
    Winning Slowly

    There are plenty of podcasts that will tell you how the latest tech gadget or “innovation” will affect the tech landscape tomorrow, but there aren’t that many concerned with the potential impact of that tech in a decade—much less a century. In a culture obsessed with now, how can we make choices with a view for tomorrow, next year, and beyond? 25–35-minute episodes released the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
    enChris Krycho and Stephen Carradini148 Episodes

    Episodes (148)

    8.04: The Postmodern Condition—Explained

    8.04: The Postmodern Condition—Explained

    Note: Hey listeners, sorry for the weirdness—I (Chris) accidentally published this pointing to the audio for last week’s episode. All fixed now!

    Jean-François Lyotard on postmodernity, science, and kitschy art.

    The Postmodern Condition, Jean–François Lyotard

    Show Notes

    We do our best to explain this dense piece of French aesthetic theory, its arguments with German idealist philosophers, and its very strong feelings about non-avant-garde art.


    Chris, because he was slightly sick, forgot that although we were recording in February, the episode was coming out in March. This threw off everything we said about dates for the rest of the episode. Whoops!

    (The book schedule is adjusted accordingly below.)

    Things mentioned on the show

    Upcoming books



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Douglas Campos
    • Jake Grant
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enMarch 04, 2020

    8.03: Phaedrus Examined

    8.03: Phaedrus Examined

    Should we even keep reading this book—with its criticisms of books?

    Show Notes

    We dig into our disagreements with and appreciations of Plato’s Phaedrus!

    Other things mentioned on the show:

    Next month’s book: The Postmodern Condition, Jean–François Lyotard



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Douglas Campos
    • Jake Grant
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enFebruary 19, 2020

    8.02: Phaedrus Explained

    8.02: Phaedrus Explained

    What did Plato actually argue two and a half millennia ago?

    Show Notes

    We really only did one thing in this episode: talked about Plato’s Phaedrus! What did Plato say? How did he say it? What does it mean? There are, though, lots of interpretations.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Douglas Campos
    • Jake Grant
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enFebruary 05, 2020

    8.01: A Book Club!

    8.01: A Book Club!

    An overview of Season 8: a book (and movie!) club devoted to the canon (as we define it!) for technology and ethics.

    Show Notes

    The authors and topics we discussed in detail on the show:



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enJanuary 29, 2020

    Jake Meador: In Search of the Common Good

    Jake Meador: In Search of the Common Good

    Hey listeners, we had a miscommunication leading to the episode originally being published with the wrong intro music—sorry to any of you who got that earlier version! This new version has the right intro music (and one edit fix Chris caught listening back through the episode as a bonus). Sorry about any hassle or confusion!

    An interview with author and editor (and our friend) about his new book!

    Show Notes

    An interview with author and editor (and our friend!) Jake Meador—focused especially on his book In Search of the Common Good: Christian Fidelity in a Fractured World.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enDecember 05, 2019

    7.13: A Healthy Tension

    7.13: A Healthy Tension

    Chris and Stephen talk about an interesting article… and then pivot to the nature of this podcast and some of their healthy differences—about the show, and in approach to these questions in general.

    Show notes

    Chris also wrote a follow-up post on Twitter bots and decline, to which Stephen thoughtfully replied.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enNovember 21, 2019

    7.12: An Experiment in Moral Imagination, Pt. 3

    7.12: An Experiment in Moral Imagination, Pt. 3

    Sustainable long-distance transportation, or really great virtual reality? Fight!

    Show notes

    Which would make for healthy localist cities in 80 years: sustainable long-distance transportation, or really great virtual reality? Chris says sustainable long-distance transporation. Stephen says VR. Fight!

    (In which the phrase “I don’t think that’s true!” appears more than any other episode of the show… ever.)

    • Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
    • The Opolis
    • Cities/metropolitan areas on the East Coast with more than 4½ million residents
      • Atlanta
      • Baltimore
      • Boston
      • Miami
      • New York
      • Philadelphia
      • Washington D.C.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enOctober 23, 2019

    7.11: An Experiment in Moral Imagination, Pt. 2

    7.11: An Experiment in Moral Imagination, Pt. 2

    “Go Do Earth Things”, or, How 80 Years of Non-Technocratic Thinking Might Improve Phoenix, AZ

    Show notes

    What will the world be like 80 years from now if we avoid technocratic thinking? We discuss the far future of ecologies, urban planning, and … open-source code economy. Listen all the way through for the closing note about the next episode and one of the most incredible bloopers we’ve ever produced.

    Best efforts notwithstanding, we couldn’t actually find a news story about the Woodmoor HOA’s fight with its own residents—Chris got this from a friend who lived through it, but the news items (if any) are lost to the depths of time.

    Previous episodes:


    The best thing about the blooper is that Stephen technically correct but still also technically wrong: While the state of Denmark (16,577 sq. mi.) is indeed larger than Rhode Island (1,034 sq. mi.), it is also larger than eight other U.S. States. It would place 42nd on a list of sizes, after West Virginia (24,087 sq. mi.) and before Maryland (9,775 sq. mi.). Furthermore, Denmark (as astute newswatchers know) technically includes Greenland and the Faroe islands as part of Denmark, making in total 857,510 sq mi; this would make Denmark literally the largest American state by almost 300,000 square miles. Depending on how you count it, Denmark is actually more than three times the size of Texas. Oops.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enOctober 05, 2019

    7.10: An Experiment In Moral Imagination, Pt. 1

    7.10: An Experiment In Moral Imagination, Pt. 1

    Show Notes

    Press pause on the dystopias. Set aside interventions. Dream a little of a non-technocratic world.

    We’ve mostly been in the weeds of thinking about specific interventions around technologism this season. Today, we press pause and just spend some time imagining—dare we say, dreaming—of what a non-technocratic world might look and feel like.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enSeptember 11, 2019

    7.09: Frictioneers

    7.09: Frictioneers

    Can adding a little friction back to user interfaces save us?

    Show notes

    We talk about the currently-trendy concept of (design) friction and how it is necessary but not sufficient for right action on the Internet.


    Things Chris has written in relation to this episode:

    Previous episodes:


    Stig of the Dump / Ogglet (Live)” - El Toppo (By the way, Stig of the Dump is a classic British children’s story, just in case you were wondering. Stephen looked it up after the show.) - “Winning Slowly Theme” by Chris Krycho.


    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enAugust 29, 2019

    7.08: Literally Metaphorically Listen for Earthquakes

    7.08: Literally Metaphorically Listen for Earthquakes

    Show Notes

    We pause from issue-focused episodes and try to pull together the threads of the season so far to take a step toward our ethic of technology.

    Stephen imitating Lewis Mumford saying “I said that!!!”

    Things Chris has written related to this episode:

    Previous episode:



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enAugust 08, 2019

    7.07: The ERLC AI Statement, Part 2

    7.07: The ERLC AI Statement, Part 2

    Data privacy, just war, the sovereignty of God… there’s a lot here!

    Show Notes

    We dig into the rest of the ERLC’s statement on AI—everything from security and privacy to just war and the sovereignty of God.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enJuly 19, 2019

    7.06: The ERLC AI Statement, Part 1

    7.06: The ERLC AI Statement, Part 1

    People reflecting proactively on ethics? Sold! …mostly. Mostly!

    Show Notes

    The ERLC published a statement on artificial intelligence and ethics. We give them an ‘A’ but have some substantive disagreements.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enJuly 03, 2019

    7.05: Chattanooga, China, and Subsidiarity

    7.05: Chattanooga, China, and Subsidiarity

    Localism is great! …but it is no panacea.

    Show Notes

    We look at everything from American racial history to the differences between Chattanooga’s and China’s “local” internets.

    Stephen gesticulating wildly!
    Stephen gesticulating wildly!



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enMay 23, 2019

    7.04: Not Better Enough

    7.04: Not Better Enough

    Rejecting solutionism, the problems of the humane, and wise change.

    Show Notes

    We dig into the challenge of taking a non-solutionist approach and rejecting a technocratic view of the world… while not rejecting “interventions” and making real progress along the way.


    Stephen accidentally referred to Chris’ reference in his newsletter to C. S. Lewis’ foreword to St. Athanasius’ On the Incarnation as “On the Annunciation”—the annunciation is a related but distinct bit of Christian doctrine, when the Incarnation was announced (‘annunciated’) to Mary, the mother of Jesus.

    Chris thought we talked about thinking-together-about-cell-phones in Season 4; it was all the way back in Season 3.

    Previous episodes referenced on the show:



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enMay 09, 2019

    7.03: Ari Wallach

    7.03: Ari Wallach

    An interview with the founder of Longpath about his vision for the future and trans-generational ethics.

    Show Notes

    We chat with Ari Wallach of Longpath about his vision for the future and the importance of trans-generational ethics. (There’s obviously a lot we both find valuable and disagree with here… keep your ears open for reflection on some of those differences in the future!)


    Buckminster Fuller didn’t invent the trimtab—but he did invent the metaphor of the social aspects of trimtab!



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enApril 25, 2019

    7.02: People Who Don’t Want To Do Things

    7.02: People Who Don’t Want To Do Things

    Any positive vision of the future must contend with people who like the current way of doing things. We discuss personal and communal liturgies as potential ways to address the issue.

    Show Notes



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enApril 10, 2019

    7.01: Do We Really Need to Keep the Internet Around?

    7.01: Do We Really Need to Keep the Internet Around?

    Season 7’s charter—by way of a rollicking argument about Alan Jacobs’ The Year of Our Lord 1943 and Tolkien’s idea of eucatastrophe.

    Show Notes

    Major figures we discuss in this episode:

    Other topics/figures/books/etc. we mentioned:

    Also, Audio Hijack saved our bacon because Chris’ computer temporarily lost power due to a blizzard—and we lost nothing. If you’re in the business of audio and on a Mac, you should check out Rogue Amoeba’s excellent apps.



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enMarch 27, 2019

    Jessica C. Blank

    Jessica C. Blank

    Documentary theater and the power of storytelling for social change.

    Show Notes

    An interview with writer, director, and actor Jessica C. Blank, focusing on her approach to using writing and acting as a means of accomplishing social change. We talk about her work on The Exonerated and How To Be a Rock Critic, as well as her theory of story and the way it can help create common ground even when people have deep disagreements.

    Most importantly:

    All the things we talked about on the show!



    Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:

    • Daniel Ellcey
    • Jake Grant
    • Jeremy W. Sherman
    • Marnix Klooster
    • Nathaniel Blaney
    • Spencer Smith

    If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.


    We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!

    Winning Slowly
    enFebruary 04, 2019