
    Unlimited Opinions - Philosophy, Mythology, Theology, & More

    Welcome to Unlimited Opinions! Have you ever wanted to listen to a lawyer and his son discuss philosophy, mythology, theology, politics and more? No? Well, Mark and Adam Bishop are here to discuss it all the same! From philosophy to mythology to politics, they discuss it all with rants and tangents galore! Now in Season 7, they're breaking down Peter Kreeft's "A Refutation of Moral Relativism: Interviews with an Absolutists", going chapter by chapter to discuss how relativism is one of the most dangerous ideologies in the modern day. There will also be more than the average amount of references to linguistics, 80s movies, and J.R.R. Tolkien. If any of that sounds vaguely interesting, then this is the podcast for you! Episodes are uploaded every Monday at 9:00 p.m. CST. Follow us on Twitter! @UlmtdOpinions

    en-usMark & Adam Bishop161 Episodes

    Episodes (161)

    S7 E10: The Philosophical Assumptions of Absolutism

    S7 E10: The Philosophical Assumptions of Absolutism

    We were always destined to publish this episode, at least according to the crazy determinists! In this episode, we discuss the philosophical assumptions that one must make in order to be an absolutist, particularly regarding metaphysics and epistemology. We look at flawed theories such as nominalism, determinism, materialism, and more, all while we go on endless tangents!

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    S7 E9: The Arguments for Moral Absolutism

    S7 E9: The Arguments for Moral Absolutism

    Do you want to hear our thoughts on Bryan Fiel's 1990 play Dancing at Lughnasa, a story of five sisters in 1936 Ireland? Do you want to hear our thoughts on the arguments in favor of moral absolutism? Luckily for you, we have those exact things in this episode! Join us as we discuss how language proves absolutism correct, the poor track record of relativism, and how relativists only extend tolerance to those that they like. We also go on many tangents, including one about a long-held legal precedent: if a man puts something down his pants, he intends to keep it.

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    S7 E8: The Roots of Relativism: Reductionism

    S7 E8: The Roots of Relativism: Reductionism

    What does hemlock taste like, and if drank in a small enough dose, can we find out? This important question and much more is discussed in this episode of Unlimited Opinions, as we examine where the philosophy of relativism came from.  We talk about how reductionism has led to a complete lack of acceptance of anything beyond the physical world and how this has impacted morality, and especially how this has impacted education. We also talk about how reductionism refutes itself and how it just makes someone miserable!

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    S7 E7: The Arguments from Situations, Intentions, Projection, and Evolution

    S7 E7: The Arguments from Situations, Intentions, Projection, and Evolution

    Do good intentions make acts good, or do we need something more? Did we simply evolve morality as a beneficial social system? Are relativists really just the most judgmental people of all time? Find out as we continue discussing Peter Kreeft's A Refutation of Moral Relativism, examining even more common arguments for moral relativism and how easily they are refuted!

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    S7 E6: The Arguments for Relativism from Social Conditioning, Freedom, and Tolerance

    S7 E6: The Arguments for Relativism from Social Conditioning, Freedom, and Tolerance

    Does Jesus just get us, or does he call us to something more? Is He really all about tolerance, or is there an objective truth beyond that? Join us as we discuss how our values aren't just ingrained in us by society, why absolutists promote freedom more than relativists, and how those proclaiming that everyone needs to be tolerant really aren't tolerant at all! We also puzzle over how someone can be caught plagiarizing something in a field that is entirely subjective!

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    S7 E5: The Argument for Relativism from Self-Esteem and from Cultural Relativity

    S7 E5: The Argument for Relativism from Self-Esteem and from Cultural Relativity

    "Be better:" the new horrible slogan for Unlimited Opinions! In this episode, we look at Peter Kreeft's answer to one of the most difficult objections to moral absolutism: if there are absolute moral truths, why have there been cultures with wildly different moral norms? We examine his answer of this argument asserting its own conclusion as part of its evidence, how different societies may not have as different of moral codes as people think, and why using your own feelings to determine morality is a bad idea.

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    S7 E4: The Data

    S7 E4: The Data

    Does the existence of a moral conscience prove moral absolutism right? This is the question on the table as we continue reading Peter Kreeft's A Refutation of Moral Relativism. We discuss the four sources of data for moral absolutism (our conscience, our interpersonal understandings, our language, and human history) to see if they back up the difficult position of the absolutist! We also talk about the issues with modern psychologists and go on a very long tangent about the nature of the death penalty!

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    S7 E3: The History of Relativism

    S7 E3: The History of Relativism

    Introducing our new product: Unlimited Opinions Deconstructed Peanut Butter!* Join us as we look at the history of relativism according to Peter Kreeft, beginning with the devil in the Garden of Eden, the rise of nominalism, and the eventual prominence of complete Deconstruction. We also talk much about how language shows us the truth, the ill effects of relativism in the modern day, and the importance of humor.

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    *Unlimited Opinions Deconstructed Peanut Butter is just sand and should not be consumed.

    S7 E2: What Is Moral Relativism?

    S7 E2: What Is Moral Relativism?

    In this episode, we find a new favorite feature of the podcast: relative buzzing! We also continue looking at Peter Kreeft's conversation between an absolutist and relativist, this time examining how exactly to define moral relativism, separating it out from metaphysical, epistemological, and religious relativism. We also discuss how we're facing a new, dangerous form of epistemological relativism that says that people really can't know anything about someone else, and how this is seen in the world today. And as always, we go on several side tangents, including about the "one-shirt" murderer and Apocalypse Now!

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    S7 E1: The Importance of Moral Relativism: Will It Really "Damn Our Souls and End Our Species?"

    S7 E1: The Importance of Moral Relativism: Will It Really "Damn Our Souls and End Our Species?"

    Season Premiere! Join us as we begin discussing Peter Kreeft's wonderfully written A Refutation of Moral Relativism: Interviews with an Absolutist. In this episode, we talk about the structure of the book and Kreeft's use of the dialogue format, the importance of truth in a society, whether our current society is truly relativist or just another flavor of absolutist, and how we got to where we are. We also talk about the issues with the spread of American culture and how America is perceived by the rest of the world, and the dangerous ideology of obfuscation that is permeating the Left's attitude towards language, gender, and much else!

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    New Year's Special: Unlimited Opinions in 2023 and Plans for 2024

    New Year's Special: Unlimited Opinions in 2023 and Plans for 2024

    Happy New Year! Join us as we have a more free-form discussion not attached to a particular Season of Unlimited Opinions! We look back at some of our highlights from 2023, including reading James Hitchcock's History of the Catholic Church and Austin Freeman's Tolkien Dogmatics, and especially our first episode of Unlimited Guests where we were fortunate enough to host Dr. Freeman himself. We also talk about the Latin Mass, problems with modern society, and how we want to bring more guests on the podcast in the new year. We've also decided on our book for Season 7: Peter Kreeft's A Refutation of Moral Relativism!

    Thank you all for the best-performing year in Unlimited Opinions history, and we look forward to having you join us for Season 7!

    Follow us on Twitter for updates on when new episodes are live (and for a chance to join us as a guest on an upcoming episode)! https://twitter.com/UlmtdOpinions

    S6 E22: Joy and Hope, Grief and Anguish, Part 2

    S6 E22: Joy and Hope, Grief and Anguish, Part 2

    We end Season 6 on a fitting note: the aftermath of Vatican II and a crisis in Catholicism! Join us as we talk about the continuing fights between aggiornamento and ressourcement, the decline in vocations and obedience, and the overall issues with the conciliar spirit. We also discuss Pope Francis' recent statement on blessing same-sex couple, go on many rants, and discuss our new favorite supervillain: the Gay Jesuit!

    Give us book suggestions for Season 7 by tweeting at us! https://twitter.com/UlmtdOpinions

    S6 E21: Joy and Hope, Grief and Anguish, Part 1

    S6 E21: Joy and Hope, Grief and Anguish, Part 1

    The long-awaited discussion on Vatican II! In this episode, we look at the theological current preceding the Council, the different core blocs in the proceedings, and what the Council actually decided. We realize that Vatican II really mandated very little, but left much up to interpretation, which has led to widespread confusion and a crisis in the Church since then. We also talk about our own ill feelings towards modernization efforts and what we think the Catholic Church needs at this time.

    Follow us on Twitter, and send us suggestions for books to read for Season 7! https://twitter.com/UlmtdOpinions

    S6 E20: The New Nations, Part 2

    S6 E20: The New Nations, Part 2

    Finishing our discussions on the modern English-speaking countries, we focus here on the United States and Australia! We discuss the "phantom heresy" of Americanism, the Church's position on social issues, the connections between Catholicism and politics, and a lot about abortion! We also go off on many side tangents, including about how we are distantly related to one of Notre Dame's Four Horsemen!

    S6 E19: The New Nations, Part 1

    S6 E19: The New Nations, Part 1

    Join us as we discuss the history of Catholicism in Canada and the United States! We look at Quebec's rise to the most Catholic society on Earth and its eventual fall; the three ethnic zones of the United States, being the English East Coast, the French Mississippi Valley, and the Spanish Southwest; and how Catholics viewed slavery in the U.S. We also discuss our future plans to rename the Mississippi River to the Immaculate Conception!

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    S6 E18: To the Ends of the Earth

    S6 E18: To the Ends of the Earth

    Wow, the Jesuits really went everywhere! Join us as we look at the missionary efforts of the Catholic Church from the Mongols to the modern day. We discuss the conquistadors in Latin America, St. Francis Xavier in India, Matteo Ricci in China, and much more. We especially examine the cultural differences between Catholics and various countries, particularly human sacrifice in South America, the Indian caste system, Japanese honor codes, and Chinese Confucianism.

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    S6 E17: Modernity, Part 2

    S6 E17: Modernity, Part 2

    From World War I to the Spanish Civil War to World War II, we cover some of the worst periods for the Catholic Church (and for humanity) in this episode. We start by discussing St. John Henry Newman and the fight against modernism, then look at the First Vatican Council, and then how the Church dealt with both liberal democracies and communist and fascist totalitarianisms with the principle of corporatism. Throughout this episode, we realize that the problems facing the Church then are the same problems we are facing today!

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    S6 E16: Modernity, Part 1

    S6 E16: Modernity, Part 1

    Maybe John Bosco just carried around really smelly bread, and that's where Bosco sticks came from! You can hear this groundbreaking idea and many more in this episode, as we look at the first half of James Hitchcock's chapter on how the Catholic Church dealt with the issues of modernity. We look at the rise of conservatism, liberalism, nationalism, and socialism; the end of the papal states, the social principles of subsidiarity and corporatism; Pope Pius IX's intriguing Syllabus of Errors, and much more! Mixed in are plenty of rants about our own thoughts on modernity, as might be expected.

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    S6 E15: Reason and Revolution, Part 2

    S6 E15: Reason and Revolution, Part 2

    Do "enlightened" and "inclusive" really just mean the same thing? Find out as we discuss the French Revolution! We break down the scientific revolution that led to the rise of Deism, the assaults on the Jesuits prior to the Revolution, and all the horrors of the Terror. We especially look at how these events and the rhetoric of the Revolutionaries resembles the modern political climate that we're experiencing today.

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    S6 E14: Reason and Revolution, Part 1

    S6 E14: Reason and Revolution, Part 1

    A rare in-person episode! Join us as we look into the beginnings of the scientific revolution and what that meant for Church history. We look at new ways that politics plays into religion, various degrees of religious toleration, some great saints, the rise of Jansenism, and more! And as to be expected with in-person episodes, we go on plenty of tangents, including about the issues with modern Classics scholars and hating the skeptics!

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