
    Women Seeking Blissful Retirement

    This show is for unique women dreaming to soon retire blissfully. In reality, many women are uncertain about what retirement means for them. It is not just a date. It can be potentially a long time, and many could live for another thirty years. A lot of women who are at the doorstep to retirement have fears of financial challenges and are stuck in a job they don’t like. As a matter of fact, they worry more about other areas that have a significant impact. Life in retirement is so much more than having enough money to spend. Maria’s passion inspires anyone to change perspectives, and to plan ahead to gain control of this next phase in life. This fun, educational and interactive show talks about a variety of retirement topics with guest experts and contributions from other women around the world. You’ll see that you are not the only one who is unsure about life in retirement. Each show provides ideas, resources and tipping points to plan a blissful retirement.
    en-usVoiceAmerica53 Episodes

    Episodes (53)

    Retirement Reboot: Optimizing Your Health in Your Next Chapter

    Retirement Reboot: Optimizing Your Health in Your Next Chapter
    Ladies, did you start the New Year making resolutions for a better health, greater wealth and more fun to enjoy your life this year to the fullest? What happened? Have you made a few adjustments and is it improving your life? Today’s show is about a matter that I consider the most important aspect of my life: my health. This decade of my life has been amazing and challenging at the same time. When you want to live healthier and happier, perhaps this episode is a great start to get inspired and do the first step(s). Research shows that transitions in life provide some of the most fertile times for behavior change. Retirement is a particularly powerful backdrop against which we can put our health at the top of our priority lists. Maria digs into how we can improve our health with Functional Medicine Health Coach Carolyn Cohen. The great news is that no matter what kind of lifestyle we've led up to now, there's much opportunity to improve our health in an enjoyable fashion, so that we're able to fully embrace our retirement and all that accompanies it. The post-career life can be an exciting and active time when you choose to see it, and plan for a vibrant, fun and fulfilling next chapter. Life is not over when you retire from your career. So tune in today because it can be the start of a joyful retirement. To connect with today’s guest Carolyn Cohen you can listen to her podcast Wellness While Walking here: https:/wellnesswhilewalking.com

    Your Sentence Of Passion: Your Rallying Cry to Take On the World

    Your Sentence Of Passion: Your Rallying Cry to Take On the World
    The year 2024 has just started, and you want it to be exciting, prosperous and purposeful. You have high expectations but have no idea what your purpose is in life. Who better to ask then someone who we all think has some form of magic, and can give you the answer by just looking at you. If this is how you feel about this new year, my first guest is Corbie Mitleid who works as a professional intuitive and has counseled thousands of people over the years. This episode is all about finding your sentence of passion and creating a life of purpose doing something that fascinates you. Listen to our enchanting conversation and discover how your life experiences are the cornerstones for your specific Sentence of Passion. Guest Corbie Mitleid loves using stories and humor to explain things, and gives graceful but firm nudges to the listeners to take matters in their hands. This talk show for sure will inspire you to look at this year again and see how you can develop your rallying cry to take on the world in this next chapter of retirement. To check out the book CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFE CLOSET that Corbie mentions in the podcast go to her website: www.corbiemitleid.com You can get in touch with her on the same website.

    New Horizons: Mastering Procrastination in Your Next Adventure

    New Horizons: Mastering Procrastination in Your Next Adventure
    When retiring from a full-time career many people get a different sense of time. For some it feels that they have all the time of the world, for others it’s unsure how much time to live is left. Either way you look at this issue, the topic of my conversation will be very helpful. In this episode, Maria is diving into a discussion with Jami, a seasoned procrastination coach, who offers a wealth of insight for women transitioning out of the workforce or already embracing their post-career life. We'll challenge the common myths about procrastination and reveal how it can manifest uniquely during this transition. Tune in to identify which of the six procrastinator types you might be, understand why traditional time-management methods aren't always effective, and uncover the less obvious triggers of procrastination that can be especially relevant during this life stage. Jami will also highlight the critical connection between self-esteem and procrastination and introduce the empowering concept of 'Positive Intelligence,' helping you craft a fulfilling and intentional life beyond the workplace. This is an episode you don’t want to miss. In case you want to do the quiz to find out your procrastinator type, or get I touch with Jami, all the information is on her website www.jamigibson.com

    Confident Decision to Stay Home, Live Well, Age Wise

    Confident Decision to Stay Home, Live Well, Age Wise
    One of the biggest challenges most older women face when their health is declining is to choose between staying in the home they lived in for a long time or move to a senior care facility. This decision often is made late for having the house fully ready to accommodate the physical circumstances. Today we can still be in good health, but perhaps our parents are getting to the point in life where they need extra care. In this episode Maria talks with Leslie Hurst who is a registered nurse caring for seniors in their homes. Because of her experience she has profound knowledgeable about this subject. She created a holistic approach to develop a personal plan and empowering seniors and their families to make decisions with confidence and make the most of their remaining chapters. This episode covers an important topic and the conversation will provide surprising insights and excellent recommendations on how to be prepared for caring for a person that needs support to live with joy and ease at home. So tune in and listen to Maria and Leslie when sharing their expertise on making wise decisions when we grow older. To obtain the checklist to manage day-to-day life or ask a question please email leslie@agewisegroup.com. The website for more information is www.agewisegroup.com

    The Wisdom in ME - A Journey to Transform a Woman's Life!

    The Wisdom in ME - A Journey to Transform a Woman's Life!
    As we look back on our lives, at this stage in our 2nd half, most women have some regrets and disappointments. What if we discovered a way to turn our scars into stars, our losses into gains? In this episode Maria talks with Gloria Manchester, a wise woman coach who is well over 55, and has been an advocate for women all her adult life. She and a coauthor together created the journal The Wisdom In Me as a life-changing legacy piece for women. They have taken exercises, practices, and strategies they developed over the years, and turned it into a working journal for women to gain insight into their own past and how embracing it and choosing differently can produce something new and exciting in their lives. The conversation with Gloria is all about reinventing life when we transition into a new chapter. Her mantra is empowered women empower women! This journey is about awakening your mind, tapping into your inner WISDOM, activating your goals & dreams & becoming an ambassador for other women in your life to do the same. Tune in for this inspiring and insightful discussion that can be life changing to find your power as a woman. And be part of a movement to share your wisdom with your community. You can reach Gloria Manchester for the meditation gift and the programs she offers at her website www.createathrivinglifestory.com or by email to gloria@createathrivinglifestory.com Also, you can find on her website a link to purchase the journal to find your own passion and purpose in life.

    Preserving Your Sleep During Times of Transition

    Preserving Your Sleep During Times of Transition
    Why do we feel tired when we wake up after 7 or 8 hours of sleep. As women age, we often have a hard time falling asleep or we wake up more often during the night because of changes in hormones like melatonin. Sleep deficits can lead to the risk of falling or problems such as forgetfulness or depression. In this episode I discuss this important factor for a long and healthy life in retirement with health and wellness expert Kali Patrick. Transitional times can present difficulties even for the best of sleepers. Whether or not you've struggled with sleeping well in the past, adult sleep coach Kali Patrick can help. Based on her work with private clients moving into retirement, she'll share some tips about how to preserve and improve your sleep. She'll address specific reasons why transitions can cause sleep issues, and the best ways to keep one night of poor sleep from becoming a pattern. Getting a good night sleep has a big impact on our energy levels, on a sharp mind and on our mood, so join Maria and Kali for some golden nuggets on creating better sleep habits and reasons to improve the quality of your sleep for more fun and energy in life. Sleep Expert Kali has several resources to sleep better on her websites https://kalipatrick.com and https://Kalisleepcoach.com. Find help in a sample chapter of her book Mastering Your Sleep Puzzle, or by taking the Sleep Academy course. The book is also available on Amazon or at book stores in the USA.

    How to Make Our Money Work to Create the Life We Want

    How to Make Our Money Work to Create the Life We Want
    Have you spent your whole life working hard, spending smartly and saving for retirement? Or was there too much else that took all of your paycheck and now you feel anxious about retiring? In this episode, we delve into a topic that resonates deeply with women who are ready to experience the unique retirement they envisioned: One that is happy, healthy, and fulfilling. Guest speaker Kim Curtis, a seasoned expert in financial planning and retirement, joins us to shed light on the crucial relationship between money and creating a post-career life that's brimming with meaning and purpose. Kim's wisdom helps illuminate the fact that money isn't just a tool; it's an ally that, when harnessed correctly, can lead us toward the life we've always dreamed of. Listen to my conversation with Kim who will walk you through six actionable steps to transform your relationship with money, moving it from a source of complication to a wellspring of confidence by adopting the right mindset. While financial preparation is undeniably important for retirement, we'll also explore the vital factors that contribute to your happiness and well-being during this phase of life. Tune in to this empowering episode filled with actionable wisdom to help you transition from saving for to living in retirement. Don't miss this chance to craft your dream retirement life with financial resilience and abundant well-being. You can get in touch with guest Kim Curtis on her website https://www.wealthlegacyinstitute.com/ where you are able to sign up for her newsletter and download her free Essential Retirement Guide or buy her book Retirement Secrets: Keys to retiring Happy, Healthy and Free.

    Finding Adventure and Purpose in Retirement

    Finding Adventure and Purpose in Retirement
    We are often hesitant to move into our next chapter and retire from our 40+ years career because we are not sure what we will do with our time. We now have an extra 8 or 9 hours each day to do something else than work at a job. Besides not knowing what to do with our time, we hear many retired women talk about trips to Bali and other areas of the world ad not all of us want to go abroad. In this episode I am talking with Barb Geiger who found her purpose while traveling through many states from Minnesota to Louisiana and ending her trip in New Orleans at the Gulf of Mexico. Leaving your home and getting out of your comfort zone to answer a calling of faith with your husband is a heartwarming and inspiring journey. Being open to new experiences during retirement has brought Barb amazing adventures, broadened her world, and given her a passion to connect with others through writing. In this episode Barb shares about the kayak service trip on the Mississippi with her husband, during which they learned about dozens of charity organizations by volunteering with them and blogging about what they do. Maria and Barb discuss the joy that volunteer work can give and how this can boost social engagement and the opportunity to create friendships when you are retired. Barb also loves to tell about how she came to write an award-winning memoir about her kayak service trip and a poetry chapbook about the Mississippi River, to encourage listeners to use time in retirement to write their own stories. Don’t miss this episode as it is jam-packed with stories and experiences of a woman that embraced the beauty of her country and found a way to create the journey of a lifetime by listening to her heart and be courageous. You can find her blog about the kayak trip and how the book got published here: https://paddleforapurpose.net or if you want to get I touch with Barb : www.barbgeiger.com

    The Elegant Muscle Solution

    The Elegant Muscle Solution
    Growing older as a woman often we don’t feel happy about our appearance and the effects of a changing body on our life. Often, we do not like what we see in the mirror. And do you have great energy for all you plan to do? How can we enjoy the many interactions and activities and feel good about ourselves?? Today’s talk show will help you to get out of the funk and create a life that gets you up in the morning with ease and confidence. My guest Kim Rahir is the perfect person to show us that it’s totally possible to turn an unfavorable situation around. Discover how building and maintaining muscle is the most underrated and effective way of dealing with midlife unpleasantness like weight gain, fatigue, brain fog and mood swings. Find out how Kim, through her own journey, discovered a fountain of youth that many women still shy away from - and how you can harness its power for your own health and fitness. Get ready to hear how Kim is blossoming now in her midlife and beyond, and helps us learn how to take care of ourselves. This episode is longer as it’s jam packed so be inspired and motivated to shift into a healthy lifestyle. Here is the link to her website for more information on how Kim helps women become happy with their appearance again: https://www.coachflex.net/ You can get a free 5 Step Guide To Balance Your Hormones Naturally at this link: https://rb.gy/tnud8

    Small Garden, Big Harvest!

    Small Garden, Big Harvest!
    Are you concerned about the rising food prices and the impact of changes in our economy on what we eat and its availability in the stores, then this episode could help you find a fun hobby and way to have more control by learning the new skill of gardening. In this episode I talk about simple, small-space vegetable and herb gardening indoors or out, for beginners to experts with Square Foot Gardening Certified Instructor Kim Roman. Our goal is to inspire listeners to start a tiny edible garden using a method that fits your circumstances best. When you listen to our conversation you hear Kim’s enthusiasm and extensive experience about growing plants anywhere. Her incredible knowledge makes this topic so much fun to discuss and helps me as host to gain insights on how to start a simple small space garden myself now I am taking the leap to retire from full time work. In this podcast you’ll find out how to produce native plants, fruits, veggies, and herbs rich in nutrients and flavor by using good practices. Hence, getting Green Thumbs provides sustainable resources for a healthy diet and joyful connection to nature. We all know that gardening has many great physical, emotional and health benefits that we can practice when we grow older. If you want more information on this topic you can connect with Kim on her website www.sfg4U.com, or on Facebook or Tiktok using @SquareFootGardening4U You can buy her book How to Garden Indoors & Grow Your Own Food Year-Round on Amazon or any good book store.

    What's Your Vitality Plan?

    What's Your Vitality Plan?
    Our generation of baby boomers has been involved in many significant changes in all areas of life. From childhood to growing older and becoming a senior the world keeps evolving. We all adapted to the changing world with grace and curiosity and enjoyed most of what got developed to improve our lives. However, when looking ahead for planning and preparing for our next chapter many women often do not capture the possibilities that lie ahead. Undoubtedly, the top two aging concerns remain ensuring financial security in retirement and retaining health and independence through the full lifespan. You may have a financial plan, but what's your vitality plan. This podcast episode explores three things you absolutely must do to give yourself the best chance for lifelong vitality - make a vitality plan, balance your vitality assets (core, wellness, and functional), and make regular deposits. In this talk show Maria has a special guest who has researched for decades about how to create and live an amazing and satisfying life in retirement. Kay Van Norman, President of Brilliant Aging will describe the Vitality Portfolio® approach to lifelong vitality and provide specific tools to remove common roadblocks to wellbeing and create your personal vitality plan. Her wisdom and heartfelt advice are fascinating and empowering for any one who tunes in. You don’t want to miss this provocative and engaging conversation. You can find out more about Kay on her website www.brilliantaging.com. Check out this page for details on her new Online Course: Your Roadmap to Lifelong Health - The Vitality Portfolio®

    More than Peace, Power & Presence through Meditation

    More than Peace, Power & Presence through Meditation
    Have you included meditation in your daily routine? Many people find that meditation is a great tool to calm the mind and start the day on a positive view. It is often practiced to get into the present moment and be more focused and aware of the actual situation or a desired future. During our life time we have experienced many wonderful times and also challenging events that had a different impact on our life. These negative emotions of doubt, guilt or insecurities still influence us in our thinking and behavior. So in today’s talk show with Dr. Sreelatha Meleth we go deep in explaining why meditating is so profound in healing our mental state. Learning to gain power over emotions and fears through a series of meditations is key in discovering the triggers that cause physical reactions of anger, grief, shame. This process helps us find peace by knowing where these feelings originate and empowers us to love ourselves fully. Tune in to this inspiring and authentic discussion about the positive effects of meditating on our wellbeing now we get older, and want more compassion and energy for increased creativity, passion and joy. Dr. Sreelatha offers a free Clarity Strategy Action call on her website https://freeingourselves.com.

    Secrets to Franchise Business Ownership

    Secrets to Franchise Business Ownership
    Did you know that today, one-third (32%) of all franchises are owned by women. For the new wave of female babyboomers that is retiring in the coming year a big concern that creates anxiety is the financial future of their next chapter. In addition, one of the biggest complaints of retired seniors is that they want activities to help them stay energetic and mentally alert. In today’s podcast Maria is talking with Jim McEleney who shares his experience of owning a franchise and explains in great detail why this could be a match made in heaven for your Next Chapter. Are you still wanting income but also desiring flexibility? Pursuing business ownership through the franchise model has been an attractive way to remain in the game for those who are looking to establish their own work/life balance. In this talk, we'll explore the current trends in the world of franchise business ownership that are making this an attractive, lower risk option. Listen to Maria and Jim when they dive deep into exploring the benefits of buying a franchise as a retiree. It is not only a second career but also an investment for you and a lasting legacy that you can hand down to your family. Another great advantage of operating a franchise is that you continue to use your mind and likely your body as well. It’s a great way to stay healthy as you age. This episode would not be valuable if we didn’t discuss some of the risks and time requirements of operating this kind of business too. You can contact Jim at https://frannet.com/franchise-consultant/jim-mceleney/

    Have more connection and joy for retirees

    Have more connection and joy for retirees
    When we think about retirement we all dream of a happy and vibrant life. However, This new life that we looked forward to could be less exciting as we expected, and cause negative thoughts and feelings of loneliness to take over. Today’s guest is Agnes Loughlin. She spent over 2 decades lost in a life of busy-ness and disconnect from Joy. She now helps others to become aware of their situation and realize that something needs to change. In this episode we dive deeper into the causes of loneliness and the mistakes that keep us stuck. Our modern society has perhaps forced us to sacrifice connections with friends to make time for everything else. But being alone does not necessarily lead to loneliness. Listen to this enlightening conversation so you know the signs and learn simple action steps to have more connection and joy. Because asking deep and meaningful questions is the way to find what is really true in our hearts that allows us to focus on what gives us joy. When we feel fully alive, then we engage in life for our highest potential and retirement becomes the best time of our life. Agnes offers two free gifts: Top 10 Ways to Have More Joy and Connection Today (ebook) and a Meditation to Embrace and Expand in Love. You can find them on her website: https://www.miraclesinwellness.com

    Limitless vitality for the mature woman

    Limitless vitality for the mature woman
    Why do women often think that aging is gracefully is not possible? In this week’s episode, I talk with Leslie Bumpas who is a Functional Nutritionist when she shares how growing older is not a punishment. In this engaging and informative talk show we discuss how past and current health trends impact the health of our bodies and brains. With proper nutrition and lifestyle strategies, you can slow the aging process and reduce your risk of age-related symptoms and health issues. Hence, as aging women we do not have to feel and be seen as frumpy & dumpy. Leslie encourages women to be more conscious and proactive on doing annual blood tests to identify imbalances before they become serious conditions. To be strong, healthy and vital she recommends taking supplements for improving bone health and vitality. We dive into the importance of Vitamine D3, strength training and stacking habits to drink plenty of water for optimal health and aging gracefully. Every woman can age with confidence, strength and grace so don’t miss this information packed episode specific to the needs of women. You can get a free supplement guide for ageless beauty on her website www.agelessbeauty.life

    Living Fully by Preparing for Death

    Living Fully by Preparing for Death
    The death of a spouse is well known to be a devastating event that can turn the world upside down and cause conflicting feelings for the person alive. In this episode, Maria talks with Jennifer O’Brien, who has found her purpose and legacy when dealing with the grief of her husband passing away. Every day a person encounters the loss of a loved one, and too many times, we have not thought of getting ready for all the changes that can happen. Most times, a sudden event is what starts the mourning process. However, even if the person is terminally ill, the emotional pain takes all attention. Since Jennifer and her late husband were told about the fatal diagnosis, they were able to take a more concerned approach. Since this topic creates anxiety for that last event, it will bring unfavorable conditions if no preparations have been made and cause more pain for the surviving person. Listen to this conversation when both explore how to have peace of mind by opening up and making decisions to plan a peaceful end of life. Because this is so important to complete the process so those who become solo ager are prepared and can handle this difficult situation. It is Jennifer’s mission to bring awareness about how preparing can ease the burden. She has written an award-winning book 'The Hospice Doctor’s Widow – a journal' that is available on her website and Amazon. W e also discussed a free toolkit that Jennifer created to help guide the planning process. You can find this on her website: https://mailchi.mp/681ba7bc2717/at-peace-toolkit Website: hospicedrswidow.com

    Yes, there is life after sugar!

    Yes, there is life after sugar!
    Growing older comes with a multitude of changes. Often, we lived our life consuming what was easy, fast, and the last diet mania. And only when menopause makes us adapt to a new body, we did realize that what we ate was not always the best for our health. Is this you? You want the health benefits of a sugar-free lifestyle BUT you know that sugar’s derailing you... You’re struggling with extra weight or health issues...You want your intermittent fasting lifestyle to be easy and natural...BUT you reach out for sweet foods whenever you feel emotional, tired, or stressed...You snack mindlessly, usually when you’re bored...You feel alone like nobody understands your choice to feel better with less sugar. You dream of living a long and healthy retirement...BUT you can't imagine not needing or wanting sugar anymore. Deep down, you know that cutting sugar is the answer...The fact is, you LOOOVE sugar...even though you know you have an unhealthy relationship with it. You know you need to let go of sugar… but how can you let go without suffering?? In this episode, my guest Netta from Life After Sugar will give you the key to a joyful and easy sugar-free lifestyle. Tune in to the show for motivation and action points to get started on your journey for a healthier next chapter. You can reach Netta at https://aftersugarclub.com/ for free resources or to join her After Sugar Club.

    Life After Caregiving

    Life After Caregiving
    September is world Alzheimer’s month and a great reason to talk about cognitive health issues that many people face. Statistics show that 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Today ‘s guest is Betsy Wurzel who acted as caregiver for her husband Matt after he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Maria and Betsy talk openly about living as caregiver with a person who has Alzheimer’s and many ways she and her son took care of her husband Matt. It’s not easy to adjust to life as a caregiver and see how your husband s quality of life changes. There is no guidebook or course that can teach you how to handle these situations. Betsy started a podcast in 2019 called Chatting with Betsy. She uses her experiences to educate about taking care of a spouse who has Alzheimer's, Dementia, or Parkinson' s. In today's episode she gives great personal tips to inspire other caregivers as they weather this difficult journey. You really do not want to miss this interview as the information discussed will be so helpful for You. Even the smallest idea would be helpful to you and your loved one. Betsy's warmth and upbeat personality makes you feel like you're listening to a dear friend. Betsy has a Facebook group for anyone to join: #Kick Alzheimer’s Ass Movement. Her weekly talk show is called Chatting with Betsy.

    Gray Divorce: Splitting Up in Later-Life

    Gray Divorce: Splitting Up in Later-Life
    For many women the dream of being married to the love of their life and having a beautiful family with children was a dream come true. However, often they had to accommodate and adjust their personal goals and wants for the sake of a happy family. When the kids have left the house for college there is no reason to stay in an unhappy marriage. On the episode today I discuss this growing trend with Linda Hershman, who is an expert on marriage counseling and late-life relationship issues. One in four married couples over age 50 divorce. These later-life breakups are known as gray divorces. More often than not, women are initiating the breakups. Join us as we talk about the reasons for gray divorce, the upsides, and the downsides of later-life breakups. The decision to split up after so many years has a huge impact on everyone involved, and knowing more about the challenges can give us a better understanding of this difficult situation. You can buy Linda’s book Gray Divorce: Everything You Need to Know About Later-Life Breakups on Amazon.com

    Savvy Strategies to Plan Sound Retirement Income

    Savvy Strategies to Plan Sound Retirement Income
    This episode is eye-opening and brimming with golden nuggets about how to prepare for retirement so that you can feel secure and safe for any unplanned emergency. Instead, you will know several ways to ensure you do not run out of money during your retirement. My guest Caryl Lenahan is a financial planner and life coach, and she has been helping people to protect their savings and make good choices about their hard-earned money for the next chapter. Specifically, to ensure that when you are the surviving partner you will be in a good situation and feel financially secure. Caryl loves to help people and offers a free 5 minutes quiz that will give you a complimentary short assessment about your retirement concerns. You can find it here: smartmoneyquizzes.com In return for taking the quiz, she also will send you a 60-point checklist for preparing in case of an emergency or death and someone else will have to take responsibility. Join us to hear about strategies that can help you in various unforeseen events that can happen when you grow older. Listen to this podcast so you‘ll have plenty of sound advice to make confident decisions and maintain a happy life. She has a valuable warning for everyone who wants to enjoy retirement without worries. You've got to take action to make it happen. The information we discuss on the show and getting the free report is your first step. Don’t waste more time. Take action now.