
    Visibility 9-11

    This podcast explores the many facets of the 9-11 attacks which contradict the governments official story, the massive cover-up which is currently underway, the failure of the mainstream media in America to ask real questions, and the aftermath of 9-11 including the un-Constitutional wars and the taking of liberty here at home. This broadcast examines the big picture of what is taking place in America today and how September 11th fits into the scheme of things. Forget "conspiracy theory"! The governments own story about what happened is itself a "conspiracy theory"! We want 9-11 Truth.
    enMichael Wolsey131 Episodes

    Episodes (131)

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Dr. Frank Legge, PhD

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Dr. Frank Legge, PhD

    This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes Dr. Frank Legge, PhD to the program.  Dr. Legge is a chemist and serves as a co-editor at the Journal of 9-11 Studies.  He has contributed many essays and papers on the topic of September 11th, including his role in the peer reviewed article titled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9-11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.  

    This interview focuses on Dr. Legge's new essay is titled What Hit the Pentagon? and is published in it's latest version (v.5) at the Journal of 9-11 Studies.  This essay's leading hypothesis states that:

    The major hypothesis is that various groups within the 9/11 truth movement are strongly asserting contradictory views and hence weakening the credibility of the movement as a whole.  The damage is exacerbated if the supporters of these views not only disagree but also attack one another.

    Dr. Legge also includes a minor hypothesis which says:

    The minor hypothesis of the paper is that there is no scientific proof that a Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon.

    Both hypotheses are examined as well as the idea that the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory is a booby trap for the entire movement.  This idea states that if members of the 9-11 movement continue to promote this "no  plane" theory as fact, that as our efforts become increasingly mainstream, we run the risk of the government producing a video of AA 77 actually hitting the Pentagon.  We know the government has many videos which they have deliberately withheld from the public.  What little information we have been given through official channels has only fueled the "no plane" argument.  If a video were released tomorrow, it is suggested that this would thrust the entire movement into disarray as well as be used in the media to discredit us and irrevocably damage our credibility.

    Also of importance in Dr. Legge's essay is the section on The Precautionary Principle.  We at Visibility 9-11 endorse this approach and caution listeners and visitors to do your homework and only present to the public that information which is solidly documented or backed up by scientific research.

    Lastly, is a brief mention of the fine work of John Bursill in hosting 4 events in Australia and New Zealand during the month of November.  The Hard Evidence Tour Down Under 2009 will feature my guest Dr. Legge as well as other solid and reputable members of the movement, and providing to the public only the best evidence we have.  Thanks to John Bursill for pulling together such a fine line-up and for setting a great example for everyone to follow when it comes to bringing to the public only that information which can be solidly proven.  If you want to help with the costs associated with these conferences, which are largely being funded by John himself, please send an email to johnbursill@gmail.com.

    Words of Freedom Welcomes Shari Bernson, Executive Producer KBDI-TV, Channel 12 in Denver

    Words of Freedom Welcomes Shari Bernson, Executive Producer KBDI-TV, Channel 12 in Denver

    This episode of Words of Freedom welcomes to the program Shari Bernson, Membership Director and Executive Producer at KBDI-TV, Channel 12 in Denver Colorado.  KBDI has taken bold steps in recent months with historic airings of 9-11 Press for Truth on June 3 as well as the August 15th, 2009 airing of 9-11 Blueprint for Truth.  These fund raisers for the Denver PBS television station included a screening of these excellent documentaries along with in studio interviews with Kyle Hence, Ray Nowosielski, 9-11 family member Bob McIlvaine, and Richard Gage, AIA with members of Colorado 9-11 Visibility who were on hand answering phones.

    Shari is a nationally recognized producer with over 20 years-combined experience in the television, entertainment and media.  She has been a leader in her field and has raised over $17 million dollars for public television.  Shari is also an on-air talent for KBDI and serves as the main host during these historic airings.
    This interview contains excerpts from a longer interview and was broadcast on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins Colorado on August 3rd and again on August 17th, 2009.  We think this program provides a valuable tool for 9-11 activists to take to the PBS stations in their area to better demonstrate the positive experiences of KBDI after making the decision to air programming with September 11th content.  This interview features a behind the scenes look at some of the decision making processes which went into selecting these documentaries for airing, how 9-11 Press for Truth was received by the public, the role of the local 9-11 group, and the groundswell of support from the Colorado community and indeed from around the world.

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes 9-11 Researcher Jim Hoffman

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes 9-11 Researcher Jim Hoffman

    This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program long time 9-11 researcher Jim Hoffman.  Jim is a software engineer who has specialized in developing new algorithms, applications is computational geometry, and scientific visualization.   His work has been instrumental in significant new scientific discoveries and has been featured in articles in Nature, Scientific American, Science Digest and Science News.

    Jim's work on 9-11 has laid an early foundations for the 9-11 truth movement and his work is often cited by important figures in the 9-11 movement such as Dr. David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage and Dr. Steven Jones.  Focusing on what happened at the World Trade Center, Jim was one of the first people to point out facts surrounding the 3 building "collapses" on 9-11 including an extensive analysis of the Twin Towers and Building 7.  His excellent website, wtc7.net, was one of the first websites to seriously ask if explosives were used at the World Trade Center on 9-11.  wtc7.net has proved to be a timeless and valuable resource and, to this day, is waking up visitors to the site for the first time.  Jim also currently maintains and regularly updates 911review.com and 911research.com.

    Jim has also co-authored a book called Waking Up from Our Nightmare: The 9/11 Crimes in New York City with fellow 9-11 truth activist Don Paul.  These two gentlemen also produced a video together called 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands. Both of these works focus on the mountain of evidence that all three high rises on 9-11 were brought down with the aid of pre-planted explosives.

    Jim's work is ongoing and he continues to publish valuable essays on the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7.  His latest articles include Thermitic Pyrotechnics in the WTC Made Simple: Three Points of Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe that Anyone Can Understand, and Explosives Found in World Trade Center Dust: Scientists Discover Both Residues And Un-ignited Fragments Of Nano-Engineered Thermitic Pyrotechnics In Debris From the Twin Towers.

    Jim Hoffman has also had a great impact on the 9-11 truth movement as a whole with his well-reasoned and documented critiques of popularly held myths within the movement itself.  Through extensive fact checking and analysis, Jim has been able to identify the weakest claims in the 9-11 movement and expose them as likely misinformation. Misinformation takes many forms but is generally information which has not been substantially proven and can be patently ridiculous on its surface, which is spread by well meaning people who don't take the time to do the research.  Over the years, a pattern has emerged by personalities who insist on promoting some of the worst information about 9-11 that one can find.  "No Planes" were used on 9-11, beams from space brought down the World Trade Center, or holograms and/or "TV fakery" was used instead of real planes at the WTC have all in one way or another been promoted by "Big Tent" advocates like Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer, Morgan Reynolds and others.  Interestingly enough, these weakest of links in the pool of 9-11 information have been the same "straw man" arguments that have been used time and again by the mainstream media to attack our movement and discredit us.  We at Visibility 9-11 think there are valuable clues to be found in these established patterns that would indicate a possible coordinated effort between disinformation specialists and the media to discredit our legitimate arguments and evidence.

    This episode begins with an audio clip from a speech by Dr. William Pepper from June 2006.  At the conference in Chicago, 9/11 Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming our Future, Dr. Pepper clearly warns the 9-11 truth movement about infiltration by specialists in disinformation and even gives an example of how he was duped during his research into the assassination of MLK.  I was present during this speech and Dr. Pepper's words had a great impact on me, which inspired the production of my Visibility 9-11 COINTELPRO Special Report in early 2007, where I interviewed both Jim Hoffman and Dr. Pepper on this topic.  Visibility 9-11 also produced a newsletter entirely devoted to this topic, it's history and manifestations in October of that same year.  This is must reading if you are to understand how disinformation is being used to discredit YOU.

    One of the main goals we have at Visibility 9-11 is to educate our listeners and ourselves about all aspects of the September 11th tragedy.  To this end, we are taking on a more active role in addressing this important issue.  In fact, we believe the issue of disinformation to be the most important issue that each of us face as 9-11 activists.  As blogger Arabesque has pointed out many times, the “Official Story” is itself disinformation and must be regarded as such.  Ultimately, we are the ones in the street and on the blogs and forums who will have to face the ridicule if our facts are not straight and if we are to be successful, we must learn to identify the disinformation and insert caution into your activism.

    As pointed out by my guest on this program, it is agreed that central to the various themes of disinformation are the "no jetliner" claims, especially the "no 757" claims for the attack on the Pentagon.  In spite of substantial resources being poured into books and videos which claim that there was no airliner crash at the Pentagon on 9-11, Jim Hoffman has published extensive work which would bring these claims into question.  Careful examination of Jim's work reveals a different picture of the Pentagon attack than the "no jetliner" advocates.  We at Visibility 9-11 acknowledge that there are many valid reasons for us to believe the "no jetliner" claims.  However, a closer look reveals the real possibility that the event at the Pentagon has been manipulated from the start through the use of "official" and un-offical sources.

    This program takes a closer look at "Citizen Investigation Team" (CIT) and it's biggest promoter Pilots for 9-11 Truth and their latest effort to advance the "no jetliner" theory. Their new video, National Security Alert, which is being aggressively promoted on the internet and at public events, alleges that not only did the Boeing jet not strike the Pentagon, but flew over it at the last minute in an elaborate deception that not a single witness has claimed to see, and, contradicts the testimony of hundreds of eyewitnesses in the area.

    Extensive research has been done to expose this hoax and is highly recommended reading by Visibility 9-11.

    The Pentagon Strike: Mysteries Persist in Pentagon Attack by Jim Hoffman
    To Con a Movement: Exposing CIT's PentaCon 'Magic Show' by Victoria Ashley
    Google Earth Exposes Pentagon Flyover Farce by Jim Hoffman
    CIT, Craig Ranke, Aldo Marquis, and the PentaCon Flyover Theory: Origin, Debate, and the ‘Smoking-Gun’ Anti-Controversy by Arabesque
    Breaking Down CIT's Bill of Goods by Jim Hoffman
    CIT Virus by John Michael Talboo and ScootleRoyale

    Visibility 9-11 COINTELPRO Special Report
    Visibility 9-11 October 2007 Newsletter
    Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation by H. Michael Sweeney


    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Shari Bernson, Membership Director and Executive Producer, KBDI-TV Channel 12 Denver

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Shari Bernson, Membership Director and Executive Producer, KBDI-TV Channel 12 Denver

    This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program Shari Bernson, Membership Director and Executive Producer at KBDI-TV, Channel 12 in Denver Colorado.  KBDI has taken bold steps in recent months with an historic airing of 9-11 Press for Truth on June 3, 2009.  This 3 hour fund raiser for the Denver PBS station included a screening of this excellent documentary along with in studio interviews with Producer Kyle Hence, Director Ray Nowosielski, 9-11 family member Bob McIlvaine, and members of Colorado 9-11 Visibility who were on hand answering phones.

    Shari Bernson is a nationally recognized producer with over 20 years-combined experience in the television, entertainment and media.  She has been a leader in her field and has raised over $17 million dollars for public television.  Shari is also an on-air talent for KBDI and was one of the hostesses during the June 3rd, 2009 airing of 9-11 Press for Truth.  

    This interview provides a behind the scenes look at some of the decision making processes which went into selecting this documentary for airing, how it was received by the public, the role of the local 9-11 group, and the groundswell of support from the Colorado community and indeed from around the world.  Shari also discusses how this event and film has changed her personally and the way she now views the mainstream media in America and the events of September 11th, 2001.  

    Most exciting of all during this interview was the announcement that KBDI will continue taking bold steps with regards to the events of September 11th with what shall prove to be yet another historic broadcast for 9-11 truth.  Tentatively scheduled, KBDI will be doing another fund raiser on August 15, 2009, this time featuring the world premier of Richard Gage's excellent documentary 9-11 Blueprint for Truth.  Additionally, KBDI will be flying Richard to Colorado for on-air interviews during this historic broadcast.  A press release is due to published soon.

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Kyle Hence, Producer 9-11 Press for Truth

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Kyle Hence, Producer 9-11 Press for Truth

    This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program Kyle Hence, founder of 9-11 Citizens Watch and producer of the excellent documentary 9-11 Press for Truth.  Included is a brief discussion about the film as well as a new film Kyle is working on based on footnote #44 in Chapter 6 of the 9-11 Commission Report.  A press release from the September 11th Advocates reads in part:

    "In July 2004, when the 9/11 Commission released its Final Report, we read with enormous interest, Chapter 6 - "From Threat to Threat", including footnote #44. Footnote #44 details an instance where a CIA desk officer intentionally withheld vital information from the FBI about two of the 9/11 hijackers who were inside the United States. This footnote further states that the CIA desk officer covered-up the decision to withhold said vital information from the FBI. Finally, footnote #44 states that the CIA desk officer could not recall who told her to carry out such acts."

    Also included in this discussion are the circumstances surrounding the historic national premier of 9-11 Press for Truth on a major market PBS station.  On June 3, 2009 at 7:00pm, 9-11 Press for Truth will be shown on KBDI, Channel 12 in Denver Colorado.  This historic broadcast will feature in studio interviews during the broadcast of Kyle Hence, Bob McIlvaine, and a representative of Colorado 9-11 Visibility.  As has been the case for the past couple of years, Colorado 9-11 Visibility will also be manning the phone banks during the broadcast which is also part of their periodic fund drives at KBDI.  A great list of 9-11 books and DVD's will be offered as premium gifts to viewers who pledge during this broadcast.  Please contact KBDI and let them know how much you appreciate this historic broadcast and if you can, give them a donation which best fits your budget.

    Music by The Last Ditch Stand

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes John-Michael Talboo and Stewart Bradley of Debunking the Debunkers

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes John-Michael Talboo and Stewart Bradley of Debunking the Debunkers

    This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes John-Michael Talboo and Stewart Bradley of the blog Debunking the Debunkers.

    John-Michael is the creator and administrator of 911debunkers.blogspot.com where he and Bradley debunk the "debunkers" of the 9/11 truth movement. He has been a 9/11 activist since late 2004, and is a grassroots organizer listed on 911truth.org for the state of Indiana, is a member of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth AE911Truth.org video team, and a founding member of the central Indiana chapter of the activist organization We Are Change.

    Stewart Bradley is an artist, documentary journalist, and political activist living in Lancaster Pennsylvania who runs an independent mulit-media studio. Stewart was already investigating covert government operations before 9/11 and since 9/11 has re-dedicated himself to exposing the public misconceptions behind the attack. In 2004 he wrote and produced a 9/11 docudrama titled "The Proof"and has been actively promoting 9/11 research through his website, blogs, videos, and internet debates. More at: http://bradleyinfotainment.com

    Topics discussed include the "debunkers" take on the new scientific paper, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, and defence thereof.

    The MO and possible motives of defenders of the official story is also spoke of, and put into a larger historical context. Mentioned is a declassified CIA memo from April 1967 entitled, Countering Criticism of the Warren Report, which states that one way to achieve this goal is to...

    "Employ propaganda assets to answer and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passage to assets. Our play should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (i) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (ii) politically interested, (iii) financially interested, (iv) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (v) infatuated with their own theories."

    Direct download: visibility911_debunkers.mp3

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Chemist Dr. Niels H. Harrit

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Chemist Dr. Niels H. Harrit

    Visibility 9-11 continues our Special Report on the new research paper titled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe and features an interview with Danish chemist Dr. Niels H. Harrit.  Dr. Harrit is an associate professor of chemistry at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and is the author/or co-author of nearly 60 peer reviewed scientific papers.  Dr. Harrit has also served on numerous occasions as a peer reviewer/referee for scientific papers written by others.  My guest today is also a member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice and actively tours Denmark lecturing on his discoveries into the 9-11 cover-up. 

    Our talk today with Dr. Harrit features an in-depth discussion on a new paper which has been formally published and peer reviewed by The Open Chemical Physics Journal titled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.  In this revolutionary new research paper, discoveries made in the World Trade Center Dust, particularly the red/gray bi-layered chips, are examined in great detail and include evidence of the thermite fingerprint at every juncture.

    The research paper ends with this sentence, which pulls no punches when it comes to what the authors believe these red/gray chips to be: 

    "Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."

    Dr. Steven E. Jones, co-author of the paper writes: 

    "In short, the paper explodes the official story that no evidence exists for explosive/pyrotechnic materials in the WTC buildings."  The red/gray chips are the "loaded gun" of  9-11.

    Read this important paper directly at The Open Chemical Physics Journal website here.

    Find links to the research paper, previous episodes of this special report, and watch for other planned interviews on this topic at our Visibility 9-11 Special Report, The Thermite Fingerprint; The Loaded Gun of 9-11.

    Intermission music by Bob Dylan.
    Ending music by Dan Tyler.


    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Back Dr. Steven E. Jones

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Back Dr. Steven E. Jones

    This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program, Physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones. 

    Dr. Jones is a retired physics professor and first emerged in late 2005 with his important paper Why Indeed Did the World Trade Center Buildings Completely Collapse?, and has continued to do groundbreaking research into the "collapses" of all three high rise buildings on September 11th, 2001. 

    Dr. Jones both sits as co-editor at the Journal of 9-11 Studies and is the founder of Scholars for 9-11 Truth and Justice.  He has been a stalwart in the scientific and scholarly area of the 9-11 Truth Movement.

    Our talks today with Dr. Jones features an in-depth discussion on a new paper which has been formally published and peer reviewed by The Open Chemical Physics Journal titled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.  In this revolutionary new research paper, discoveries made in the World Trade Center Dust, particularly the red/gray bi-layered chips, are examined in great detail and include evidence of the thermite fingerprint at every juncture.

    The research paper ends with this sentence, which pulls no punches when it comes to what the authors believe these red/gray chips to be: 

    "Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."

    Dr. Steven E. Jones, co-author of the paper writes: 

    "In short, the paper explodes the official story that “no evidence” exists for explosive/pyrotechnic materials in the WTC buildings."  The red/gray chips are the "loaded gun" of  9-11.

    Read this important paper directly at The Open Chemical Physics Journal website here.

    Download these important episodes of Visibility 9-11 and here and here.

    Find links to the research paper, these episodes, and watch for other planned interviews on this topic at our Visibility 9-11 Special Report, The Thermite Fingerprint; The Loaded Gun.


    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Back Kevin Ryan

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Back Kevin Ryan

    This episode of Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program, Kevin Ryan

    Kevin is a chemist and is formerly of Underwriter Laboratories and became a 9-11 whistleblower when he was fired for writing his now infamous 2004 letter  to Frank Gayle at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).  Kevin has been very prolific in his research since getting fired by UL and has either authored or co-authored many important papers relating to 9-11 since 2004.

    Kevin sits as a co-editor at the Journal of 9-11 Studies and has been a stalwart in the scientific and scholarly area of the 9-11 Truth Movement.

    Our talk today with Kevin features an in-depth discussion on a new paper which has been formally published and peer reviewed by The Open Chemical Physics Journal titled Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe.  In this revolutionary new research paper, discoveries made in the World Trade Center Dust, particularly the red/gray bi-layered chips, are examined in great detail and include evidence of the thermite fingerprint at every juncture.

    The research paper ends with this sentence, which pulls no punches when it comes to what the authors believe these red/gray chips to be: 

    "Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material."

    Kevin Ryan, one of the co-authors of the research paper says,

    "My colleagues and I have a new mainstream peer-reviewed paper published today, entitled "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust From the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe".  Basically it shows that high tech explosive/pyrotechnic materials are scattered throughout the WTC dust.  How can this be?"

    Read this important paper directly at The Open Chemical Physics Journal website here.

    Download these important episodes of Visibility 9-11 and here and here.

    Find links to the research paper, these episodes, and watch for other planned interviews on this topic at our Visibility 9-11 Special Report, The Thermite Fingerprint; The Loaded Gun.


    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Singer/Songwriter Jesse Goplen

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Singer/Songwriter Jesse Goplen

    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes singer and songwriter Jesse Goplen.  Jesse’s debut CD Cowboy is organically home grown and is a raw, impassioned and above all brutally honest all-acoustic set that marks the emergence of an important socially conscious musical voice of our time.

    Although Cowboy is Jesse’s first official full-fledged release, he received great notoriety for September Eleven Blues, his 2007 EP of 9/11 “truth songs” which featured the powerful title track and another called Controlled Demolition. Both tracks received air and podcast play and were popular within the 9/11 truth movement as well as on stations like KRCB; they also received prominent mention on sites like www.911blogger.com

    This episode features many of Jesse's greatest hits from the new CD as well as his 9-11 anthems September 11 Blues and Controlled Demolition.

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Physicist David Chandler, ae911truth.org

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Physicist David Chandler, ae911truth.org

    Visibility 9-11 welcomes David Chandler, American Association of Physics Teachers and member of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.

    David has a BS from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA (IPS major--independent program of studies with emphasis in physics and engineering); MA in education from Claremont Graduate University; MS in mathematics from Cal Poly, Pomona and has taught Physics/Mathematics/Astronomy at K-12 and Jr. college levels. He is also and author and served formerly on the editorial board of The Physics Teacher, an AAPT journal.  David is also an active designer and inventor of educational materials emphasizing quantitative visualization.

    David's recent article, WTC7: NIST Admits Freefall focuses on some of the significant errors and descepancies in the final NIST report on the collapse of tower 7 and includes exerpts from a tehnical briefing held by NIST on August 26, 2008.  During this briefing, questions were put to the panel by David Chandler as well as Dr. Steven Jones.

    Intermission music by Libra Project.

    Ending music by Prymal Rhythm

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Constitution Expert Michael Badnarik

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Constitution Expert Michael Badnarik

    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes Constitutional expert Michael Badnarik.  Mr. Badnarik ran for President of the United States in 2004 and was actually arrested when he dared to cross police lines in protest of being excluded from the Presidential debates of 2004.  He also teaches an 8 hour class as an introduction to the Constitution and has written a book about the Constitution titled Good to be King; Foundations of Freedom.  For more information, visit Michael's website at Constitution Preservation.

    This interview includes a frank discussion about the usurpation's of the Constitution since 9-11 through the USA PATRIOT Act and the Military Commissions Act, George Orwell, and some of Mr. Badnarik's doubts about the official story of 9-11 and his support for a new investigation. 

    Intermission music by Lynn Ahrens.

    Ending music by High-C.

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Richard Gage, AIA, Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Richard Gage, AIA, Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth

    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes San Francisco Bay area architect Richard Gage, AIA, founder and driving force behind Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.  To date, 477 architectural and engineering professionals and 2432 other supporters including A&E students have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation.

    This discussion focuses around the AE911 slogan, "9/11: Re-examining the 3 WTC high-rise "collapses" and includes information relevant to the fall of the Twin Towers and WTC7 as well as the recently released and long awaited NIST report in the implosion of building 7.

    Intermission music by Mos Def and Immortal Technique.

    Ending music by Gary Moore.

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Erik Lawyer, Fire Fighters for 9-11 Truth

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Erik Lawyer, Fire Fighters for 9-11 Truth

    This week Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Erik Lawyer, founder of Fire Fighters for 9-11 Truth.  Erik is a veteran fire fighter with the city of Seattle and recently woke up to the lies being promoted by the mainstream media, the government, and the 9-11 Commission.  From the FF911T website:

    "Firefighters for 9-11 Truth is a non-partisan association of firefighters and affiliates created to increase awareness, provide public education, demand a real investigation that follows National Standards, and provide support to our Brothers and Sisters in need. We are deeply troubled by the “official” story, and the way the rescue workers from Ground Zero are being forgotten."

    Erik recently penned an article titled MAYDAY...MAYDAY...MAYDAY which documents his path aimed at truth, justice, and accountability for those truly responsible for the events of September 11th, 2001.  Visibility 9-11 enthusiastically supports Erik and all his fine efforts.

    Intermission music by Robbie Robertson.

    Ending music by the Anthony Brown Orchestra (Gershwin).

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Author Mark Watterson

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Author Mark Watterson

    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes Mark Watterson, author of the new book Don't Weep for Me America; How Democracy in America Became the Prince.  Mark Watterson masterfully brings together the information required to really understand what is going on in America today.  Watterson explains in great detail how our government has transformed into a rogue state willing to commit false flag terrorist events against its own citizens. 

    This is the best book I have ever read which will help the reader connect the dots between major events in our history.  Citing numerous examples, Watterson paints a dim picture of a tainted history which has been re-written for public consumption by those who own the media in America.  Don't Weep for Me America, despite being packed with a lot of information, is written in a very readable and logical manner with a passionate, yet very personable style.  Readers will be led through a series of important underlying themes which include and introduction the the monumental work, 1984 by George Orwell, the allegory of Plato's Cave, Alexis de Tocqueville and his book, Democracy in America, and Niccolo Machiavelli, who in 1513 penned the book The Prince.

    This book comes highly recommended by Visibility 9-11 and will be a valuable tool, both in the terms of the knowledge you will gain by reading it and as a tool to wake friends and loved ones up about what is really going on in America.  Don't Weep for Me America is the Red Pill and will wake people up.  No one who reads this work will ever see the world the same again.

    Intermission music by Anne Waldman.
    Ending music by The Dixie Chicks.

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes National Security Whistleblower J. Michael Springmann

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes National Security Whistleblower J. Michael Springmann

    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes former diplomat from the State Department's Foreign Service J. Michael Springmann. Mr. Springmann served postings in Germany, India, Saudi Arabia, and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research in Washington D.C. He is a published author of several articles on national security themes, and is an attorney in private practice in Washington D.C.

    Michael has attended several 9/11 Conferences over the years, most notably, the 9/11 Omission hearings on 9/9/2004 chaired by former Representative and current Green Party candidate for President, Cynthia McKinney, as well as the recent conference in Keene, NH.

    Included in this important interview is a discussion regarding a new article by Mr. Springmann titled, THE MISTAKE DEPARTMENT: One Example of Why American Foreign Policy is a Disaster that discusses the American Consulate General at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and it's relationship to 15 of the 19 September 11th hijackers. In it, he says that "the Jeddah Consulate was not a State Department post but an intelligence services operation", "the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) routinely demanded (and got) visas for sleazy characters with no ties to either their home country or Saudi Arabia," and "these vile people were terrorists recruited by U.S. intelligence officers along with Osama bin Laden, then a CIA asset."

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Producer Jarek Kupsc, The Reflecting Pool

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Producer Jarek Kupsc, The Reflecting Pool

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Jarek Kuspc, Actor, Director, and Producer of the new film, The Reflecting Pool.  This is the first film of its kind which openly questions the official version of the events of September 11th in a dramatic story of discovery, sorrow, and the inevitable contempt for the media in America and their role in keeping the 9-11 cover-up intact. 

    From the DVD cover:

    An investigation of the 9/11 events by a Russian-American journalist and a father of a 9/11 victim implicates the US government in the attacks.

    ALEX PROKOP (Jarek Kupsc), a successful journalist, receives a rare 9/11 video tape revealing new information about the attack. The footage was sent by PAUL COOPER (Joseph Culp), a driven researcher, whose daughter died on 9/11. Sensing a good story, Prokop travels with Cooper to New York and Washington, DC, where they uncover suppressed information implicating the US Government in the attacks. As Cooper introduces Prokop to key eye-witnesses, the façade of the "official story" begins to crumble. Prokop hears accounts of underground explosions in the Twin Towers moments before their collapse and discovers that the firm providing WTC security was run by the President's brother.

    We follow Alex and Cooper as they investigate the inexplicable collapse of the 47-story WTC Building Seven, disprove the implausible airliner "attack" on the Pentagon, and uncover the illegal destruction of physical evidence from Ground Zero.

    The pressure builds as the FBI intimidates Alex's editor, McGUIRE, (Lisa Black) to reveal key sources – while the magazine's corporate investors threaten to kill the entire story. Plagued by the ghosts of his Communist childhood and trying to uphold the independence of American journalism, Alex's search for the truth leads to a dangerous and shocking realization!

    THE REFLECTING POOL is an intense, sobering investigation into the most controversial tragedy of our time. Drawn from established sources and based on verifiable facts, THE REFLECTING POOL is a thought-provoking study of a search for truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly news.


    Words of Freedom Welcomes Tim Boyle, Colorado 9-11 Visibility

    Words of Freedom Welcomes Tim Boyle, Colorado 9-11 Visibility

    This week, Words of Freedom host Michael Wolsey welcomes Tim Boyle, 9-11 activist and co-founding member of Colorado 9-11 Visibility.  Tim has been active in the Denver area since 2004 and has been an integral part of the 9-11 Truth Movement in Colorado.  Tim has organized several large 9-11 events in Colorado and has traveled the country seeking answers to the questions of 9-11. 

    Words of Freedom airs on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins Colorado and is heard worldwide on the web at krfcfm.org every Monday evening at 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time.  Michael Wolsey is the host of Visibility 9-11, the podcast dedicated to exposing the fraud of the official story of September 11th, 2001 and along with George Flynn, co-hosts the weekly Words of Freedom broadcast on KRFC.  

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson

    This week, Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson to the program.  Long time freedom advocate, Senator Johnson recently drew fire in the media for her outspoken advocacy for the truth to come out regarding the September 11th attacks.  On June 10, 2008, Senator Johnson gave an historic speech on the floor of the Arizona Senate where she honored Blair Gadsby, the 9-11 Truth Movement, and called for a new and independent investigation into the events of September 11th.  Departing from the norm of providing an evidence based 9-11 informational resource, this interview focuses on a more personal side of the Senator, her background and motivations for America, media control, the hope for justice, and an end to false flag terrorism in America.  This lady is the real deal and was an honor to have her as a guest on the program; don't miss this one.  THANK YOU Senator Johnson!

    Intermission features The Declaration of Independence from Words of Freedom by George Flynn.

    Ending Music by Jerm.

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Blair Gadsby, hungry4truth.com

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Blair Gadsby, hungry4truth.com


    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes Blair Gadsby who is now in day 8 of his Hungry for Truth street action outside of the Phoenix office of Republican Neo-Con boot lick and presidential candidate John McCain. Blair has repeatedly requested an audience with the Senator and has pledged to camp outside his office 17 hours a day and continue his hunger strike for as long as possible or until Mr. McCain agrees to meet with him.  So far, Blair's efforts have been met upon with the deaf ears of Mr. McCain and the mainstream media establishment.  Visibility 9-11 urges all listeners and interested parties to 1) Contact John McCain's Senatorial offices and tell them you want Mr. McCain to speak with Blair, and 2) Contact the local Phoenix media outlets as well as the national media representatives and urge them to DO THEIR JOB and cover this historic non-violent action for 9-11 truth.  All contact info below.


    ·         Phoenix Office:

    5353 North 16th Street
    Suite 105
    Phoenix, AZ 85016
    Main: 602-952-2410
    Fax: 602-952-8702

    ·         Tempe Office:

    4703 South Lakeshore Drive
    Suite 1
    Tempe, AZ 85282
    Main: 480-897-6289
    Fax: 480-897-8389

    ·         Tucson Office:

    407 West Congress Street
    Suite 103
    Tucson, AZ 85701
    Main: 520-670-6334
    Fax: 520-670-6637

    ·         Washington Office:

    241 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Main: 202-224-2235
    Fax: 202-228-2862

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    Special thanks to metallus2 and baldfacelie for compiling this list of Phoenix media contacts.

    Intermission music by Rasputina.
    Ending music by Chris Jankoski.