
    Unshakable Self-Confidence

    Are you ready to break free from your painful cycle of fear and self-doubt caused by past traumas that have held you captive for far too long, reclaim your power, and begin to live the life you have been dreaming of for so long? Subscribe to Shift Your Perspective, the podcast that helps you confidently confront those past cycles of abuse and the overwhelming grip of fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame, guiding you toward a life lived with unapologetic and unshakable self-confidence, inner peace and joy, to turn your dream into a reality. Shift Your Perspective isn't just another self-help podcast filled with ego-fluffing and fleeting 'feel-good' highs; it's about cultivating a mindset that creates lasting resilience, strength, and unshakable self-belief; it's a show for those who dare to leave their past behind and defy the status quo of inherited limiting beliefs; it's a show for those who desire true personal freedom not dependant on others doing right by us. This podcast is your lifeboat in the ocean of self-help content, flooded with fake gurus; it will help you navigate the treacherous waters of self-discovery and emerge on the shores of genuine and permanent transformation – no more flaying about and drowning in the sea of self-discovery, but guidance toward finally achieving personal transformation in your mindset and self-worth that will lead you into a new life that few ever reach. Expect episodes filled with candid conversation and unconventional perspectives that challenge typical thinking around creating self-love and self-confidence. These episodes will dare you to think for yourself – it's time to stop seeking validation outside of yourself, to stop settling for a life dictated by the projected fear of others and their opinions about you – it's time to break through the barriers of inherited negative self-images and self-doubt and confidently live your life on your terms, following the guidance of your inner voice and intuition. Are you ready to take back your life, leave behind ghosts of karmic ancestral patterns of self-doubt, and step into the brilliant truth of who you are? Subscribe to Shift Your Perspective now and embark on a journey to reshape how you view yourself and the world around you. Your transformation begins here.
    enBilly J. Atwell573 Episodes

    Episodes (573)

    FREEDOM: No More Cycles of Abuse, Fear or Rejection

    FREEDOM: No More Cycles of Abuse, Fear or Rejection

    You don’t “cut” cords to the toxic people and things in your life, you cut the cords to your old self-image of being a victim.

    If fact, you cut them at all – you burn them!

    If you don’t, those “cords” will seek to “re-attach” themselves to people and things that feed that victim consciousness; it must, it’s in its nature; that consciousness is fighting for its survival.

    So how do you “burn” those cords and free yourself from those cycles once and for all?

    Listen in as I share the truths of personal transformation from my discoveries of walking away from violence and abuse and onto the path of being genuinely free of those cycles.

    Follow and engage with me on:


    How Do You Bridge The Gap Between Where You Are And Your Desire To Be?

    How Do You Bridge The Gap Between Where You Are And Your Desire To Be?

    Everything changes; all creation comes and goes. However, it seems as though nothing has changed; no matter where you go or whom you are with, you seem to be continuously abandoned, rejected, abused, and constantly failing to realize your dreams.

    This lack of change is due to your constant gazing at what is (AKA: the negative cycles in your life), all stemming from what was (AKA: your childhood trauma, AKA: your Inherited negative self-image root).

    Remember, what you focus on expands, so you must focus on something new to change your reality, to break those cycles you are experiencing.

    But how do you do that when surrounded by “the facts of life?”

    Listen in as I share the truths of personal transformation from my discoveries of walking away from violence and abuse and onto the path of a genuinely free of those cycles.

    Follow and engage with me on:


    Patience And Fortitude: Having Faith In Your Dreams

    Patience And Fortitude: Having Faith In Your Dreams

    When we want to change our lives and break free from trauma, abusive relationships, and karmic cycles, we often desire it in the face of our current circumstances (which is nearly always NOT what we want.)

    So what do we have to do to remain in faith (or even have it to begin with) that The Divine will bring to pass the promise of freedom from those experiences?

    Listen in as I share the truths of personal transformation from my discoveries of walking away from violence and abuse and onto the path of being genuinely free of those cycles.

    Follow and engage with me on:



    The Pain And Your Past; Leaving It All Behind You

    The Pain And Your Past; Leaving It All Behind You

    Have you ever noticed how people try to keep you at their level, within their comfort zones, limitations, and beliefs, and how readily we agree with them? Why is that, do you think?

    Limiting yourself does not serve the world; there is nothing noble in dimming your inner light so others won’t feel insecure around you – God created you to shine in this world.

    So what are you afraid of; why deny your natural self? Is it out of fear of rejection? Guilt or shame?

    Listen in as I share the truths of personal transformation from my discoveries of walking away from violence and abuse.

    Follow and engage with me on:



    Will You Chose To Repeat Your Karmic Cycles Of Abuse This Time?

    Will You Chose To Repeat Your Karmic Cycles Of Abuse This Time?

    If you believe in things like the Law of Attraction or ‘we become what we think about,’ have you ever stopped to wonder why you keep experiencing abusive relationships?

    I am here to tell you that unless you get to the root cause of it all, nothing will ever change in your life; no amount of reading, list writing, or other practices will create the change you seek.

    You only need to ask yourself, “What do I believe that I deserve to have and experience in this lifetime?”

    Listen in as I share the truths of personal transformation from my discoveries of walking away from violence and abuse.

    Follow and engage with me on:


    You Trying To Stop Negative Thoughts Is Keeping You Stuck In Your Cycle.

    You Trying To Stop Negative Thoughts Is Keeping You Stuck In Your Cycle.

    If you want to stay out of negative energy, you must stop resisting it and allow it to be.

    Once you stop fighting it, you must engage in a desired activity that holds your attention.

    When you focus on the desired task, it is not open to other distractions; concentrated thoughts narrow the bandwidth, blocking the negative energy naturally with no effect on your part.

    Listen in to learn more.

    Follow and engage with me on:



    Self Love: Letting Go Of Guilt, Shame, And Blame Of What Has Happened To You

    Self Love: Letting Go Of Guilt, Shame, And Blame Of What Has Happened To You

    Why do you feel shitty about the things that other people have done to you?

    Why do you feel guilty for making the decision to protect yourself?

    Why do you feel bad for getting back up and moving forward?

    Those feelings come from the ‘5 stones’  of your negative self-image thrown at you as a child.

    How do you stop feeling that way; how do you throw back those stones and set yourself free?

    Listen in as I share my discoveries of self-transformation and freedom from the cycles of abuse.

    Get the Face It, Replace It, Embrace It, flow chart on Twitter.

    How Do You Break The Cycle Of Abuse? By Pulling A Penelope!

    How Do You Break The Cycle Of Abuse? By Pulling A Penelope!

    If you are trying to heal that inner child, AKA: you are trying to get your loved ones to stop rejecting you and take accountability for what they did to you, things aren't going to change.

    So what are you supposed to do?

    "Pull a Penelope!"

    What do I mean by that? Listen in and hear what I have discovered on my journey of carving a path beyond fear and abuse and into the wilderness of self-sovereignty so that you can do it too!

    Follow me on Twitter for your "homework" and feedback on each week's episode.


    You Want To Stop The Cycle Of Abusive Relationships? Change Your Mating Call!

    You Want To Stop The Cycle Of Abusive Relationships? Change Your Mating Call!

    All you’ve ever been doing is looking for a respectful, loving partner and friend to walk this life with.

    As a result, you’ve learned some hard lessons.

    The question is, “What will you do with that education?”

    It’s time to accept the dream you’ve been dreaming of.

    Let go of the past and begin anew.

    Don’t fear the unknown; the path can only evolve if you walk it in blind faith. 

    The only guarantee is that you WILL arrive if you follow the path before you. 

    Take a deep breath and enjoy the ride!

    Follow me on Twitter for your “homework” and feedback on each week's episode.

    How To Stop People Pleasing, AKA: Not Caring What Other People Think!

    How To Stop People Pleasing, AKA: Not Caring What Other People Think!

    You haven't given up yet, so why are you so worried about what other people think about you?

    Why are you beating yourself up for the things that other people have done to you?!

    In order to be unstuck from your karmic patterns, you have to be Enlightened. But what does that really mean?

    Listen in as I share lessons learned, but also a quick way to start breaking your karmic cycles and free yourself to start living the life you were born to live!

    Download Show Outline Note From Google Drive

    Killing The Ancestral Karmic Pattern Of Abuse

    Killing The Ancestral Karmic Pattern Of Abuse

    In order to free yourself from inherited conditioned patterns of limiting self-belief, worthiness, violence, abuse, and perpetual rejection, you going to have to go on a "bloody rampage of revenge."

    How can we use the journey of the 'Yellow-Haired Warrior' in Quentin Tarantino's film, "Kill Bill" as a guide to free ourselves from our personal hells and pasts into a life of our choosing?

    Listen in as I share lessons learned on my personal journey of transformation. 

    Releasing Trauma: It's THEIR Sh*t, NOT Yours!

    Releasing Trauma: It's THEIR Sh*t, NOT Yours!

    Why do we take on other people's crap when they do us wrong - why do we examine it, investigate it and try to figure out the reason they did it and what we did?!

    Why not call it what it is and do what we are supposed to do with crap - flush it down the toilet?

    Granted it isn't an easy thing to do, but what you are doing to 'heal' from it is actually keeping you stuck in the cycle of pain and abuse.

    Listen in as I share wisdom gained from my personal transformation. 

    It's YOUR Dream, Don't Let Them Turn It Into THEIR Nightmare

    It's YOUR Dream, Don't Let Them Turn It Into THEIR Nightmare

    Why are you 'holding on' and not 'letting go' of your past?

    Is it because of what others will think, say, or do? Or is it because you think 'this is just how life is' or 'it's always been this way, so it must be the truth?'

    Whether you realize it or not, this life is a journey of letting go of 'what was' for 'what is' and 'what will be.' Anything else will keep you stuck in your karma cycle of pain and frustration.

    Listen in as I share wisdom learned on this journey of self-transformation. 

    There's Nothing To Heal, There Are Only Things To Release

    There's Nothing To Heal, There Are Only Things To Release

    If you keep focusing on your inner child wounds you are only going to keep yourself stuck in a cycle of the never-ending healing of childhood trauma. 

    If you believe that what you focus on expands, why do you think it would be any different when you focus on things that happened in the past? (You've been doing that for a while now, right? How's that working out for you?)

    Listen in to lessons learned on this journey of self-empowerment, and transformation. 





    I've Been Following My Intuition So Why Does My Life Suck?!

    I've Been Following My Intuition So Why Does My Life Suck?!

    I get it! Everybody is out here telling you to "follow your inner voice," to trust your Divine GPS. 

    What most people don't know (or do and not telling you) is that your inner voice (AKA: God) is both the light and the dark, both positive and negative energy.

    So, if you are holding onto a negative self-image (AKA: your beliefs of failure and impossibility) the Divine will guide you towards that negative fulfillment - it's the Law!

    Then what can you do; how do you know if your intuition is guiding you toward failure or success?

    Listen is as I share wisdom learned on my journey of transformation.

    You Broke The Karmic Cycle (AKA You've Healed), Now What?

    You Broke The Karmic Cycle (AKA You've Healed), Now What?

    Have you ever noticed that people can be jealous of you? I am not talking about your gifts or skills, I am talking about your healing journey.

    You've done the work to break free from limiting beliefs and karmic patterns, so why are people envious when they should be happy for you?

    Listen in to hear lessons learned on this journey of living our lives beyond fear; beyond our past traumas. 

    The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

    The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

    The journey out of your personal hell; breaking free from your karmic pattern is tough. And though not everyone makes it, it can be done. 

    Staying focused on your path out of darkness is critical, but there will be tests along the way that will provoke you to give up. 

    How do you cross the threshold of old beliefs into a state of joy and peace; Heaven consciousness?

    Listen in for lessons learned on this journey of transformation.

    Being Loyal To The Unloyal: The Burden Of Betrayal

    Being Loyal To The Unloyal: The Burden Of Betrayal

    Why do we do it? Why do we stay loyal to those who have clearly chosen to betray us; why do we keep coming back for more abuse?

    And when we do walk away, why do we feel guilty for standing up for ourselves, for choosing ourselves over others' BS that they try to impose upon us?

    Listen in as I share lessons learned about the emotional ties that bind us to the cycles of abuse. 

    Get Up And Keep Moving Forward

    Get Up And Keep Moving Forward

    You've been through a lot; people have done some terrible things to you - I get it!

    But that isn't a good enough reason to stay down and accept life as it seems at this moment. And though you may not be able to see it at the moment, if you begin today to have the courage to get up and take tiny steps forward toward a brighter future, it will come to pass even quicker than you realize. 

    Listen in as I share lessons on never giving up.