
    Well Behaved Women

    A new podcast about old ladies who were not, in fact, well behaved. Each week, Lauren will teach Hannah and B about a new revolutionary femme, so join them on their journey to knowledge.
    enLauren Schill68 Episodes

    Episodes (68)

    The Crownening S1 E4 - "Act of God"

    The Crownening S1 E4 - "Act of God"

    *Mrs. Doubtfire voice*  Oh hellOOOOOoooo! Queen Lizzie's reign starts to heat up when a special fog rolls into London Town, and it causes CHAOS.  No one can see (or breathe) a damned thing. 

    Everyone is looking to Winston Churchill to solve the problem, but what is he worried about?  Phillip flying!  Is he serious???

    We also get to know more about the new girl, Venetia Scott!  She's got the hots for ... Winston Churchill?  We're not entirely sure, but she's definitely crushing on him - luckily platonically, kind of! 

    We've got a lot to cover, and more! 

    Image credit:  Netflix's The Crown Season 1 Episode 4 "Act of God"


    Well Behaved Women
    enMarch 08, 2024

    Ep. 62 - I Dream of Jeannie Pt 1

    Ep. 62 - I Dream of Jeannie Pt 1

    Welcome to part 1 of the Life and Times of Jeanne D'Arc, or as we in the States know her, Joan of Arc!  This is one of the legendary ones, and for good reasons.  In this episode we tackle a looong and inappropriately named war (in 3 distinct segments), bodies bodies everywhere, and one simple girl hearing voices in the fields.

    Joan was a 15 or 16 year old girl who had visions of her destiny, delivered by angels from God, and she was to fight for and restore the rightful King of France.  But first, she has to get there, needs people to believe that she isn't insane, and needs an army.  What's a girl to do?  

    Image Credits:  "Joan of Arc" by John Everett Millais (1865)


    Well Behaved Women
    enMarch 01, 2024

    The Crownening S1 Ep3 - "Windsor"

    The Crownening S1 Ep3 - "Windsor"

    Oh helloooo!  We are on episode 3 of the first season of Netflix's "The Crown".  This week, it's the big day and boy did this episode deliver!  Elizabeth tackles verbiage in her wedding vows, Winston Churchill mulls over the King's health condition, the King tries to cover his health issues with makeup and assigns Elizabeth her first real royal tour. 

    Image credit:  Season 1 Episode 3 The Crown "Wolferton Splash"

    Ep. 61 - Titty Talkin! The Mammaries of Anarchy

    Ep. 61 - Titty Talkin! The Mammaries of Anarchy

    You know them, you love them (probably), they're BREASTS!  Today, the topic is mammories, boobs, breasts, titties, or any other name you know them by.  They're everywhere, come in all shapes and sizes and nearly half the world has them, but how much do you really know about them?  Lauren helps us by diving into the topic and humorously educates us through the biology of how they work!  

    So dive in and get to know more about your favorite pair of boobs today! 

    Image credits: https://www.boredpanda.com/bullet-bra-fashion-vintage/ 

    The Crownening S1 Ep2 - "Hyde Park Corner"

    The Crownening S1 Ep2 - "Hyde Park Corner"

    In the second episode of Season 1 of Netflix's  "The Crown", Lauren and Hannah plan a safari a-la Elizabeth and Phillip,  Princess Elizabeth gets knews she wasn't expecting, Winston Churchill is holding a briefing in the tub, and all the while, Hannah can't take her eyes off of Matt Smith (who can?).


    Get into it with us and more on "The Crownening"!


    Image credit goes to: Netflix, this image is a still from Season 1 Ep. 2 of "The Crown". 

    Ep. 60 - DJ Mariposa and Las Hermanas Mirabal

    The Crownening S1 Ep1 - "Wolferton Splash"

    The Crownening S1 Ep1 - "Wolferton Splash"

    Sorry we're late this week, but Happy Saturday!   We're trying something new this year, and we're so excited to share it with you (finally)!   Lauren and Hannah both love Netflix's The Crown (centering on the reign of Queen Elizabeth II), looking back on how this woman took on the insurmountable role of British Monarch in her mid 20's, how she effected a nation (and the world) for decades!

    Folks, let me tell you, making this first episode has been interesting, to say the least.   We hit a number of technical issues, and you will hear us get a bit loopy and slappy on this episode because of it.  


    Ep. 59 - Red Lanterns Rising

    Ep. 59 - Red Lanterns Rising

    We've got some mythic warrior maidens today!  We're taking it back to 1900 in China, during a time of uprising - the Boxer Uprising. 

    We're talking about The Red Lanterns, an elite group of women trained to fight AND were rumored heavily to have SUPERNATURAL ABILITIES! Keep in mind, the girls in The Red Lanterns were only between the ages of 11 to 17 years old!!!! Can you remember what you were doing at 11 years old? 

    Image credits:  Unnamed photo of The Red Lanterns - sourced from Wikipedia. 

    Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Lanterns_(Boxer_Uprising)#:~:text=The%20Red%20Lanterns%20(simplified%20Chinese,and%20fight%20against%20foreign%20enemies 

    Ep. 58 - Roxy-oxy-Oxenfree!!! - Roxelena, Hurrem Sultana

    Ep. 58 - Roxy-oxy-Oxenfree!!! - Roxelena, Hurrem Sultana

    She started from the bottom, now she here!  Lauren has the tea this week on a woman who went from a tragically kidnapped/enslaved child to the Chief Consort and Legal Wife of the Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent!   That's quite the upgrade, how'd she pull it off?  Listen in to find out! 

    Image credits: Latin oil painting of Hurrem Sultan titled Rosa Solymanni Vxor (Rosa, Süleyman's Wife) (Roxelana), c. 1500-1558.  Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.
    Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Khourrem.jpg#filehistory 

    Ep. 57 - Hatchetation Nation - Carrie A. Nation

    Ep. 57 - Hatchetation Nation  -  Carrie A. Nation

    It's a fun one this week!  Lauren regails us with the determination of one woman to "save America" from the drink.  That's right! This week, we are covering Carrie A. Nation, a woman known for her dedication to Prohibition and her unusually violent methods in doing so.  

    While today we may not agree with her methods or with Prohibition at all, we can understand her reasoning behind it.  Alcohol can effect more than just the person drinking and many women at this time had suffered the consequences of their husband's drinking.  To many, Prohibition was the answer.  I guess we'll see how it all shakes out! 

    Image credits: "Carrie A Nation with a hatchet" by unknown photographer, circa around 1900.  link: www.https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carrie-nation-feature-543882879.jpg 

    Ep. 56 - Ida B. Writin'

    Ep. 56 - Ida B. Writin'

    It's the second act in our two-part series on Ida B. Wells.  This week, host Lauren tells us how Ida took her rage and bravery, and turned it into written action!  We explore the pamphlets Ida published and how she became the #1 Truth-Teller of the 20th Century. 

    We also wanted to shine a light on one of the organizations that we mentioned in our podcast - The Dock Ellis Foundation

    The Dock Ellis Foundation - https://www.dockellisfoundation.com 

    ​Dock Ellis Foundation provides underprivileged families and victims with the support and guidance they need to bring their missing loved one's home.

    The Dock Ellis Foundation responds to each report of a missing person with an investigation, awareness campaign, search, placement and advocacy at no charge to families. Our work offers reassurance and hope for those reporting missing person cases that their case will receive an adequate response. We give peace of mind to a community that is otherwise neglected when lives are most at stake. We respond to those missing a loved one with the seriousness that situation always deserves.


    They are absolutely incredible and provide an incredibly needed resource, especially for missing black women and their families! If you are interested in supporting this amazing foundation, you can learn more at dockellisfoundation.com, where you can also donate if you wish! #BringThemHome #dockellisfoundation
    Image Credits:  "MISS Ida Wells-Barnett Image from page 73 of "The story of the Illinois Federation of Colored Women's Clubs" (1922)" Sourced from Wikimedia Commons   Link: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4b/MISS_Ida_Wells-Barnett_Image_from_page_73_of_%22The_story_of_the_Illinois_Federation_of_Colored_Women%27s_Clubs%22_%281922%29.jpg 



    Well Behaved Women
    enDecember 29, 2023

    Ep.55 - Ida B Ragin'

    Ep.55 - Ida B Ragin'

    Hey, friends!  This week, Lauren brings us the life and times of one Ida B. Wells! 

    Picture this, you're a young black girl born into slavery in the 1860's in Mississippi.  Childhood is tragedy after tragedy, and you're separated from your family at a young age by being sold off.  Then, after you're emapncipated, your begin a career in investigative journalism and begin to publish pamphlet after pamphlet calling out the horrifying and brutal treatment/murder of Black men/women in your community.  All of a sudden, you and your paper are a target!  What does a woman do in this case?  Well... luckily Ida knew :)  I promise this has a happy-ish ending!

    The Dock Ellis Foundation - https://www.dockellisfoundation.com 

    ​Dock Ellis Foundation provides underprivileged families and victims with the support and guidance they need to bring their missing loved one's home.

    The Dock Ellis Foundation responds to each report of a missing person with an investigation, awareness campaign, search, placement and advocacy at no charge to families. Our work offers reassurance and hope for those reporting missing person cases that their case will receive an adequate response. We give peace of mind to a community that is otherwise neglected when lives are most at stake. We respond to those missing a loved one with the seriousness that situation always deserves.


    Image credits:  Portrait of Ida B Wells in Black and White. Found through Wikimedia Commons.  Link:  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ida_B._Wells.jpg 

    Well Behaved Women
    enDecember 22, 2023

    Ep. 54 - Marsha P. Johnson - She Had The Stones For Stonewall

    Ep. 54 - Marsha P. Johnson - She Had The Stones For Stonewall

    This week, B is out of the office so Lauren has prepared a re-telling of an early episode for Hannah - Marsha P. Johnson and her incredible impact on American life today.   We delve into their childhood, how they discovered "Marsha" and, of course, how Marsha impacted the historic event in American history, The Stonewall Riots of 1969! 


    In this episode we mention two organizations that serve incredibly important purposes.  We want to make sure everyone who wants to help has the opportunity to do so! You can find imfornation and links for both below. 


    The Marsha P Johnson Institute - https://marshap.org

    MPJI advocates for BLACK trans people who are resisting, grappling with survival, and looking for a community. We aim to demystify, diversify and expand opportunities for our community. We raise awareness and connectivity by sharing knowledge, providing resources, and engaging people to support our mission.


    The Dock Ellis Foundation - https://www.dockellisfoundation.com 

    ​Dock Ellis Foundation provides underprivileged families and victims with the support and guidance they need to bring their missing loved one's home.

    The Dock Ellis Foundation responds to each report of a missing person with an investigation, awareness campaign, search, placement and advocacy at no charge to families. Our work offers reassurance and hope for those reporting missing person cases that their case will receive an adequate response. We give peace of mind to a community that is otherwise neglected when lives are most at stake. We respond to those missing a loved one with the seriousness that situation always deserves.



    Image Credits:  (Found through the "National Park Service" website, at the following link https://www.nps.gov/people/marsha-p-johnson.htm).  The following credits were provided by the National Park service:  Marsha protests Bellevue Hospital's treatment of street people/LGBTQ. By Diana Davies, 1968-1975.


    Ep. 53 - Caution: Hazzardous Materials - "Dr." Linda Hazzard

    Ep. 53 - Caution: Hazzardous Materials - "Dr." Linda Hazzard

    Join Lauren and B this week as they talk about "Dr." Linda Hazzard, dietician, enema queen, and serial murderer?

    ** Trigger Warning ** This episode will include discussions of starvation, abuse and death.  Listeners, please be advised. 


    Wondering how to contact us?  You can find us below! 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wellbehavedwomenpodcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellbehavedwomenpodcast

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wellbehavedwomenpod

    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/WellBehavedWomen

    Or you can email us! Wellbehavedwomenpodcast@gmail.com


    Image Credits:  Unknown. photo found through "Forgotten Minnestoa" website, Link: https://forgottenminnesota.com/forgotten-minnesota/2018/07/starvation-doctor-quack-healer-serial-killer

    Ep. 52 - Saint-ish Christina Alexandra

    Ep. 52 - Saint-ish Christina Alexandra

    Lauren continues to tell B and Hannah about the crazy life of Queen Christina of Sweden.  She takes quite a few trips, dodges a few Popes, gets invited to Rome by some other Popes, and continues to live lavishly off her friends. Wait until we tell you where she got buried!!!! (Hint: it is, like, so exclusive!)


    Image credits:  Queen Christina in Palazzo Corsini (Kristian Zahrtmann, 1908). Image from the National Gallery of Denmark. 

    Ep.51 - Dommy Mommies for Queen Christina

    Ep.51 - Dommy Mommies for Queen Christina

    This week the pod lab explores the first, and incredibly busy, half of the life of Christina, Queen of Sweden. Join as we discuss hairy babies, buffoonery, romantic necrophilia, and how many mommies it actually takes to raise a queen.


    Image Credit: British Museum

    Paulus Pontius after Anselmus Van Hulle
    Christina, Queen of Sweden at the Peace of Münster
    ca. 1648

    Well Behaved Women
    enNovember 24, 2023

    Ep. 50 - Running Away with my Hearst

    Ep. 50 - Running Away with my Hearst

    Today Lauren brings us the tale of the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, granddaughter of newspaper tycoon and policitican William Randolph Hearst.  It a truly twisty tale, starting with living with her hippy boyfriend, and then being taken from the apartment, stowed away, blindfolded.  BUT, it doesn't stop there.  There's ransom, brainwashing, an attempted bank heist and then the police make some arrests.... but who they arrest is quite interesting. 

    Image credits: "Patty Hearst arrest photo, 19 September 1975" Source Link: http://www.youngandprettyblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/phearstmug1.jpg

    Ep. 49 - Someone's Head is in the Kitchen with Kathy

    Ep. 49 - Someone's Head is in the Kitchen with Kathy

    Someone's in the kitchen, Oh NoooOooooOooo .... Watch out for frying pans!   

    This week, Lauren introduces us to a Katherine Knight, an Australian woman with some issues ..... major issues.  She was rather tough, had a bit of a drinking problem, and would back her man up in fights.   BUT, her darkside was really what you had to watch out for ... and frying pans! You also don't want her cooking for you....

    Listen in to learn why and hopefully laugh with us along the way. 

    *Trigger Warning* This episode contains materials and topics that may be distressing to some. Please be advised while listening.

    Image Credits:  "Katherine Knight during her first marriage, before she butchered future partner John Charles Thomas Price." Sourced from AllThatsInteresting.com.  Link: https://allthatsinteresting.com/katherine-knight


    Ep. 48 - Frankie Ros and the Race to the Center of the Helix

    Ep. 48 - Frankie Ros and the Race to the Center of the Helix

    Welcome back, we're learning about DNA!  We all have DNA, but honestly for a long part of human history, no one even knew about it.  What did it look like?  How was it organized?  Well, the star of this week's epsiode, Rosalind Franklin, helped to answer some of these key questions, but will anyone believe she made this discovery?  Listen to learn more! 

    Image credits: "Rosalind Franklin" In Paris, from Wikimedia Commons.  link: https://www.cshl.edu/archives-blog/rosalind-franklin-would-be-100-years-old-today/











    Ep. 47 - Ghosty Gals of North America

    Ep. 47 - Ghosty Gals of North America

    This week, the gang's all here as we tell three tales of Americana.

    Have you ever heard of haunted hitch-hikers?  Women in white?  Learn with us as we hear the origin stories of three of America's most famous hauntings!

    Image credits: "Betsy Bell" An artist's drawing of Betsy Bell, done around 1894 and published in M. V. Inram's book about the Bell Witch. Link: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Betsy.jpg


    Well Behaved Women
    enOctober 27, 2023