

    This podcast is for boss ass bitches who are looking for an alternative to hustle, burnout, hiding parts of who they are, and playing by rules created by men for men. Some fabulous guests and I will teach you each week about your super power as a woman (pussy - both physical + energetic) and how to use it to create more pleasure and profit in business and a life that’s legit better IRL than on IG. The truth is, pussy always creates more profit. Wanna learn how? Subscribe and tune in weekly! Real, raw, hilarious and helpful. If you aren’t saying ‘hell yes!’ or ‘wait...WTF?!’ on the reg, I’m not doing my job.
    en-usJulia Wells232 Episodes

    Episodes (232)

    why it always feels bad before it feels good

    why it always feels bad before it feels good

    You wanna push your edges and create new baselines for pleasure, but come up against some resistance when you do it. (We tend to kick up our shit when things are really getting good, am I right?) 

    What if you stopped judging your own resistance to pleasure, and simply started noticing it instead? 

    In today’s episode, I’m diving into pleasure resistance and increasing your awareness around this so you can notice when it's coming up - and move yourself through it. Ready to hold a shit ton of pleasure on your sexy little plate? Come join me while I take a nourishing, pleasure-filled bubble bath and give you my tools for normalizing your pleasure resistance while increasing your pleasure capacity. 

    I dive into:

    • Exploring your own pleasure capacity & resistance so you can lean into more ease in your life & biz
    • What to do when you feel yourself hitting an energetic capacity
    • Simple tools to bring more pleasure into the little things
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usSeptember 26, 2023

    is it time for a 9-5?

    is it time for a 9-5?

    Are you considering going back to a 9-5? 

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing the pivotal moment in my business when I had to answer this question and how you can start to think about this so you can bring approval to ANY path you choose.  Whether you’re considering a 9-5, the idea makes you feel like a failure, or you just want to explore the idea to keep in your back pocket for a rainy day - this one’s for you. 

    You get to decide how it goes. Let’s dive into what you need to know to do this entrepreneurship thing in a sustainable, long-term way that works for YOU. 

    4I dive into:

    • Going back to a 9-5 - will it kill your entrepreneurship dreams?
    • The magic sauce of entrepreneurial success (with pleasure!)
    • A quick look at the story of my biz - and how I answered the 9-5 question 4 years in
    • Examining your capacity, where you want to put your energy, and tradeoffs
    • Why you need to clean up the energy around THIS THING to help you make this decision!
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usSeptember 19, 2023

    how I think about my “why” in business

    how I think about my “why” in business

    What’s driving you in your biz? Is it shifting?

    I had a really steady and clear “why” in my business for a long time that drove me and kept me showing up even when things got hard. But recently, I feel like I don’t exactly know what my “why” is - and it’s fucking disorienting!

    In today’s episode, I share how I’ve been thinking about my “why” in my business and some things to think about if you’re feeling disconnected from yours. Reminder: It’s totally okay to feel conflicted about your desires (giving you ALL the approval here). Let’s get into it. 

    I dive into:

    • What to do if you’re not feeling connected to your “why” - or if you don’t know WTF it is!
    • A look at my recent season of questioning my “why”
    • Showing up for your business - even when it’s NOT the top priority
    • Holding yourself through shifting “whys” in your biz
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usSeptember 12, 2023

    how I got comfortable with money (so I could make more)

    how I got comfortable with money (so I could make more)

    I just have to say it, there’s a big financial literacy gap in the coaching industry right now. And it could be keeping you from developing the comfort level with money that you need to actually make more of it. 

    In today’s episode, I’m diving into another important money conversation (because we need this shit!!) around assessing your money values & risk tolerance so you can get more comfortable with where your money is going - whether it’s investing, saving, donating, or spending - and allow your money to serve you best in your current season of business or life. 

    I dive into:

    • The values conversation we need to be having around money in the industry right now
    • Exploring your money risk tolerance (and why you want to put attention here)
    • Considering money tradeoffs - scarcity mindset?
    • How my partner & I are having the hard money conversations
    • And more

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usAugust 29, 2023

    how I hold uncomfortable launch energy

    how I hold uncomfortable launch energy

    There can be SO much discomfort in holding a launch. And staying in something when your whole body is telling you to run - that shit is hard. 

    This week, I’m giving you the tools I use to hold uncomfortable launch energy (or literally anything I have to hold for an extended period of time in my life or business) and how you can use them to deal with discomfort, stay in your launch (especially when it feels like it’s about to take you out), and see real shifts in your biz. 

    I dive into:

    • My favorite tools for holding uncomfortable launch energy 
    • Becoming the most uncomfortable bitch in the room
    • The launch pleasure practices that I play with (and why you should too)
    • One of the KEYS to launch magnetism
    • Why you might not be seeing BIG shifts in your biz - and how to change it
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usAugust 22, 2023

    money convos we aren’t having (and need to be)

    money convos we aren’t having (and need to be)

    If money shame feels super real for you right now, I want you to join me for this one. 

    In this episode, we’re having the conversation around money that I wish was happening more in the coaching space. I’m diving into debt, over-investing, passive income (and more!) & I’m sharing the money lessons I’ve learned in my biz journey that are going to help you release your money shame and address the patterns that are holding you back from more joy, pleasure & financial freedom.

    I dive into:

    • The money convos we aren’t having - and need to be!
    • Exploring money shame and its relationship to debt & investment
    • The myth of passive income
    • Creating more recurring revenue & operating expense money in your biz
    • Learning how to say no to yourself (and why this is NOT scarcity)
    • How men do failure differently
    • And more


    Don’t miss the massive giveaway going on in Visible AF! Join me in my FREE private Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/


    en-usAugust 15, 2023

    what I wish someone had told me sooner

    what I wish someone had told me sooner

    Want to know why you’re not making money?

    You’re addicted to everything BUT selling. (Sounds a little harsh, I know, but stick with me - I’m dropping the loving truth bomb you need this week.)

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing what I wish people had told me sooner in my business and the BIGGEST things holding you back from the clients, the money & the difference you’re here to make. 

    I really want you to make it in this game. Ready to find out how I made the shift from hiding in my business - to making millions? Let’s get into it.

    I dive into:

    • What I wish someone would have told me sooner - and how I eventually learned that shit!
    • Dealing with fuckups in your business
    • Exploring where you suck at sales & forcing yourself to do it
    • The BIGGEST reason I make as much money as I do (this might surprise you)
    • And more

    Learn more about my current offers: https://www.juliacwells.com/

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usAugust 08, 2023

    read my 2019 journal with me

    read my 2019 journal with me

    When results just feel really fucking far away…

    I have some inspo to help remind you that it all adds up!!

    In today’s episode, I’m reading all the juicy shit from my 2019 journal and sharing the takeaways with you so you can see what really happens when you write down your desires & hold them sacred. 

    Wondering what happened the first time I sprinted through the finish line of a launch? Or how long it took me to reach a 100k launch goal? Join me for a look back at my biz, 4 years later!

    I dive into:

    • The biggest takeaways from my 2019 journal & how to apply them in your biz
    • How many of my 2019 desires I’ve crossed off in the last 4 years!
    • What happened the 1st time I sprinted through the finish line of a launch
    • Raising my prices & meeting big money goals
    • And more

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usAugust 01, 2023

    the beliefs I use to scale (at every level)

    the beliefs I use to scale (at every level)

    A lot of shit can get in the way when you’re trying to scale, and it’s possible you’re making it worse by overcomplicating it.

    I’ve been there! That’s how I know it’s totally doable to hold all the hard stuff that comes with scaling and building the business of your dreams IF you have a set of beliefs to turn to when it starts to feel super complicated. (Ready to hear some?)

    That’s right, pleasure people - it’s time for some scaling affirmations!!

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing the beliefs I use to scale (at every level) so you can listen to this eppy over and over again when you need to be brought back to the truth of what scaling with pleasure is really about. 


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usJuly 25, 2023

    what’s working for high ticket sales rn

    what’s working for high ticket sales rn

    The delicious, deep high-ticket offer that you love, but think no one will buy at that price - it’s going to sell. 

    Whether you’re working on selling out your private coaching, a high-end mastermind, or something else - there’s plenty of evidence that premium rates are still selling!

    In today’s episode, I’m giving you my secrets to high ticket sales, the strategies that are working really well in our industry right now, and the things my clients and I are NOT doing to make the sale. 

    Ready to get your next client’s attention, keep it & convert? Join me for this one!!

    I dive into:

    • What’s working for high-ticket sales in our industry right now
    • The KEYS to converting high-ticket sales - and being able to do it over & over again!
    • What a “post-it note post” is and why you need more of them
    • Why you need to expect more objections than ever
    • What my clients and I DIDN’T do to make our big sales
    • And more


    Join us in P-School! https://www.juliacwells.com/pschool-2023

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usJuly 18, 2023

    how I get back into abundance when I feel crunchy

    how I get back into abundance when I feel crunchy

    What do you do when you start to feel contracted around money?

    If you don’t have a bunch of practices or tools ready to go for situations like this (or if the ones you have just aren’t working!) - this one’s for you. 

    This week, I’m sharing the actual practices I use to get back into abundance when I’m feeling crunchy around money and how you can use them to shift back into abundance too. I promise, if you start using these 6 practices to cultivate abundance in your biz, the money shit is going to feel SO much better - and it won’t matter how many clients you have or how much money is coming in. (Even though practicing this kind of pussified inner abundance will inevitably bring in MORE, of all of it!)

    I dive into:

    • How to get back into abundance when your money situation feels crunchy
    • Do you have to feel abundant to make and keep more money?
    • My 6 favorite tips/practices for cultivating more abundance
    • How you might be outsourcing abundance in your biz - and how to stop!
    • And more


    Join us in P-School! https://www.juliacwells.com/pschool-2023


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usJuly 11, 2023

    get big results using my 4D method

    get big results using my 4D method

    Every time I’ve gotten a BIG result in my business, I’ve done the same FOUR things. 

    I call it The 4D Method. 

    This juicy process is the reason my business is still so fucking simple, even at multiple 7-figures. (And when it’s not feeling simple, it’s most likely because I’m not following the 4 steps.)

    In today’s episode, I share this powerful practice with you and how you can use the 4D’s to manifest whatever you want in your life and biz - and actually enjoy the experience of doing it. 

    I dive into:

    • The 4D Method to getting what you want in your life & biz (without all the shitty pressure)
    • Which of the 4 D’s was the BIGGEST game changer in my biz - and how to practice it in yours!
    • Why it’s so hard to fake it ‘till you make it - and why I still want you to
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usJuly 04, 2023

    is something wrong with me?

    is something wrong with me?

    This might blow your mind, but nothing is fucking wrong with you!!

    If you’re freaking out because your mindset isn’t working, your launch failed, you don’t have enough clients, or you thought you’d finally be past all this self-sabotaging shit by now - welcome to the club!

    Shit will always go sideways, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play this boss bitch CEO game. 

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing how to build a strategy for managing yourself, the everchanging goal posts in online business, and freaking the fuck out in your biz so you can keep showing up & actually pull this shit off!

    I dive into:

    • Freaking out in your biz, is there something wrong?
    • 3 steps to diffusing a freakout - normalize, neutralize & act!
    • Why you need to build a strategy for managing yourself
    • What is actually happening when you give too much attention to the freakout
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usJune 20, 2023

    steal my juiciest reframes I use to get clients

    steal my juiciest reframes I use to get clients

    I felt drawn to an old Wait…WTF episode this week, so I’m trying a little experiment! 

    Today I’m sharing an episode from the early days of the pod on how to get more clients - because it’s obvious that clients are what we all want and need, but how the fuck do we get them?! Join me for this repurposed episode (I’m trusting you need to hear it this week!) as I share some of the necessary reframes you need to get more clients in your biz. 

    DM me your thoughts on my little experiment & the lessons you get from this oldie, but goodie!!

    I dive into:

    • My favorite reframes to help you get more clients!
    • Building your confidence to see real results
    • Why you need to OWN your offer
    • Decide, Decide, Decide & Sell, Sell, Sell!
    • How to sell at ANY price point
    • Identifying your made-up rules around sales
    • Selling from a place of pleasure
    • And more

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usJune 13, 2023

    what I do when my mindset work isn’t working

    what I do when my mindset work isn’t working

    So…the mindset shit just isn’t working.

    Been there!!

    And I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell my clients when they come to me with this problem (and I’ve had to tell myself in the past) - 

    Don’t simply throw away all of your juicy mindset practices because they aren't working for you in this moment or season of your life or biz. 

    Because there is an actual solution to the mindset problem - and it’s NOT ditching mindset altogether!

    This week I’m walking you through all the nuggets you need to make sure mindset work actually works for you! I’m diving into how to treat mindset work as a dynamic practice that, just like strategy, needs to be tweaked and evolved over time. Ready to tap into the real magic of mindset so you can finally FEEL the results?

    I dive into:

    • Viewing mindset work as a practice in your life that needs to be evaluated & tweaked so you can actually FEEL the results
    • A breakdown of the practical ways I walk clients through blocks in their mindset strategies
    • Why I highly suggest you create some “contained mindset time” (and what you can avoid if you do!)
    • Dealing with your resistance or fear 1st & strategies for how to do it
    • And more

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/


    en-usJune 06, 2023

    how being messy allows me to make more money

    how being messy allows me to make more money

    Does this sound like you?

    If I have a big business, I can’t have the flexibility I have now. I can’t change my mind. I can’t procrastinate. I can’t fuck things up. I’ll need to get things perfect. 

    Well, think twice my little seductress!! Because what’s true for you at 5k months will still be true for you at 20k months - and beyond! So it’s KEY to learn how to operate your business around those cute little flaws you’re so worried about. 

    Ready to hear about some of the messy shit I STILL do in my business as a 7-figure business owner - and how being this messy allows me to make more money? I’m airing all my dirty laundry in this one, join me to learn how to operate around your “shortcomings” and develop the self-trust you need to run your shit like a boss bitch CEO.

    I dive into:

    • The 7 messiest things I still do in my biz & the CEO skills I use to deal with them
    • Building the self-trust and practical systems you need to build your biz & still be YOU
    • How to manage your procrastination at ANY level of business
    • Why you can fuck up the money shit and still sustain a high-earning business (I am the evidence, friends!!)
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JuliaClaireW/


    en-usMay 30, 2023

    the 4 things I do to create more of what I want

    the 4 things I do to create more of what I want

    Let’s be honest, the conversation around manifestation can be a little fluffy. 

    But whether it’s love, money, friends, adventure, or freedom - there are tangible things you can do (right now) to help you create more of what you want. 

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 4 things I do to create more of what I want in my life & biz, and how you can use them to shift the vibe around calling in more of your desires too!

    Ready to drop into an abundant, dreamy, “having more” vibe that will change the game when it comes to actually getting what you want?

    I dive into:

    • The 4 things I do to manifest my desires (and why you should do them too!)
    • What to do in the gestation period/dealing with the discomfort of not having “the thing”
    • Following the sequence of Be, Do, Have
    • Where to put your focus so you can release the grip on what you want (and actually get it)
    • And more

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usMay 23, 2023

    how Faith pussified her cancer journey

    how Faith pussified her cancer journey

    Wait, WTF… you can pussify a cancer journey?

    Faith Laux, somatic sex & relationship coach (and certified pleasure queen!), is here to share how she pussified her cancer journey and all the juicy nuggets of wisdom she’s learned along the way. We dig into how pleasure plays a role in her healing & integration, romanticizing chemo (yes, you read that right), and how she is rebuilding her business after this powerful initiation. 

    We dive into:

    • Faith’s cancer journey, what she wished she did more of & one of the biggest gifts of the experience
    • How Faith is showing up in her biz after taking a break (and what’s so juicy about it)
    • Her response to asking herself: why did my body create this cancer?
    • Romanticizing chemo and reaching for pleasure during the cancer journey
    • Sexual healing work and a look at how Faith & her husband differ in the bedroom
    • And more


    Connect with Faith:

    Website: https://www.faithlaux.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faithlaux/


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usMay 16, 2023

    how to make bank with a small audience

    how to make bank with a small audience

    Have a relatively small audience? (Me too!) 

    The truth is, you can stop obsessing over the growth stage of your marketing strategy and just start making the money you want to make NOW, with the audience you already have!

    In today’s episode, I’m diving into the 3 things you can do to successfully leverage the followers/people you already have (no matter how small that list is!) so you can build consistent & sustainable income without the stress of audience growth. 

    I dive into:

    • The THREE important steps to leveraging your current audience & making more money
    • Why having a small audience is a GOOD thing
    • My fave tip to help you nurture your followers
    • How to actually find your hottest leads in your current pool of people
    • And more


    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

    en-usMay 09, 2023

    these 2 questions will save you when it comes to team

    these 2 questions will save you when it comes to team

    Are you struggling to manage & maintain a solid team in your biz that you can rely on? Is your team making a lot of mistakes? Maybe it just feels like something isn’t working.

    I know it can be really frustrating when things aren’t going well in this area of your business (and costly too)!

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing the TWO questions that are going to change the game when it comes to managing an excellent team in your biz and the ONE thing you need to do FIRST to make sure these questions do their job. 

    I dive into:

    • How to turn it around if you’re team is dropping the ball
    • The 2 questions that will change the game with your team
    • Why you need to do this ONE thing FIRST if you want the questions to work
    • And more

    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

    Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/


    en-usMay 03, 2023