
    Wholehearted: Love, Life + Intimacy

    Weekly chats on relationships, love, sexuality and spirituality for women. Discover wholehearted sensuality, soulful intimacy and a spirit-led life with Relationship Therapist, Sexologist and Tantra teacher Isiah McKimmie.
    enIsiah McKimmie77 Episodes

    Episodes (77)

    The Anal Sex Episode with Sally from Mojoco

    The Anal Sex Episode with Sally from Mojoco

    You know those conversations that you wish you could have with your girlfriends?

    Today’s episode is one of those conversations. I’m talking to my friend Sal from Mojoco about anal sex.

    We’re having an open (and very candid) conversation about our own experiences and some of the things you might need to consider if you or your partner are interested in exploring anal play.

    Here’s what we cover:

    • Why I love it and why Sal still isn’t interested in trying it
    • Where to start with anal sex
    • My first experience with anal sex and why it was terrible
    • The hygiene issues you need to consider
    • We also get honest about any ‘messiness’ that might arise

    Take a listen in ... 

    And you can find out more about Mojoco and their products here.

    What is Tantra? And how do you practice it?

    What is Tantra? And how do you practice it?

    Tantra is the incredible practice that really began my journey with sexuality, sensuality and intimacy - and still provides the foundation of so much of the work I do.

    I hear all kinds of things when I tell people I practice and teach Tantra.

    I’ve heard "Oh Tantra, that’s about group sex right?" or

    "Oh, I know all about Tantra. Sting does Tantra and he can have sex for 9 hours."

    In this episode, I’m:

    • sharing what Tantra is
    • busting myths on what it isn’t
    • sharing what my own personal Tantra practice involves; and
    • sharing how you can try Tantra yourself - tonight if you want to!

    Sex, Intimacy & Better Relationships with Jules Galloway of Shiny Healthy You

    Sex, Intimacy & Better Relationships with Jules Galloway of Shiny Healthy You

    If you feel disconnected from your partner OR struggle with recurring arguments. If you find yourself replaying the same patterns in relationships OR if you wish you could feel more confident with sex and your body … then this episode is for YOU.

    Recently I was interviewed by Naturopath Jules Galloway as part of her podcast, Shiny Healthy You, in what has jokingly been labelled her Vag series!  We stepped away from discussing lady bits to delve more into relationships.

    Whether you’re single, or in a relationship, there will be plenty of “aha” moments!

    We talk about what to do

    • if your partner wants more sex… and you’re too exhausted to say yes
    • If you’re feeling up for it… but you’re not getting the kind of attention and desire that you want from your partner
    • to reignite the spark and reconnect with your loved one
    • to “get back on the horse” if you haven’t had sex for a reaaaaaally long time. (It can be super awkward and weird, but it doesn’t have to be!)

    “It’s actually really normal for there to be different desire levels for sex in a relationship.”


    • the step by step formula to rebuilding your sex life (and your relationship…yay!)
    • how to check in with your own needs and desires, so that you can communicate better with your partner. Because sometimes our needs change over time, and we don’t even realise at first.

    And if you’re single, find out tips for attracting a partner that will be the right person for us, and how to stop repeating old patterns when it comes to the lovers we’re drawn to.

    “A partner’s desire for sex is actually a desire for connection and intimacy.”

    We also chat about body image, and what it means to feel happy in your body (and sexy!) as you age and as your body changes.

    “Once you’re naked, your partner’s just really grateful.”

    Hahaha! Yes, it may really be that simple! Listen in to find out why.



    Jules Galloway is a passionate naturopath, speaker and podcaster.

    With over 10 years of clinical experience, Jules has made it her mission to help women find their shine again. She’s guided hundreds of women through her eCourses, sees clients individually and her podcast gets thousands of downloads every month.

    You can find Jules at http://julesgalloway.com, on Facebook and Instagram at @julesgallowayhealth, and check out her podcast on iTunes - just search for Shiny Healthy You.

    Self Awareness, Emotional Intelligence + Thriving Relationships after Children with Dina Cooper

    Self Awareness, Emotional Intelligence + Thriving Relationships after Children with Dina Cooper

    What makes us emotionally resilient? How does being self aware benefit our relationships? How do we find time for ourselves - and our relationship once we've had kids? 


    In this episode I'm talking to parenting expert Dina Cooper on all this and more. 


    This is a must-listen episode whether you have kids or not. We're taking a deep dive into managing emotions, prioritising relationships and putting ourselves first. 


    For more on Dina and her services visit hoogi.com.au

    For more on Isiah visit www.isiah-mckimmie.com

    Playful, intimate + sexy ways to initiate sex with your partner

    Playful, intimate + sexy ways to initiate sex with your partner

    How do you initiate sex? 

    Does it ‘just happen’? Do you make the first move? Do you usually leave it up to a partner? 

    This is a topic that comes up a lot with couples that I’m working with in therapy and the articles I share on this topic are always popular.  

    Initiating sex can be incredibly anxiety provoking. We’re all sensitive to feeling unloved. 

    If we make a move, and our partner doesn’t reciprocate, we can feel like they’re rejecting us - and no one wants to feel that way. 

    Many women I speak to, tell me that they psyche themselves up all day to make a move on their partner when they get home, but then, they feel too nervous and back out. Or  they just feel like they don’t even know how to… 

    Or that they try - and their partner doesn’t seem to be interested. 

    In this episode I share some of the common challenges of initiating sex and then ways you can initiate that are intimate, fun and sexy.

    I hope you enjoy!

    Connecting to your sexual + sensual self

    Connecting to your sexual + sensual self

    So many women express a longing to be more in touch with their sexual selves.

    To be able to ask for what they want, give themselves permission to feel pleasure, to be sexy… 

    And yet, so many of us feel stuck and unsure where to start.

    My journey started with Tantra and in this episode of the podcast, I’m talking with Ly from Zensual Woman about my journey and how YOU can connect with your sensual soul too.

    In our intimate conversation, you’ll hear:

    • The importance of giving ourselves permission for pleasure and exploration
    • How pleasure in our bedroom is directly related to pleasure in our lives
    • How we begin to call in a life partner
    • What to do when we find we’re attracting the same wrong people over and over
    • Practical steps you can take to begin connecting to your sensuality

    I hope you love what we have to share.

    More about Ly:

    Ly Aunapu is a leadership coach, accredited Journey practitioner, founder of Zensual Woman, and on a big mission to help women feel confident without having to fake it.

    Despite being a published journalist since age 16 and obtaining a masters in journalism, she realized later in life that her true passion is to help women. She now works spreading her message globally through live workshops, running monthly Women's Circles, coaching women one-on-one, and by supporting her community on social media.

    You can find more about Ly on her website: www.zensualwoman.com on Instagram and in her FB group


    Discover how to connect  to your Sensual + Sexual self with my new ebook Liberated - it’s FREE for a limited time only.

    The Oral Sex Episode - Fellatio, what we love + how to feel comfortable with it

    The Oral Sex Episode - Fellatio, what we love + how to feel comfortable with it


    I love giving oral sex to my lover.

    There's something deeply intimate and incredibly arousing about oral sex to me.

    Giving oral sex is an almost guaranteed way for me to turn myself on... But more important than that, it also opens my heart. It feels like a gift I'm giving my partner. It requires trust and surrender, especially if I'm in the mood to take my lover deep. I need to trust that he'll pay attention to me and not push too far. I need to feel like he's connected to me and appreciating me. 

    I know that not everyone shares my enthusiasm for it... It's one of those contentious issues that shows up with couples I work with in therapy sometimes.  

    Believe me, I get it.

    I understand how it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

    In today’s podcast I’m talking to Roger from curious creatures about oral sex. We share:

    • Our likes and dislikes
    • How to talk about oral
    • How you can learn to feel more comfortable giving oral sex (if you want to) 


    More about Roger: 

    Roger Butler is the driving force behind Curious Creatures.  Roger was brought up white, middle-class, mostly heterosexual, and male. In addition to that lineage, they now identifies as kinky, tantric, polyamorous, queer, and very, very curious. Their training is in Process Oriented Psychology and the facilitation of groups, coupled with an extensive education in sexuality.

    Curious Creatures believes that sex is about delicious, hedonistic experience as well as being a path of self development and a contribution to a less violent world. They run workshops in a whole range of related topics in cities across Australia.

    On their podcast Curious Conversations about Sex, Rog speaks on topics as broad as complex relationship dynamics, body image, gender issues, sex in long-term relationships, kinky sex, abuse and trauma, modern tantra, and sex work. 

    To find out more or contact Rog, you can visit their website at: https://www.curiouscreatures.biz


    If there are any other topics you want me to cover, people you want me to talk to or questions you want answered please connect with me on Insta!

    The Orgasm Episode

    The Orgasm Episode

    I believe that all women deserve to feel confident, empowered and deeply pleasured around sex.


    And yet, there’s so much about it that we’re not taught.


    Knowledge is power beauty - so today I’m talking about orgasms.


    It’s stuff that I believe we all should have been taught, but probably weren’t.


    If we believe movies, TV and porn, we’re told that women orgasm easily, loudly and frequently, with hardly any effort and certainly no foreplay at all. 


    Unfortunately these myths just don’t hold up in the real world. 

    At least not for most of us. 


    So, let’s look at the numbers on orgasm.


    30% of women struggle to reach orgasm on a regular basis.

    and 10% of sexual active women have never had an orgasm at all. That’s 1 in 10 of us.


    Men are twice as likely to orgasm than women during heterosexual intercourse. (Lesbians have a higher rate of orgasm that women having sex with with men.)


    Sex can be amazing, fulfilling and fun without having an orgasm, and we certainly don’t need to have an orgasms every time we have sex.


    But it can also be frustrating when we want to have an orgasm and can’t.


    I want you to have all the info you need to make them as awesome as they can be, so let’s dive in to today’s episode.

    How to communicate with your partner about sex

    How to communicate with your partner about sex

    It’s normal to feel shy and worried about raising the topic of sex with your partner.

    In this episode, recorded as part of the Women’s Sexuality Conference, I talk to Maya Melamed about the most common issues that couples seek help with in therapy - and how to talk about them together.

    You’ll discover:

    • how to talk about sex from an empowered place,
    • how to ask for what you want in the bedroom and
    • tips to discover what you enjoy to begin with


    Useful links from Maya’s Episode: 

    Listen to the entire Women’s Sexuality Conference here

    Connect with Maya here

    If there are any topics you want me to cover, people you want me to talk to or questions you want answered please connect with me on Insta!


    Tantra + The Divine Feminine with Elise Carr

    Tantra + The Divine Feminine with Elise Carr

    Tantra is a topic close to my heart and something I know so many of you are interested in too.

    I was recently told by someone who came to my workshop years ago that the lessons Tantra shares on cultivating more feminine energy actually changed her life - she credits it with attracting the gorgeous man she’s now married to!

    This is why I’m thrilled to be talking about all things Tantra and the Divine Feminine with the gorgeous Elise Carr from Stella Muse today.

    Here’s just some of what we talk about: 

    • Elise’s journey from model to foreign correspondent to Tantra teacher
    • What exactly Tantra is
    • Why we believe that so much of what is shared about Tantra is misleading
    • What feminine energy looks and feels like
    • How to embody more feminine energy in your life


    Elise's Show Notes

    Descent to the Dark Mother Goddess 

    Sacred Sessions - Scheduling Love Making 

    Boundaries On the Conscious Path 


    Discover how Tantra can change your life

    If this has peaked your interest and you'd like to explore Tantra, I'd love to have you join my 8 part Wholehearted Tantra for Women online course - click here for details. 

    Desire - Everything You Need to Know

    Desire - Everything You Need to Know

    It's a topic that I'm asked about more than any other in my work.

    Women's sexual desire can seem like a mystery - there is often so much about it that we're not taught and don't understand.

    Lack of desire can be frustrating - and we can wonder if there's something wrong with us for having not enough of it or for having too much desire.

    In today's podcast I discuss:

    - The science behind desire we all need to know

    - Common myths around desire

    - Why we would even want to be connected to our desire

    - How we can cultivate desire

    - 10 practical tips for increasing your sexual desire



    Click here to download your copy of Spark + Reignite Desire: Your guide to feeling in the mood again.

    Sex and Body Image with The Single Mother Survival Guide

    Sex and Body Image with The Single Mother Survival Guide

    In this episode, I'm interviewed by Julia Hasche from The Single Mother Survival Guide and talk about all things SEX AND BODY IMAGE.


    We discuss:

    • The perception that mums can’t be sexual
    • Why mothers are struggling to find their sense of sensuality and desire again,
    • The male perspective of a mother's sexuality
    • What celebrity mothers are doing for the perception of sexuality in society


    I also share my advice on:

    • Getting yourself out there and feeling confident sexually -even if it's been a while
    • Having sex with a new partner; getting emotionally ready, and the potential of carrying forward old issues from the past
    • Getting past the body image insecurities which can lead to feeling extremely self-conscious when it comes to getting naked and having sex
    • Shutting the inner critic down during sex
    • And LOTS MORE!

    For information about the single parent mentoring programs available with Julia, visit Single Mother Survival Guide Services: https://www.singlemothersurvivalguide.com/services/

    Or connect with Single Mother Survival Guide on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/singlemothersurvivalguide/


    Connect with Isiah at: http://isiah-mckimmie.com/

    Or on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/isiahmckimmie.sexologist/

    Opening to Deep Love, Rocking Relationships & Soulful Sex with Melissa Ambrosini.

    Opening to Deep Love, Rocking Relationships & Soulful Sex with Melissa Ambrosini.

    What’s the secret to rocking, soulful sex?

    How do you learn to love again after gut-wrenching heartbreak?

    How do we move on from self-criticism to truly and deeply love ourselves?

    Just how important is sex to a relationship?


    In today’s podcast episode, I’m talking to the incredible Melissa Ambrosini.

    Melissa is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, host of the number one podcast The Melissa Ambrosini Show, a speaker, and self-love teacher. Her mission is to inspire women to create a heart-centred life one that’s wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy, and bursting with love. She has just released her latest book Open Wide: A Radically Real Guide to Deep Love, Rocking Relationships & Soulful Sex.


    We’re answering all these questions and more.

    I think you’ll love our conversation.


    Connect with Melissa via:

    Melissa’s Website https://melissaambrosini.com

    Melissa’s Instagram  https://www.instagram.com/melissaambrosini/


    Connect with Isiah at www.isiah-mckimmie.com



    How did you become a sexologist and sex therapist?

    How did you become a sexologist and sex therapist?

    Welcome to the  first episode of the Wholehearted: Love, Sex + Intimacy Podcast.

    After a looooong break from podcasting, I’m pretty damn excited to be back on the airwaves for you.

    I’m looking forward to sharing honest conversations, real sex education + powerful advice to help you revel in deep intimacy, loving sex and wholehearted relationships!

    In this first episode, I’ll be sharing my own journey to sexual freedom and how I ended up becoming a sexologist including details I don’t share very often.

    An interview with my Tantra Teacher Kip Moore on Tantra, Sacred Sex and the Dance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine

    An interview with my Tantra Teacher Kip Moore on Tantra, Sacred Sex and the Dance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine

    Tantra is a spiritual and sexual practice that completely changed my life.

    In 2009, after I had been studying Tantra for several years, I went to a workshop that I thought would be like others I had been to before.

    I had heard that one of the teachers had a wonderful reputation, but when he walked through the door, I was disappointed.

    He looked so… normal.

    He looked the least like a Tantra teacher of anyone I had ever seen.

    But within the space of a week, this rather normal-looking man would deepen my knowledge of Tantra, relationships, spirituality and myself beyond anything I had known before.

    This week on the Soulful Bedroom Goddess podcast, I’m interviewing my Tantra Teacher, Kip Moore. Kip also shares deep wisdom on intimacy, the dance between the masculine and feminine and the powerful, sacred nature of sex.

    Hear are some of the highlights of this intimate and insightful conversation:

    • How sex can be a transcendent experience deepening connection to each other and all that is
    • How a man can respond when a woman is sexually afraid or anxious
    • The importance of presence in a relationship and during love-making
    • How women can step into their feminine energy for deeper intimacy, desire and passion

    Kip also offers one of the best definitions of Tantra I’ve ever heard:

    “Tantra is letting all the facades go, being absolutely open and honest and present as a man with your beloved and with her trusting you enough to reveal her innermost Divine energy.”

    More About Kip Moore

    Kip has taught with some of the most renowned Tantra teachers on the planet including Charles Muir, Margot Ananda and Bodhi Avinasha. He has been my Tantra teacher since 2009.

    To book a free 15 minute session with Kip, you can email him: tantricsky[at]aol[.]com


    More About Isiah McKimmie

    Isiah McKimmie is a Relationship Therapist, Sex Therapist and Tantra teacher passionate about helping people discover wholehearted sensuality, soulful intimacy and spirit-led lives. Visit her here to let your inner bedroom goddess shine.

    Join her in The Sensual, Soulful + Spirit-led Woman Facebook group here.


    Living an erotic life with Susana Frioni

    Living an erotic life with Susana Frioni

    How do you cultivate a life of desire and aliveness?

    What does erotic mean to you?

    And how do you open to pleasure in everyday moments?

    In today’s podcast episode, I’m talking to Susana Frioni creator of the Love, Sex, Desire Podcast (which happens to be the very first podcast I was ever interviewed on) and Sacred Dance Parties.

    Susana and I talk all things Love, Sex, Desire this episode. It’s a juicy, rich, intimate conversation.

    Here are my highlights:

    • How to find pleasure and aliveness in everyday life.
    • How being with our emotions can support us to feel more pleasure in our body.
    • Susana’s take-aways over 62 episodes of talking to experts on sex and intimacy
    • What she learned from her most potent podcast episode ever
    • The importance of finding out what works for us an individuals sexually


    About Isiah McKimmie

    Isiah McKimmie is a Relationship Therapist, Sex Therapist and Tantra teacher passionate about helping people discover wholehearted sensuality, soulful intimacy and spirit-led lives. Visit her here to let your inner bedroom goddess shine.

    Join her in The Sensual, Soulful + Spirit-led Woman Facebook group here.


    About Susana

    Susana Frioni is a speaker, personal coach and embodiment teacher igniting women through erotic empowerment via her brand LOVE SEX DESIRE. With an audience in 127 countries, Susana produces a weekly podcast series alongside her sacred dance parties and other workshops and intimate gatherings, both online and in person.

    Visit her website here: http://susanafrioni.com

    What is Tantra? And how can it help you live a more sensual and soulful life?

    What is Tantra?  And how can it help you live a more sensual and soulful life?

    Tantra is a hot topic right now.  I feel like everyone is asking me "what exactly is Tantra?" "How can I do Tantra?"

    It’s really begun to gain popularity in the west in the past few years, though I know there is still some confusion about what exactly Tantra is.  

    Just last week a client told me that until she met me, she thought Tantra was about group sex - yikes!  

    And then at a Soulful Bedroom Goddess Workshop, someone told me that for years all they knew about Tantra was that Sting does Tantra and ‘he can have sex for 9 hours’.  

    While Tantra can definitely help you enjoy yourself more in the bedroom, discover wholehearted, sensuality and soulful intimacy with a partner - it is also so more than that.  

    Today’s podcast episode is dedicated to letting you know exactly what Tantra is, what Tantra can include and how Tantra can benefit your life and your relationship.  

    I share with you my own journey of ‘discovering’ Tantra in my early 20s and just why it had such a big impact on me.  Even now as a Relationship Therapist and Sexologist, I sometimes include Tantra in what I share with my clients.

    I also want to explain why you don’t need a partner to do Tantra and why you can share Tantra with a partner of either sex.  

    I tell you what is included in my own personal Tantra practice and what else you can do to bring Tantra into your life.  

    And for those of you who still want to find out more after you’ve listened to this episode, I invite you to check out my latest online program - Soulful Bedroom Goddess Online, a 6 week Online journey of Tantra, Self-love, The divine feminine and soulful intimacy.  

    Here is some of what you’ll discover in the course:

    • Powerful Tantra practices you can use right away (for cultivating feminine and sexual energy)
    • Increased confidence and self-love (the keys to being sexy and irresistibly magnetic)
    • Secrets of female sensuality and sexuality for better sex
    • The 7 kinds of orgasm a woman can have (and how you can have them!)
    • Tantric secrets for balancing emotional and physical intimacy

    Here's the link for Soulful Bedroom Goddess Online beautiful.

    I hope this podcast demystifies Tantra for you and helps you see that this incredible ancient practice is also hugely beneficial and practical for today’s world too.  

    Thank you so much for listening today beautiful.

    Lots of love,