
    View from Venus

    The View from Venus is a new podcast created and produced by Mary Churchill and Meg Palladino, the founders of the University of Venus blog at Inside Higher Ed. Like The View, The View from Venus is a talk show hosted by women with invited guest experts related to the topic of the day. We offer tips on surviving and thriving in the academy as well as successfully navigating work life integration. Our goal is to bring you 20 minutes of fun and laughter along with some solid takeaways.
    enMary L Churchill, Meg Palladino54 Episodes

    Episodes (54)

    2.5 Racial Literacy on Campus with Jessie Daniels

    2.5 Racial Literacy on Campus with Jessie Daniels

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • What do you do when you're having a bad day?
    • What does it mean to disrupt white supremacy and how can we do that effectively within higher ed?
    • Ways of advancing racial literacy on campus.
    • Disrupting white supremacy happens over generations. 
    • How white supremacy operates in admissions in hiring through conversations about excellence, standards, culture fit, and quality. 
    • The relationship between free speech and hate speech.
    • The importance of thinking of speech in terms of harm and asking: who is being harmed by the kind of speech w're inviting onto our campuses?
    • The importance of racial literacy within EDI committees on campus and moving beyond bias and implicit bias. 
    • The ways in which white women and men can step back and open up spaces for people of color to take the lead at our institutions. 
    • Far right attacks of faculty as attacks on public higher education and democracy. 
    • The shift in higher ed from a public good to a commodity. 
    • The challenge of being a public scholar and a scholar activist at a time when institutions are ill-prepared to protect faculty from threats and attacks. 

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    2.4 Community College Leadership with Kimberly Lee

    2.4 Community College Leadership with Kimberly Lee

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Kim’s leadership in community colleges and the opportunities for women to lead in this space. 
    • The importance of leadership affinity groups in our careers.
    • A.C.E.’s Women’s Network and the Moving the Needle initiative focused on getting more women into the college presidency role. 
    • The crucial role that community colleges play in higher ed. 

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    2.3 Women's Leadership in Higher Education with Ray Burgman

    2.3 Women's Leadership in Higher Education with  Ray Burgman

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
    • The origin and mission of HERS : Women in Higher Education Leadership, an organization for women leaders in higher education.
    • Overview of HERS programs.
    • Importance of a leadership network for women in higher ed.
    • What happens when people don't see you for the leader that you are and when people don't listen to you. 
    • With financial challenges at our institutions, we are experiencing situations where there are fewer people to do more of the work.
    • How a network can help you with wicked problems that need wicked solutions. 
    • The role that search firms and executive coaches can play in your professional career. 
    • The value of working with a search firm for filing roles on your campus and in your own search for a new role.
    • Advancing to the next stage in your career. 
    • Approaching coaching as a normal part of transitioning to a new role or a new institution.  

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    2.2 Building Online Networks with Karen Costa

    2.2 Building Online Networks with Karen Costa

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Women in Higher Ed, monthly newsletter for practitioners, with practical articles that creates a space for women to tell their stories.
    • WIHE Editor Kelly Baker's role in creating the community of the publication.
    • WIHE's job site and Twitter promotion of women getting promoted at their current institution or hired at new institutions. 
    • The #HigherEdReads initiative Karen Costa created with colleague, Clea Mahoney which creates an online space to help people keep on track with their professional reading goals. 
    • What Karen is reading right now: Indistractable by Nir Eyal - how to be more moderate with our screen use on devices.
    • Figuring out how to talk about health and wellness in higher ed, especially the combination of bodies, minds, and spirits. 
    • How Karen's background as a yoga teacher influences her approach to health and wellness in higher ed. 
    • The loneliness and isolation of the faculty life and how faculty can use online networks to mitigate that sense of isolation. 
    • The importance of creating space for women in higher ed that goes beyond institutions. 
    • Ways to use the Women Working in Higher Ed document Karen created for potential collaboration. 
    • Using zoom coffee dates to network. 
    • Two additional book recommendations from Karen and one from Mary: Social by Matthew Lieberman, HIVEMIND by Sarah Rose Cavanaugh, and Generous Thinking by Kathleen Fitzpatrick. 

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    2.1 - Strategic Service Work and Accreditation with Lisa Ijiri

    2.1 - Strategic Service Work and Accreditation with Lisa Ijiri

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be?
    • The importance of pink meetings in your day, with people who are either a nurturing or catalyzing influence.
    • Avoiding green meetings with people who are inhibiting or toxic.
    • The importance of building time for networking off campus into your calendar.
    • Determining what makes for a good committee assignment.
    • Choosing service work that helps you build your network outside of your home department.
    • How and why to get started with accreditation work on your campus.
    • Accreditation as peer review, telling your story to others at peer institutions.
    • Accreditation provides opportunities for faculty to interact with folks on campus that they don't normally interact with.
    • How to become part of a visiting accreditation team.
    • Annual accreditation meetings as ideal regional networking opportunities.

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    #8 - International Partnerships and Collaboration with Itir Toksöz

    #8 - International Partnerships and Collaboration with  Itir Toksöz

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Itir’s journey to international work.
    • Tips for international partnerships.
    • Challenges and barriers to international partnerships.
    • The importance of building relationships in building partnerships. 

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    #7 - Setting Boundaries and Avoiding Academic Burnout with Leslie Wang

    #7 - Setting Boundaries and Avoiding Academic Burnout with Leslie Wang

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • if you left your current professional life behind and ran away to follow your dreams, what would you be doing
    • How and why Leslie combined a traditional academic position with a life coaching business on the side. 
    • Why getting tenure is often a time of an identity crisis and when you question your purpose more deeply. 
    • How being a coach helps Leslie have a direct impact on women in higher ed.
    • How coaching skills improve teaching, research, and mentorship of students. 
    • Why academic women experience burnout and how to prevent burnout through value-based boundary setting.
    • Why taking naps is important self-care.
    • The importance of active listening for academics and why we need more of it.
    • How to Identify internal blocks like guilt and hyper responsibility to others. 
    • The problem of overwork and busyness as core to academic culture.
    • The importance of celebrating successes and creating a culture that celebrates success and values people. 
    • Top tips for avoiding academic burnout: take naps, say no, take lunch hour walks, express gratitude, stop competing over who is working hardest, and invest in yourself first.

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    #6 - Podcasting and Public Engagement with Hannah McGregor

    #6 - Podcasting and Public Engagement with Hannah McGregor

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • If you could have a year’s supply of anything, what would it be?
    • The pros and cons of podcasting as a form of public engagement for women
    • Gendered politics of the voice and expectations about what a listenable voice should sound like.
    • Podcasting as one of the safest spaces for women doing public work because if people hate you, they just won’t listen.
    • The practice of hate-reading and hate-skimming blog posts and using them as a platform for women-hating.
    • The policing of women’s voices and the different expectations around vocal style in the medium of podcasts.
    • Early 20th century middlebrow magazines as a formative public space for women writers and thinkers.
    • The role of middlebrow magazines as spaces for making and maintaining race, class, and gender.
    • The making of Witch, Please, Hannah’s podcast about the Harry Potter world.
    • The importance of using podcasts as a space for using our academic training and knowledge to resonate with wider listeners.
    • Hannah’s newest podcast, Secret Feminist Agenda, is like a really good bar conversation at the end of the day of the conference.
    • The experimental peer review process of Secret Feminist Agenda and the importance of rethinking our approach to peer review.
    • The skill set of making a podcast and the skill set of teaching a class are remarkably similar.
    • Pitch yourself as a guest on a podcast that you listen to and tell us how it goes.

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia

    #5 - Dealing with Imposter Syndrome with Mikaela Kiner

    #5 - Dealing with Imposter Syndrome with Mikaela Kiner


    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • .If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
    • Ways to deal with imposter syndrome.
    • Recognizing and labeling imposter syndrome. 
    • The link between perfectionism and imposter syndrome.
    • How can you get your butterflies flying in formation?
    • Helping people embrace their unique strengths as opposed to do this, don't do that.
    • The experiences of mid-career women who have been silenced, excluded, or talked over in the room. 
    • The importance of mentoring and coaching to create a safe space to talk with someone who is not judging you. 
    • The isolation of the faculty role and the importance of connecting with others outside of academia. 
    • At the end of the day, we’re all human. 

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas


    #4 - Doing All The Things with Roopika Risam

    #4 - Doing All The Things with Roopika Risam

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Using deadlines, invited talks, and conference presentations to advance a larger project (book, digital project).
    • Focusing on the work you want to do, not the work other people want you to do. 
    • Using Asana and TickTick to manage projects and to-do lists. 
    • Building your network through friends, colleagues, and social media.
    • Disseminating research on social media, through open access, and institutional repositories.
    • Taking advantage of times of the day that are best for writing vs. responding to email. 
    • Faculty-librarian collaboration. 
    • Computational textual analysis of The Baby Sitters Club books.
    • Leaving moments open for opportunities that make you think differently and connect you to new people.  

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas


    #3 - Raising Your Profile with Jeanne Zaino

    #3 - Raising Your Profile with Jeanne Zaino

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Promoting and celebrating other women in academia through networks of women.
    • Self-promotion can feel like bragging and can make you uncomfortable.
    • Promoting the work of faculty is important to the university and society.
    • Ways that institutions can structure and increase the promotion of faculty work.
    • The solitary life of the academic and the advantages of being part of a larger community.
    • Women Also Know and University of Venus as models of women promoting other women.
    • Recognizing and celebrating more mainstream publications such as op-eds and podcasts.
    • Providing op-ed writing workshops and training faculty and public relations offices on methods for publicizing faculty work.
    • Developing a fast-response team to help faculty and staff respond effectively to media requests.
    • The need for a critical mass of female leaders on campus to change the culture to get women more comfortable with self-promotion.
    • Getting over the idea that your work speaks for itself and that someone will find it.
    • Finding a way to talk about and share your work in a way that you can be proud of.

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas


    #2 - Feminist Witchcraft and Mental Clarity with Erica Feldmann

    #2 - Feminist Witchcraft and Mental Clarity with Erica Feldmann

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Learn more about how your home or office space can be an effective tool for mental clarity.
    • Reclaiming the title of witch as a way to re-center and stay grounded.
    • Creating a business instead of doing a PhD.
    • Using your blog and Instagram community as a launchpad for a brick and mortar store.
    • Radical feminism and anti-capitalism as a form of community building post-2016 election.
    • The advantage of getting political with your business.
    • Embracing your office as a second home and making it feel as good as you can.
    • Cultivating focus by identifying what is taking away from your ability to concentrate.
    • Using scent in your office as a way to take a break, clear your mind, and refocus.
    • The importance of setting boundaries.
    • Tips for introverts on developing community.
    • Tips for academics on creating mental clarity including getting back into your body through dance, yoga, meditation and 20-minute power naps and getting outside and taking a walk.
    • Hanging out with people who make you feel energized and intentionally including "pink" meetings that in your day.

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    #1 - Creating Your #AcademicStyle with Janni Aragon

    #1 - Creating Your #AcademicStyle with Janni Aragon

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Academic Style in Higher Ed
    • Describing your style by comparing it to a tv/movie character.
    • Academic obsession with Fluevog shoes. 
    • Dealing with sexism, racism, and ageism in the classroom and dressing professionally as a way to deal with the double standard. 
    • Thrift store and consignment store shopping when you are on a limited, graduate school budget. 
    • The role of makeup as part of your style and identity.
    • Having fun with your style when the culture is conservative and stuffy. 
    • Dressing up for work events
    • Being yourself and being comfortable. 
    • Don't be afraid to change your style as you change. 
    • Be there for other women, see other women, and support one another for taking risks and having style. 
    • The need for academic women of color to own the room and shift the power dynamics. 

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Welcome to the View from Venus with Mary Churchill and Meg Palladino

    Welcome to the View from Venus with Mary Churchill and Meg Palladino

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Having a successful career while having a life and having some fun.
    • Being the only woman at work and feeling alienated.
    • Building community through blogs and podcasts.
    • Starting a new podcast.
    • Blogging vs. podcasting.
    • Inspired by The View, the tv show
    • Join us as a guest.

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas