
    Women Seeking Wellness

    Are you a woman who feels not really old, yet not really young-not really sick yet not really well? Most women want MORE in all aspects of their life and this podcast’s goal is to share the real story on how to be well at any age. Dr. Maj is a Chiropractor, a health & wellness expert, a functional nutritionist and an author, She brings her humor and unique outlook to help you in building the life you truly desire. She has been inspired by the works of Dr. Oz, Brene Brown, Danielle LaPorte, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Oprah.
    enDr. Stephanie Maj100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    What is Your COVID-19 Action Plan? This is mine!

    What is Your COVID-19 Action Plan? This is mine!

    Let me help you create your own COVID-19 Action Plan!

    We are here at Community Chiropractic to help you navigate these confusing and scary times. Our hope is to give you proactive tools you and your family can use to build your own natural immunity and feel more empowered with regard to your health.

    Below are ways we are keeping you safe in our office as well as a list of supplements that will boost your own natural immunity. I also put my immune system boosting podcast links below.

    Remember...#1 is GET ADJUSTED! Tons of studies showing a chiropractic adjustment boosts T-cell levels in the body!



    FYI...These are steps we take EVERYDAY of the year to keep our office as clean as possible. We are tripling our efforts to honor the members of our practice.

    • We are wiping down surfaces multiple times each day with a disinfectant.
    • The table(s) you are adjusted on have face paper that is single use, changed out each time a patient is adjusted. We wipe the tables regularly. We use the strongest antiviral/bacterial cleaner on those surfaces and the protection lasts 12 hours. 
    • We are keeping our immune systems healthy, and are here to serve you with the awesome immune boosting power of chiropractic care!


    • Get adjusted!  People under regular chiropractic care have much stronger immune systems.
    • Wash your hands and do not touch your face.
    • Eat healthy food with a minimum of sugar and processed foods.
    • Sleep adequately - usually 7-8 hours per night for adults, and up to 12 hours a night for children.
    • Hydrate with beverages that do not contain sugar or caffeine.
    • Take supplements.
    • Exercise to your tolerance.
    • Eat garlic regularly.
    • Have effective tools to address stress.
    • Do not smoke and stay away from second hand smoke as it is a potent immune suppressive and weakens the lungs.


    Daily supplements for prevention:


    Vitamin C:  1000 mg

    Vitamin D:  8000 IU (125 mg)

    Bio Immunozyme Forte: 2-6 capsules/day with food

    Zinc:  75-100 mg/day

    Probiotics:  30 billion CFUs

    Vitamin A:  10,000 IU

    Omega Fats:  EPA/DHA 2000 mg


    Supplements for treatment:

    Same as above and additionally:

    Elderberry:  2000 mg/day

    NAC:  1200 mg/day

    Gargle with salt water or apple cider vinegar twice daily

    Anti-viral:  ADP/Oil of Oregano 2 tablets/day

    Selenium:  200 mg/day (specifically helpful for COVID-19)


    To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.


    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657


    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.


    Women Seeking Wellness
    enMarch 09, 2020

    Six Steps to a Healthy Immune System

    Six Steps to a Healthy Immune System

    Part 3 of 3 in a discussion of the immune system. Dr. Maj concludes this series by focusing on proactive ways to increase your own immune system.

    1. Vitamin D supplementation
    2. Chiropractic boost immune system:

    Studies review: http://www.chiro.org/research/ABSTRACTS/Immune.shtml

    1. Exercise/Movement
    2. Sleep
    3. Water
    4. Fruits & Veggies

    BONUS TIP: Fever Salt Bath:

    Take this bath clean; i.e. take a quick shower first if you need one.  Do not use anything else in the bath except what you have put in.

    Fill tub with warm water (as warm, not hot. as you can tolerate) add:

    Epsom Salt:  1-2 cups when sick, (use 1 cup)

    Kosher Salt:  1-2 cups when sick, (use 1 cup)

    Baking Soda:  1-2 cups when sick,  (use 1 cup)

    Add Essential oils like Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil and Orange Oil. Try to get organic, worth the dough. 



    Women Seeking Wellness
    enMarch 09, 2020

    More Powerful than the Flu Shot...

    More Powerful than the Flu Shot...

    Part 2 of 3 in a discussion of the immune system. This episode focuses on debunking the flu shot and talking about what really makes you sick and how to be well.

    The flu shot has mercury (mercury-free versions are loaded with aluminum) both of which are neurotoxins. Problem is that flu vaccination is terrible at actually predicting the flu strains out there on any given "flu season."

    The Cochrane Database Review, has issued no less than five reports between 2006 and 2010, all of which debunk the myth that flu vaccinations are "the most effective flu prevention method" available. The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin.  http://www.cochrane.org/CD004879/ARI_vaccines-for-preventing-influenza-in-healthy-children 

    Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2012 Jan;12(1):36-44. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(11)70295-X. Epub 2011 Oct 25. 

    Don’t get the flu shot if you already have the flu! It does not treat the flu. 




    Women Seeking Wellness
    enMarch 09, 2020

    The Power of Vit. D & Immune System

    The Power of Vit. D & Immune System

    Part 1 of 3 in a discussion of the immune system. This episode focuses on the role of vitamin D levels and ability to fight the colds and flu.

    Learn why we get sick in the winter and how it is not about the bugs. Looking at immune compromise and how it relates to life stress. As Chiropractor, I reduce stress in body and helps build immune system.

    Vitamin D breakdown: How is it formed? Why is everyone talking about it lately? Hear Dr. Maj’s experience with vitamin D and why she feels like it is so important.

    Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91(5):1255-60. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.29094. Epub 2010 Mar 10.

    While there is no specific dosage level at which "magic" happens, based on the most recent research by GrassrootsHealth—an organization that has greatly contributed to the current knowledge on vitamin D through their D* Action Study—it appears as though most adults need about 8,000 IU's of vitamin D a day. This is significantly higher than previously recommended. For children, many experts agree they need about 35 IU's of vitamin D per pound of body weight. 



    Women Seeking Wellness
    enMarch 09, 2020

    What Would Dr. Steph Do? Immune System Boosting! A new segment by Dr. Stephanie Maj

    What Would Dr. Steph Do? Immune System Boosting! A new segment by Dr. Stephanie Maj

    What do you when you feel a cold coming on? How do you boost your immune system Dr. Steph?

    To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.

     To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657

    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.


    Women Seeking Wellness
    enFebruary 20, 2020

    The Webster Technique to Prepare Mom's body for Delivery with Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney

    The Webster Technique to Prepare Mom's body for Delivery with Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney

    Drs. Steph and Kelly discuss the Webster Technique, a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.


    Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney Bio:

    Simply put, I knew there was something more to being healthy. I never went very far. I grew up in Franklin Park, went to school in River Grove, DeKalb and Lombard. My mother thought she was doing the right thing but as a child every time I had a cold the doctor put me on antibiotics. As a teenager we drank tons of pop. Then in college my headaches were coming at least once a week and I took Advil every time. From the outside I looked healthy, but deep down I knew there was more to true health.


    Starting in high school AP classes, the medical field was my pathway. I enjoyed learning about eating healthy and exercise. I looked at chiropractic but everyone said I should be a real doctor. So I started volunteering at outpatient clinics and in the ER. Everywhere I looked, people were sick and my desire to help them get healthy naturally continued to grow until I could no longer ignore it. Chiropractic school was perfect.

    My education from National University of Health Sciences taught me all the science behind the body. Nutrition and exercise were all there. Then there was that something more — True Health that comes from within. I learned that nature needs no help, just no interference. Our body knows what to do, we just have to let it do what it was designed to do.

    Practice Philosophy

    Here at Tree of Life Wellness Center we are dedicated to helping families reach their health care goals naturally. I base my recommendations on your health goals. You hire me to guide your body to heal in the right direction. I have the latest technology available in my office. We complete diagnostic testing on the nerves, muscles, feet and bones. All of the medical recorders are electronic. I incorporate instrument adjusting for those people who do not like the “cracking” sound. I am a very analytical person. I love to analyze each segment of the spine and make an adjustment to bring the body back into its natural position. We address you from head to toe, inside out.

    About Me

    I am a mom and a wife in addition to running my practice. I fully qualified as a doctor of chiropractic in 1999 with Cum Laude honors and have since progressed to focus on Non-Surgical Reconstructive Care. Bill and I have been together for over 20 years.  I delivered both of my kids naturally in the water. Chloee, my first born is 16. My youngest is 12-year-old Liam. Now as a mother I get to put my school experience into practical use. I get to see first hand how the body knows what to do. I get to directly help support my kids to be all that they can be. Both Chloee & Liam were adjusted within 24 hours of birth. It is great to find that balance between home and the office. I love being active & present in my kids’ lives.

    Morning is my time to myself. It is not always easy but, I feel awesome getting up before 5am to go workout and have my time. I typically have a protein and greens shake every morning for breakfast. I make sure Bill, Chloee, Liam and myself get checked for an adjustment once a week. We spend our time outdoors as much as possible.  Hiking in Southern Illinois or Michigan is right up our alley.

    I am also involved in our community and am happy to be a part of the Elmhurst Chamber.


    To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.


    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657


    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.


    Women Seeking Wellness
    enFebruary 11, 2020

    Preparing Mom's Body for Pregancy, Delivery and Life with a New Baby with Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney

    Preparing Mom's Body for Pregancy, Delivery and Life with a New Baby with Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney

    Intentional actions to achieve optimal health for any woman in the perinatal time is discussed by Drs. Stephanie and Kelly.

    Dr. Kelly Synowiec-Moroney Bio:

    Simply put, I knew there was something more to being healthy. I never went very far. I grew up in Franklin Park, went to school in River Grove, DeKalb and Lombard. My mother thought she was doing the right thing but as a child every time I had a cold the doctor put me on antibiotics. As a teenager we drank tons of pop. Then in college my headaches were coming at least once a week and I took Advil every time. From the outside I looked healthy, but deep down I knew there was more to true health.


    Starting in high school AP classes, the medical field was my pathway. I enjoyed learning about eating healthy and exercise. I looked at chiropractic but everyone said I should be a real doctor. So I started volunteering at outpatient clinics and in the ER. Everywhere I looked, people were sick and my desire to help them get healthy naturally continued to grow until I could no longer ignore it. Chiropractic school was perfect.

    My education from National University of Health Sciences taught me all the science behind the body. Nutrition and exercise were all there. Then there was that something more — True Health that comes from within. I learned that nature needs no help, just no interference. Our body knows what to do, we just have to let it do what it was designed to do.

    Practice Philosophy

    Here at Tree of Life Wellness Center we are dedicated to helping families reach their health care goals naturally. I base my recommendations on your health goals. You hire me to guide your body to heal in the right direction. I have the latest technology available in my office. We complete diagnostic testing on the nerves, muscles, feet and bones. All of the medical recorders are electronic. I incorporate instrument adjusting for those people who do not like the “cracking” sound. I am a very analytical person. I love to analyze each segment of the spine and make an adjustment to bring the body back into its natural position. We address you from head to toe, inside out.

    About Me

    I am a mom and a wife in addition to running my practice. I fully qualified as a doctor of chiropractic in 1999 with Cum Laude honors and have since progressed to focus on Non-Surgical Reconstructive Care. Bill and I have been together for over 20 years.  I delivered both of my kids naturally in the water. Chloee, my first born is 16. My youngest is 12-year-old Liam. Now as a mother I get to put my school experience into practical use. I get to see first hand how the body knows what to do. I get to directly help support my kids to be all that they can be. Both Chloee & Liam were adjusted within 24 hours of birth. It is great to find that balance between home and the office. I love being active & present in my kids’ lives.

    Morning is my time to myself. It is not always easy but, I feel awesome getting up before 5am to go workout and have my time. I typically have a protein and greens shake every morning for breakfast. I make sure Bill, Chloee, Liam and myself get checked for an adjustment once a week. We spend our time outdoors as much as possible.  Hiking in Southern Illinois or Michigan is right up our alley.

    I am also involved in our community and am happy to be a part of the Elmhurst Chamber.


    To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.


    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657


    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.


    Women Seeking Wellness
    enFebruary 11, 2020

    Happy 4 Year Anniversary Women Seeking Wellness!

    Happy 4 Year Anniversary Women Seeking Wellness!

    Dr. Maj celebrates 4 years of doing what she loves...Educating people and having wonderful conversations. Love to you all!

    To ask Dr. Steph a question, call 708.808.6250 and you will hear your answer on one of our episodes.

    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657

    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.

    Women Seeking Wellness
    enJanuary 09, 2020

    Benefits of Chiropractic Cranial Work for Infants with Dr. Barb Gettel

    Benefits of Chiropractic Cranial Work for Infants with Dr. Barb Gettel

    Why do babies need a chiropractor? What is cranial work in terms of chiropractic and how is it different from the adjustment? How is it different from Craniosacral? What are indicators that parents can look for suggesting their child should see a pediatric chiropractor? Doctors Barb and Steph with their combined 40 years of experience discuss all of these details and more on this episode of Families Seeking Wellness. 

    Meet Dr. Barb:

    I am a graduate of Northwestern College of Chiropractic. After graduating, I have continued my education with a focus in Cranial/TMJ work and organ adjustments as well as spinal adjustments.

    I have always been amazed at the body's natural ability to heal itself and love to educate my patients back into health. It has been my experience that if areas of the body can be supported through adjustments and proper nutrition; optimal health can be maintained and poor health can be improved. In many cases drugs can be avoided.

    I have almost 400 hours of Continuing Education credits on Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT).

    When not working, I am an active member in the profession and also enjoy spending time with my husband Dan and my sons Daniel and Andrew.

    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657


    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.

    Women Seeking Wellness
    enDecember 06, 2019

    Covering Everything from Sports to Neuroplasticity to Mean Tweets with ESPN's Sarah Spain

    Covering Everything from Sports to Neuroplasticity to Mean Tweets with  ESPN's Sarah Spain

    Meditation. Healthy habits. #MoreThanMean. Neuroplasticity. This conversation covered all kinds of topics pertaining to her career, her self development and her activism.

    Sarah is an Emmy and Peabody Award-winning radio host, TV personality and writer. She is the host of the "Spain and Company” radio show, airing weeknights on national ESPN radio, a writer for espnW.com, host of ESPN's "That's What She Said" podcast and a regular on “Around The Horn,” "Highly Questionable," "The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz," and "SportsCenter.”

    Spain received a bachelor's degree in English from Cornell University, where she competed as a heptathlete and served as co-captain of the track & field team. 


    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657


    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.


    Women Seeking Wellness
    enNovember 20, 2019

    Fats that Heal. Fats that Kill with Udo Erasmus, founder of Udo's Choice Oils

    Fats that Heal. Fats that Kill with Udo Erasmus, founder of Udo's Choice Oils
    Dr. Maj discusses the ins and outs of how healthy fats can change our lives with Udo Erasmus.
    Here is a link so you can review the free gift. Udo’s Healthy Fats Recipe book.   http://Udoerasmus.com/drmaj


    I was born during the second world war in Europe, and sometimes you will hear me say that I was born in hell and with a lot of help from visible and invisible friends, walked a long crooked path from there to heaven.

    Along the way, I tried out many things and learned a lot. Every trade and job, every movement or breath and every step led me to the next turn on the path to find new, different and out-of-the-box possibilities.

    My path includes brief jobs in several different trades: fruit picking, dairy farming, logging, mining, carpentry, house painting, clearing land, burning brush, growing food, gardening, and finally pesticide spraying. I spent a year in medicine and several years in science research. One winter, I had a part-time job babysitting pickled fish in a fish museum. One summer, I worked for the fish and game branch. Several other summers, I worked on a drilling, blasting, and prospecting crew in the mountains of British Columbia.

    The reason I am telling you this is because what all of these had in common was human interaction with nature and ‘wilderness’.

    In the 60s hippie era I even tried drugs, couch-surfed, traded a Winchester 30-30 for a trumpet that I played on the front steps of my house after a few drinks of Southern Comfort, played flute and harmonica, sang in a choir but more often in the shower, hitchhiked for six days from Toronto to Vancouver without a penny to my name, camped out, started a nude beach, and lived in co-ops, communes, apartments and houses both in rural and urban settings. It was wild, but it was fun!

    Yes, I even got married. A lover of biology, and convinced that pregnancy is not a disease, I attended the home-births of my three children and admit that my wife did almost all the work and that my small contribution was to catch them, tie and cut their cords, and return them to their rightful owner, mom.

    After being poisoned by pesticides in 1980, I seriously turned my passion and attention to health. I obsessively studied literature, created a method for making good oils with health in mind, developed the first ever flax seed oil, authored several books on the effects of oils on health: Fats and OilsFats That Heal Fats That KillChoosing the Right FatsOmega 3 Cuisine; and enthusiastically educated the public in about 40 countries on the effects of oils on health and disease.

    In 1992, I developed healthy whole foods supplements for dogs, cats, and horses. In 1994, I developed an oil blend that is both better balanced and more effective than flax oil. I followed this with probiotics blends and digestive enzyme blends in 1997, and a year later developed prebiotic fiber and green blends.

    I have passionately given 5,000+ live presentations on nutrition and health, 3,000+ media interviews, 1,500 staff trainings and traveled to 30+ countries with my message on oils, health, nature, and human nature. For 15 years, I spent 6-9 months a year living out of a suitcase to spread the message of good oils and health.

    Over the past 15 years, I have had the pleasure and honor to grace the stages with luminaries like Tony Robbins (on oils) and Deepak Chopra (on peace,) keynoted an international Brain Health conference, and lectured in conferences on five continents.

    Now I am writing on many different titles and topics, including an autobiography. I consult, present, take on the key global issues of our time, and spearhead several multi-trillion dollar projects on peace, health, energy, environment, and education.

    My fervor and fire are now focused on sustainable energy and water management, as well as healthcare based in nature and human nature, the nature of human nature, and the thirst of the heart resulting in perfect health for you, your family and the world.

    Thank you again for being here. I look forward to taking this journey with you.

    At Your Service,

    Udo Erasmus  

    Women Seeking Wellness
    enOctober 31, 2019

    Part 2: Types of Headaches

    Part 2: Types of Headaches

    What type of headache do you have? Dr. Maj breaks down the types and the how to help.

    For Headaches no More program in our office, click drmaj.com/headache

    Community Chiropractic, Inc.
    Dr. Stephanie A. Maj 
    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E
    Chicago, IL 60657



    Women Seeking Wellness
    enOctober 16, 2019

    Energy Medicine to Uncover the Power Within with Beth Lynch, EEM-CLP, APN, RN

    Energy Medicine to Uncover the Power Within with Beth Lynch, EEM-CLP, APN, RN

    How do you get your body and mind to work together? Your body reflects your energies, your energies reflect your body! Your body gives us messages about how to be well. 

    Beth Lynch's BIO:

    My journey as a healer began in the nursing field. I’ve always been drawn to caring for the whole person, recognizing that we are physical, mental, emotional and spiritual beings with important needs on each level. Holistic approaches are largely not recognized in Western medicine, but I found the model of hospice to have similar values. So for many years, I cared for cancer, palliative care and hospice patients—and it was fulfilling. I was able to gracefully honor each person exactly how they were in the moment and allow them to feel their own sense of dignity.

    I still, however, felt there was something more I could offer as a healer.

    While I was a caregiver and nurturer for others, I hadn’t always been the best at taking care of myself. I met an Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner at a local event and decided to book a session. I resonated deeply with the way she held the space of healing for me first, so that I could step into the space of healing for myself. I wasn’t judged and nothing felt forced. The practitioner simply focused on my needs and worked with my body’s energy systems.

    As I continued to explore energy medicine, my life began to radically shift. I experienced a sense of vitality that I hadn’t known before. For the first time, I learned how to truly care for myself. I knew that I wanted to share energy medicine with others to empower them on their own journey to heal, evolve and optimize their wellness.

    I studied Eden Energy Medicine (under Donna Eden and her experienced faculty) for 3 years to become a clinical practitioner. I whole-heartedly believe that it is one of the quickest, easiest and safest ways to reconnect with the body’s needs and effect positive change—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Most traditions work with just one system. Eden Energy Medicine is special because it utilizes 9 energetic systems, wrapped up into one highly effective healing modality.

    What I enjoy most about working with clients is that I can hold the space of complete acceptance of their states of being. The world doesn’t need any more judgement. I want clients to understand that energy is just energy—there is no right or wrong. We identify areas that are flowing well and areas that need support, and realize that it’s all part of their individual soul’s journey.


    • Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner, Phoenix, AZ, Naperville, IL, London, UK
    • Certified Warrior Goddess Facilitator (by HeatherAsh Amara)
    • Adult Nurse Practitioner, Masters in Nursing, University of Washington-Seattle
    • Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Madison

    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657


    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.

    Women Seeking Wellness
    enSeptember 23, 2019

    Welcome Dr. Jill Aardema to Community Chiropractic!

    Welcome Dr. Jill Aardema to Community Chiropractic!

    Meet and listen to Dr. Aardema talk about her journey in Chiropractic. We are so excited for her to join us on Fridays!

    Dr. Jill Aardema is a 2004 graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic.  In 2008, Dr. Aardema completed her post graduate work earning a Diplomate in Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (DICCP); a Board Certified credential for licensed doctors of chiropractic in the specialty of pediatrics and pregnancy. She ran a family wellness chiropractic office in Oak Park for 10 years, only leaving full time practice to care for her young family. She loves finding the reason why things don’t work the way they should.  This makes her inquisitive mind a great addition to your wellness team. We are honored to have her!

    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657

    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.

    Women Seeking Wellness
    enSeptember 09, 2019

    Discovering Your Biochemical Individuality for Personalized Prenatal Supplementation with Daniel Hanson

    Discovering Your Biochemical Individuality for Personalized Prenatal Supplementation with Daniel Hanson

    Build-a-Bump Program was developed by DHA Labs to assist men and women to discover the critical elements key to optimizing their health to achieve the healthiest outcomes prenatally.


    Daniel Hanson is an owner and operator of several successful companies focused in personalized healthcare. Dan is the third generation to work in clinical laboratory science with a strong emphasis on the impacts of key nutrients in brain chemistry. He is most well known for his main laboratory, DHA Laboratory, a high complexity, CLIA licensed, independent clinical laboratory, specializing in unique biochemical testing. Performing key tests that analyze the building blocks for neurotransmitters, DHA provides the necessary results for physicians to formulate advanced nutrient therapy protocols targeting key neurotransmitters for patients suffering from mental and emotional conditions. The dedication to meticulous laboratory procedures allows for the treatment of various conditions through the use of neutraceuticals. Building on the laboratories ability to target key nutrients, Dan has also successfully entered the space of optimizing pre-natal nutrition in an advanced manner. Utilizing key laboratory tests and cutting edge analysis, he is focusing on how to use science, research, and personalized prenatal supplement regiments to optimize the health of growing young ones and moms alike.

    Email: info@dhalab.com  Phone: 847-222-9546

    To make an appointment, call  773.528.8485 or go to CommunityChiropractic.net

    1442 W. Belmont Ave., 1E Chicago, IL 60657


    To learn more about Dr. Maj, go to drmaj.com/bundle to receive the digital copy of her book & speaker’s books and resources will be delivered right to your inbox.


    Women Seeking Wellness
    enSeptember 07, 2019