask Mel Anything – The Importance of Trusting Your Gut

    Ask Mel Anything – The Importance of Trusting Your Gut

    In the ‘Ask Mel Anything’ series, Mel answers your questions in the hope you realise you are not alone and that it helps to increase your financial literacy and confidence.

    In this Ask Mel Anything episode, Mel shares a mistake she recently made in her business and why it’s so important to develop a data-based gut, and trust it.

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan 

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Don’t Have Enough Time, Money or Knowledge to Deal with Your Finances?

    Don’t Have Enough Time, Money or Knowledge to Deal with Your Finances?

    When it comes to sorting out your finances, there are 3 big reasons given about why people don’t engage with their finances; time, money, and knowledge. So in this episode, Mel and Lawsie discuss these and share practical tips you can do to start addressing them so they don’t hold you back from having financial choice.

    Books and resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan.

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Bringing Compassion to our Finances (and Our Food) with Letitia Colautti

    Bringing Compassion to our Finances (and Our Food) with Letitia Colautti

    In this episode, Mel chats with Letitia Colautti, a psychotherapist in her own private practice. Mel talks to Letitia about the synergy between money and food and dives into the stories we carry, being ok with being enough, having boundaries with hard edges as well as practical tools you can use in life. It’s a compassion-led approach to a topic both Mel and Letitia are deeply passionate about. 

     To find out more about Letitia head to www.letitiacolautti.com

     Books and resources mentioned in this episode include 

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan 

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money. 

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review. 

    What To Think About at Different Stages in Life

    What To Think About at Different Stages in Life

    It’s time to bust the notion that there are certain things you ‘should’ be doing based on your age when it comes to finances. Instead in this episode Mel and Lawsie share a set of questions for you to consider based on your stage in life (rather than your age).

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan.

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    The Right Way and The Wrong Way to Ask for a Salary Increase

    The Right Way and The Wrong Way to Ask for a Salary Increase

    Mel has been an employer for over twenty years. So in this solo episode, she shares her insights and tips about the right way, and the wrong way, to ask for a pay rise. And if you’re in business, these tips are equally relevant to how you set your prices, and increase them, in your business. 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan.

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money.

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.

    Ask Mel Anything – Rebuilding Later in Life & Investing for Kid’s Education

    Ask Mel Anything – Rebuilding Later in Life & Investing for Kid’s Education

    In the ‘Ask Mel Anything’ series, Mel answers your questions in the hope you realise you are not alone and that it helps to increase your financial literacy and confidence.  

    In this Ask Mel Anything episode, Mel answers two questions at very different ends of the spectrum. And regardless of where you fall on that spectrum, there’ll be nuggets of gold in there for you. 

     The two questions Mel answers are: 

    • Early to mid fifties, divorced, limited cash resources ($35K in savings, plus three months living in buffer), some super, just started small in ETF, micro and shares, full time employed, no dependents, renting, earning $104K inc. no debts - what would you do first, second and third priority? 

    • I have money saved for my 2 children's education ($50,000 and continuing to contribute) for private school between the years of 2029 - 2034. Would you recommend investing in the share market (direct shares and EFTs) for this period of time or a more conservative Term Deposit (approx 4% interest) 

    Resources mentioned in this episode:  

    If you know you need more help with your finances make sure you join the waitlist for the My Financial Adulting Plan.  

    If you're not already, come play over at insta at MelBrowne.Money and make sure you are signed up to Mel's Money Musings and Monday Money Moments (yep, we love us some alliteration) for more tips, tricks and ideas on how to best work with your money. 

    Finally, if you love this episode please make sure you subscribe and leave us a review.