
    Walk in the Cloud

    Cloud is today’s most powerful tool for business transformation. Tune in for no-nonsense views from seasoned experts on how to put it to work for you.
    enAccenture29 Episodes

    Episodes (29)

    Next Gen Engineering: The Era of Intelligence

    Next Gen Engineering: The Era of Intelligence

    Accenture’s Abidemi Ogunbowale-Thomas discusses the transformative power of virtualisation and its impact on businesses. Explore how recent advancements, especially in Gen AI, are reshaping businesses and challenging traditional models. The conversation delves into the democratisation of technology, the role of CIOs, data aggregation and the necessity for a customer-centric mindset. Join the conversation for a deep dive into the technological revolution shaping the future of business and society.

    AI & Skills Part 2: Second Wave of Growth

    AI & Skills Part 2: Second Wave of Growth

    Accenture’s Tom White is back for part 2 to explore the future of tech and sustainability. Tom dives into the environmental impact of computing and Birmingham's innovative solutions. Gain insights for corporations and individuals, reflecting on the city's vibrant tech scene, evolving work landscape, and opportunities for the next generation.

    AI & Skills Part 1: A Quantum Leap

    AI & Skills Part 1: A Quantum Leap

    Join Accenture’s Tom White live from Birmingham Tech Week to explore the reality of AI, cutting through the hype to uncover its practical applications. Brace yourself for a quantum leap as Tom dives into the mind-bending world of quantum computing, illuminating its potential in drug discovery, supply chain optimisation, and finance.

    Data: Scotland Puts a Ding in the Universe

    Data: Scotland Puts a Ding in the Universe

    When you think of Scotland do you think of data? After this episode, you certainly will! Edinburgh is on the road to becoming a data capital of Europe. Join us to find out why it matters. With data, the possibilities are endless; from predicting epileptic fits, or enabling people to pivot their careers, to saving millions in manufacturing infrastructure costs. And small but mighty Scotland has big ambitions to put a ding in the universe.

    Donation Genie: Thought for Food

    Donation Genie: Thought for Food

    Changing the world for the better has become a thread in the narrative for most big companies and it's simply a necessary part of doing business in the 21st century. But what happens when everyone embraces the opportunity for real change, rather than just doing the basics? Join us to learn more about an example that stretches employee skill and creativity, and most importantly makes a real difference to people in need.

    HR: From Supports to Stars

    HR: From Supports to Stars

    The right combination of data, tech and people can boost profitability and revenue - but only 5% of companies are making it happen. This episode has more than one surprising statistic as we talk about talent, the gender pay gap, skills, technology, and the critical role of the CHRO as a growth executive.

    Walk in the Cloud
    enJune 05, 2023

    Productivity: The Play for Parity

    Productivity: The Play for Parity

    The UK has a productivity problem, but it’s not what it seems. The UK was ranked 4th in the G7, behind the US, Germany and France – join our walk to find out why and what can be done. We explore how technology can increase workforce productivity, not by doing more but by creating more value.

    Walk in the Cloud
    enMay 15, 2023

    Sustainability: Green Dreams to Black Screens

    Sustainability: Green Dreams to Black Screens

    Technology and sustainability – is it an oxymoron? Our research shows that 100% of CIOs agree that technology is critical to sustainability, but we also know that it creates its own environmental impact. Join us as we explore each side of the coin; how technology can help sustainability, and how technology can be sustainable.

    Walk in the Cloud
    enApril 25, 2023

    Healthcare: Star Trek Tech

    Healthcare: Star Trek Tech
    Technology and health care has been a conversation for years, but a unique conjunction of change means that the time has never been better to turn dreams to reality. AI-enhanced data analysis, smarter diagnostic equipment, hybrid environments where humans and technology work side-by side and new approaches to digital experience are revolutionising medicine. We look at the consequences for an overstretched system always looking to do more with less. 
    Walk in the Cloud
    enApril 12, 2023

    Open Banking: The Secret Gateway

    Open Banking: The Secret Gateway

    If you don’t work in financial services, you might not even know what Open Banking is. But you should. New European banking rules on data have transformed the services banks can offer, and provide the model for what may happen with data across other industries. The UK was an early leader in Open Banking but some say it’s falling behind. What can British execs do to stay in innovation pole position?

    Accenture and Workday Resignation, or The Great Reconnection?

    Accenture and Workday Resignation, or The Great Reconnection?

    The Great Resignation: we’ve all heard about it, read about it, and many of us have experienced the shift it's caused in the professional world. But what is really happening and how can cloud technology help us adjust? Our host sits down with Carolyn Horne of Workday and Colin Anderson of Accenture to discuss the intricacies of the new normal — and the role technology has played in facilitating remote work and retaining talent.

    Walk in the Cloud
    enMay 20, 2022

    Accenture and SAP: Cracking the supply chain challenge

    Accenture and SAP: Cracking the supply chain challenge

    Supply chains have become sexy. In this episode, our host talks with Stephane Crosnier of Accenture UK and John McNiff of SAP. The last two years have been a perfect storm of critical supply chain issues; our experts offer practical insight into how businesses have used innovative technologies to stay ahead of perpetual disruption.

    Walk in the Cloud
    enMay 04, 2022

    Accenture, Adobe and Currys: Building the experience renaissance

    Accenture, Adobe and Currys: Building the experience renaissance

    What does it take to win customers for life? Creating exquisite personalised experiences at the right moment. But with so much data to sift through it can be a challenge to find the right solutions for buyers. In this episode of Walk in the Cloud, our host is joined by Saul Lopes of Currys and Accenture’s Katrina Harianto to discuss the most effective ways to build stunning solutions that have customers coming back for more.

    Accenture and Salesforce: Growing talent under pressure

    Accenture and Salesforce: Growing talent under pressure

    Any tool is only useful in skilled hands—and that’s especially true for the cloud. In this episode of Walk in the Cloud, our host is joined by Accenture’s Stephanie Sadowski and Stuart Mills of Salesforce to discuss how highly skilled organisations can maximise the value of their cloud investments to find and grow the talent they need.

    Walk in the Cloud
    enMarch 24, 2022

    Accenture and Oracle: Adjusting to disruption

    Accenture and Oracle: Adjusting to disruption

    In the world of constant change, adaptability has never been more crucial than it is today. Building speed and agility allows us to thrive in times of digital disruption. On this episode of Walk in the Cloud, our host is joined by Oracle’s Alastair Watts and Accenture UK’s David Middup to discuss a more systematic, yet holistic, approach towards embracing digital fluency to develop strategic agility and resilience within big organisations.

    Accenture and Google: Culture captures the castle

    Accenture and Google: Culture captures the castle

    Innovating is one of the hardest things for organisations of any size to achieve, but that doesn’t mean that innovation is the exclusive purview of a few elite businesses. On this episode of Walk in the Cloud, our host is joined by Google Cloud's Finn Toner and Accenture UK’s Akosua Kudom to discuss how the right partnerships and cloud technology can help organisations of all sizes to innovate better.

    Walk in the Cloud
    enJanuary 05, 2022

    Accenture and AWS: The rise of the cloud economist

    Accenture and AWS: The rise of the cloud economist

    Potential cost savings are a major draw for cloud transformation. But the cloud’s financial potential doesn’t stop there. In this episode, our host is joined by Kevin Long, Cloud Economist at Amazon Web Services, and Dean Oliver, Accenture’s Cloud First UK FinOps Lead, to explore all of the financial use cases of moving to the cloud—and how the right partnerships can help unleash the cloud’s full potential.