
    Verity by Phylicia Masonheimer

    The Verity podcast is hosted by author, speaker and public theologian Phylicia Masonheimer. Covering topics of faith and culture from a biblical perspective, through a historical lens, the podcast is designed to inspire you to ask better questions, go deeper in faith, and defend your beliefs with both grace and logic.
    enPhylicia Masonheimer137 Episodes

    Episodes (137)

    125 | The World of the Early Church

    125 | The World of the Early Church

    Dive into the history of the church as we look at the culture, governments, historical events and social shifts that shaped its first 500 years!


    The parallels between the church of the second and third centuries and the global church today give us a glimpse of how we can live as Christians of conviction in a pagan world.

    123 | AMA from Verity Conference 2023 (CORRECTED)

    123 | AMA from Verity Conference 2023 (CORRECTED)

    In this week's special edition episode, we have the Ask Anything LIVE panel from Verity Conference 2023 featuring Joel Muddamalle, Lisa Whittle, and Phylicia Masonheimer emceed by Johnny Whitcomb. Listen in as they answer questions like

    • How do you establish appropriate boundaries?
    • What is the best way to train up theologically sound leaders?

    And even find out Phylicia's take on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce

    Stay up to date for the release of the entire Verity Conference session recordings and listen at your own pace by joining our email community at phyliciamasonheimer.com/newsletter

    Special thanks to our sponsors Logos, Compassion, Viable Options, Samaritan's Purse, Dwell Differently, Crossway, the Old Testament Handbook by CSB Bible, TAG Coffee, and Vilah Bloom.

    118 | Adoring God in Prayer

    118 | Adoring God in Prayer

    In this mini-series on prayer for the month of August, you'll learn how to pray in unique ways. We begin the series with adoration: adoring God through thanksgiving and praise. Phylicia talks about how to do this with Scripture and some practical tips for implementing daily.

    For more on spiritual disciplines, join Phylicia's newsletter here: https://phyliciamasonheimer.com/newsletter/

    115 | Desperate for God: My Testimony

    115 | Desperate for God: My Testimony

    Phylicia's personal testimony has been shared in pieces via blog posts and social media, but never in one place. This week Phylicia shares her story of pornography addiction, theological wrestling, chronic illness and loss, and how the circumstances of the last decade have strengthened her faith to do what Every Woman a Theologian does today.

    114 | Reconstructing After Legalism

    114 | Reconstructing After Legalism

    In light of the Amazon hit series Shiny Happy People, this week's episode is about deconstructing legalism - and how to rebuild your faith when it all feels so messy. We look at progressive and conservative fundamentalism, why "check list" holiness is so deceitful and how to find true freedom on the other side.

    For the email series on SHP, sign up for Phylicia's newsletter


    Newsletter signup: https://phyliciamasonheimer.com/newsletter/

    112 | Navigating Theological Differences in Dating

    112 | Navigating Theological Differences in Dating

    It's not easy out here in these dating streets! How do you ask good theological questions of a potential date? When do you give grace for differences and when you do draw the line? We talk about all this and more in this episode plus answer some listener questions on Christian Dating.


    How Relationships Have Changed with Dating Apps

    44 Questions to Ask Before Getting Engaged

    Short History of Dating



    How Relationships Have Changed with Dating Apps: https://scrippsnews.com/stories/how-relationships-have-changed-since-surge-of-dating-apps/#:~:text=Dating%20apps%20have%20expanded%20the,attitudes%20toward%20dating%20have%20shifted.

    44 Questions to Ask Before Getting Engaged: https://phyliciamasonheimer.com/44-questions-we-asked-before-getting-engaged/

    Short History of Dating: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/ztrptrd#:~:text=Dating%20%2D%20the%20term%20can%20fill,or%20a%20mixture%20of%20both.&text=The%20first%20use%20of%20the,getting%20turned%20by%20other%20men. 


    111 | Does God Give Consequences to His Children?

    111 | Does God Give Consequences to His Children?

    After receiving multiple questions about consequences in parenting (and asking them herself) Phylicia dove into Scripture to see what it said about consequences, condemnation and punishment. Are they the same? Different? If different, how?


    This episode looks at the Old and New Testaments for guidance on how God disciplines His own kids, which can in turn guide how we discipline ours.