
    What Lights You Up

    If you are tired of getting by, you want to feel better, and step into the version of yourself that makes your heart sing, this podcast is for you! Our inner light is often first dimmed by the environment we were raised in. No one is the blame for this. We are all products of societal structure, culture, and conditioning designed to keep us "safe." This podcast guides you to question what you think about yourself, your life, and how the world works. The darkest moments we witness or encounter are perfect opportunities to rediscover and shine your light! It encourages you to step into and embody your own truths and to create a life you enjoy. It challenges the world views and dogmas that aren't in the highest service to your spirit. It provides insight to our triggers and solutions to living in a state of empowerment. Bring your open mind and heart for real and raw topics delivered with love.
    enRachel Richards149 Episodes

    Episodes (149)

    143. Culty Behavior Part 1: Red Flags

    143. Culty Behavior Part 1: Red Flags

    It's no coincidence there are so many documentaries, podcasts, and books focused on cults at this time. While they have existed forever, our ability to connect and share information quickly is new. Rapid communication online supports the exposure of toxic and harmful practices with possible justice...and it also helps the same practices to spread. 

    Many cult-like ("culty") behaviors can be found in your daily life. It may be in the products you buy, the affiliations you make, the groups you are a part of; any number of things. Marketing tactics have long ago shifted from persuasion toward manipulation and even elements of mind control. MLMs have infiltrated nearly every market and continue to get away with shady business practices. And they are merely one example of a much larger picture.

    None of this is intended to scare you. Quite the opposite. This is intended to shine a light of awareness on these practices so you are better positioned to protect yourself. Consider this episode an introduction to the topic of culty behavior and learn to spot the warning signs before you get in too deep. 

    Referenced in this episode: https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/

    Connect with Sunny: https://linktr.ee/iamsunny

    Intro music: "Pieces of Light" by Trevor Mack

    142. Guided Meditation: Relax, Accept, Break Bad Habits, and Learn to Be Happy

    142. Guided Meditation: Relax, Accept, Break Bad Habits, and Learn to Be Happy

    Let's take a trip together, shall we? A trip inside....for 30 minutes [and more, if you desire].



    Just LISTEN. You deserve to take some time to yourself. So please lay your body down, relax, and listen to my voice for about 30 minutes. 


    Before you begin, please bring kind and conscious awareness to your intention. 

    If you have never experienced a guided meditation, here's what you should know about this one: 

    * the guidance itself lasts about 25 minutes

    * you can stay in "trance" longer if you choose to (extended music)

    * it's okay if you fall asleep (your subconscious will still receive the message!)

    * you can't get this wrong

    * there is no such thing as "I don't know how to quiet my mind"

    * RELAX - do it again and again. You will be amazed at what your mind, body, and soul can do.

    I am bringing this to you today (whatever day you are receiving) because I believe in the power of meditation. And I want you to experience it too. 

    I am also building a meditation library, so if you enjoy this experiece, please get on my list so we can continue to reap the benefits together. 

    This one's on me.

    With love,


    Find all of the ways to connect with me here


    Original Music by Cindy Locher – The Relaxation Works    / @cindylocherthere...  




    141. Death, Dying, and Advocacy with Maureen Kafkis

    141. Death, Dying, and Advocacy with Maureen Kafkis

    “It’s not so much what’s going to happen when we die. It’s about how we are going to live…and what our legacy is going to be while we’re here.” 


    This episode featuring Maureen Kafkas is a philosophical conversation between friends. Few aspects of life are as certain or as difficult to face as death, yet Maureen’s experiences have ultimately created expansion and growth. Through her professional and personal experiences, she has supported and advocated for the dying while balancing her own emotions where her loved ones were involved. 


    We skim the surface on a broad and taboo topic with a light dose of spirituality, so bring your open mind. We discuss advocating hospice care, having conversations with your parents, navigating emotions of family members, our thoughts on the ceremonies and burial options after death, even losing our pets. We understand from our own experiences how difficult these conversations can be. It’s also true that we can choose a path that feels right for us. 


    Connect with Maureen: 



    The Brain BS Podcast Community


    Connect with Sunny: 


    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.

    Schedule a conversation here.


    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel


    140. You Worry Too Much

    140. You Worry Too Much

    So many humans are filled with unnecessary worry. Worry steals your time and energy. It sends you spinning all the threads of possibility or potential devastation around things that haven’t even happened yet. It is a vibration rooted in fear. 

    No matter what it is that you may be worried about today, I assure you that there is a better way to approach this emotion when it arises. You may have even created a habit of worrying so you're not even aware it's happening. It’s time to release your concerns and embrace the notion that worry does not have to take over your life. It’s time to live the way you were designed to live. 

    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.

    Schedule a conversation here.

    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel


    139. Take Back Your Power

    139. Take Back Your Power

    Get ready for some real talk that incorporates the spirit within you. We are all feeling the squeeze and the burden of the times we are living. We may even feel powerless to change anything in our personal lives, much less for the collective. 


    The good news is that no single person bears responsibility to “fix things” on this planet. We may ask why we are here and what our purpose is when we feel stripped of our power. This episode is going to deliver some guidance for you. Some of it is channeled from higher places and I hold a knowing that what has been shared here is the purest truth I have access to at this moment. Perhaps it is for you too or maybe you’re skeptical. Either way, you’re sure to have some actionable takeaways for stepping back into the power that is your birthright. 

    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.

    Schedule a conversation here.

    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    138. Save Yourself

    138. Save Yourself

    CW: brief reference to gun violence


    If you have ever felt your emotions spiraling out of control, this episode is for you. I recently faced a dark night of the soul and am sharing three key approaches that I took to get back on solid ground. 

     What we often do when faced with deep challenges in life is to try to tamp it down and keep forging ahead with our daily lives. Some of us feel this is our responsibility or even our purpose: to shake it off, move on, and continue to show up when you are screaming inside. 

    The truth is that each of us have a far greater purpose that may be revealed if we take the time to focus our efforts where they will have the greatest impact. This is unlikely to be things you are accustomed to doing, so bring your open mind and prepare yourself for a challenge that will change your perspective. Not just a shift - a full on change

    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.

    Schedule a conversation here.

    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com


    “Shrinking” trailer

    “Chase You” by Elizabeth Kendig and Monica Lawson

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel


    137. Shame, Suicide, and Sushi with Charlotte Maya

    137. Shame, Suicide, and Sushi with Charlotte Maya

    "It’s okay to have a glitchy conversation. I would rather have a glitchy, imperfect conversation than no conversation at all." 

    Charlotte's husband and the father of her children didn't give her that option in 2007. He simply opted out of a family outing on a typical Saturday and said he was going to take a nap. Only that's not at all what he did. 

    That's the opening of her newly released memoir. What unfolds from that point in time is how Charlotte became a single mother navigating her own grief alongside her young children. She very plainly explains what death is while she speaks truth to her young boys in a community where "everyone knows." They whisper on the sidelines and eventually it does come back to her. What are they saying about him and about us? Do I allow their judgments to impact me? How do I express my own grief while guiding two young boys to do the same? 

    Charlotte's memoir is about as raw and real as it gets. In this episode, we break down the deeper contexts of this story and how it is indeed possible to heal even while carrying a hole in your heart - for life. 

    Charlotte's children refer to her as a walking trigger warning, so 'nuff said. If you're brave enough to press play on this episode, you likely already know what you're in for. And if you really want to understand the sushi reference, we'll break that down in ways I didn't even expect! 

    Purchase Sushi Tuesdays wherever books are sold (shout out to the local indie bookstores, always). 

    Connect with Charlotte:

    IG @charlottemayawriter
    Twitter @charlottemaya1
    FB @sushituesdays

    Connect with Sunny: 

    Music: Pieces of Light by Trevor Mack



    136. It's Not Too Late To Celebrate This New Year

    136. It's Not Too Late To Celebrate This New Year

    I don't know about you, but I'm already primed for a "do over" of welcoming the new year. And I've decided to make it so, because the LUNAR new year is upon us. I am personally grappling with some things, so I giving myself grace and acknowledging that I get to decide what is true about me and I get to decide when, where, an how to celebrate...me. I highly recommend this practice! 

    View the video version on my YouTube channel.

    Find all of the ways to connect with me here (including through Dry January!).

    Intro/outro "Feeling Free" by Martin Riopel. 


    What Lights You Up
    enJanuary 19, 2023

    135. Dry January! No One Talks About This Part

    135. Dry January! No One Talks About This Part

    More and more Americans seem to be getting on board with the concept of Dry January, which is abstaining from alcohol for the entire month. With drinking solidly ingrained into our culture, that can be difficult for some. 

    This episode does not go into all of the benefits and tactical approaches (like "mocktails"). While Dry January continues to grow in popularity, there is one thing that is rarely talked about: how your mind and body will respond as the days and weeks ahead unfold. This is an introduction into conversations we'll be having throughout the month (not always on the podcast), so if you're interested in all opportunities ahead, join the What Lights You Up Facebook group or follow my socials. 

    Video version available on YouTube

    133. Navigating Traditions and Self-Care During the Holidays

    133. Navigating Traditions and Self-Care During the Holidays

    As we enter the frenzy of the holiday season (holi-daze), I want to offer you some alternatives to the way you have been experiencing this. We are often gathering with extended family and some relationships may be strained. We frequently find ourselves saying yes to everything offered (because what would they think if we said “no”??) only to find ourselves maxed out, stressed out, overwhelmed and waiting for it all to be over. 


    The offer in this episode is to ask yourself one question that becomes your radical act of self-care. Listen up. I got you.


    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group to engage with like minds!

    Other ways to connect with me here.

    Intro/outro “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    132. Let Them Hold Opposing Beliefs

    132. Let Them Hold Opposing Beliefs

    It’s that time of year…election time! A “woo hoo” response could be sarcasm or it could be the knowing that sweet relief from campaign ads is right around the corner. Also, some of you do truly enjoy this season (and it shows).

    In episode 131, I introduced the concept of a “Let Them…” series. What better way to kick it off than with the sticky subject of politics! Don’t skip this one if you think I’m going to lay bare my own beliefs and try to convince you to see things my way. Quite the opposite. I want to share some ways that you can navigate hard conversations with a few perspective shifts of your own. I will share what I view as our first “mistake” when it comes to broaching conversations on the topic of politics with your family and close friends. Finally, I will relay how we can continue the conversation and how you can be a part of determining the future “Let Them…” topics. Get on board. The more we engage in hard topics, the sweeter our experience of growth. 


    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group to engage and VOTE on future topics! 😉


    Other ways to connect with me here


    Intro/outro “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    131. Let Them...[Fill in the Blank]

    131. Let Them...[Fill in the Blank]

    Let them judge you.
    Let them talk about you.
    Let them be catty. 

    Let them…


    …because they are going to do it ALL anyway! 


    I will soon be kicking off a series of “let them” moments that we are all too painfully familiar with. 


    Sign up links are coming soon. In the meantime, check out this episode and be sure to join the What Lights You Up Facebook Group. This is where we have all of the behind-the-scenes and judgment-free conversations around the topics of this podcast. This episode is an introduction. Hope to see you soon. 


    Other ways to connect with me here


    Intro/outro “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    130. When to Throw in the Towel and Call it Quits

    130. When to Throw in the Towel and Call it Quits

    In this life, we are often faced with decisions. In fact, we make them all day, every day. Yet there are times when those decisions are very heavy and life-changing. How do you know when to call it quits? This is a very personal and individual approach. Few in your life will tell you this. I am willing to do that. To be clear, not make the decision FOR you or even guide you toward what I think might be “right” for you. Only you can know this. May this episode support you when you need it. 


    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.

    Schedule a conversation here.

    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    What Lights You Up
    enOctober 13, 2022

    129. When Someone Triggers You, Look In The Mirror

    129. When Someone Triggers You, Look In The Mirror

    Society has been telling us for years now that we should be aware of what may trigger others and plan accordingly. That may work with friends and family, but how does this play out in an online space, for example? Are we to take full responsibility for the reactions of others that we don’t even know or may never meet? Some do believe this, but that’s not how I roll. Our triggers are internal signals that something within us needs to be explored and hopefully resolved. They are as unique and individual as each of us are. Check in with this episode if you’d like to learn a better approach for when you are personally triggered by another human. 


    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.

    Schedule a conversation here.

    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    128. Do You Have An Unquenchable Thirst for Validation?

    128. Do You Have An Unquenchable Thirst for Validation?

    Let us take a moment today to not only acknowledge the mundane parts of life or those things that might send your emotions into a frenzy; let us also notice that WHEN things arise in our lives that aren’t playing out according to your plan, how do you react? Do you lash out or do you feel more grounded in certainty? Will you try to promote your worthiness and value (a solid default trauma response) or will you stay grounded and calm in the face of the storm?

    In this episode, I will share how my day didn’t go according to plan…and how very okay I felt with that. It’s a win, my friends. Trust me on this one. Spoiler alert: you don’t need ANYONE’S validation.

    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.
    Schedule a conversation here.
    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    What Lights You Up
    enSeptember 08, 2022

    127. Estrangement and Rejection

    127. Estrangement and Rejection

    If you have ever been cut off or rejected by a family member, this one’s for you! I see you. Perhaps no one in your life has shared with you that you are more powerful than you know. Perhaps others have held you back from what you really wanted to do because they were bitter or fearful. This is your opportunity to break the cycle, and it’s why I’m here. It’s not too late to step into who you were really meant to be. We don’t have to parrot our parents and our grandparents. In fact, it’s better for everyone if we don’t. Not that they are/were wrong. Just that we want to live life differently. And that’s quite okay.

    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.
    Schedule a conversation here.
    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    126. Love Me, Hate Me - Either Way, I'm In Your Head

    126. Love Me, Hate Me - Either Way, I'm In Your Head

    #TBT from December 2020:

    Have you ever found out that people are talking about you? Of course, you have! It’s what people do to entertain themselves and we have surely been doing it since the dawn of time. This really only becomes a problem when you allow yourself to create a story about you around their talk. Still, we will bend over backwards to try to prevent it from happening. To try to control the perceptions and the narrative.

    Stop it. You’re going to lose that battle every time. In this episode, I’ll give you a new way to view the chatter from others. You don’t have to allow it to cast a shadow on your day.

    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.
    Schedule a conversation here.
    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    125. Evolving Beyond Who You Used To Be

    125. Evolving Beyond Who You Used To Be

    Can you identify the ways that you have already evolved in your life aside from your appearance? Sometimes, it’s not easy to pinpoint when it comes to the things that we can’t see. We may now do things differently than we did when we were much younger. We may have evolved the way that we think and how we perceive others, which is in line with the purpose of this podcast (congrats, you’re in the right place!).  


    There are so many ways that we shift and change. From the childhood likes/dislikes to facing the judgments of others, this episode may shed some light on how to claim your power. 


    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.


    Schedule a conversation here.


    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com


    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    124. "Thirteen Lives" and the Resilience of the Human Spirit

    124. "Thirteen Lives" and the Resilience of the Human Spirit

    Join me for Sunny’s version of a film study as I share my recent viewing of the movie, “Thirteen Lives” and making connections with humanity throughout the telling of that story. The film follows the true story of the harrowing rescue of twelve boys and their soccer coach from a complex and intricate cave system in Thailand. This was a worldwide news event in 2018, so if you don’t want spoilers, check in with the Internet beforehand. 😉

    I am going to share the connections that I made with the human spirit in terms of sacrifice, risk, facing our fears, and the greatest way to remain calm in the face of it all. Yes, this is a dramatic rescue and no, most of us are rarely in this level of danger. This is much less about “what would you do?” and much more about “what will you do” in your current life.

    Join the What Lights You Up Facebook group here.

    Schedule a conversation here.

    Email: sunnythelifecoach@gmail.com

    Intro/outro music: “Feeling Free” by Martin Riopel

    What Lights You Up
    enAugust 11, 2022