
    Unlock the Shortcut

    Hi, I’m Jimmy Glenos, your Life & Leadership Locksmith. And I’m here to help you get out of a jam, a rut, a stuck place, or anywhere you think you need a little nudge, some guidance, or even a full-blown action plan. If you’re ready to break out and break through to a brand new you, let me help you find the keys. C’mon, let’s Unlock the Shortcut!

    en-usJimmy Glenos100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 110: Habits are Subject to Tendencies

    Episode 110: Habits are Subject to Tendencies

    Today we dig a little deeper into our habits and the importance of leaning into our tendencies to ensure we commit to the habits we want to achieve, start them effectively, and maintain them efficiently.

    If you didn’t read the previous post, Building Better Habits, I highly recommend you do so in order to get a good understanding of habit formation and how to maximize your results. 

    Gretchen Rubin explains in her book, The Four Tendencies, that most people align with one of four tendencies in our character or way of being – The Upholder, the Questioner, the Obliger, or the Rebel.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2024/03/08/habits-are-subject-to-tendencies/


    Learn more about Executive and Leadership Coaching at https://jimmyglenos.com/


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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usMarch 08, 2024

    Episode 109: Building Better Habits

    Episode 109: Building Better Habits

    Well, it’s February and we are long past Blue Monday. That is the third Monday of January. And it’s the day that most New Year’s Resolutions die of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. And what I mean by that is typically by that third Monday, most folks have either had so many “cheat days”, missed so many days at the gym, eaten pizza instead of greens, not written their blog post, or have completely forgotten they even had a dream in the first place. (And yes, I’m guilty of all of these!)

    But that doesn’t mean we have to admit to being beaten. We can always recommit to our goal, our dream, our resolution. And the good news is, we’ve already seen what trips us up, so we can more effectively create a path where those obstacles do not get in our way this time.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2024/02/29/building-better-habits/


    Learn more about Executive and Leadership Coaching at https://jimmyglenos.com/


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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usFebruary 29, 2024

    Episode 108: Reflecting on the Year: Because Who Doesn't Love a Good Mood Swing?

    Episode 108: Reflecting on the Year: Because Who Doesn't Love a Good Mood Swing?

    Ah, the end of the year—the perfect time to reflect on the rollercoaster of emotions that was the past twelve months – the accomplishments and the hardships, the celebrations and the setbacks. It’s all in there.

    And you’re a hard-working, ambitious professional, so you’ve probably got a lot to look back on.

    And you should. In order to continue to make meaningful progress, you need to know where you were back then and where you are right now.

    Because armed with this information, you are better equipped to plot out your goals and aspirations for next year.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/12/29/reflecting-on-the-year-because-who-doesnt-love-a-good-mood-swing/


    Learn more about Executive and Leadership Coaching at jimmyglenos.com


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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usDecember 29, 2023

    Episode 107: TBT-Giving Thanks and Showing Appreciation

    Episode 107: TBT-Giving Thanks and Showing Appreciation

    You’re excited you don’t have to go to work today, because it is Thanksgiving Day. (If you’re lucky enough to work for an organization that is closed today, you get a chance to relax and enjoy time with family or maybe just bathe in some well-deserved “me-time”.) 

    Whatever your scenario, remember to take a moment to pause and give thanks for all the beauty and bounty in your life.

    Wishing you a wonderful, bountiful Happy Thanksgiving!

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2021/11/24/giving-thanks-and-showing-appreciation/


    Learn more about Executive and Leadership Coaching at jimmyglenos.com


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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usNovember 23, 2023

    Episode 106: The Other AI - Part 2

    Episode 106: The Other AI - Part 2

    In our last coaching session, we began our journey into the other AI – Appreciative Inquiry.

    If you recall, Appreciative Inquiry is the method of solving problems with a strengths-based approach, which employs a 4D Cycle – Discover, Dream, Design, and Destiny. 

    And if you also recall, I took the liberty of changing the last phase from Destiny to Dare, because it is a more active approach to solving problems and achieving the results we seek.

    In the previous episode, we explored the advantages and values of Discovery and the positive impact it has on mindset and creative solution seeking.

    (If you haven’t already listened, I encourage you to go back to episode 105 – The Other AI-Part 1 and then come back here to complete the session.)

    Today we will complete the 4D Cycle by diving deeper into the Dream, Design, and Dare phases.

    So, with everything set in a positive mindset, let’s move into the Dream Phase.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/09/13/the-other-ai-appreciative-inquiry-part-2/

    Learn more about Executive and Leadership Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usSeptember 14, 2023

    Episode 105: The Other AI - Part 1

    Episode 105: The Other AI - Part 1

    We’ve all heard of AI (Artificial Intelligence). But there is a different kind of AI that can have profound effects individually and professionally in our lives and in our workplaces. 

    I’m talking about Appreciative Inquiry. 

    “What is this”, you might be asking.

    Well, let me explain a bit of the background and then we’ll explore how to use AI as a shortcut into a more appreciative work and life existence.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/08/21/ai-is-the-cure-for-the-pain-of-change-management/

    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usAugust 22, 2023

    Episode 104: Summer Travel Plans? Hire a Coach

    Episode 104: Summer Travel Plans? Hire a Coach

    Have you ever wondered what a life coach, an executive coach, or a leadership coach does? 

    Do they consult, mentor, train, guide, counsel, cheer? What is it that coaches actually do?

    Well, different coaches do different things and some of those I’ve just listed. You may have also heard that coaches don’t have any of the answers, but they do have all the right questions.

    Yeah, it’s kinda hard to imagine paying someone to just sit there and listen and every few minutes ask an “empowering question.” 

    “I’ve got friends and family and a therapist that can do all that for me, Mr. Shortcut Man.” I hear you, you do.

    The problem is friends and family don’t sit quietly and listen. They want to give you advice and tell you it’ll be alright. And your therapist wants to know where this is all coming from, and they’ll have you looking all the way back into your twisted and tormented childhood.

    Ok, we’re not all coming from a twisted and tormented childhood. But some of us are, and those folks really could seek the help of a good therapist.

    Coaches on the other hand? We’re more like travel agents. 

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/07/14/summer-travel-plans-hire-a-coach/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usJuly 14, 2023

    Episode 103: Robots Are Still Just Tools

    Episode 103: Robots Are Still Just Tools

    In the last episode, we talked about the history of automation, computing, and artificial intelligence. We’ve come a long way from Hephaestus and Pygmalion. And we’ve seen computers get the upper hand when it comes to games like chess and Jeopardy.

    But what comes next, and how do we cope with change in the age of disruption?

    The great news is you can be a part of this disruption. In fact, you should make it a point to purposefully be a part of the disruption. Your future as an entrepreneur, a leader, or business owner may depend on it.

    Not trying to be all doom and gloom, but seriously, you need to get on board the AI Train.

    If you’re new to all this, I’m going to give you a couple of shortcuts to make the transition to AI and ChatGPT more understandable. And if you’ve already started using ChatGPT, these shortcuts will help you produce more powerful outcomes.

    Are you ready? Let’s get started!

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/05/26/robots-are-still-just-tools-part-2/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usMay 26, 2023

    Episode 102: Robots Are Just Tools

    Episode 102: Robots Are Just Tools

    The robots are coming! The robots are coming!

    People have been saying this for decades. And while the robots have slowly been taking over our workplace, our kitchens, and even our parenting duties to some degree, nothing will be more transformative over the next five to ten years as AI and ChatGPT.

    You’ve probably heard or read a fair amount about AI and ChatGPT over the past couple of years and certainly in the last few months.

    For those who are uninitiated, let me give you a thumbnail sketch.

    AI is the abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence which is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can work and think like humans.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/05/24/robots-are-just-tools-part-1/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usMay 24, 2023

    Episode 101: Breaking the Laws of Stuckness

    Episode 101: Breaking the Laws of Stuckness

    You can only steer a moving vehicle. 

    Wait, what? Yeah, that’s right. You can only steer a vehicle that is actually moving. 

    That’s just science. 

    Basically, according to Newton’s Laws of Motion, an object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

    Guess what you are in that equation. Yeah, you’re the unbalanced force.

    If you’re still a bit confused (or you prefer a tangible example), imagine you’re in your car stopped at a red light and you want to move into the lane next to you? You turn the wheel, but the car doesn’t go where you want it to, right?

    That's because you’re not in motion. 

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/04/07/breaking-the-laws-of-stuckness/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usApril 07, 2023

    Episode 100: Impostor Syndrome: A Hilarious and Completely Made-Up Condition

    Episode 100: Impostor Syndrome: A Hilarious and Completely Made-Up Condition

    Have you ever felt like you weren’t qualified to do your job? Like you're not really sure you’re cut out to do the work and someone else who’s smarter could be doing a lot better right now? Or if you’re honest with yourself, you’re pretty sure you just got lucky in the interview? And you know, you just know that someday soon, your boss will realize they’ve made a big mistake because you are way in over your head and have no idea what you're doing? 

    Well, congratulations! You may have Impostor Syndrome, one of the most popular trends in the world of made-up mental health conditions.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/03/03/imposter-syndrome/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usMarch 03, 2023

    Episode 99: Vagus, Baby!

    Episode 99: Vagus, Baby!

    Put on your lucky shirt, cuz we’re going to Vagus!

    No, not Las Vegas. Today, we’re visiting the vagus nerve.

    “The what?” you’re probably saying.

    The vagus nerve. It might just be the most important part of your body that you’ve never heard of. Well, I’m sure some of you have, but most of you are maybe wondering, “What the heck it that and why have I never heard of it?”

    Well, don’t worry, because all will be made perfectly clear in next few minutes.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/02/10/vagus-baby/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching at jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usFebruary 14, 2023

    Episode 98: It's Moving Day!

    Episode 98: It's Moving Day!

    Pack up all your troubles because today is moving day!

    It’s time to move from your current state of being to the one you’ve been hoping for, and maybe even dreaming about. Maybe you’re wallowing around in the wasted space of lethargy. Maybe you’re enduring the massive burden of overwhelm trying to balance the demands at work and at home. Or maybe you’re stuck in the gripping fear of moving into the challenging and uncomfortable space of that new business venture you’ve been contemplating for months.

    Whatever your worry, trouble, fear, or apprehension, today is the day you rid yourself of those unhelpful, limiting, even debilitating thoughts and feelings.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/01/22/its-moving-day/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usJanuary 22, 2023

    Episode 97: Treating Trust Like a Broken Bone

    Episode 97: Treating Trust Like a Broken Bone

    Some things just come naturally. And they can be done with a single action. Throwing a ball, kicking a ball, cooking an egg, reading a book, delivering a speech, delegating a task, or giving feedback.

    Ok, maybe all of those don’t come naturally. But they can all be done with a single action. 

    Other skills take time to develop and hone, like throwing a strike, scoring a goal, making an omelet, writing a book, or motivating someone to positive action.

    And then there are behaviors or qualities that require consistent, continuous actions that lead to greater success. Being a pro athlete, being a chef, keynoting a conference, or being a respected leader.

    Each of these can withstand miscalculations, missteps, and even mistakes, because these things happen. And when they do, we stop, review, and then get back in the saddle and make things right.

    But there is one quality that is much more vulnerable to miscalculations and mistakes. And that is trust.

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/01/16/treat-trust-like-a-broken-bone/
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usJanuary 16, 2023

    Episode 96: A Better Way to Goal Achievment

    Episode 96: A Better Way to Goal Achievment

    Goals, goals, goals. (Cue the Motley Crue nightclub anthem.)

    As humans, we tend to seek adventure and improvement. And in that, we continuously strive for the next level of achievement to attain our next goal.

    We set goals, our bosses set goals, the worlds of measurement and quality demand that we set goals. Heck, if we’re not setting and achieving goals, people consider us slackers and unsuccessful. 

    But is achievement of goals really the best way to measure our success?
    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2023/01/02/a-better-way-to-goal-achievement/

    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usJanuary 02, 2023

    Episode 95: Interview Special: Reiner Lomb, author of Aspire: 7 Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change

    Episode 95: Interview Special: Reiner Lomb, author of Aspire: 7 Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change

    This week I sat down with my good friend, Reiner Lomb. Reiner is the founder of BoomerangCoach, an executive coaching firm specializing in leadership and career development, innovation, and transformational change. He is the author of two books, The Boomerang Approach: Return to Purpose, Ignite Your Passion and Aspire: Seven Essential Emotions for Leading Positive Change, No Matter Where You Are

    For over 20 years at Hewlett-Packard, Reiner launched and led new software product businesses and helped grow HP Software into a multi-billion-dollar organization. Today, his mission is to mobilize and develop leaders to create a more sustainable and positive future for all.

    In our conversation today, we discuss the mixture of emotions, how to inspire others, and how being an emotional leader actually fosters a stronger leadership position. 

    You can learn more about Reiner and his work at https://reinerlomb.com/. Follow Josh on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/reinerlomb/.
    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usDecember 20, 2022

    Episode 94: Interview Special: Joshua Freedman, CEO and Co-founder of 6Seconds

    Episode 94: Interview Special: Joshua Freedman, CEO and Co-founder of 6Seconds

    Today, we take a break from our usual format because I had the opportunity to talk with one of the top thinkers and leaders in Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience, and Change Leadership. His name is Joshua Freedman. 

    Josh is the author of six books including the bestselling At the Heart of Leadership and he is the CEO and co-founder of Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network.

    In his work at Six Seconds, Joshua leads the world’s most extensive EQ organization with offices and representatives in 25 countries and continues to lead programs in over 50 countries. He works with leaders and teams around the world, helping them use Emotional Intelligence to get better results. His clients include FedEx, Microsoft, INTEL, Amazon, all branches of the US Armed Forces, and the United Nations.

    In our conversation today, we discuss the meaning of Six Seconds, the significance of one billion, and even the relevance of retired NFL players.

    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usNovember 30, 2022

    Episode 93: How To Do Gratitude

    Episode 93: How To Do Gratitude

    Last time we unlocked the secrets of gratitude. And though many interesting ideas and research came up, I think I might have left you on a little bit of a cliffhanger. 

    Typically, I present some actions or behaviors on how you can execute the ideas presented, and I didn’t do that, so I feel like I own you one. 

    Today we explore some of the ways to “do” gratitude.

    But before we get into it, if you haven’t already listened to the previous episode Beyond Gratitude, then I encourage you to do so. It will give you a good grounding for what we uncover today.

    Alright. Are you ready? Let’s get started! 

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2022/11/23/how-to-do-gratitude/

    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usNovember 23, 2022

    Episode 92: Beyond Gratitude

    Episode 92: Beyond Gratitude

    It’s November and here in the US, that means Thanksgiving. A time when we give thanks for all that we have and all who we know and love. It’s a time of gathering of family, sharing of food, and recollecting upon all we have to be grateful for.

    Full transcript can be found here:https://jimmyglenos.com/2022/11/19/beyond-gratitude/

    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

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    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usNovember 19, 2022

    Episode 91: You’d Better Whys Up!

    Episode 91: You’d Better Whys Up!

    You've probably heard of the 5 Whys Method. It's the exercise that has you ask 5 “Why” questions to help you get to the root cause of a problem. 

    We typically use this method of questioning for troubleshooting issues, quality improvement, or process analysis. 

    It goes something like this: 

    We are behind schedule with updating the training program again this week. Why?

    Because we don’t have time to make the updates to the training program. Why?

    Because it takes a long time for us to enter the HR data into the spreadsheets. Why?

    Because each week, some of the data is either missing or incorrect. Why?

    Because it is prone to human error because the entire process is manual entry from paper forms. Why?

    Because we don’t have an integrated software system between the HR and Training Departments.

    Now, looking at purchasing an integrated software system may seem like an obvious solution to an ongoing problem, but oftentimes we simply try to bandage the symptom (in this case, not enough time to perform a task).

    Full transcript can be found here: https://jimmyglenos.com/2022/11/07/youd-better-whys-up/

    Learn more about Leadership and Mental Fitness Coaching: jimmyglenos.com

    #jimmyglenos #jglenos #unlocktheshortcut #leadnsucceed #leadershipcoaching #mentalfitnesscoaching #executivecoaching


    Unlock the Shortcut
    en-usNovember 07, 2022