
    What if They're Wrong? Paranormal

    What if They're Wrong? Paranormal. The podcast that wants YOU to question everything. If you're into the paranormal, then you've come to the right place! Is there a UFO and alien abduction phenomenon? Is bigfoot living in the deep woods? Are ghosts haunting homes? Are there civilizations lost to the sands of time? Are there evil powers working behind the scenes of world governments? Tune in as we look into various topics involving fringe and conspiracy theories! And remember... Question everything. 

    en-usJeremiah93 Episodes

    Episodes (93)

    Planet X and Anunnaki Jason Martell (revisited)

    Planet X and Anunnaki Jason Martell (revisited)

    Planet X and Anunnaki with Jason Martell from ancient aliens. This week I'm joined by a special co-host April. Jason is also the author of the book Knowledge Apocalypse! Mr. Martell tells us how he got started with Ancient Aliens, and his quest for knowledge about our ancient past. He gives us insights into Planet X and the Anunnaki. Jason then takes us on a journey into the ancient past, as we talk about pyramids and cycles of time. We end off our discussion with the alien abduction phenomenon. It's a talk that you're not going to want to miss! Jason Martell has a website with a lot of valuable information on it.

    Where is Planet X? What have the Anunnaki been up to?

    Jason's Website: https://jasonmartell.com/

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Email: whatiftheyrewrong@gmail.com (for guest requests label email "Guest Request")

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    Ancient Aliens and Human Enlightenment

    Ancient Aliens and Human Enlightenment

    Pam Downes joins the show again to talk ancient aliens and human enlightenment. We start the episode off talking about ancient aliens. Pam and I discuss ancient sites around the world and how it would be hard for primitive man to make them. We then shift the conversation to human enlightenment. Tune in for a riveting talk!

    Pam's Website: https://spirit-calling.com/

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Show Email: whatiftheyrewrong@gmail.com 
    "guest requests, please title email as such"

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    Who They Are and What They're Up To

    Who They Are and What They're Up To

    Leslie and Stephen Shaw join the show to discuss their book "Who they are and what they're up to". We talk about alien origins and where they reside. Steve and Leslie tell us about genetic manipulation that these alien entities did to our early ancestors. We talk about alien observation and abduction throughout history. Don't miss this highly informative episode!

    Their Book: https://www.amazon.com/Who-They-Are-What-Theyre-ebook/dp/B0BKCB5ZD4/ref=sr_1_1?crid=9WQZU6RU2PT0&keywords=who+they+are+and+what+they%27re+up+to&qid=1696803239&sprefix=who+they+are+and+what%2Caps%2C82&sr=8-1

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Show Email: whatiftheyrewrong@gmail.com - If interested in being a guest, please make your email subject "Guest Request". Thank you!

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    Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide

    Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide

    John Kirwin joins the show to talk about his book Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide. This is a book to help people into conspiracies deal with family and friends who aren't accepting. We talk about some of the recent major conspiracies. John tells us how to work towards escaping this current system we are under. If you are feeling like an outcast, or you feel you're all alone, tune in to learn how to deal with this!

    John's Links:
    Book: https://www.wakeuporelse.com/getthebook 
    YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/@wakeuporelse
    Email: pleasewakeuporelse@gmail.com

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/

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    Human Potential and E.T.'s

    Human Potential and E.T.'s

    Rafael Lugo joins the show to talk with us about human potential and E.T.'s. Rafael is a life-long UFO and alien experiencer. He also has his hand in the metaphysical and conscious rap. We discuss some of his experiences with E.T.'s. We also talk about how humans have bigger potential than what we are lead to believe. Can you shape the future that you want? Tune in and decide!

    Rafael's Info: https://www.skitzomusic.com/

    Show website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong

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    Conspiracies, Aliens, and Spiritual Awakening...Oh My

    Conspiracies, Aliens, and Spiritual Awakening...Oh My

    Pamela Downes joins the show to talk about Conspiracies, Aliens, and Spiritual Awakening...Oh My! She runs a business "Spirit Calling", helping people with their spiritual awakening. She is in communication with a group of other-worldly entities called "The Great Council of Light". Tune in as we discuss all things fringe!

    Pam's Website: https://spirit-calling.com/

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/

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    Medium Sarah Janik

    Medium Sarah Janik

    Medium Sarah Janik joins the show to talk about her works. She helps people connect with lost loved ones. Her work extends more than just communicating with lost friends and relatives. She aims to help heal people's own spirits. Make sure to check out her website.

    Sarah's Website: http://www.sarahjanik.com/
    Sarah's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahjanikmedium/?hl=en

    Show website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong/

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    Simulation Theory (Revisited)

    Simulation Theory (Revisited)

    There will be no new episode today, sorry. This is a reupload of an older episode. Julie Fisk and I talk about all things Simulation Theory. 

    Julie's Website: https://www.hauntedaf.com/

    Show website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong/

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    Forbidden Archeology Michael Cremo

    Forbidden Archeology Michael Cremo

    Michael Cremo joins the show to talk about his book Forbidden Archeology. We talk about how human beings might WAY older then we think. Michael tells us about his views on human origins. We talk about what might be our purpose on this planet. He tells us about past life phenomenon and much more! Tune in now.

    Michael's Website: https://www.mcremo.com/

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/

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    Mandela Effect

    Mandela Effect

    Today we have a round table discussion on the Mandela Effect. Thousands if not millions of people claim to recall things differently than they are. Movies, music, brands, and others seem to have changed from their inception. Childhood memories are going to be shattered with this one! Tune in to question your sanity.

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/ 
    instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong/
    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1534275743579979
    BMAC: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/witwpod

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    Legends, Myths, Monsters and Ghosts

    Legends, Myths, Monsters and Ghosts

    George Lunsford joins the show to talk about his book Legends, Myths, Monsters and Ghosts. His book covers strangeness across the United States. We talk about possessed dolls, Dogman, haunted places, and more! Tune in for this light-hearted interview.

    George's Website: https://authorgeorgelunsford.x10host.com/ 
    George's Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/George-Lunsford/author/B07FR1FG5C?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong/
    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1534275743579979
    Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/witwpod

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    Ghosts of Gettysburg

    Ghosts of Gettysburg

    Victor Johnson joins the show to talk about Ghosts of Gettysburg. Victor is a ghost tour guide for the Gettysburg, Pennsylvania area. He also talks with us about ghosts of Philadelphia. We talk about what he believes ghosts are. I also ask him what he thinks about Aliens and Bigfoot! Tune in for this chilling episode!

    Victor's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@destinationspooky
    Victor's Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXXR49M5

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong/
    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1534275743579979
    Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/witwpod

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    Social Traps and Life

    Social Traps and Life

    Bobby Shue from Mystic Talk joins the show to talk about social traps and Life. We talk about what brought him to make his podcast. He then talks with me about some of the social traps that the modern person faces. We end off the conversation speaking about being true to yourself. Tune in for this enlightening episode!

    Bobby Shue's Podcast:

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong/
    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1534275743579979
    Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/witwpod

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    Porn Addiction Conspiracy

    Porn Addiction Conspiracy

    Jaymee jay joins the show to talk about Porn Addiction! We discuss one of the biggest industries of modern times. The methods and schemes that get people hooked on porn like a drug. She talks to us about some conspiracies behind the whole thing. We then discuss things to look out for and how not to get duped. You do not want to miss this one!

    Jaymee's Other Shows: https://unbroken.global/the-role-of-pornography-in-the-normalization-of-pedophilia-and-satanism-in-society/

    Show Website: https://whatifpod.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whatiftheyrewrong/
    FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1534275743579979

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