
    Uppercase Life

    Live bold, stay sane and flourish. An exploration of how to best use our time, energy and resources on high value stuff without being completely overwhelmed by life.
    enJoseph Brewster56 Episodes

    Episodes (56)

    Diffusing Negative Self Talk

    Diffusing Negative Self Talk

    A strategic optimist- Looking at the opportunity in the world versus the barriers and negative
    Example: seeing potential that people may not have seen in themselves, seeing that they are full of potential to do more than they are actually doing.
    Negative stories that someone is telling themselves is one of the reasons people will not see themselves at their full potential, and conversely will not try.

    What Others Wish You Knew About Their Time

    What Others Wish You Knew About Their Time

    Everyone wants a piece of your schedule, but what do they want from that time? Simply giving people time is not enough for cultivating meaningful interactions and satisfying the needs of those around you at work, at home and throughout your day. Here are things other people wished you knew about their expectations of your time. Which one is the hardest for you?

    Critique Me

    Critique Me

    I have a confession to make. I'm kind of a sensitive person in early in my life, it was really difficult for me to take criticism. I knew that I had a lot to learn, but I was also the sort of person who ties my identity deeply into the things that I do.
    So when people would say negative things about what it is I was doing, it felt like they were saying negative things about me. One of the hardest lessons to learn when you wander out into the world is what to do with everyone else's opinions about what you are and what you do. And it seemed like the popular stance of empowerment.
    I think the way in which you give and receive criticism could be even more important than the way that you compliment someone or the positive things people say about you.

    Find me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@josephbrewster1

    Predicting The Future

    Predicting The Future

    Wouldn't it be great if you could tell the future? In a way everyday we are gambling with our time. We are predicting how we should use our resources, What our body is going to do that day, and we are predicting how our schedule is going to go. You put things on your calendar, which are intentions you have, that you hope will happen or want to accomplish.

    Find me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@josephbrewster1

    A Fractional Saving

    A Fractional Saving

    So much of our lives are spent in front of a computer that using shortcuts makes quite a difference in saving us time. Using shortcut keys could save users up to 8 days out of their year. Your time savings happen in tiny fractional moments, and those savings can add up in the long run. How can you make your tasks more efficient? Build in systems that are making fractional savings everyday that will add up to be big chunks later on. 

    Find me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@josephbrewster1

    The Wrong Side of the Bed

    The Wrong Side of the Bed

    While most of our effort happens in the middle of the day, the effectiveness of that effort is predicated on what happens before and after those critical work hours. Your ability to be effective at what you do during the day is going to be limited or boosted, by how you choose to spend those first and last few minutes of that cycle.  Morning routines, and evening routines can make you a more productive person. Are you happy with your routines? Let's chat about it

    Find me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@josephbrewster1

    The Enemy of Generosity

    The Enemy of Generosity

    There are so many benefits of being generous, and many would like to be thought of as being that. The problem is sometimes it feels as though everyone wants something from you: time, money, resources, and so much more. How can we be generous when we don't have enough? You can't force it generosity as it must come from choice and a place of abundance, or we feel trapped. 

    Find me on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@josephbrewster1