
    What's Left?

    Eduardo and Andy's host a weekly discussion about issues and challenges to the U.S. Left.
    en-usEduardo Abarca & Andy Libson100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Dual Citizens

    Dual Citizens


    It’s What’s Left?’s 300th episode!  Thanks to everyone that has come along for this journey we have been on together.  Today, Eduardo and Gema discuss how their being raised in two different countries influenced their p

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    Two Years of War in Ukraine…Does NATO Enter Next?

    Two Years of War in Ukraine…Does NATO Enter Next?

     Today we take a look back two years in at the war in Ukraine with recent discussions on NATO troops potentially being involved. Our thoughts on a top NATO general’s analysis has us put the war in context to current events happening and our bleak future.

    Ex nato German summary of UKR conflict

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    Tucker Carlson, Mike Benz & the Censorship State of America

    Tucker Carlson, Mike Benz & the Censorship State of America

    This we look more deeply at the Interview of Mike Benz (from Foundation for Freedom Online) and what it tells us about the history and state of censorship in the United States.  We also consider what lessons the information holds for the freedom movement in the US (and around the globe).

    Robert Malone Substack with interview between Mike Benz and Tucker Carlson

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    Nayib Bukele: World’s Coolest Dictator

    Nayib Bukele: World’s Coolest Dictator

    What’s Left discuss the recent re-election of Nayib Bukele as President of El Salvador.  He gets things done but is also increased state powers dramatically.  Nevertheless, if he is a dictator, he is a popular one who received over 85% of the popular vote.  What do you do when the public demands the State crack down on a portion of the population with an iron fist?  Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  

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    The State, the Left and the State of the Left

    The State, the Left and the State of the Left

     Jeff Strahl joins us on “What’s Left?” to talk about the origins of the terms “Right” and “Left” and asks the question “Should we even build the Left?”.  And if you do choose to build the Left, what exactly are you building?  This gets us to a discussion on the role of the State and issues about the nature of Left politics.

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    Texas Border Boondoggle!

    Texas Border Boondoggle!

    Today we bring up the Texas-Biden Border dispute as it relates to our fight against more surveillance and data collection and what it means for the possibility of actually building a freedom movement. 

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    What Happened to the Left that We Left?

    What Happened to the Left that We Left?

    Gema, Eduardo and Andy return to 2018 and try and figure out what happened to the Left we felt we were a part of and try and figure out how it became the toxic mess it is today.

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    Who Controls the World?

    Who Controls the World?

     In what amounts to a part II of our discussion last week about Whitney Webb’s ideas on what’s behind the push for Central Bank Digital Currency push, Andy and Kenny discuss another Whitney Webb interview (this time with Kim Iversen) where they discuss “Who’s behind all this?” And try to get to the root of the problems that accumulate around the globe.

    Kim Iversens interviews Whitney Webb


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    Whitney Webb, Fabio Vighi and Central Bank Digital Currency

    Whitney Webb, Fabio Vighi and Central Bank Digital Currency

     Kenny and Andy discuss a recent interview of Whitney Webb by Jimmy Dore as they discuss the likelihood of a generate crisis event to implement central bank digital currency.  We talk about it in the context of two articles written by Marxist Fabio Vighi who talks about the role of crisis as a mechanism of ruling class control. Check us out!

    Jimmy Dore interviews Whitney Webb


    Fabio Vighi #1: Welcome to “Low Energy Capitalism”


    Fabio Vighi #2: “The New 9-11”


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    Who are the Houthis?

    Who are the Houthis?

     Today, we discuss the War in Gaza slowly become a regional war as more players are drawn into the battle.  Many expected to hear about groups like Hezbollah or countries like Lebanon, Turkey or Iran, but surprisingly a new group has emerged on the world stage, the Houthis from Yemen.  They are known as Ansar Allah (which means ‘Partisan of God”. Who are these people and what does their fight mean for the prospects of US defeat and the inexorable push towards global war?

    Richard Medhurst Clip


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    Season's Greetings from "What's Left?"

    Season's Greetings from "What's Left?"

     No new content today, just a friendly "Hello! and Happy Holiday's" to each other and to followers of the show.

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    “Close the Border!”: Responding to the Jimmy Dore Show

    “Close the Border!”: Responding to the Jimmy Dore Show

     Kenny, Andy and Eduardo respond to a recent episode of the Jimmy Dore Show which decries the flooding of the US southern border with illegal immigrants and calls for shutting the border down.  The Dore Show expresses opposition to the ‘open border’ policies of the Biden Administration.  What’s Left? has a different take.  We revisit the idea that it is critical for all who fight for freedom to also fight for open borders.

    Jimmy Dore Show Episode: “Liberals Have NO ANSWER for Border Crisis”


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    Is Marxism a Religion?

    Is Marxism a Religion?

     Kenny and Andy (both Marxists) discuss the question often posed to socialists: “Is Marxism a Religion”.  This is kind of part 2 to a discussion we had on Religion and Spirituality last week.

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    Gema & Andy

    Gema & Andy

     Today, Gema joins Andy to discuss their long history together and why its such a big deal for Andy that Gema has joined the show! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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    APEC: Asian Pacific Economic Competition

    APEC: Asian Pacific Economic Competition


    Today, Kenny and Andy discuss the results of the recent meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jin Ping at the APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation) meetings in the Bay Area.  Where did APEC come from?  Why does if exist and is it capable of producing any result that are good for working people?  I think you know the answer..but check out what we make of the recent proceedings and results.

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    Gaza Occupied

    Gaza Occupied

     Today we revisit our discussion on Palestine and Israel. What was thought of as another uprising squashed by Israel happens to actually draw our attention away from Ukraine and possible long term outcomes. Today we share our analysis since we last spoke on the topic. Check us out!

    Make sure to check out and subscribe to Richard Medhurst:


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    Jessica's Free Folk Apothecary

    Jessica's Free Folk Apothecary

     Jessica returns to give an update on her latest journey into alternative medicine as she fills us in on her new creation, “Free Folk Apothecary”.  

    Shop Free Folk Apothecary products here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FreeFolkApothecary 

    Follow Jessica on IG for updates and more info: https://www.instagram.com/doubleleolife/ 

    Eduardo teaching Yoga at the East Bay Healing Collective


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    Science Under Capitalism: “They Blinded Us with Science!”

    Science Under Capitalism: “They Blinded Us with Science!”

     We are joined by University Penn Alum, George Borg and Vincent Kelley to discuss our evolving thoughts on modern science.

    Eduardo teaching Yoga at the East Bay Healing Collective


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