
    WealthTalk - money, wealth and personal finance.

    Would you like to be completely financially independent? Tune in each week to the WealthBuilders podcast hosted by Kevin Whelan & Christian Rodwell. WealthBuilders provides a proven step by step process to help our members create, build and protect their wealth by focusing on growing their assets through education, support and connections. Join our community for free at www.wealthbuilders.co.uk/membership
    en-gbChristian Rodwell233 Episodes

    Episodes (233)

    Head 2 Head w/ Simon Zutshi [Part 2]

    Head 2 Head w/ Simon Zutshi [Part 2]

    Welcome to the second part of Kevin Whelan's interview with Simon Zutshi, CEO of Property Investors Network (PIN). In this part, Simon discusses why education alone is not enough and the importance of community, connection and support. He introduces his concept of "who not how," focusing on leveraging others' skills and talents rather than trying to do everything yourself.

    Kevin asks Simon to explain the sale of Property Investors Network to entrepreneur Roger Hamilton. Simon details how the online business valuation increased during COVID lockdowns, leading Roger to make an offer. Simon agreed to stay on to help grow the business for a few years after the sale.

    Their discussion then moves to Simon's other business ventures. He founded CrowdProperty, a property crowdfunding platform, in 2013 to provide smaller investors opportunities to fund larger development projects. To date it has funded over £850 million in projects.

    Simon also shares advice on gradually building a property portfolio as a pension replacement over the long run. He emphasises finding mentors and building relationships to solve "how" problems through a network of talented "whos." Finally, Simon outlines his plan to step back from day-to-day operations of his businesses by 2027 when he turns 55.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Property Investors Network [Website]

    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders

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    Head 2 Head w/ Simon Zutshi

    Head 2 Head w/ Simon Zutshi

    Welcome to Head 2 Head, the latest strand of the WealthTalk podcast where WealthBuilders' CEO, Kevin Whelan, sits down for an in-depth conversation with fellow CEOs from various industries.

    In each episode, Kevin will delve into the personal journeys of these top executives, exploring the peaks and troughs of their business careers.

    Head 2 Head is not just about success stories; it's about real-life challenges, resilience, and the crucial lessons learnt along the way. 

    Our guests share their unique perspectives on leadership, innovation, and the strategies they've employed to steer their companies through turbulent times.

    Simon Zutshi, CEO of Property Investors Network, is the first guest on the Head 2 Head strand, discussing his journey as a property investor and entrepreneur. 

    In the episode, Simon shares how he started in property investment, the importance of long-term investing, and the love affair with property in the UK. 

    Simon also talks about his transition from being a property investor to teaching others about property investment. 

    He emphasises the need for financial education and the challenges of trading time for money. 

    In this conversation, Simon Zutshi discusses his passion for training and making a difference in people's lives. Emphasising the value of paid education and the importance of finding the right mentors and coaches. 

    Simon also shares his experience of selling a business and the lessons he learned from that process. 

    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Property Investors Netowrk [Website]

    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders

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    Making Your Passion Pay: Member Success Story - Neil Moggan

    Making Your Passion Pay: Member Success Story - Neil Moggan

    We dive into Neil Moggan's inspiring journey from a teacher to a transformative trainer in mental wellbeing and financial education. Since joining WealthBuilders with his wife Katie in late 2020, Neil has seen significant changes in both his personal growth and financial status.

    He discusses the impactful shift in his career after leaving his teaching job, focusing now on improving mental health and meta-cognition in children. Neil highlights the urgent need for better financial education in schools, informed by his firsthand experiences and the stark disparities he's observed.

    Neil shares insights into the Swarbricks 8 Dimensions of Wellness model, which underpins his approach to holistic wellbeing, linking financial stability directly with improved life quality.

    The conversation also covers his journey into financial literacy, sparked by the pandemic lockdown, leading to innovative educational programs and recognising his efforts with a prestigious award.

    Neil's personal approach to teaching his daughter about finances reflects his broader mission to equip the younger generation with essential financial skills, despite the current educational system's shortcomings.

    We wrap up by discussing how Neil's work aligns with WealthBuilders' principles and the importance of integrating life skills, like financial literacy, into children's education to foster a healthier, more prosperous future. 

    The Business Toolkit In One Card

    The Business Toolkit In One Card

    Michelle Shevill, Co-Founder of OneCard, discusses how the innovative tool ‘One Card’ is changing the game in business networking. Michelle shares her journey from running a merchandising business to developing OneCard amidst the challenges of Covid, showcasing the shift from traditional methods to a digital, environmentally friendly approach.

    OneCard streamlines networking by allowing users to book meetings, share documents, and integrate with CRMs directly through a digital card, complete with a feature to support charities. Michelle, along with her team including her husband Mark and technical lead Sean, has navigated the business from its roots in personal passion to a tech-driven solution for modern professionals.

    Highlighting OneCard’s growth to 800 users and overcoming challenges like brand loyalty and tech skepticism, Michelle emphasizes its role in increasing leads, sales, and productivity efficiently.

    Join us to learn how OneCard is paving the way for the future of business interactions, blending sustainability with practicality for professionals everywhere.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Buy Your One Card Now [WealthBuilders Discount: WB24OC]

    >> [Webinar] Unlock A New Source Of Funding For Your Property Or Business: 21st Feb 2024

    >> WT074 – How To Become Investable

    >> WT011 – Creating Your Leverage Using F.I.R.S.T


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders

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    How To Achieve More In The Same Amount Of Time w/ Terry Blackburn

    How To Achieve More In The Same Amount Of Time w/ Terry Blackburn

    Terry Blackburn, a 35-year-old entrepreneur from near Cheshire, shares his wealth story. Terry's ability to transform a derelict property into a successful hotel, alongside running multiple businesses and maintaining a strong family life, is truly inspiring.

    Terry began his entrepreneurial journey at 19 and has since ventured into various businesses, from bespoke services to property development. His success showcases his adaptability and strategic thinking. However, it's his role as a father to four children and his partnership with his equally entrepreneurial partner, Louise, that has redefined his motivations and priorities.

    Balancing business ventures with family responsibilities, Terry has mastered the art of efficient time management, focusing on high-value tasks and streamlining operations. His latest project, a hotel extension, is just one example of his innovative approach to business and property development.

    Terry's story is a testament to the possibility of achieving professional success without sacrificing family time. His journey offers valuable lessons on efficiency, prioritisation, and the importance of a strong why. Join us as we explore how Terry Blackburn achieves more in the same amount of time, blending business acumen with a deep commitment to family.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Unlock a New Source of Funding for your Property or Business [Register Now]

    >> The Ancient Unicorn Hotel Site Visit [Secure Your Ticket]

    >> WT090 – Adopting A 1000 Property Mindset w/ Luke Ryan

    >> Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age [Petition]


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders


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    Make Money While You Sleep, Or Work Until You Die [Part 2]

    Make Money While You Sleep, Or Work Until You Die [Part 2]

    Part 2 of Kevin Whelan’s interview on James Vincent’s Business Excellence podcast.


    In the episode, Kevin continues sharing the 4 entrepreneurial assets which you can use to generate predictable recurring income as well as the different types of trust which you can use to protect your wealth.


    Kevin talks about some advanced wealth-building strategies which involve leveraging assets you almost certainly have within your life right now.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Watch The Video Version Of This Episode

    >> WT228: Make Money While You Sleep, Or Work Until You Die [Part 1]

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders


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    Make Money While You Sleep, Or Work Until You Die [Part 1]

    Make Money While You Sleep, Or Work Until You Die [Part 1]

    Kevin Whelan was recently a guest on James Vincent’s Business Excellence podcast, where he discussed the importance of creating wealth that can sustain future generations. 

    This is part 1 of the interview, where Kevin emphasises the need for recurring income and highlights the misconception that owning a business guarantees freedom. 

    He encourages individuals to understand the difference between work income and asset income and to prioritise financial education so that you can build a recurring income that works even when you are not actively working.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Watch The Video Version Of This Episode

    >> Watch BizX 2022 Full Presentation

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders


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    WealthBuilders New Membership Launch

    WealthBuilders New Membership Launch

    This week, WealthTalk hosts Kevin Whelan and Christian Rodwell discuss the launch of WealthBuilders' new membership options.  


    In the episode, they share the steps in the Roadmap and how you can use the tool to go from financial insecurity to security within 2-3 years and then push on to financial independence.  


    They also discuss the importance of small consistent steps when building wealth and share examples of members who have followed our proven step-by-step process to build a fantastic legacy. 


    The brand-new WealthBuilders membership options have been made to be three things; more accessible, more affordable and an absolute no-brainer!


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Join WealthBuilders Membership

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age

    >> WT226: Brand New! Wheel Of Wealth

    >> Updated Wheel of Wealth [Download]


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders


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    Brand New! Wheel Of Wealth

    Brand New! Wheel Of Wealth

    This week on the WealthTalk podcast, Christian and Kevin dive deep into the key elements that pave the way for financial security and a fulfilling, longer life. 

    Join us as we unveil the updated Wheel of Wealth, a dynamic tool that steers individuals towards financial security and then independence.


    Tune in to find out the 7 components that make up the brand-new Wheel of Wealth, the importance of turning one wheel at a time and how following the proven process can help you achieve financial security and independence faster.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Updated Wheel of Wealth [Download]

    >> WT009: The Wheel Of Wealth

    >> Achieve Financial Security by 2026: Your Action Plan [Register Now]

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Facebook Community

    >> Become a member of WealthBuilders


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    7 Top Tips To Turbo Charge Your Wealth In 2024

    7 Top Tips To Turbo Charge Your Wealth In 2024

    Ready to skyrocket your wealth in 2024? In this WealthTalk episode, hosts Christian Rodwell and Kevin Whelan dive into the 7 essential tips that will turbocharge your financial journey this year.


    In these uncertain economic times, growing your wealth and achieving financial security becomes even more crucial.


    In the episode, we share some practical tips, such as taking stock of your pensions and making use of tax-free savings. 


    So, whether you're a parent looking to secure your family's financial future, a business owner aiming to grow your wealth, or an ambitious employee on a mission to achieve financial security, this episode is for you. 


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Free Wealth Building Bundle [Download]

    >> Achieve Financial Security by 2026: Your Action Plan [Register Here]

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    WealthBuilders for Families: John Lamerton

    WealthBuilders for Families: John Lamerton

    John Lamerton, a seasoned entrepreneur graciously opens up about his distinctive path—breaking free from conventional norms, embracing homeschooling, and making the pivotal decision to exit a business in 2016.


    During our insightful conversation, John generously shares his perspectives on the significance of imparting invaluable lessons to his children. Delving into the nuances of money role modeling and family traditions, he takes us on a journey of personal insights and intimate reflections.  


    Join us as we explore the intricate dynamics of family life, the intricacies of financial strategies, and the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship. This episode promises a wealth of wisdom and personal anecdotes from John's unique experiences.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> John Lamerton [LinkedIn]

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the ‘WealthBuilders For Families’ Waitlist

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy


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    Co-Living HMOs That Supercharge Your Profits w/ Stuart Scott

    Co-Living HMOs That Supercharge Your Profits w/ Stuart Scott

    In this episode, we're joined by multi-award-winning Co-Living HMO developer, Stuart Scott.


    Stuart takes us on a deep dive into the world of Co-Living HMOs, sharing his invaluable insights on how to supercharge your profits in the property market. 


    Stuart unpacks the concept of Co-Living HMOs and explains why this strategy can be a game-changer for property investors. 


    Tune in to discover how Co-Living HMOs can offer substantial financial rewards, including maximising rental income and boosting your investment portfolio. 


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Stuart Scott [LinkedIn]

    >> Stuart Scott [Website]

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    The First Time Buyers Key To Unlocking Home Ownership w/ Andy Haynes

    The First Time Buyers Key To Unlocking Home Ownership w/ Andy Haynes

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the world of home ownership, especially for first-time buyers in the UK. 


    Award-winning property investor, Andy Haynes joins us to unlock the secrets and strategies that can make your dream of owning a home a reality.


    Discover the practical steps and insights that will guide you on your path to becoming a homeowner, even in today's competitive market. 


    Andy emphasises the importance of financial literacy and proactive planning when it comes to one of the most significant investments you'll make in your lifetime. 


    Plus, we'll discuss how teaching these principles to the next generation can shape a brighter financial future for all.


    Tune in to gain practical insights, challenge conventional thinking, and embark on your journey towards home ownership.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Andy Haynes [LinkedIn]

    >> Free Audio Sample: No More Rent: The First-Time Buyer's Key To Unlocking Home Ownership

    >> No More Rent: The First-Time Buyer's Key To Unlocking Home Ownership [Amazon]

    >> Petition: Make Financial Education Compulsory In All Schools From Primary Age


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    WealthBuilders For Families: Chris Kirkwood

    WealthBuilders For Families: Chris Kirkwood

    Chris has played a pivotal role in expanding Sourced Property to over 200 franchisees, all while maintaining a strong focus on property and profit maximisation.

    In this discussion, Chris shares his experiences in helping franchisees achieve financial freedom, a goal that deeply resonates with their purpose of securing the future for their children and grandchildren. He also offers a personal touch, reflecting on childhood memories and his family life with wife Bethany and their two boys, Rufus and Nat.

    Chris underscores the significance of aligning family values with financial goals. He explores the potential of property investment as a tool for family wealth, emphasising the importance of empowering the next generation with financial knowledge and independence.

    Tune in to this episode for a blend of personal anecdotes and expert advice on building and maintaining family wealth that stands the test of time. 


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Chris Kirkwood [LinkedIn]

    >> Sourced [Website]

    >> GoHenry [Website]

    >> Birmingham Networking Meetup

    >> Join the Waitlist – WealthBuilders for Families


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy


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    How To Boost Your Salary Or Pension For FREE!

    How To Boost Your Salary Or Pension For FREE!

    This week, we dive into the world of wealth-building strategies and uncover some hidden gems that can help you elevate your income without any extra costs.


    Ever wondered what a salary sacrifice is and how it can potentially boost your income or pension? We break it down for you, along with demystifying national insurance contributions and how reclaiming them can give a nice boost to your take-home pay.


    Kevin and Christian emphasise the value of salary sacrifice for all employees looking to amass wealth. Understanding the terminology and advantages is key to fully tapping into this wealth-building strategy.


    In the episode, we shine a spotlight on the magic of compound interest and its pivotal role in wealth building. We explore the intricacies of the compounding cycle, interest rates, consistency, and the associated risks.


    Tune in for an enlightening episode filled with practical financial wisdom that could be your stepping stone to a brighter financial future.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Birmingham Networking Meetup

    >> WT218: How Safe Is Your Pension?


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    Young Eco-Entrepreneurs: Pursuing Passion For A Greener Future w/ Edd Moore

    Young Eco-Entrepreneurs: Pursuing Passion For A Greener Future w/ Edd Moore

    This week we venture into the education system and explore how a school is shaping the entrepreneurs of the future.


    In the episode, we are joined by Edd Moore, a primary school teacher and sustainability enthusiast renowned for his innovative teaching methods and environmentally friendly initiatives.


    Sparking their passions, the school Edd Moore teaches at encourages children to engage in sustainability-focused projects, evolving from a communal garden to selling handmade, eco-friendly goods while teaching them essential business skills. 


    The fascinating project is helping shape young minds through entrepreneurship, with the 'Fiver Challenge' - an innovative initiative that empowers children to start their own mini-business venture using just five pounds! 


    Stay tuned for helpful tips parents can employ to encourage their children, teenagers or young adults’ entrepreneurial spirit and mindset around money. 


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Edd Moore [LinkedIn]

    >> Birmingham Networking Meetup


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    How Safe Is Your Pension?

    How Safe Is Your Pension?

    In the latest WealthTalk episode, we tackle the pressing concern for millions worldwide… the security of your pension!


    Kevin and Christian delve deep into the specifics of protecting your pension and explore the reasons it is critical to do so.


    Equip yourself with the tools and expertise needed to ensure the safety and sustainability of your pension, no matter what challenges the financial world throws your way.


    Whether you're approaching retirement, in the midst of your career, or just embarking on your pension journey, this episode will provide invaluable insights into fortifying your pension's security and strategies to create growth.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Networking & Cashflow 101 London

    >> Birmingham Networking Meetup


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    Turning Your Passion Into Profit w/ Dr Shelley James

    Turning Your Passion Into Profit w/ Dr Shelley James

    In this thought-provoking episode of WealthTalk, we have the honour of interviewing author and TedX speaker, Dr Shelley James. Shelley is a visionary in the art of turning passion into profit, and she's here to share her wisdom with you.


    Join us as we embark on a journey with Shelley, who unravels the secrets behind identifying and transforming your deepest passions into a source of financial prosperity.


    Learn how to create a business that not only generates profit but also makes a positive impact on the world, fulfilling your personal and financial aspirations.


    As well as hearing the hurdles and setbacks you may encounter on your passion-driven business journey, with Shelley offering practical advice on how to navigate them successfully.


    Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or looking to infuse new life into your existing business, this episode is a must-listen.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Dr Shelley James [LinkedIn]

    >> Networking & Cashflow 101 London

    >> Birmingham Networking Meetup

    >> WT159 - Looking At Your Wealth In A New Light w/ Dr Shelley James

    >> WT201 - Member Story: First Steps Into Business, Rachel Bunney

    >> Validate Your Business Mini-Course


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    WealthBuilders for Families: Suzi Carter

    WealthBuilders for Families: Suzi Carter

    In this episode of WealthTalk, we have the pleasure of hosting experienced investor, Suzi Carter. 

    Suzi shares her invaluable insights on strategies and techniques that empower families to create a lasting legacy of prosperity and financial well-being.

    During this engaging episode, Suzi emphasises the importance of imparting financial knowledge to family members, equipping them with the skills to make informed decisions and secure their financial future.

    We delve into the intricacies of estate planning, including wills, trusts, and other essential tools for passing down assets while minimising tax burdens.

    Ready to take the reins of your family's financial future? Suzi also shares pearls of wisdom on smart investment strategies and effective wealth management techniques that are essential for growing and safeguarding your family's wealth.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Suzi Carter [Website]

    >> Suzi Carter [LinkedIn]

    >> Networking & Cashflow 101 London

    >> WT56: The Commercial Property Market Post Covid19 with Suzi Carter

    >> Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Think Rich to Get Rich! [Amazon]

    >> The Entitlement Trap: How to Rescue Your Child with a New Family System of Choosing, Earning, and Ownership [Amazon]


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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    WealthBuilders for Families: Chris Henry

    WealthBuilders for Families: Chris Henry

    Join us as we engage in an enlightening conversation with Chris Henry about the strategies, tools, and insights that families can utilise to enhance their financial well-being and secure a prosperous future.


    During the episode, Chris shares his extensive knowledge and practical advice on a range of topics, including smart investment strategies, estate planning, and creating financial legacies that benefit not only today's generation but those to come. 


    Tune in as we explore the importance of setting financial goals, aligning investments with your family's values, and navigating the complexities of estate planning.


    This episode is a must-listen for families who aspire to achieve lasting financial success, safeguard their loved ones' futures, and create a legacy that endures through the generations.


    Resources In This Episode:

    >> Chris Henry [LinkedIn]

    >> Dr. John Demartini: The Values Factor: The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life [Amazon]

    >> WT113: What If You Can't Find Your 'Why'?

    >> WT207: WealthBuilders for Families: Mark Stokes


    Next Steps On Your Wealth Building Journey:

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Community

    >> Join the WealthBuilders Academy



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