
    Upgrade My Classroom

    Thank you for listening to the Upgrade My Classroom Podcast! Kevin Mecchella, youth speaker and behavior change specialist uncovers the social and emotional strategies that help teenage students make great decisions and mitigate bad ones. On this show, you’ll learn from experts in the field of education, youth leadership and behavioral psychology how to create positive, lasting change for your teens. Our kids are faced with so many challenges and we have a responsibility to guide through the choices they have in front of them. Whether it's bullying, drugs or their own mental health, students need our help. So whether you’re a teacher, school administrator or youth group organizer, this podcast is a fantastic resource to help your teens succeed. You’ll hear a mix of expert interviews, training from Kevin and coaching calls. Subscribe to the show and let’s help make an impact in our schools and communities!
    enKevin Mecchella139 Episodes

    Episodes (139)

    Ep: 119 - Balancing Discipline and Mental Health: An Assistant Principal's Reflections

    Ep: 119 - Balancing Discipline and Mental Health: An Assistant Principal's Reflections

    Today I sat down with Scott Wisniewski, a high school assistant principal and winner of the NJPSA/NASSP NJ Assistant Principal of the Year, to dissect how Wayne Schools is investing in the mental health of their students.

    We had a wide ranging conversation including what it's really like being an assistant principal. While maintaining discipline, attendance and scheduling are all important parts of the job, the real meat and potatoes of the job is building relationships. Scott spoke about how he handles discipline issues with an open mindset and approaching the situation with empathy and understanding. Especially after COVID-19, students are still catching up on certain emotional and social norms which sometimes leads to acting out and behavior issues.

    At the end of the episode, Scott shares all the tactical things they are doing as a building to bring mental health awareness and education to Wayne Schools and I was seriously blown away! 

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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enMay 25, 2023

    Ep: 118 - How To Audit Your Phone For Your Mental Health

    Ep: 118 - How To Audit Your Phone For Your Mental Health

    In today's fast-paced world, our phones have become an integral part of our lives. They offer us a plethora of utilities and allow us to stay connected with the world at large. However, the excessive use of phones can also lead to stress and anxiety in our student's lives.

    Today we're going to look at how to audit your phone for your mental health. By prioritizing essential utilities, limiting non-essential phone usage, being mindful of social media content, and building positive relationships, students can take control of their phone usage and promote mental health and well-being. Remember, your phone should serve as a tool to enhance their lives, not a source of stress and anxiety.

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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enMay 10, 2023

    Ep: 117 - David Flood Teaches Students How To Be Selfless

    Ep: 117 - David Flood Teaches Students How To Be Selfless

    David Flood, a youth motivational speaker joins us to chat about his experiences helping students unlock kindness and compassion for one another.

    David shares his insights on why the word "love" and the influential figure that used this word so eloquently. David opens up about his son Justin who is autistic and how he is one of the most powerful drivers in his family and life. We also dive into why mental health issues are on the rise and how the relationship between students and technology is affecting their well-being.

    We explore the challenges that teachers face in today's society and how they can become better coaches for their students. David provides practical advice for parents and teachers to support their children and students if they are having a difficult time emotionally.

    David’s narrative as a youth speaker comes first hand; he grew up impacted by addiction in his family; he married and became a father of two children, his oldest is a special needs son; he is active in his church; he is a hospice volunteer who visits with terminally ill patients; and is on the board of K.I.D.S. Plus, Inc. a non-profit organization which helps special needs children through sports and other activities. As a youth motivational speaker David has spoken in 40 states and Canada to over 500,000 students, inspiring them to look at people and things in a different way.

    Check out the full episode with David Flood today!

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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enMay 03, 2023

    Ep: 116 - SEL Exercises For Your Classroom With Scott Todnem

    Ep: 116 - SEL Exercises For Your Classroom With Scott Todnem

    I came across a teacher online who was doing some fantastic SEL exercises with his students and posting them online…I had to have him on as a guest to learn more!

    Scott Todnem is the author of “Growing Up Great! The Ultimate Puberty Book for Boys” and “Sex Education: A Parent’s Guide.” Scott has been teaching Health Education at the middle school level since 2001 and was awarded the 2019 National Health Teacher of the Year. He uses his platforms to promote cultural diversity, gender inclusivity, mental health awareness, and suicide prevention. Scott is a nationally-recognized presenter and travels to speak about mental health and the benefits of quality health education programs.

    Scott enjoys adding to the Health Class experience by hosting a YouTube channel and a Podcast with his students, both of which can be found at LifeIsTheFuture.com. Scott currently resides in Illinois with his family, where he enjoys reading, record collecting, and watching great movies. Additional writing and other content can be found on his website, LifeIsTheFuture.com.

    Today on the show, Scott talks to us about how he emphasizes meaningful, as well as memorable activities for his students. Even the physical placement of desks and furniture in his classroom is designed to encourage more social interaction. When Scott is active as a learner himself, he finds that his lessons are that much more engaging and interesting.

    Mr. Todnem also has a podcast created and hosted by the students of his class as a way to open up even more about the SEL exercises they took part in, as well as discuss everyday challenges they are dealing with as a middle schooler.

    Lastly, we talked about how important self awareness is to the success of a student. Scott feels that self awareness is definitely the million dollar question!

    To learn more about everything Scott is up to, head over to https://lifeisthefuture.com/

    Upgrade My Classroom
    enApril 26, 2023

    Ep: 115 - Student Leader Stress (And Ways To Manage It)

    Ep: 115 - Student Leader Stress (And Ways To Manage It)

    Student Leader Stress is a real thing. Teens have a lot going on in their lives. They face high expectations and often put unrealistic pressure on themselves to be the best version of themselves. These expectations may be self-imposed or put on them by others in positions of authority in their lives. Finding balance between their personal lives, reality, hopes, aspirations, and dreams can be challenging for these students.

    One thing I know for sure that can help in every facet of life is establishing some type of routine. This doesn't have to be some intense rise and grind style routine but doing something consistent in order to set themselves up for a positive day is important. Even more important is to find a time of day that the student will most often be able to execute this routine. For instance, after school is probably a bad time for a routine considering student leaders usually have extra curricular activities after school.

    In this episode I also go into more detail regarding the fact that student leaders usually will over commit to opportunities that come their way, and rarely have any time for themselves. Check out the full episode to help your student leader avoid stress in their life.

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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enApril 19, 2023

    Ep: 114 - A Simple Formula For Teens To Develop A Growth Mindset

    Ep: 114 - A Simple Formula For Teens To Develop A Growth Mindset

    Carol Dweck's work on fixed and growth mindsets is incredibly important for educators to understand, as it can help them better support their students. A fixed mindset is one in which an individual believes that their physical body, intelligence, or ability at a certain skill is fixed and limited in how much they can improve. A growth mindset, on the other hand, is one in which an individual believes that their success is determined by the work and strategy that they put into it. As a result of this, having a fixed mindset will lead to negative self-talk and bad decisions, while having a growth mindset leads to positive self-talk and good decisions.

    On this episode I'll be explaining a specific formula that is a variation of Angela Duckworth's Grit. We'll look at how a student's mindset can dictate their inner dialogue which will inevitably determine whether they make good or bad decisions.

    By understanding and fostering a growth mindset, teachers can help their students make better decisions, have more positive self-talk, and believe in their own potential.

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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enApril 12, 2023

    Ep: 113 - How To Build Resilience In Our Children

    Ep: 113 - How To Build Resilience In Our Children

    Bullying is an unfortunate reality for many students, and it can have serious effects on their mental health and wellbeing. In this episode I'll explain how we as teachers and youth professionals can help our students build resilience and deal with bullies in a healthier way with a simple three "R" framework.


    We need to ensure that students have some time to sit down, relax and think through the situation, rather than just staying in their heads. This will help them to better understand their own feelings and those of the bully.


    We need to help the students to understand that the bully is likely hurting and that their behavior is a result of their own pain. Rather than viewing the bully as an enemy, we need to teach them to one day be able to feel empathetic towards the bully.


    While it can be hard for a student to accept that they have control over their own feelings, we can use a coaching approach to help them understand that they can take control of the situation. I will warn you that this is a tough pill to swallow. You may have to tread lightly with this one and really have the student come to this conclusion themseleves.

    By using these three Rs in our toolbox, we can help our students to build resilience and better deal with numerous issues they may face. 


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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enApril 05, 2023

    Ep: 112 - Help Your Children By Understanding The 4 Stages Of Parenting

    Ep: 112 - Help Your Children By Understanding The 4 Stages Of Parenting

    As education professionals we know that we are, unfortunately, a small part of the success of our students. An overwhelmingly large factor is the influence parents have over their children. The routines, the values and the guidelines a parent instills at home all have a huge impact on the social development of our students. So today is going to be a short breakdown of the four stages of parenting.

    As parents, it's important to be aware of the four stages of parenting, namely the Commander, the Coach, the Counselor, and the Consultant. Each stage requires a different approach, and being aware of the stage you are in can help you nurture your children better.

    In the Commander stage, when children are toddlers, it's important to create an environment that is successful and rewarding. A positive environment will help them learn what to do and what not to do, and reinforce the behavior you want to see. When children are in elementary school, the coaching stage begins. This is when you instill values and a mindset in them, and show them their place in the world. It's important to reward positive behavior and hold true to what you say. The counseling stage is when teenagers start to explore the world on their own. As a counselor, it's important to ask open-ended questions and let them come to their own conclusions without giving them the answers. This helps them build their emotional intelligence and reflect on their feelings. Finally, the consultant stage is when children are grown and have moved out of the house. At this stage, they may ask for advice or help, and it's your job to be there!

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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enMarch 29, 2023

    Ep: 111 - Reaching Teens Through A Balance Of Fact And Funny With Matt Bellace PhD.

    Ep: 111 - Reaching Teens Through A Balance Of Fact And Funny With Matt Bellace PhD.

    Reaching teens can be tough. I found someone who has figured out how to do it…very well! Today on the show I sit down with Dr. Matt Bellace and learn how he uses comedy to present scientific evidence regarding substance abuse.

    We discuss his background as a clinical psychologist and the convergence of his comedy career, all at the same time while pursuing his PhD. When he works with students, Matt focuses on helping teens find natural highs as an alternative to drug and alcohol abuse. Many high school students are struggling with issues of identity, self-esteem and feeling disconnected from the people around them which often leads them to make bad decisions and substance abuse. When asked what advice he would give teachers to help them better spot and assist students who are struggling mentally and emotionally, Matt suggested that teachers try their best to explain the process of dissapointment and negative emotions. These are emotions that we are experiencing. Now we get to decide what to do with them.

    Dr. Matt Bellace has a PhD in clinical psychology with a subspecialty in clinical neuropsychology, the study of the brain and behavior. His clinical training included working with patients at the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (Philadelphia), treating learning disorders in a pediatric neuropsychology private practice in suburban Philadelphia and performing cognitive behavioral therapy at Drexel University’s Student Counseling Center.  Matt completed his clinical internship working with traumatic brain and spinal cord injury patients at The Mount Sinai Medical in New York City.

    As a stand-up comedian, Matt Bellace has performed at clubs and colleges across the country, including Caroline’s on Broadway and Gotham Comedy Club in New York City.  During the pandemic, his Zoom comedy shows brought laughter to quarantined audiences to audiences of all ages.  Matt’s credits include truTV’s hit show The World’s Dumbest, the 2005 Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal, National Public Radio and The New York Times.

    Matt’s professional speaking career began in 1995 following the success of a student group he founded at Bucknell University.  Matt’s speaking work began in high schools and colleges, but quickly grew to national conferences, professional organizations and the military.  Matt had spoken in forty seven states and across Canada, annually appearing in front of over a hundred thousand people a year.  Although the pandemic halted live events, it has ushered in a new opportunity for reaching an even more diverse audience through virtual programs

    To learn more about Matt and take a look at the books he’s written, head over to https://www.mattbellace.com/

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    Ep: 110 - Helping At-Risk Youth Look At Their Time As Preparation...Not Punishment With Michy E. Morillo

    Ep: 110 - Helping At-Risk Youth Look At Their Time As Preparation...Not Punishment With Michy E. Morillo

    At-risk youth are students who need help avoiding the school to prison pipeline. This is what our guest Michy Morillo shares with us today on the show.

    Michy E. Morillo is an author, youth coach, and acclaimed keynote speaker with lived experience navigating the juvenile justice system. As a former juvenile delinquent and an expelled high school student, Michy went on to have a successful 20 year career in graphic design.

    Little did she know, being repeatedly incarcerated between the ages of 14 and 18 and being expelled were uniquely designed for her life’s purpose. Following the blueprint that she now shares, she is reaching back to bring others along. As a spirited entrepreneur and aspiring philanthropist, Michy is committed to being a transformative force in the lives of youth, serving as a conduit to the skills and tools that nurture growth.

    Morillo shared her insights on the difference between motivation and inspiration, the impact of our social circle, growth vs. fixed mindset, and perspective. Some of these strategies are so crucial for at-risk youth and Michy does a fantastic job at coaching these teens through some of the hardest times imaginable. She also gave me some homework. Take a listen to today's episode to find out!

    You can learn more about Michy and her work at celldreamer.com


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    Ep: 109 - Teach Teens To Manipulate Their Social Media Algorithm

    Ep: 109 - Teach Teens To Manipulate Their Social Media Algorithm

    Social media has become a hotly debated topic, and as teachers and youth coaches, it's important to discuss the pros and cons it provides.

    On the one hand, social media gives teens instant and broad access to their peers and interests, plus the opportunity to make real money. It also offers access to amazing education resources. 

    On the other hand, social media can be a highlight reel, leading to feelings of inadequacy, and it has made cyberbullying more pervasive. Additionally, algorithms can manipulate how our brains process what we’re seeing, creating a type of addiction. Social media isn't going anywhere. We need to teach teens how to take control.

    We need to make them aware of the physiological effects it has on them and encourage them to step back and assess if they’re actually enjoying the content. We should also explain how they can manipulate the algorithm to their benefit and remind them that they have the power to take a break from social media if they need to.


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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enMarch 08, 2023

    Ep: 108 - How To Help Students Redefine Stress

    Ep: 108 - How To Help Students Redefine Stress

    How we redefine stress can literally make stress a non issue! When it comes to our students dealing with the stress and anxiety that comes with things like college admissions, making the school team, or dealing with bullies, it's important that we teach students to redefine the stress by changing it's meaning.It's all about reframing things in a positive way and helping students realize that it's not the end of the world if they don't make the team or don't fit in with everyone socially.

    Take trying out for a school team or the musical, for example. Instead of taking failure as meaning they're not good enough, help them reframe it to "I'm not good enough yet." This will help them get past the disappointment and keep pushing forward.

    Bullying is another big issue that students have to deal with. Help them understand that the bully is the one who's broken and that they should have empathy and pity for them. It'll help them build resilience and inner strength.

    To help students really believe in their ability to redefine stress, simply ask questions and guide them instead of telling them what to do. Show them examples from your own life of how you've changed the meaning of experiences and how it's helped you cope with stress. 


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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enMarch 01, 2023

    Ep: 107 - Advice For Parents From A CTE Teacher With Khristen Massic

    Ep: 107 - Advice For Parents From A CTE Teacher With Khristen Massic

    A CTE teacher has a lot on their plate.

    For that matter, teachers in general have a lot on their plate! But when it comes to multiple prep teachers, there are other organizational challenges that are much more obvious. I can somewhat relate from my previous career as a music teacher. At the end of the day, the more organized and systematic we can be, the better off we can be for our kids.

    Today on the show we hear from a true productivity expert! Khristen Massic works with multi-prep teachers to create systems to simplify their  job and allow them to focus on sharing their talents as an educator. Khristen has a wide ranging career from CTE teacher, Assistant Principal and Productivity Coach and course creator.

    We have a fantastic conversation that begins with the return from Covid while Khristen was an active AP. We then dig into some of the organizational strategies that multi prep teachers such as CTE teachers really need to adopt. We touch on some issues that students are facing regarding self worth and then Khristen shares a story that TRULY...blows my mind!

    You can find more about Khristen over on her website, and definitely say hello on instagram!


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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enFebruary 22, 2023

    Ep: 106 - Teaching Students To Recognize Their Worth And Value With Kate Garnes

    Ep: 106 - Teaching Students To Recognize Their Worth And Value With Kate Garnes

    No matter how old you are, I think we can all relate to not feeling worthy at certain times. The feelings of not being good enough, strong enough or smart enough are somewhat natural emotions that are designed to keep us in place which ultimately is designed to keep us safe. The problem is we are no longer hiding from lions trying to eat us!

    Today I brought on someone who really knows how to teach students to recognize their worth and value as a human being. Kate Garnes is a professional youth speaker who is committed to teaching teens that changing the way you speak to yourself will change the world around you. Negative self talk is one of the biggest issues that teens can face today and Kate does a great job unpacking this issue.

    During our conversation we touched on the big decisions that students are faced with after high school. Kate mentioned that students today feel like they have to hold themselves to such high expectations in order to please everyone. We then touched on self worth and how teens are telling themselves such negative stories which keeps them stuck. The conversation continues with the issues of social media and students attaching their self worth to outside influences. Finally, we dive into the "excuses" students can make in order to keep them in their comfort zone instead of being vulnerable to failure.

    If you want to learn more about Kate, head over her website!

    Or you can order her book "Mix Tape" on Amazon!


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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enFebruary 15, 2023

    Ep: 105 - How To Regulate Your Nervous System With Molly Rasanen

    Ep: 105 - How To Regulate Your Nervous System With Molly Rasanen

    Teacher Burnout is a real problem and has been on the rise for the past few years. The pandemic has certainly expedited this issue. So today on the show we learn how to prioritize our own well-being as teachers and education professionals.

    Our guest, Molly Rasanen, is a holistic coach who specializes in energy healing. Molly helps us understand how our bodies hold trauma and how this can affect our emotions and reactions in the classroom. She explains how we can gain control of our nervous systems and how we can be intentional in the way we approach our well-being. We talk about numerous tactical strategies you can begin today such as mantras, breathing exercises, diet, sleep and morning routines! Most importantly, Molly shares her excitement around normalizing these practices and being able to see future generations of children having a better understanding of who they are and how they can heal themselves from the inside out!

    Molly Rasanen is a former ER Nurse turned Energy Healer & Holistic Life Coach. She specializes in helping humans learn and integrate the tools and techniques needed in order to go on the deep inward journey of healing & self discovery. Molly is not only an RN but a certified holistic nurse coach, reiki healer, and 500 hour trained yoga teacher with a passion for teaching the tools and modalities that allowed her the space to holistically heal her own anxiety, ptsd, and lifelong severe asthma from the inside out. She is on a mission to help spread the message that your body and minds were created to heal and that you are your own best healer. Molly hopes to one day be a piece of the puzzle that finally helps to integrate alternative & holistic modalities of healing into the western medical model as a form of education & preventative health care.

    You can find her on instagram @mollyrasanen to follow her work, subscribe to her mailing list, or grab a free call to see if coaching is a good fit for you!


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    Upgrade My Classroom
    enFebruary 08, 2023

    Ep: 104 - How To Teach Students Perspective Of Time

    Ep: 104 - How To Teach Students Perspective Of Time

    To teach students perspective of time is tricky. How can you teach students perspective when they have so little life experience to actually "have" perspective?

    On this episode, I discuss the importance of understanding our relationship with time, and how this is especially important for high school students. Time can be a double-edged sword, allowing us to be productive and feel like we're making progress, but at the same time it can make us feel anxious and even a bit fearful...as if we're running out of...time!

    The development of the human brain is not finished until our mid-to-late 20s, and this is especially relevant for high school students who are in the beginning stages of puberty, or who have yet to enter it. During this time, students are dealing with a lot of stress, both from within themselves and from the pressures of making decisions about their future. It's important to teach them strategies to leverage time and to build routines that will help them navigate the four years of high school.

    However, teaching strategies and routines may not always be enough. To really make an emotional connection with students, it's important to actually SHOW perspective.

    Tim Urban, a blogger and TED Talk speaker, has created a 90-year calendar to illustrate this point. Basically, he placed a box that represents every week of someone's 90 year life.

    1. No one is granted any specific amount of time
    2. There's really not that many boxes!
    3. We've already used quite a few!

    Check out today's episode to get some ideas to teach students perspective of time in your classroom.

    Also you definitely should check out Tim's Ted Talk!




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    Ep: 103 - Teenage Anxiety: Learn To Set Boundaries And Take Ownership With Brittany Richmond

    Ep: 103 - Teenage Anxiety: Learn To Set Boundaries And Take Ownership With Brittany Richmond

    In today’s ever-changing world, it’s becoming increasingly important for us to understand how to help our students cope and manage anxiety. Anxiety is a real and very common issue among teens, and the fact is, we need to be better prepared to see early signs and offer coping mechanisms. In today's episode Brittany Richmond, a Youth Speaker and Anxiety Expert, shared her insights on teenage anxiety and how we can better help our students navigate through it.

    Brittany explained that a significant issue teens are facing today is people-pleasing. She noted that, often times, teens feel like they have to please everyone, whether it’s their peers, their teachers, their parents, or even their online followers. This leads to unrealistic expectations and an overwhelming sense of pressure, which can be overwhelming and exhausting.

    Brittany also shared that teens communicate differently than previous generations. She explained that understanding their own "language" is essential if we want to be able to help them effectively. As education professionals, it’s important that we understand how our students express themselves and the mediums they communicate through.

    She also noted the stigma that still exists around mental health. Mental health is still a taboo topic for many, and this makes it difficult for teens to speak up about their feelings. Brittany suggested we work at creating a safe and secure environment in order for students to feel comfortable expressing their issues.

    On top of fostering an open environment for discussion, Brittany noted that it’s also important to teach strategies to help students cope with teenage anxiety. She suggested relaxation techniques such as mindfulness and deep breathing. It’s also important to help teens recognize their own triggers and to provide them with the skills to manage them, as well as their reactions to the triggers.

    Finally, Brittany suggested teaching teens the importance of self-care. She noted that teens often struggle with feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, and it’s important to help them understand the importance of taking time for themselves and doing things that make them happy and relaxed.

    Overall, Brittany offered a lot of great advice on how we can better help our students manage their anxiety. If you'd like to learn more about Brittany and how she can help your students, you can find her at brittanyrichmond.com, or follow her on Instagram @thebrittanyrichmond

    Upgrade My Classroom
    enJanuary 25, 2023

    Ep: 102 - How To Guide High School Students Into An Undergraduate Degree With Dan Wendelken

    Ep: 102 - How To Guide High School Students Into An Undergraduate Degree With Dan Wendelken

    Transitioning students from high school to college is tough.

    In this episode, I interview a colleague and great friend Mr. Dan Wendelken, an elementary band director from Long Island, New York. We have a wide ranging conversation surrounding his career now having taught elementary through college students. We start by discussing the differences between the emotional displays of elementary students and those of high schoolers. Dan explains that while elementary students are more likely to show their emotions, high schoolers are much better at hiding them.

    We then discuss a few ways to intervene in order to keep things as positive as possible for students who might be falling behind and feeling left out. We then get into the issues surrounding high schoolers who are transitioning to college. We consider whether it's better for students to take more advanced courses, more career specific prep courses or more individual mentoring such as private lessons and leaving more time to hone their craft (in this case, their abilities on the instrument).

    Our conversation today offers teachers important thoughts to ponder so they can help guide high school students into college based on the specific needs of each teen. You can see Dan perform with the Brooklyn Wind Symphony here!

    00:00 Intro

    02:58 Dan Wendelken

    07:56 Emotional differences between different aged students

    16:56 Decisions to make after high school

    22:48 Kevin's college acceptance story

    29:38 Difficulties choosing how to prepare for college

    42:57 Final thoughts


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    Ep: 101 - A Responsible Decision Making Framework For High School Students

    Ep: 101 - A Responsible Decision Making Framework For High School Students

    The choices we have, dictate the decisions we make which builds the patterns of our lives. In this episode I break down the CDP framework; an easy and digestible process for high school students to begin to see that responsible decision making is something completely achievable.

    When making choices, it is important to understand the difference between a choice and a decision. Choices are something that is presented to us and decisions are something that has already been done. Furthermore, there are three types of choices: obvious choices, hidden choices, and fabricated choices. Decision making is based on two factors: the physical and emotional state, as well as the meaning associated with the decision. Additionally, patterns can be divided into three levels: patterns, habits, and addictions.

    It's crucial to help students become aware of their choices, the decisions they make, and the patterns they are creating. By doing this, teens can become that much more aware of how they effect others and how they can lead their life in a more positive direction. Check out today's episode and leverage the CDP Framework in your classroom!


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    Ep: 100 - How To Facilitate Your Staff…And Students With Professor Michael Salzman

    Ep: 100 - How To Facilitate Your Staff…And Students With Professor Michael Salzman

    Today on the show I got to sit down with my college euphonium teacher, Professor Michael Salzman. As a recently retired music coordinator of the Syosset School District, Professor Salzman was responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work of other music teachers. He shed some light on how to facilitate your staff in order to support and nurture vs. correct and reprimand. We also discussed the nuances of going from a colleague to a boss.

    We then spoke about some of the challenges he's faced working with college music education and performance majors. Salzman values the importance of being a great performer because whether it's on stage as a tuba player or in front of a classroom with students, "you'll be performing everyday"! This can be tricky because often times there is so much turmoil in college students life such as homesickness, depression or anxiety.

    Professor Salzman went on to talk about the influence of his past teachers and credits them with shaping his own career and teaching style. He made some great analogies! So much so that I had to ask him if making great analogies was something he picked up from his past teachers.


    Michael Salzman has served on the music faculty of Hofstra University since 1993. At Hofstra he teaches tuba and euphonium, directs the Brass Ensemble and Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble, and teaches in the Music Education Program. For 33 years he has taught music at every grade level from Pre-K through college and has recently retired as the Coordinator of Performing Arts for Syosset Schools.

    Passionate about the benefits of music education in the lives of children, Salzman has been active in professional associations throughout his career. He is a Past President of NYSSMA, the New York State School Music Association, having served as President of this association of more than 5000 members in 2018-2019. The theme of his presidency was “Making the Magic of Music Education Accessible to All” and during his term he advocated throughout the state of New York for the right of every child to have access to a high quality Music Education.

    Salzman earned Music Performance degrees at Indiana University and the Mannes College of Music.  His principal teachers were Harvey Phillips, Sam Pilafian, Warren Deck and Bill Barber.  He is well known and regarded in the New York City area as a tuba player. He is a former Principal Tuba player of the Long Island Philharmonic and a founding member of the Cosmopolitan Brass Quintet.  He is the Regional Coordinator of the TubaChristmas concerts held every year at Rockefeller Center. His first solo album, Salztuba was released in 2020 to critical acclaim.  For more information, visit www.salztuba.com.


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