
    Wasted Ammo Podcast: Firearms | Training | Preparedness

    A podcast about life, liberty, and preparedness.
    enSteven Broyles320 Episodes

    Episodes (320)

    WAP 323: A Podcast Update and an Introduction to Wasted Ammo Aftershock

    WAP 323: A Podcast Update and an Introduction to Wasted Ammo Aftershock

    In today's episode, we update everyone on where we have been for the past couple of months and talk a little bit about the future of Wasted Ammo. Part of that future is an off-shoot podcast called Wasted Ammo Aftershock which will be hosted by Mr. Pixel and David Shock. Both are long-time contributors in the Wasted Ammo community and we have them on the show today to talk about their new adventure into podcasting. Enjoy!

    WAP 322: Good Guy Wins Going into 2021

    WAP 322: Good Guy Wins Going into 2021

    Once or twice a year we do a show all about defensive gun use, as we feel the need to continually prove the main-stream media wrong when it comes to their rhetoric on how dangerous firearms are. Last year over 21 million firearms were purchased and 8.4 million of those were from first time gun owners. If 2020 proved anything, it was that the government wasn't going to save you and it was up to you and you alone to protect yourself - here are some of those stories. Enjoy!



    Dailysignal.com | 11 Cases of Defensive Gun Use as 2020 Came to a Close

    Defensive Gun Use Database

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    Coinbase | Affiliate Link

    Ledger.com | Nano X Hardware Wallet

    BGEAZ.com | Amazon Affiliate Link



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Christopher Ford, Tory Wall, Chuck Wise, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Bill Hutton, Seth Clawson, Joshua Putman, Jesus Vera, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Chris Corbett, Kyle Wilson, and Josiah Richardson

    WAP 321: Lessons Learned In 2020

    WAP 321: Lessons Learned In 2020

    2020 was a hard year. Everyone on the planet felt it's effects but I think it was a good wake up call for Americans as it showed them just how fragile the system really is. Hopefully this spawns a new generation of preppers but for those of us who were prepared, we still learned some valuable lessons and takeaways that we can use going forward - because I think we are going to need it. I think 2020 that was just the beginning. I believe we are in for a decade of hurt, especially if you value freedom over safety. So the lessons learned in 2020 will be needed in the years to come. In today's episode, we share what we learned. Enjoy!



    Become a Black Site Member

    Coinbase | Affiliate Link

    Ledger.com | Nano X Hardware Wallet

    BGEAZ.com | Amazon Affiliate Link



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Christopher Ford, Tory Wall, Chuck Wise, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Bill Hutton, Seth Clawson, Joshua Putman, Jesus Vera, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Chris Corbett, Kyle Wilson, and Josiah Richardson

    WAP 320: The Anatomy of a Civilian Self-Defense Shooting

    WAP 320: The Anatomy of a Civilian Self-Defense Shooting

    On this podcast we have talked about timeline defense, we have talked about the 5 stages of a violent attack, we’ve talked about being situationally aware and being deliberate as we go about our day as to not be an easy victim – and if we are smart and if we are aware, we will most likely never need to use our firearm. But what if that doesn’t work. What if that low probability, high consequence event does occur? What can we expect? What does the data show? Let's find out. Enjoy!



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    Rangemaster.com | Tom Givens



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Bill Hutton, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 319: Understanding Bitcoin and Why It Is Important

    WAP 319: Understanding Bitcoin and Why It Is Important

    It's been a long time coming but today we are going to do a deep dive into Bitcoin. We all plan, prepare, and fantasize about the complete collapse of society, where there is no rule of law and how we are going to go back to a simpler time where it’s back to the barter system and a gold/silver standard - when in reality, we are probably going to be dealing with a very complicated, cyberpunk dystopian future where privacy is dead, all individuals are tracked, big tech controls the flow of information, cash is outlawed and everyone’s finances are scrutinized, and those deemed undesirables are locked out of the economy all together. Sounds a bit familiar right? Yeah, a lot of this is already happening now and it’s just going to get worse but Bitcoin fixes this and I’ll show you how in today's episode. Enjoy!



    Become a Black Site Member

    Coinbase | Affiliate Link

    Ledger.com | Nano X Hardware Wallet

    BGEAZ.com | Amazon Affiliate Link

    Links to All Sources Used 



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Bill Hutton, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 318: Traditional Self Defense Laws and Requirements

    WAP 318:  Traditional Self Defense Laws and Requirements

    Today on the Wasted Ammo podcast we deep dive into the gooey grey and talk about the laws and consequences of using a gun for self defense. If you truly believe your life is in danger then it doesn't really matter but 2020 has shown us several sticky situations where people used a firearm to deter potential violence and were charged. So what does the traditional self defense laws require from us?  What is the standard that we hold ourselves to? Let's find out. Enjoy!



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    Criminaldefenselaqyer.com | Using a Gun For Self Defense  

    USAcarry.com | Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps  

    WAP 193: The SOP After a Self Defense Shooting 



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Bill Hutton, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 317: The 33 Rules of Zombieland

    WAP 317: The 33 Rules of Zombieland

    This week has been a little crazy with the election, seemingly rampant voter fraud, and the very real possibility that Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States - so we thought a fun Zombie episode would help everyone unwind and de-stress from this hectic week. Plus, if you are prepared for zombies then you are prepared for anything, including a Biden presidency. Right? Enjoy!



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    Anythingzombie.com | The 33 Rules of Zombieland  

    Leveraxe.com | The Best Axe Ever  

    Amazon.com | Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks 



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 316: Zeroed-In For 11/2/2020

    WAP 316: Zeroed-In For 11/2/2020

    It's Monday so it's time for us to Zero-in on gun-related news articles, listener feedback, and anything else we find tacticool. Join us today as we talk about a new wave of panic buying due to a resurgence of Covid-19 cases and how stores are preparing, Michigan bans open carry near polls with a new directive, and we finish up this episode with a good guy win in an anti-gun state. Enjoy!



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    Finance.yahoo.com | Stores Are Preparing For a Second Wave of Panic Buying  

    Bearingarms.com | Push to Allow Guns at Polls is no Such Thing  

    Mlive.com | Gun Groups Sue Michigan Secretary of State For Banning Open Carry at Polls

    Bearingarms.com | MD Man Acquitted in Self-Defense Shooting




    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 315: 8 Critical Fighting Lessons From Chris Costa

    WAP 315: 8 Critical Fighting Lessons From Chris Costa

    Today on the Wasted Ammo Podcast we are going to give you another "Top 10 - Not 10" episode but this time we are breaking down a Funker Tactical video with Chris Costa, where they talk about critical fighting lessons. We condensed a lot of the lessons together so be sure to go over and watch the video if this episode piqued your interest. Enjoy!



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    Youtube.com | Funker Tactical - Chris Costa with 17 Critical Fighting Lessons  

    Itunes | WAP 310: Chris Costa's 5 Elements of Being Elite  

    Boog Stitch Patch Drop




    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 314: 8 Tips To Get Your Family Into Preparedness

    WAP 314: 8 Tips To Get Your Family Into Preparedness

    Today on the Wasted Ammo Podcast we are going to give you an old school "Top 10 - Not 10" episode on how to get your family into preparedness. Now, with Covid-19 raging across the world and after seeing the effects of the virus, the lockdown, and the reaction of our fellow citizens - now is the time to get your family on board with the prepping lifestyle. Hopefully, this has been a wake-up call for them but in case you need a couple extra tips to convince the family, here you go. Enjoy!



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    Theprepperjournal.com | 8 Tip To Get Your Family Into Preparedness   

    Survivalcondo.com | Atlas Missile Silo Turned Luxury Condos

    Itunes | WAP 152: Conflicted The Game - Wives Edition



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 313: Zeroed-In For 10/12/2020

    WAP 313: Zeroed-In For 10/12/2020

    It's Monday so it's time to Zero-In on gun-related news articles, listener feedback, and anything else we find tacticool. Today's episode is a little political - we dive into the ATF's shenanigans with the Honey Badger and how this may be a political hit job on President Trump, we go over Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett's 2A record, and we wrap up this episode with a Better Man Than Us article and share a letter from a young man who tied some effing knots. Enjoy! 



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    USAcarry.com | Are Pistol Braces Legal? PDWs, Braces And The Honey Badger Debacle   

    Bearingarms.com | Is the ATF trying to Undermine The Trump Campaign With Honey Badger Decision?

    NPR.org | Gun Control Groups Voice 'Grave Concerns' About Supreme Court Nominee's Record



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 312: Zeroed-In For 10/05/2020

    WAP 312: Zeroed-In For 10/05/2020

    It's Monday so it's time to Zero-In on the news. Today on the show we share the audio from the FightBack Foundation's video, which breaks down the entire series of events which led to Kyle Rittenhouse having to defend his life against various attackers, we show you why it's important to have a designated virtual learning space for your kids, and we wrap up this episode with some dating advice for fellow firearm enthusiasts. 



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    Thepostmillennial.com | New Video Reveals The Truth About Kyle Rittenhouse   

    CNN.com | 4th Grader Suspended For Having BB Gun During Virtual Learning

    Thetruthaboutguns.com | The Single Man's Guide to Dating and Guns



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 311: Todd Fossey's 15 Reality Rules For Self-Defense And Training

    WAP 311: Todd Fossey's 15 Reality Rules For Self-Defense And Training

    This week's recordings got messed up so today, we are giving you a sneak peek into the Black Site and share BSP episode 61 with you. In this episode, we go over Todd Fossey's 15 "Reality Rules" for self-defense and training. By now you should all know who Todd Fossey is but as a reminder, Todd is the Founder and Chief Instructor at Integrative Defense Strategies in Minneapolis, Minnesota. If you do not follow Todd then you need to correct yourself, follow the links below, and get ready to learn. Enjoy!





    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Dennis Price, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 310: Chris Costa's 5 Elements of Being Elite

    WAP 310: Chris Costa's 5 Elements of Being Elite

    We recently attended Costa Ludus' Handgun Elements Theory 1 course with two Black Site members and on day two of the class, Chris gives an AMAZING speech on Mindset. During this speech, he touches on several different aspects but the first one he hits on is how to become elite so today we cover how to do just that. Enjoy!



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    Costaludus.com | Training For The Game of Life   


    Tactical Buffalo Podcast



    This episode is dedicated to those Black Site members who have decided to support us at the 1911 Tier on Patreon. Thank you for your support – we couldn’t keep this show going without you.
    Chuck Wise, Tanner Fountain, Todd Nelson, Eric Cook, Seth Clawson, Josh Putnam, Dennis Price, Jesus Vera, Peter Balingit, Shelby Hunter, David Shock, Jason Bacon, Phil Miecznikowski, Kyle Rogers, Alex Whalen, Chris Corbett, Ryan Hessler, and Kyle Wilson.

    WAP 308: Wasted Wednesday (LIVE) - Now Is The Time To Train

    WAP 308: Wasted Wednesday (LIVE) - Now Is The Time To Train

    Every Wednesday at 9:30 PM EST we go LIVE to hang out with our listeners, drink some beer, and talk about some man shit.

    With everything that has happened in 2020 it's becoming glaringly obvious that we are responsible for our own security. Now is the time to get our preps in order. Now is the time to make sure your ammo is stocked. Now is the time to take your training seriously. YOU are responsible for you and your loved ones. No one is coming to save you. Enjoy!

    Become a Black Site member at https://www.patreon.com/wastedammo

    Show-notes can be found at https://www.wastedammo.com/308

    WAP 306: Zeroed-In | Reasons Why We Carry, Good Guy Win - No Gun Required

    WAP 306: Zeroed-In | Reasons Why We Carry, Good Guy Win - No Gun Required

    Today on the Wasted Ammo Podcast, it's Monday so we are Zeroing-In on gun-related news, articles, and listener feedback. It's been several weeks since we have released a Monday show but now that Indiana is opening back up, it's time to get back to our regular schedule. In today's episode, we give you some Monday leftovers, a continuation of last week's Black Site episode, and talk about the reasons why we all should carry, then we wrap it up proving that the individual is the weapon, not the gun. Enjoy! 


    Show-notes can be found at Wastedammo.com/306

    Become a Black Site Member at Patreon.com/wastedammo