
    Will of the Soul

    My name is Will Matsumoto and I am a former Buddhist Monk. The knowledge acquired over my voyage of self-discovery truly changed my perception and turned me into who I am today. Upon returning home, I have made a mission to dedicate my life to growing, empowering, healing and helping others do the same. I am a Spiritual Mentor, Self Healing & Self Development Coach. My goal is to help you find your true potential and to become the best version of yourself. Tap into the will of your soul and everything becomes possible. New episodes on Monday. Please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it! If you would like to work with me, check out https://willmatsumoto.com
    enWill Matsumoto20 Episodes

    Episodes (20)

    20: Letting AI Lead The Conversation With Darrin Subra And Bodo Dragomir

    20: Letting AI Lead The Conversation With Darrin Subra And Bodo Dragomir

    In today’s episode, I have the chance to speak to my two close friends at the same time! Darrin had the great idea of asking ChatGPT to guide our conversation. It gave us a list of 10 questions and we answered the first 5 for today. This was fun to do, it also made us reflect a lot! We share some really valuable information for all of you. Part 2 will be coming up in a few weeks.

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

    If you want to step up your fitness journey or just need somebody to keep you accountable, feel free to reach out to Darrin.

    Darrin Subra - Subra Fitness

    Training & Nutrition | Functional Health

    Instagram: @darrin_subra

    Email: darrin_s@live.ca

    Whatsapp: 438-883-2683

    19: The Truth About Manifestion And How it Works

    19: The Truth About Manifestion And How it Works

    We’ve all heard of the word “manifestation” at least once in our life. Some believe in it and others think it’s complete garbage. What if I told you that it really does work? It’s not because you desired one thing and received the complete opposite that you should give up on it. Maybe the universe gave you what you needed at that moment or you just didn’t do it correctly. We are all made differently energetically, which means we have different ways of manifesting. It isn’t a one way fits all. Let me share with you a few tips and tricks.

    Check out your human design chart (bottom right arrow) to see if you’re a specific (left) or non-specific (right) manifestor: 


    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

    18: Alessandra on Our Relationship And The Power of Therapy

    18: Alessandra on Our Relationship And The Power of Therapy

    This episode is a special one for me. After closing myself off to the dating world for over 3 years, life brought Alessandra and me together through divine intervention and timing. We share how we met and how we knew to move forward in a relationship together. Although we met during hard times, it just felt right. Alessandra also opens up about her experience with Therapy and how much it changed her life. She gives some good advice for those of you who are struggling and looking for some tips and tricks.

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

    17: The Law of Karma And How it Works

    17: The Law of Karma And How it Works

    We’ve all heard of Karma at least once in our life. Does it really only mean “what goes around comes around”? In today’s episode, I explain what it really means. Karma = Action. All actions have a consequence, whether it’s good or bad. It is not meant to be a punishment or reward. It is an energy that is constantly flowing. There is no outrunning nor escaping it. The residual action of everything you have done will ALWAYS remain with you!

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

    16: Nick Francoeur On Staying Positive And Persevering Through Adversity And The Challenges of Parenthood

    16: Nick Francoeur On Staying Positive And Persevering Through Adversity And The Challenges of Parenthood

    Today’s episode is a special one for me, I had the chance to speak to my oldest friend! Nick and I have been best friends since kindergarten. He is a very busy man being a father of 3 young boys. We rarely get to see each other, but when we do we have amazing conversations such as this one! He shares a little about the difficulties of parenthood and his struggles with his health issues. Although life may not have seemed fair, he still found a way to stay positive and persevere through tough times.

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

    15: The Importance of Balancing Your Physical And Spiritual Life

    15: The Importance of Balancing Your Physical And Spiritual Life

    In today’s episode, I dive into a topic that took a huge toll on me for a number of years. It is very important to have a balance within your physical and spiritual life. If you are like me, you may have found yourself obsessing on one at a time. Neglecting one or the other can have great consequences. When we focus too much on the physical world, we disconnect from our higher selves and we silence our intuition. Just as when we focus on the spiritual we neglect our bodies and the reality that we are living in. 

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

    14: Adjusting To The Western World After Living As a Buddhist Monk

    14: Adjusting To The Western World After Living As a Buddhist Monk

    Today’s episode was requested by a few of you. I have to say that it was really NOT easy at first! As soon as I landed in Canada, I was ready to give up everything and go right back. The reverse culture shock hit very hard. I went from living in silence in the jungle, meditating 6 hours a day, and sleeping in a tent for a couple of months to coming back to a very fast-paced big city. Depression hit me hard for the first couple of months. I wanted nothing to do with any of it so I pulled myself away. 

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

    13: Cristi on Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone and Going After Your Goals

    13: Cristi on Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone and Going After Your Goals

    In today's episode, I have a heart-to-heart conversation with a dear friend of mine whom I met 12 years ago in College. Cristi and I rarely speak nor see each other nowadays since he moved to Switzerland 5 years ago. We went over his story of migrating to Canada when he was a teenager and the hard times that came with it, to his decision to leave Montreal and move to Switzerland with his girlfriend. He shares what it took to get through the dark moments of his life and why he decided to take a huge risk with his move to another continent. 

    I am absolutely loving these episodes as it feels so natural and freeing. Hope you guys enjoy it!

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    12: Bodo On The Power Of Having a Positive Mindset, Overcoming Barriers And Relationships

    12: Bodo On The Power Of Having a Positive Mindset, Overcoming Barriers And Relationships

    In today’s episode, I sat down with a close friend of mine and we spoke about a few different things ranging from friendship, relationships, positive mindsets and overcoming the hurdles of life.  Bodo shares his thoughts on how friendships and relationships are supposed to work and some of the events he had to overcome in his adult life to build a positive mindset. This was a heart-to-heart conversation between two very close friends, sharing knowledge and wisdom that has been acquired throughout the years of learning and suffering. 

    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    11: 7 Signs You’re Going Through a Spiritual Awakening

    11: 7 Signs You’re Going Through a Spiritual Awakening

    We are currently at a point in time where a vast number of people are waking up spiritually. It can be very confusing at the start since your reality may shift from one moment to the next. Some may feel very different all of a sudden as if they’re starting a new life. If you’ve been feeling like this recently, maybe you’re going through a spiritual awakening.

    • You feel disconnected or detached.
    • You feel lost, confused, down…
    • People don’t understand what you’re going through.
    • You start putting yourself first.
    • You may experience physical symptoms.
    • Experiencing more synchronicities and magical moments.
    • Increased empathy and compassion.

    10: Darrin Subra On How To Not Let Imposter Syndrome Dictate Your Life

    10: Darrin Subra On How To Not Let Imposter Syndrome Dictate Your Life

    For my 10th episode, I have my closest friend on as a guest. He is the definition of a brother. Friends come and go, people enter your life for a specific reason and amount of time, however, he’s been consistent since the day we met. He has an online fitness coaching business, he’s a personal trainer and is currently working on opening his own gym among many other things. We dive into the story of how we met, what we’ve been through together and the growth that has happened throughout our years together. Darrin dives into the imposter syndrome and what he did to overcome it. 

    If you want to step up your fitness journey or just need somebody to keep you accountable, feel free to reach out to him:

    Darrin Subra - Subra Fitness

    Training & Nutrition | Functional Health

    IG: @darrin_subra

    Email: darrin_s@live.ca

    Whatsapp: 438-883-2683

    09: 4 Important Things My Spiritual Journey Has Brought Me.

    09: 4 Important Things My Spiritual Journey Has Brought Me.

    This is part 2 of last week's episode. Today I share the 4 main important things I’ve learned and received from my spiritual journey. I believe that everybody can experience these once they start walking down this path. Watch how much better your life gets if you can implement just one of them!

    1- It has taught me to really think for myself.  

    2- helped me to heal

    3- I have learned to be grateful and appreciate everything.

    4- It has helped me to remember who I truly am.

    08: My Journey On The Spiritual Path

    08: My Journey On The Spiritual Path

    We all have our own unique journeys in life. Today, I share how I embarked on the spiritual path. It was not easy. At the very beginning, I felt alienated. I had to figure everything out on my own since I had nobody that understood me. It was a roller coaster of emotions, many ups and downs. It was during those times that I truly found myself and understood what I am meant to do. 

    07: How To Start Your Self-Healing Journey

    07: How To Start Your Self-Healing Journey

    It can be quite confusing and hard to start your self-healing journey. Everyone wants to live a better life, but how many people really want to get uncomfortable and do the work? Trust me, I feel you. It’s not easy, it sucks, it hurts… BUT, all of that pain will turn into your strength down the road. From my own experience and what I’ve seen until now, these are the 5 steps one must take to truly start this journey.

    • You must have suffered enough to make the decision that you no longer want to feel that way.
    • Move your ego to the side and don’t play the victim. 
    • Ask yourself powerful questions.
    • Take your time answering & reflecting
    • Be easy on yourself. Be proud of the work you’re doing.

    06: The Precepts That I Still Follow To This Day To Live A Better Life

    06: The Precepts That I Still Follow To This Day To Live A Better Life

    After leaving the monastic life and coming back to Montreal, I decided to continue living my life with a few of the precepts I had adopted. In today’s episode, I speak about the ones that I personally decided to keep and how they can positively influence you.

    • No killing
    • No stealing
    • No false speech: lying, gossiping, taking credit…
    • No consuming harmful substances: alcohol, drugs…
    • No adultery

    Also, I make a connection between the 4 Toltec agreements from Don Miguel Ruiz and the precepts we were following. 

    04: Why Spirituality is Needed More Than Ever Today

    04: Why Spirituality is Needed More Than Ever Today

    We are currently living in a time where suffering is considered “normal”. Anxiety, depression and all other mental health problems are “cured” with a pill. The majority of us are chasing some external thing and we believe that will bring us happiness. It’s not our fault for believing this since it has been pushed onto us for the longest time now. Today, I speak about why I believe this is wrong and what spirituality can do to help us wake up and live a better life. 

    03: 5 Important Things I Learned While Living as a Buddhist Monk

    03: 5 Important Things I Learned While Living as a Buddhist Monk

    In today’s episode, I share 5 important lessons I learned while living as a Monk. Applying them can absolutely change your life. These can be used in your everyday life and applying them can absolutely change you. 

    The 5 lessons:

    • Building discipline
    • Living day by day
    • Practicing mindfulness
    • Welcoming silence with open arms
    • Learning to be more compassionate, grateful and humble

    02: My Life Story

    02: My Life Story

    Everyone loves a good story. Today, I open up and become vulnerable. This is my story of who I was before I became the person I am today. Most of us have felt lost at some point in our lives, we may have even made decisions that we aren’t proud of. Don’t worry, this is all part of living. We grow up, we make mistakes, we learn and we CAN change! Your past does not define you. Everything you experience in life is meant to teach you something. By sharing my own story, I hope that some of you guys will be able to do the same. You never know who you can inspire! 

    01: Intro to the Will of the Soul

    01:  Intro to the Will of the Soul

    Welcome to the Will of the Soul podcast. For my first episode, I share why I decided to start this new adventure, who I am and what makes me different. After living as a Buddhist Monk, I knew it was the right time to start sharing what I have to say. Life has a funny way of working things out for us. Follow your soul and you will always end up at the right place!