
    Women Who Run with Horses

    Women Who Run with Horses is a podcast for those seeking to claim their purpose in the world. Each week we share the journey of purpose and leadership while weaving in the symbolism of horses and how they assist us on this quest. You’ll also hear inspiring stories of women that are living their purpose to encourage you, the listener, in her quest to live her own purpose deeply in the world.
    enHillary Schneider91 Episodes

    Episodes (91)

    Walking the Path of Transition

    Walking the Path of Transition

    On our latest podcast episode, we are sharing the journey of transition with our equine partners and how that journey and path can manifest with each horse.

    We were inspired to share this episode while speaking to the story of our gelding Shiva, and his own journey of getting close to transition and then deciding to stay.

    Transition is a fluid path and it is unique to each journey and being that is walking that path.

    How do we be present to the space of transition for thte being we are walking and holding space for and also ourselves?

    We share a few stories of our horses and their journey to support where perhaps you are walking this path as well.

    A story of spirit and reincarnation.

    A story of spirit and reincarnation.

    On today's episode I am sharing a couple of personal stories of my experience with reincarnation with some animal companions of mine, and also where we get signs of spirit when they leave us.

    If you have ever wondered about or needed a sign around reincarnation and spirit, perhaps you will receive what you are needing to hear in this episode.

    Capacity Vs Burnout

    Capacity Vs Burnout

    In our first podcast episode of 2024 I share a little bit of wisdom of the difference between stretching our capacity and listening to where we are being asked to grow, versus when we are burning out.

    How do we know the difference or discern whether we have the capacity for something or not?

    Why should we listen to our capacity limits?

    How do we avoid burnout and following every idea or vision that comes to us?

    Why is it important for us to know the difference?

    I share some personal stories around my experience with this to deepen into this topic as well.

    As I mention on the podcast, I will be diving more deeply into the wisdom of the last 8 years on the ranch if you feel called to join me.  


    Aligning our Guiding Forces for 2024.

    Aligning our Guiding Forces for 2024.

    Each year when we approach new years, we perhaps start to think about our new years resolutions, intentions and word of the year.

    We wanted to share a different process and journey that we have found to be more powerful and perhaps authentic as we approach a new year.

    Instead of us choosing our intentions and resolutions, what if we were able to receive that energies were showing up to guide us in a new year?

    This journey has us to be open to what signs from nature, and the energy around us that is showing us and giving us signs as to what we need to partner with in order to succeed with our goals and intentions in a new year.

    On this podcast I share about this process, what horses are emerging as guiding forces for myself and perhaps our community and some messages that were coming forward for all of us.

    I also mention that I will be running a virtual retreat experience to share about this process, if you are curious or called to join us, here is the link to do so.


    Navigating Resistance and Shifts in our Creations.

    Navigating Resistance and Shifts in our Creations.

    On our latest podcast we are sharing our personal process and reflection when we are being faced with resistance and invitation to shift in the midst of creation.

    Over the last couple of months we have been creating a new container, we started to share about it and then felt as if something needed to shift.

    Instead of pushing through or sitting with this is a failure, we instead are being with the invitation of what do we need to shift to be in greater alignment.

    Sometimes the things we create are leading us somewhere, can we be with the process of creation and opening without attachment to outcomes and making it about our failures?

    How do we sit with resistance and find the clarity in it when we are there, and be able to create space to do so?

    How do we read what wants to happen in what we are creating without our ego getting involved?

    Some pieces of reflection we are sharing on this episode.

    Navigating Loss, End of Life and Grief with our animal companions.

    Navigating Loss, End of Life and Grief with our animal companions.

    A tender episode for our latest podcast in a share around how we are navigating and moving through both the physical loss of our beloved gaurdian dog Odin and the journey of conversation of transition with our mare Ostara.

    It felt important to honor both of these wise beings by sharing their journey and our hopes is it will help provide some comfort if you are also walking this path.

    How do we honor the journey of our animals when they choose to leave, regardless of the journey they take?

    How do we tend to our own grief?

    How do we navigate that inquiry of is it time yet?

    Gratitude to Odin and Ostara for offering their wisdom through this process.

    The Power of Horse Medicine with Elyse Granik.

    The Power of Horse Medicine with Elyse Granik.

    On our latest pocast we are joined by Elyse Granik who attended a retreat with us in May 2023.

    Over the last couple of months since the retreat Elyse has been gracious in sharing her experience with the horses post retreat.

    We asked Elyse to come and share about her time here and how the horses and her experience with them has integrated into her life.

    We are grateful for Elyse coming on to share her experience and her journey with the horses and their medicine. 

    The Female Anatomy with Carly Rae Beaudry

    The Female Anatomy with Carly Rae Beaudry

    On our latest podcast episode we are joined by Carly Rae Beaudry, a gifted women's health practitioner.

    I met Carly last year when she came to one of our horse medicine leadership teaching retreats with her desire to bring the space of horse medicine into the work she did with women.

    We believe that the knowledge and support Carly provides around women's health an their anatomy to be essential, we cannot find our own seat of power if we don't access all parts of who we are.

    Join me as Carly speaks about her work, why we need to support and know about our own anatomy as women and the deep healing around it.

    You can find more about Carly on her website Carly Rae and her instagram under carlyraebeaudry.

    Walking the Path of Grief With our Horse Partners: With Tara Davis

    Walking the Path of Grief With our Horse Partners: With Tara Davis

    On our latest podcast episode we are joined by Tara Davis of Unbridled Goddess.

    A few months ago we saw a post she shared on her instagram sharing the journey of transition and grief with her horse partner and was moved by it.

    In a world where we don't often know how to honor this journey or walk this path we thought it would be a deeply beautiful experience to have Tara come and share about her journey.

    This conversation is vulnerable and holds so much beauty in hopes to provide a path of healing for others that are going through something similar.

    Whether you are grieving or in the process of holding that path of transition for a horse partner or another being or person, we hope this conversation supports that journey for you.

    The Power of holding Grace for ourselves.

    The Power of holding Grace for ourselves.

    On our latest podcast we share the transparency of our own journey and the wisdom of holding grace for ourselves as we navigate change, new birthings and life.

    I share what has been coming up for me lately in what I feel called to create in my business and how I support myself through the vulnerabilites around creating.

    The power of softley supporting ourselves can be what helps us to move past paralysiis and fear that keeps us stagnating.

    Embracing Chaos, a stolen truck and navigating uncertainty.

    Embracing Chaos, a stolen truck and navigating uncertainty.

    On our latest podcast we weave in an update of our current landscape of motherhood and holding space for our business while also sharing how to be with chaos.

    A personal share of how we be with the discomfort of life and times where things feel chaotic and hard to dance with and how we find our way through while holding our center.



    Our Business has Wisdom with Angela Saieva

    Our Business has Wisdom with Angela Saieva

    On our latest podcast we are joined by a fellow horse woman and creator Angela Saieva to speak about looking at our business as if it has it's own intelligence.

    For those that have a business and are feeling like you are struggling with it, or feeling resentful of it, we dive into how we can shift how we hold and relate to our business that is also the holder of our purpose.

    Angela and I also share about us coming together to create a new container to empower other women in holding their business this way and our hope is this conversation opens up a shift and re-inspires your vision and confidence with what you are creating.

    An Experience of Horse Medicine with Anne Ghayour.

    An Experience of Horse Medicine with Anne Ghayour.

    In September of 2022 Anne arrived at Epona for a women's retreat that was being lead by a master coach.

    Anne is a life coach that attended the retreat here and had a profound impact with the herd, we asked her to come on and speak to her experience with the herd and how it still impacts her until this day.

    It is a beautiful accounting of the experience coming from a woman that does not have horses in her life to hear about just how deeply the space with the horses land for those who come here.

    If you feel moved to connect with Anne and her gift as a coach you can find her info below.

    Anne Ghayour
    @anneghayour Instagram
    Anne Plaut Ghayour -Facebook

    The Wisdom of Fear

    The Wisdom of Fear

    On our latest podcast episode we speak about the wisdom and difference between two fears.

    The fear that is an authentic emotion and the false emotion appearing real.

    Fear is a wisdom keeper and ally on our journey and it is important for us to know the difference between the two fears that we experience.

    I share some of my own personal journey and reflection and give examples of how we discern both so we know which fear to heed and which one to support and move past.


    Unbridling our Mastery: A conversation of empowering our own unique path with Shari Teigman

    Unbridling our Mastery: A conversation of empowering our own unique path with Shari Teigman

    On our latest episode we are excited to be joined by Shari Teigman, a woman who we have known for 8 years.

    We began our journey in the online business space around the same time and quickly realized that we didn't fit the one size fits all way of doing things and was craving a space that empowered a more intuitive and maverick way of doing things.

    Shari and I will be joining forces for an upcoming retreat and we speak about our journey both collectively and individually and what we hope to inspire and empower in other women forging their way with their visions, purpose and business that are feeling lost or out of alignment in how they are showing up or leading themselves and what they feel is theirs to hold for others.



    What it really means when you are questioning your gifts.

    What it really means when you are questioning your gifts.

    What does it mean when we are questioning our gifts and our value or feeling insecure in what we hold space for?

    In our latest episode we speak about those moments of vulnerability and what it means when we question ourselves, what we hold space for and whether we should continue forward.

    We hope that this episodes supports the exploration of when we are feeling a lack of confidence in ourselves, how to reclaim it and what it actually means when we find ourselves there.

    What Happens in a Women Who run with Horses Retreat.

    What Happens in a Women Who run with Horses Retreat.

    In this episode we share what happens in our annual women's retreat.

    Over the last few weeks we have had women inquire about our retreats, what happens there and we thought we would go into the space we hold with our herd.

    What we speak about is the symobilism and medicine of the horses, how we hold space in a retreat, and what calls us to them.

    If you feel called post episode to come and journey with us in person you can explore our retreats here https://www.hillaryschneider.com/retreats.

    New Beginnings: A reflection on a new season of life and motherhood.

    New Beginnings: A reflection on a new season of life and motherhood.

    In our latest podcast we are catching our listeners up to speed on the new season of our lives and what wisdom we have gained since entering motherhood.

    We are calling this episode a new beginning and going into season 3 where we can begin to share more of our journey with our community.

    We look forward to sharing the wisdom of this season and taking you all for the ride with us.

    Lessons from Horse Breeding School.

    Lessons from Horse Breeding School.

    On our latest podcast episode we share about our past and journey in our Horse Breeding past and schooling and how that gave me lessons for life.

    Sometimes the path we journey through we are not always sure how it leads us to growth and also wisdom for what is to come in the future.

    A reflection for me is the realization that what I learned in horse breeding school gave me some life lessons for buildling my vision and success in the future.