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    Great Characters Every Book Should Have

    Great Characters Every Book Should Have


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    Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing

    Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing

    Why it Pays to Take Risks with Your Writing


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    Hello its Peter here a game from writers
    life and today
    why pays to take risks with your writing when it comes to writing books
    regardless of whether you choose to self
    publish or try to win a traditional
    publishing deal the competition has
    never been fiercer
    readers are overwhelmed with choice and
    writers often find trying to make their
    book stand out from the ground and
    daunting and seemingly impossible tasks
    it can be easy to play it safe with your
    writing just try to stick to the rules
    of a genre and to regurgitates a tried
    and tested story that seems to appeal to
    a mass audience but if you do so your
    book is more than likely to simply
    become an echo of something already out
    there written by someone with more
    experience whose popularity has already
    been established if you choose to take
    risks however while the stakes may be
    higher it's arguable that you stand a
    far greater chance of making your book
    more discoverable distinguishable and
    desirable than those that don't but why
    is that taking risks shows you are
    willing to put your neck on the line a
    risk tic is someone who is brave they
    are willing to take a chance a leap into
    the unknown someone who is willing to
    commit all the time and energy it takes
    to write a book knowing that it does not
    pander to the masses this is undeniably
    impressive and demonstrates a commitment
    to the craft that other writers who are
    simply copycat versions of each other do
    not show taking risks will make your
    work stand out in an overcrowded
    marketplace writers need to do anything
    they can to make their books stand out
    if you are able to write a book which
    appeals to a more niche audience or one
    that grabs reader's attention and they
    might be willing to take a chance on
    your book is more likely to be seen and
    therefore more likely to sell taking
    risks may not always work but when they
    do the payoff is greater of course a
    risk is a risk and therefore the chance
    of failure is greater if you write
    something too obscure too nice too
    complicated it will be harder to find a
    publisher who's willing to take a chance
    on you or find an audience who resonates
    with your work however if you do the
    rewards are huge taking risks wins you
    respect by taking risks in your writing
    you often end up exposing yourself being
    vulnerable can be frightening but
    readers will appreciate the fact that
    you have done so this will make them
    empathize with you and respect you for
    your bravery at the end of the day no
    one can write a book that will appeal to
    everyone and trying to do so is a waste
    of time don't let all your time and
    effort go to waste and consider taking
    more risks with your writing
    be brave have confidence and stay true
    to yourself you won't regret it if you
    do if you enjoyed this video please give it
    a thumbs up or why not leave a comment
    below always happy to hear from you why
    not sign up for our newsletter and get
    your free writers toolkit simply visit
    our website at writers life.org
    see you next time

    How To Pick A Genre To Write In

    How To Pick A Genre To Write In

    How To Pick A Genre To Write In

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    Hello its Peter here came from a
    writer's life and today how to pick a
    genre to writing many writers don't
    consider the genre they are writing it
    until their book is written it's easy to
    believe that once you've finished
    writing your novel that it will become
    immediately obvious which category it
    falls into and when you are undertaking
    tasks such as submitting to editors or
    selecting the genres where your book
    should City Amazon that it will be easy
    to define your writing in such a way
    however only considering your genre
    after you have finished your story can
    lead to some problems there are perhaps
    some stories that are easier to define a
    classic romance thriller or horror story
    for example with many contemporary
    fiction books it can be a little more
    tricky and in fact you can find your
    story crosses the boundaries of many
    different genres a little bit of romance
    but mostly a thriller a ghost story with
    some comedy thrown in and so on the
    trouble with not being able to clearly
    define your genre is that you then
    cannot clearly define your audience one
    of the most important things you should
    be able to do and submitting your novel
    to publishers and agents or when
    marketing it yourself is to be able to
    define who your audience is to be able
    to prove that there is a market for your
    book out there that there are readers
    ready and waiting to devour it if you
    are vague about your genre agents of
    publishers will have a harder time being
    convinced they can sell your book where
    will it sit in a bookstore will readers
    be annoyed if they pitch it as a romance
    novel when actually perhaps it is more
    of a fantasy book it's the same when you
    come to choose where to place your book
    if self-publishing on sites such as
    Amazon if readers disagree with your
    choice then you
    could end up with negative reviews
    readers do not like to be mislead after
    all so how do you choose a genre to
    write it first of all right with an
    audience in mind you should always
    consider your reader when you write
    before you start why not try to identify
    who your target audience is sketch out
    an idea of what they like get to know
    them what motivates and inspires them
    what makes them tick what you understand
    your reader you'll have a better idea of
    the types of books they read and
    therefore the genre you should place
    your book into next read many genres and
    see what resonates writing in a genre
    you love to read will make your life so
    much easier if you love romance novels
    but try to write a hard-boiled detective
    story you might find yourself in trouble
    so read lots and lots of different books
    and then shape your story to fit which
    genre you like best and next go to a
    bookstore look at the books in each
    section where do you see yours going if
    you have already written your novel or
    have your story already mapped out in
    your head go to a book store to try and
    help clarify which genre it fits into
    look at books by other authors and see
    which ones have similar things to yours
    this is also a great way of getting
    inspiration for your book synopsis and
    cover to our next step is to create a
    marketing plan if you pick a genre that
    is really obscure you might find it
    difficult to know how to market your
    book saying that a niche genre could
    help you really focus on specific
    readers creating a marketing plan could
    help sway you one
    or another as you decide what is best
    for your book at the end of the day when
    it comes to picking of genre to write it
    sometimes it's simply a good idea to go
    with your gut instinct if you are
    talking between two you could even make
    a pros and cons list to help you choose
    whatever you do make sure you have a
    clear idea of a genre you are writing it
    ideally before you start to write if you
    liked this video please give it a thumbs
    up or why not leave a comment below
    we're always happy to hear from you and
    don't forget for more writing hints and
    tips please visit our website at
    writer's life.org where you can
    subscribe to our newsletter the best
    source for insider tips news and freebies.

    Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer?

    Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer?

    Can You Really Be a Part-Time Writer?


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    Hello its Peter here a game from writers
    life and today can you really be a
    part-time writer when it comes to
    writing we all hear those stories of
    famous writers you know the ones who are
    ate slept and breathed writing those who
    would guess over three am shaking with
    passion and a fierce unstoppable desire
    to write all their thoughts down those
    who couldn't think of anything other
    than writing who would spend their days
    holed up in their study perhaps a quirky
    just filled share the bottom of their
    garden and not see daylight or eat for
    days on end because their work was so
    consumed well that might be all well and
    good but for most of us the idea of
    being a full-time writer is a bit of a
    luxury we all know how hard it is to get
    published so how much time can we
    realistically spend on our writing while
    still making sure we have a roof over
    our heads
    also it's okay not to want writing to be
    the only thing you do with your life
    writers seem to carry immense amounts of
    guilt around with them they beat
    themselves up for not doing enough for
    not being good enough
    in fact often we are so down on
    ourselves and put so much pressure on
    ourselves it's a wonder we find any joy
    in writing at all sure being a good
    writer requires dedication and
    commitment and discipline there's no
    doubt about it but one can be a
    part-time writer and still progress
    still see targets and still achieve our
    writing dreams when did being a writer
    mean one has to be bleary-eyed neglects
    our friends and families and live on
    crusts of bread and water for weeks on
    end it's like we have to be ashamed if
    we are practically killing ourselves to
    achieve our writing goal
    there's a myth that unless we are waking
    up in the middle of the night and slowly
    becoming reclusive in order to write
    that we can't possibly be passionate
    enough about it or dedicated enough for
    it to be a success writers need to give
    themselves a break at the end of the day
    while it's important to work hard for
    what you want in life it's also
    important to enjoy the process
    so if writing part-time works for you
    and allows you to write at your leisure
    while also enjoy everything else that
    life has to offer
    that's fine in fact achieving a balance
    between your writing life and your
    actual life is healthy and something
    which should be encouraged we don't need
    to have a sob story we don't need to
    cripple ourselves and end up a
    exhausted shell of a person to follow
    our dreams that's not to say that being
    a full time writer couldn't be brilliant
    but it needs to be because that's the
    right move not born out of some sort of
    guilt ridden weird idea that you're not
    a real writer unless you dedicate every
    inch of your being to it it's essential
    for writers to stop and ask ourselves is
    this working for me am i enjoying this
    writers don't have to be tortured
    sleep-deprived soars it's okay and
    possible to be a part-time writer and
    still be successful it's just that it
    may tell you a little longer to get
    there that's all and don't forget if
    you're struggling to write or finish
    your book our free writers tool can help
    with it you'll learn how to overcome
    procrastination get organized
    stay focused fine times are right and
    finally get your book published to get
    access now while it's still available
    that's right as
    writerslife.org forward slash toolkit that's it
    for now be sure to give us a thumbs up
    and subscribe to our channel for more
    I'm Peter and I'll see you next time.

    How to Make Your Novel Stand Out From the Crowd

    How to Make Your Novel Stand Out From the Crowd
    How to Make Your Novel Stand Out From the Crowd
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    How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head - WritersLife

    How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head - WritersLife

    How to Get Inside Your Reader's Head


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    Hi it's Peter here again from a writer's
    life and today how to get inside your
    readers head one of the most helpful
    things you can do as a writer is to
    identify who your reader is no matter
    what you're writing about figuring out
    exactly who will want to read your work
    and what their reaction will be - it is
    so important right from when you start
    to create your work through to pitching
    and marketing it to help you create a
    piece of writing that will appeal to
    your reader you need to be able to get
    inside their head the more thorough and
    understanding you have of who they are
    and what they want the more easily you
    will be able to mold and shape your
    writing so it will appeal to them of
    course this might be easier said than
    however by making an effort to get to
    know your reader and to truly understand
    them you'll be able to appeal to them
    more through your writing to influence
    them and to turn them into loyal fans so
    what are the things you can do to try
    and get inside your readers head let's
    take a look first do your research
    start off by doing some simple research
    think about the genre your writing
    falls into and the kind of person that
    might be interested in that type of book
    you could even go into book shops and
    look at the different people browsing in
    that section or join fan clubs and get
    to know the kind of conversations they
    might have next get feedback all along
    the way make sure you don't wait until
    you've already finished your book or
    piece of writing to get that feedback
    ask your readers questions and get
    feedback throughout the writing process
    this will make it so much easier when
    you go back and big
    to edit and reshape your book next look
    at what other writers are doing one of
    the most helpful things you can do is
    follow your fellow writers and look at
    the different techniques they are using
    to engage readers and pique their
    interest look at successful writers in
    genres similar to yours how does your
    writing compare what do their book
    covers look like what does the blurb on
    the back say check out their social
    media accounts their author profiles
    their websites find all the information
    you can and see what reoccurring themes
    on there that you could apply it to your
    writing and marketing plans use actual
    data there are plenty of programs out
    there which can give you a real insight
    into your readers your potential readers
    and their behavior even just looking at
    your engagement on social media and try
    to get a picture of the types of people
    that are interested in what you're
    saying can help you to build up a
    picture of who your ideal reader might
    be create a persona once you've gathered
    together as much information as possible
    use this to create an ideal reader
    persona write down as much as you can
    about them and stick up the details
    leads away you're right
    you can then always refer to this and
    always keep them in mind when you're
    writing if you're stuck then you can use
    them to help you simply ask yourself
    what your reader would want to happen
    and if you know them well enough you
    should have your answer getting inside
    your readers head can make a difference
    when it comes to the popularity and
    success of your book so it's well worth
    trying to get to know your reader and
    use this knowledge to help shape your
    now don't forget if you're struggling to
    write or finish your book our free
    writers toolkit can
    with it you'll learn how to overcome
    procrastination yet organized stay
    focused find time to write and finally
    get your book published to get access
    now while it's still available simply go
    that's it for now be sure to
    like this video and subscribe to our
    channel for more and I'll see you next

    Why You Need to Learn to Write Anywhere

    Why You Need to Learn to Write Anywhere

    Why You Need to Learn to Write Anywhere


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    Hello its Peter here again from writers
    life and today why you need to learn to
    write anywhere
    here are some of the favorite excuses of
    writers when trying to avoid getting to
    work the house is too messy I'm too
    tired I don't have enough time I'm too
    stressed out I don't know where to start
    my desk is too cluttered the laundry
    I've got to do the laundry
    any of them self familiar to you yeah I
    thought so all writers go through
    periods of procrastination and we'll
    find just about any excuse they can to
    avoid sitting down and getting on with
    their work the most common excuses find
    a way to blame not having the perfect
    writing conditions for without them how
    could one possibly write write at the
    end of the day unless you have the
    luxury of being a full-time writer it
    might be that you only get a few minutes
    here and there it might be that you've
    got to do it in a bit of a rush or that
    you use your commute or that thirty
    minutes when the kids have gone to bed
    before you also need to crush out or
    early in the morning when no one else
    has gone up yet it would be wonderful to
    just sit down in our perfectly setup
    writing room where we have surrounded
    ourselves with objects that inspire us a
    freshly made pot of coffee by our side
    and the knowledge that there will be no
    interruptions for the rest of the day
    but we've got to be realistic in short
    we've got to learn to write anywhere
    training yourself to focus and be
    productive for shorts irregular periods
    of time can help you make so much more
    progress with your writing and the
    sooner you can adapt to working in less
    than perfect environments regardless of
    whether they are noisy
    or follow interruptions the better as
    with anything practice makes perfect and
    to learn to write anywhere you have to
    be willing to make an effort to
    consistently right in these inconvenient
    locations at these inconvenient times
    and even when you really don't feel like
    it if you keep waiting to be in the
    perfect mood at the ideal time in the
    ideal place chances are you won't get
    very far with your writing at all no one
    said it was easy we know it's a
    challenge trying to concentrate while
    you've got kids screaming in the
    background or you're hot and squashed on
    your commute to work
    no one said it wouldn't be frustrating
    to be interrupted when you've just got
    into the writing zone but if you don't
    try you might find that progress is so
    slow you become even more demotivated
    so next time you're finding excuses not
    to write recognize them as just that
    excuses treat writing like a job stop
    waiting for the perfect mood and moment
    and fit writing into your life
    however messy or complicated it may be
    and don't forget if it struggling to
    write or finish your book
    our free writers toolkit can help with
    it you'll learn how to overcome
    procrastination get organized
    stay focused find time to write and
    finally get your book published to get
    access now while it's still available
    simply go to
    that's it for now
    be sure to give us a thumbs up and
    subscribe to our channel for more I'm
    Peter and I'll see you next time

    How to Stay True to Yourself - WritersLife.org

    How to Stay True to Yourself - WritersLife.org
    How to Stay True to Yourself - WritersLife.org
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    Hello there it's Peter here again from
    writers life and today how to stay true
    to yourself the great Oscar Wilde once
    said be yourself everyone else is
    already taken while these words can
    apply to everyone to writers they are
    even more accurate and he has been so
    it's not always as easy as it may seem
    writers particularly those who are just
    starting out will often rely heavily on
    other writers for inspiration in fact it
    may well have been that reading your
    favorite book by your favorite author is
    what made you decide to start writing in
    the first place while that's fine it's
    essential for writers to try to find
    their own way merely trying to emulate
    an author and focusing too much on one
    author's work will mean that your
    writing becomes a copy of someone else's
    and let's face it it's unlikely to be a
    better copy of that writers need to find
    their own voice their own unique way of
    telling their stories and expressing how
    they feel but how do they do that first
    look for inspiration far and wide
    writers should look for inspiration
    everywhere be that through the books you
    read or just the things you observe from
    the world around you the more one
    searches for inspiration the more
    eclectic and experimental you'll be and
    you'll find it so much easier to
    discover your writing voice to next
    discover what motivates you staying true
    to yourself is all about finding your
    passions and celebrating them whatever
    you love whatever gets you smiling
    animated and full of energy that's what
    you should be pursuing that's what you
    should focus your time on
    next don't compare yourself to others
    being true to yourself is turning the
    smoke light inwards comparing yourself
    to others isn't healthy or helpful
    believes that you are in charge of your
    own destiny and that is up to you where
    you end up the next tell the truth know
    your values know your limits be
    completely honest with yourself
    only by genuinely lay your cards on the
    table and searching your soul will you
    be able to understand yourself
    the next avoid negativity being
    detrimental to yourself or others won't
    get you anywhere you don't need to put
    others down to achieve what you need to
    succeed and you sir Leon helping
    yourself by being critical and cruel
    some writers are their own worst enemies
    but try to have a little faith and
    believe in yourself and your abilities
    too next take yourself seriously having
    self-respect and integrity as an author
    is so important if you don't believe in
    yourself and keep dismissing yourself or
    not putting yourself forward you aren't
    being true to yourself if this is indeed
    what you want to do and what you believe
    in then you should be proud
    work hard and make it happen next
    take control there's so much you can do
    to get noticed to get published to
    achieve your writing dream exhaust every
    Avenue and grasp every opportunity you
    can by following these tips you can stay
    true to yourself and continue your work
    as a writer with self-respect honesty
    and integrity stay true to yourself is
    the only way to work even if it's not
    the most accessible routes at times but
    in doing so you can always be proud of
    what you do
    and don't forget if he struggling to
    write or finish your book our three
    writers toolkit can help with it you'll
    learn how to overcome procrastination
    get organized
    stay focused find time to write and
    finally get your book published to get
    access now while it's still available
    simply go to
    okay that's it
    for now be sure to give us a thumbs up
    and like this video and subscribe to our
    channel for more my name's Peter and
    I'll see you next time

    How to Write Multiple Points of View

    How to Write Multiple Points of View
    How to Write Multiple Points of View
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    Hello there it's Peter here again from
    writers life coming up today how to
    write multiple points of view writing a
    book with multiple points of view is one
    of the most challenging ways to tell a
    story and requires doodling and bouncing
    various personalities points of view and
    motivations as well as the ability to
    pull these together to create a
    narrative that not only makes sense but
    is compelling and read worthy - however
    done right and using multiple points of
    view can provide added layers of insight
    and intrigue to a story they can be a
    smart and insightful way to widen the
    readers perspective and allow them to
    get to know multiple characters in more
    depth before you get started it's
    essential to make sure that telling your
    story from multiple points of view is
    the right decision list the reasons why
    your story will benefit from using this
    narrative device and be clear on why
    this will enhance your story for example
    by giving your reader a broader insight
    into the into the world you are creating
    or allowing different secrets to come
    out through the different perspectives
    giving the reader information that other
    characters in the story do not have once
    you have decided to go ahead and use
    multiple points of view here are some
    useful tips to ensure you make this as
    effective as possible first be clear and
    distinct when switching point of view
    there's nothing worse than confusing
    your reader and the danger of doing so
    is far greater when using multiple
    points of view be very clear when you
    are switching from the perspective of
    one character to another only changing
    when beginning a new chapter is usually
    a more natural way to keep switches
    defined and easy to follow
    next have distinct characters and voices
    if you're using multiple points of view
    make sure that they are all distinctive
    and exciting enough to stand alone in
    your story each character should have a
    unique voice and personality that feels
    utterly separate from the others and
    next make everyone as important as each
    other each point of view needs to come
    from a character that's the hero of
    their own story give equal importance to
    each character and make sure that they
    all have their journeys struggles
    conflicts and obstacles to overcome
    which make the reader interested in them
    and want to hear more from their own
    point of view next don't repeat the same
    scenes over and over telling the same
    scene from each character's point of
    view runs the risk of boring your reader
    and not allowing the story to move
    forward of course there are times when
    it is essential to reveal the same scene
    from a different characters perspective
    but unless truly necessary to the plot
    try to avoid this next plan plot and
    have a good strategy there needs to be a
    reason you are using a particular
    character to reveal a specific scene ask
    yourself why that character works best
    to tell that part of the story what
    insight they bring and make sure that
    they are the best man all best woman for
    the job planning how the points of view
    will come together and which character
    to use to tell which bit of the story
    will make sure things don't get confused
    and that there are no inconsistencies in
    your story either writing from multiple
    points of view is tough but done right
    can be incredibly smart and a useful
    device to intrigue your reader to bring
    different levels to your story and to
    give the reader a whole cast of
    characters to fall in love with if
    you're thinking of using multiple points
    of view to tell a story remember to keep
    your reader in mind and use these tips
    to help ensure you're doing well
    and don't forget if you're struggling to
    write off an issue but our free writers
    toolkit can help with it you'll learn
    how to overcome procrastination get
    organized stay focused find time to
    write and finally get your book
    published to get access now while it's
    still available simply go to 
    that's it for now be sure to
    give us a thumbs up like this video if
    you will and I'll see you again next
    time bye for now.

    How to Get Reader's To Care About Your Story

    How to Get Reader's To Care About Your Story
    How to Get Reader's To Care About Your Story
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    hi I'm Jodi from writerslife.org today
    we're going to be talking about how to
    make your reader to care about your
    story every writer knows that if your
    reader doesn't care about your story
    they won't enjoy your book no matter how
    your book turns out what obstacles your
    characters face or what lessons they
    learn without engaging your readers
    without keeping them emotionally
    invested there's no way your readers
    will carry on reading but how do you
    make readers care about your story well
    it's easier said than done well you
    might think you have a great idea for a
    book there are many elements necessary
    in order to create a fantastic story and
    each one must be executed in a way where
    they all work together doing so will
    make sure your book delivers an impact
    and this will have your readers invested
    in the plot the characters and the story
    as a whole so what most authors do to
    ensure their readers care here are some
    things to think about your characters
    the most important and obvious part of
    your book is the characters you create
    within it each character you introduce
    the reader to must have a purpose but
    more than this the characters must be
    interesting and engaging so the readers
    become curious about them and as the
    story goes on your readers must care
    about what happens to the characters you
    create they don't have to love them all
    they don't have to wish for them all to
    have a happy ending but they must care
    and be interested in the character so
    they keep on reading to find out what
    happens to them in the end it's your
    world bring your characters and your
    plots alight you must create a
    fascinating detailed and believable
    world for your characters to live in the
    world is your background but without
    your readers feeling truly immersed in
    it they'll find it distracting and
    difficult to focus on anything else
    making it hard for them to care about
    your story as a whole your story if your
    readers don't care about what is
    happening in your book they won't want
    to keep reading your characters can be
    the most intriguing engaging exciting
    characters of all time but if you don't
    make anything happen to them then your
    book will fall flat
    make sure your story is full of highs
    and lows unusual twists and turns
    moments of joy and elation sadness and
    fear your readers will want to come
    along for the ride and be part of the
    adventure so make sure there is one to
    be had you are ending
    there is nothing more tragic than
    getting to the end of a good story and
    having the ending let you down make sure
    your readers care up until the very last
    word on the very last page so they are
    left still reeling still overcome and
    still totally in love with your book if
    you're interested in learning more about
    this subject we have the perfect
    on-demand class how to write a novel
    your readers will love and the link to
    that course will be in the description
    down below if you enjoyed this video
    don't forget to give it a thumbs up hit
    the subscribe button down below and the
    notification bells you know every time
    we upload a new video and if you're
    subscribed you'll be entered to win one
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    Tips to Change Your Writing Right Now - WritersLife

    Tips to Change Your Writing Right Now - WritersLife
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    okay guys it's Peter here again with
    more tips and advice for writers here on
    writers life and coming up this time
    writing tips to change your writing
    right now you know it can be all too
    easy to get into a writing slump if you
    feel like you're in one don't worry you
    just need to step back take a deep
    breath and figure out how you can change
    your perspective to get back into the
    swing of things again coming up with a
    great writing routine is essential and
    so is keeping writing at the forefront
    of your mind
    so if you want to become an excellent
    unstoppable writer try this now first be
    alert to your ideas and write them down
    as soon as they come keeping a notebook
    with you at all times is so important
    this way any time you get inspiration
    have an idea for a new story or just
    over here or see something interesting
    that you might be able to use in your
    work you can immediately write it down
    before it's forgotten by keeping a
    notebook with you you'll be more likely
    to be alert to inspiration and soon
    enough it will be jam-packed full of
    ideas that could lead to your next new
    project next kill bad ideas before they
    waste your time if you start writing
    something and it feels like too much of
    a struggle or you've had an idea in your
    head for a couple of weeks but haven't
    felt inspired enough to do anything
    about it then just let it go great ideas
    will make you feel excited to start
    writing bad ideas won't and there's no
    point exploring them too much if it
    doesn't feel natural and motivating from
    the outset next have a great writing
    schedule that means you write regularly
    if you can't write everyday that's okay
    but you should try and write regularly
    throughout the week and have dedicated
    writing time to make sure that you keep
    practicing and progressing without a
    writing schedule it's so easy for other
    things to get in the way so if you don't
    have one already sit down and work now
    when you have the time to write then
    make sure you stick to that next set
    your goals one at a time
    goal-setting is so important but
    sometimes try to set all your goals at
    once makes things seem overwhelming
    instead focus on one goal at a time but
    as soon as you have achieved that one
    goal make sure you set another and start
    working on it right away
    next don't be afraid of experimenting
    experimenting and practicing are how you
    become a better writer
    keep trying out ideas and never tell
    yourself an idea is silly or too
    ridiculous by trying new things you'll
    learn what works and what doesn't and
    find your unique writing voice so test
    learn and refine and you'll soon see how
    much your writing improves these tips
    can help change your writing for the
    better so what are you waiting for start
    writing with positivity and
    determination today and don't forget if
    you're struggling to write or finish
    your book our free writers toolkit can
    help with it you'll learn how to
    overcome procrastination get organized
    stay focused find time to write and
    finally get your book published to get
    access to it now while it's still
    available simply go to
    that's it for now be sure to give us a thumbs
    up if you liked this video and don't
    forget to subscribe to our channel for
    more tips and advice for writers here on
    life I'm Peter and I'll see you again
    soon with more tips and advice for
    writers here
    Tom writes his life bye for now

    Tips to Change Your Writing Right Now - WritersLife.org

    Tips to Change Your Writing Right Now - WritersLife.org
    Tips to Change Your Writing Right Now - WritersLife.org
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    okay guys it's Peter here again with
    more tips and advice for writers here on
    writers life and coming up this time
    writing tips to change your writing
    right now you know it can be all too
    easy to get into a writing slump if you
    feel like you're in one don't worry you
    just need to step back take a deep
    breath and figure out how you can change
    your perspective to get back into the
    swing of things again coming up with a
    great writing routine is essential and
    so is keeping writing at the forefront
    of your mind
    so if you want to become an excellent
    unstoppable writer try this now first be
    alert to your ideas and write them down
    as soon as they come keeping a notebook
    with you at all times is so important
    this way any time you get inspiration
    have an idea for a new story or just
    over here or see something interesting
    that you might be able to use in your
    work you can immediately write it down
    before it's forgotten by keeping a
    notebook with you you'll be more likely
    to be alert to inspiration and soon
    enough it will be jam-packed full of
    ideas that could lead to your next new
    project next kill bad ideas before they
    waste your time if you start writing
    something and it feels like too much of
    a struggle or you've had an idea in your
    head for a couple of weeks but haven't
    felt inspired enough to do anything
    about it then just let it go great ideas
    will make you feel excited to start
    writing bad ideas won't and there's no
    point exploring them too much if it
    doesn't feel natural and motivating from
    the outset next have a great writing
    schedule that means you write regularly
    if you can't write everyday that's okay
    but you should try and write regularly
    throughout the week and have dedicated
    writing time to make sure that you keep
    practicing and progressing without a
    writing schedule it's so easy for other
    things to get in the way so if you don't
    have one already sit down and work now
    when you have the time to write then
    make sure you stick to that next set
    your goals one at a time
    goal-setting is so important but
    sometimes try to set all your goals at
    once makes things seem overwhelming
    instead focus on one goal at a time but
    as soon as you have achieved that one
    goal make sure you set another and start
    working on it right away
    next don't be afraid of experimenting
    experimenting and practicing are how you
    become a better writer
    keep trying out ideas and never tell
    yourself an idea is silly or too
    ridiculous by trying new things you'll
    learn what works and what doesn't and
    find your unique writing voice so test
    learn and refine and you'll soon see how
    much your writing improves these tips
    can help change your writing for the
    better so what are you waiting for start
    writing with positivity and
    determination today and don't forget if
    you're struggling to write or finish
    your book our free writers toolkit can
    help with it you'll learn how to
    overcome procrastination get organized
    stay focused find time to write and
    finally get your book published to get
    access to it now while it's still
    available simply go to
    that's it for now be sure to give us a thumbs
    up if you liked this video and don't
    forget to subscribe to our channel for
    more tips and advice for writers here on
    life I'm Peter and I'll see you again
    soon with more tips and advice for
    writers here

    Key Scenes to Include in Your in Your Novel - WritersLife.org

    Key Scenes to Include in Your in Your Novel - WritersLife.org
    Key Scenes to Include in Your in Your Novel - WritersLife.org

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    hello there and welcome along to a
    writer's life with more tips and advice
    my name's Peter and coming up this time
    key seems to include in your novel
    writing a novel in essence is about
    creating lots of different scenes that
    link together to tell a story if you
    break any good story down you'll start
    to notice that there are patterns almost
    all of them include the same key scenes
    albeit told in very different ways to
    structure their story and to allow the
    plot to unfold naturally but with
    moments of tension and excitement to
    plotting your novel is all about trying
    to figure out how to tell your story and
    what should happen when understanding
    the key sees to include can make this
    easier start by listing as many scenes
    you can come up with and write them each
    on different cards then you can shuffle
    them about to try and find order and
    from there create your outline there are
    some more obvious scenes that most
    writers will know about starting your
    novel with an enticing incident for
    example is widely known as a good way to
    kickstart your story making sure that
    your protagonist goes on a journey is
    pursuing your goal and has obstacles to
    overcome are also key to your story
    success however there are many more
    important scenes that you need to
    consider to help create the frame for
    your story structure let's take a look
    at them first the set up at the very
    beginning of your story you need to
    introduce readers to your main character
    or characters you should also reveal the
    setting the world which they inhabit and
    allow them to get a sense of the time
    and place before you hit them with the
    enticing incident
    next the initial turning-point this is
    where something happens that changes the
    character and starts them out on their
    journey whatever happens has to be
    enough to change the character's ideas
    desires or motivations and see them
    start to move in a new direction and
    next the opposition you need to begin to
    introduce the characters or obstacles
    that your character must face to reach
    their goal this is also an excellent
    time to raise the stakes and ensure that
    the reader knows what the protagonist
    has got to lose should they fail next
    the change something new needs to happen
    that helps the protagonist get back on
    track and focus again on their goal this
    can be a compelling twist such as an
    enemy becoming a friend or vice versa or
    the discovery of new information that
    changes the course of the story or
    creates a huge obstacle the protagonists
    must figure out how to deal with this
    next no turning back there should be a
    seed around halfway through the novel
    where something happens and now there is
    no way life can ever be the same for the
    protagonist nor can they decide to go
    back to normal this scene should propel
    the story forward and catalyze a series
    of fast paced events that you need for
    your conclusion next another twist
    towards the end of your novel you can
    include a second twist when it looks
    like the end goal might be inside
    something unexpected can happen that is
    of great importance to your characters
    and next the major setback when things
    finally seem to be going well and it
    looks as though everything is going to
    be ok include major setback which causes
    catastrophe and spells despair for your
    main characters and next the climax the
    climax is a high-energy scene where
    either the end goal is achieved or it
    this should be a huge event where the
    protagonist comes face to face
    with whatever obstacle is greatest and
    next the wrap-up the aftermath of your
    climax should tie all your ends together
    and draw the story to a satisfying
    ending make this short and sweet and
    don't leave your readers hanging on
    these key scenes that make up a novel
    will help writers to understand the
    protagonists journey and give the story
    structure use them to create your story
    outline and then get writing and don't
    forget if you're struggling to write or
    finish your book our free writers
    toolkit can help with it you'll learn
    how to overcome procrastination stay
    focused get organized find time to write
    and finally get your book published to
    get access to it now while it's still
    available simply go to
    that's it for now be sure to give us a thumbs
    up if you liked this video and as always
    subscribe to our channel for more I'm Peter
    I'll be back with more tips and advice
    for writers here on writers life soon
    bye for now

    How to Create Great Blog Post Ideas - WritersLife.org

    How to Create Great Blog Post Ideas - WritersLife.org
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    Hi there is Peter here again from a
    writer's life with more tips and advice
    for writers and coming up this time how
    to create great blog post ideas whatever
    kind of writer you are freelance fiction
    or something else it's a good idea to
    keep an author blog to reach new readers
    and build up your fan base however
    coming up with the ideas for blogs over
    and over again can be difficult and take
    more efforts and energy than you want it
    to so how can you keep those creative
    ideas coming to make sure you entice new
    readers to your website time and time
    again here are some tips to help you
    first ask readers what they'd like help
    with content that solves problems is
    always well received so why not reach
    out to a relevant audience and ask them
    what kinds of things they need help with
    there are so many areas of writing where
    people struggle so maybe sharing your
    experience and tips could be a great way
    to entice new readers next put yourself
    in their shoes if you were a person
    interested in books think about what
    kinds of things you would like to know
    what would make you stop and want to
    read a blog would it be funny helpful
    insightful perhaps all of these things
    also think about the kind of book you
    are ultimately trying to get them
    interested in are you writing a fantasy
    fantasy a horror a romance you could use
    the genre of your book to come up with
    exciting and unique post ideas as well
    next do your research one of the best
    ways to come up with ideas for your blog
    posts is to cheat a little look at other
    authors particularly those that you
    admire or who write the same kind of
    books as you what are they writing about
    which of their posts guess
    a lot of engagement use their work to
    inform your blog but don't just rehash
    the same old material make sure you can
    put your unique twist on things to a
    next follow trends another way to make
    your blog posts incredibly relevant is
    to research what sorts of hot topics are
    out there and find a way to incorporate
    these into your work you could look at
    politics and world news stories more
    local to your area what's popular in
    niches relating to your book such as
    music dance art and so on and then write
    blog posts around these topics to draw
    your audience in and next interviews and
    reviews one way to make your blog more
    popular and keep it looking professional
    it's to interview other writers
    obviously the more well-known the better
    you could also try to get interviews
    with the influences relating to the
    genre of your book say one of your
    characters loves fashion why not
    interview a famous fashion blogger and
    intertwine themes from your book in your
    question this is a smart way to gain a
    more extensive reach while remaining on
    topic be creative unique and fun in your
    blog posts and try to make your content
    as fresh and readable as possible if you
    keep experimenting and seeing what works
    for you you'll soon find these ideas
    flowing and your blog becoming more
    popular day by day and don't forget if
    you're struggling to write or finish
    your book our free writers toolkit can
    help with it you'll learn how to
    overcome procrastination stay focused
    find time to write and finally get your
    book published to get access to it now
    while it's still available simply go to
    be sure as always to give us a thumbs up
    if you like this video and don't forget
    to subscribe to our channel for
    more writing tips and advice here on
    writers life my name's Peter and I'll be
    back with more tips and advice here on
    writers life soon bye for now

    The Differences Between Good and Bad Writers - WritersLife.org

    The Differences Between Good and Bad Writers - WritersLife.org
    The Differences Between Good and Bad Writers - WritersLife.org
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    hello there is Peter here again some
    more tips and advice for writers from
    writers life and today what are the
    differences between good writers and bad
    writers because writing is so subjective
    being able to say what makes good
    writing good and consequently what makes
    bad writing bad is difficult okay so
    there are obvious mistakes that writers
    can make poor grammar spelling
    repetitive descriptions and so on but
    what one reader might find monotonous
    and uninspiring might be right of
    another readers alley many famous and
    successful books have opinions divided
    the Twilight Saga Fifty Shades of Grey
    even more serious words such as Life of
    Pi have all had their share of critics
    despite being bestsellers and having had
    movies made out of them
    lots of now highly celebrated novelists
    have also revealed how many times they
    were rejected before a publisher gave
    them a chance does that mean that some
    of the editors they sent their novels to
    thought that their writing was bad
    possibly probably however there is one
    huge difference between good writers and
    bad writers and that's that good writers
    never gave up you wouldn't know about
    them if they did writing is a craft it
    can be learned every writer that starts
    out will not be as good a writer as they
    will be if they keep doing it for 20
    years and applying themselves to the
    practice of writing and be open to
    learning and experimenting and refining
    their art and taking advice and
    criticism good writers didn't give all
    halfway through their first draft
    because they thought he was terrible
    good writers didn't throw their
    manuscripts in the bin before they'd
    even bothered to send it off to anyone
    for a second opinion good writers didn't
    stop writing because they received a
    rejection or a third
    fourth rejection if you are willing to
    put the effort in to take criticism and
    rejection on the chin and think of it as
    an opportunity to go back to the drawing
    board and get even better then you will
    you'll keep improving and it'll become a
    good writer because you are committed to
    the craft and will keep progressing and
    doing whatever it takes to get you there
    let's be clear about this this doesn't
    mean you can just write once a month or
    whenever the inspiration takes you it's
    about creating the schedule deciding on
    your writing goals and working
    tirelessly to achieve them bad writers
    don't do this they are either too
    fearful or too precious about their
    writing to try and edit it properly to
    truly make it better they talk about
    writing as if that's all they want to do
    yet can't seem to find the time to ever
    sit down and get anything done they are
    full of excuses and they are afraid of
    failure so they don't even try making
    the time to write takes effort going
    through the editing process properly can
    be tedious and grueling putting your
    work out there for the world to see can
    be genuinely terrifying but if you want
    to be a good writer you need to
    persevere you need to have discipline
    and humility and you need to be able to
    take a knock or two so do you have what
    it takes to be a good writer and don't
    forget if you struggling to write or
    finish your book our free writers
    toolkit can help with it you'll learn
    how to overcome procrastination get
    focused stay organized find time to
    write and finally get your book
    published to get access to it now while
    it's still available simply go to
    that's it for now be sure
    to give us a thumbs up if you liked this
    video and also don't forget to subscribe
    to our channel for more I'm Peter and
    I'll be back with some more tips and
    that bye
    the writers here on writers life soon

    Hate Editing? Heres How to Make it More Fun - WritersLife.org

    Hate Editing? Heres How to Make it More Fun - WritersLife.org
    Hate Editing? Here's How to Make it More Fun - WritersLife.org
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    Hello its Peter here again from writers
    life where we have tips and advice for
    writers and coming up this time hate
    editing here's how to make it more fun
    once you finish the first draft of your
    manuscript you have every right to
    celebrate it's a considerable
    achievement after all however
    unfortunately you can't rest on your
    laurels for long as this is when the
    hard work really begins now there is no
    denying that there are some writers out
    there who love the editing process they
    enjoy perfecting and reworking that
    manuscripts until they get it just right
    for most of us however editing can be a
    real drag and something that many of us
    dread in the worst cases it can mean
    never actually getting your book into a
    state where you feel comfortable enough
    to try and publish it and all that hard
    work is wasted so how can you find ways
    to get through the editing process and
    try to make it more fun here are some
    helpful tips first break it down the
    idea of editing your entire novel can
    feel somewhat overwhelming so you need
    to break the process down to make it
    feel more manageable just title one
    chapter at a time make that chapter as
    brilliant as you can before moving on to
    the next next sets goals
    don't let the editing process go on
    give yourself specific goals and a time
    frame by which you need to finish doing
    this will help you keep things in
    perspective and motivated to keep on
    going next bribe yourself to make the
    process more fun you need to keep
    rewarding yourself along the way only
    you know what will keep you motivated
    but make sure you treat yourself and
    also takes out to get excited about how
    your novel is shaping up and patting
    yourself on the back for all the great
    next work methodically it's imperative
    not to keep starting each editing
    session from the beginning of your book
    otherwise you'll end up with a flawless
    first three chapters and the rest of it
    barely looks at understanding when it's
    time to move on and realizing that
    perfection is not an option is also
    important a next work with friends
    having writing bullies to be talked with
    bounce ideas off or just to have a good
    old moan and be invaluable so join a
    local writing group or find some
    supports online to help you when you're
    feeling demotivated and don't want to
    continue and our next tip is cheat
    of course you could always hire a
    professional editor to help you so
    really all you need to do is get your
    book in as good a shape as possible and
    then hand it over to someone who does
    this for a living remember an editor
    actually enjoy searching for missing
    commas or inconsistencies so you can
    rest assure that it's not all on you to
    find them
    we know the editing process is tough but
    by following these tips you can make it
    more manageable and get your book into a
    more publishable standard in no time and
    don't forget if you're struggling to
    write or finish your book our free
    writers toolkit can help with it you'll
    learn how to overcome procrastination
    stay focused get organized fine times
    are right and finally get your book
    published to get access to it now while
    it's still available simply go to
    be sure to give us a thumbs up if you
    like this video and as always don't
    forget to subscribe to our channel for
    more I'm Peter and I'll see you next
    time for more tips and advice here on

    Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing - WritersLife.org

    Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing - WritersLife.org
    Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing - WritersLife.org
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    hello its Peter here again with more
    tips and advice for writers here at
    writers life and coming up this time
    easy ways to improve your writing skills
    all writers know that no matter whether
    they are just starting or are seasoned
    professionals there's always more to
    learn and ways to improve so if you're
    looking for some quick fixes to get
    better at writing why not try the
    following first make writing your job
    you don't need to quit your day job to
    take your writing seriously however if
    you treat writing like you would your
    job then you are much more likely to get
    better why well think about it
    you can't just fail to turn up to your
    job and you can't do nothing
    when you get there at work you might get
    development reviews and new challenges
    and be expected to improve apply all
    this to your writing and you'll become
    so much more productive and committed
    the more you write the better you'll get
    and next make reading part of the
    process if writing is your job then
    reading is like prepping for the
    interview reading should be an integral
    part of every righteous process so
    instead of binge watching that box set
    head to bed half an hour earlier and
    read it's hardly much of a chore and the
    more you read the more you'll learn from
    others and be inspired and motivated to
    continue yourself next find a writing
    partner a writing partner can help you
    so much not only will you have someone
    holding you accountable as well as
    encouraging you to write of course you
    also have someone you can bounce ideas
    off and who can take a first look at
    your write and give you honest feedback
    which can be so invaluable especially in
    the early stages next explore writing
    that you admire when you read don't just
    do it for the sake of it actually pay
    attention to what you're reading and
    look for common factors in books that
    you love what makes a story stand out to
    you what characters have you fallen in
    love with which all the books you just
    couldn't put down investigating and
    dissenting the writer you admire in this
    way can be you find common
    themes that you can incorporate into
    your own stories next write outlines and
    do proper research every good writer
    knows that it pays to be organized so
    don't start your writing sessions
    without a clear plan having chapter
    outline sketched out before you start
    writing can keep you on the right track
    and make sure that you have the whole
    story plotted out before you begin
    improving your research skills and
    taking the types of research important
    topics thoroughly will also make your
    writing more detailed engaging and
    believable to eliminate unnecessary
    words train yourself to become
    eagle-eyed when editing your work and
    look out for where you've used more
    words than you need to trimming the fat
    in writing is so essential and concerned
    sloppy overwritten passages into needs
    smart pieces of literature that deliver
    an impact following these tips can help
    you continue to improve your writing
    over time what quick tips do you use
    when you need to give your writing a
    boost why not share them with us in the
    comments below and don't forget if
    you're struggling to write or finish
    your book our free writers toolkit can
    help with it you'll learn how to
    overcome procrastination stay organized
    stay focused find time to write and
    finally get your book published to get
    access now while it's still available
    simply go to
    that's it
    for now be sure to give us a thumbs up
    if you like this video and of course
    subscribe to our channel for more I'm
    Peter and I'll be back with more tips
    and advice for writers here on
    writers life bye for now

    How To Strengthen Your Online Presence - WritersLife.org

    How To Strengthen Your Online Presence - WritersLife.org
    How To Strengthen Your Online Presence - WritersLife.org

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    Hello is Peter here again from a
    writer's life with more tips and advice
    for writers and coming up today how to
    strengthen your online presence nowadays
    it seems as though being a good writer
    simply isn't enough not only is a
    competition to get your book published
    fiercer than ever before but there are
    also thousands of authors now going down
    the self-publishing route which means
    it's tough to make your stand out
    having your great online presence is
    crucial for modern authors and this can
    be done in many ways however all of them
    involve consistently providing
    well-written interesting and engaging
    content that appeals to their target
    audience and keeps them not only coming
    back for more but sharing that content
    and therefore in some ways doing your
    marketing for you building a great
    online presence rarely happens overnight
    for most authors it's a slow and
    sometimes tedious process and the growth
    happens slowly but surely spending time
    on this however can make all the
    difference when it comes to helping see
    your book sales soar so how do you
    strengthen your online presence here are
    some rules to follow first be selfless
    obviously the whole point of dedicating
    time and efforts to engaging with people
    online is so that you can build a
    following and tell them about all the
    cool exciting writing related stuff
    you're doing the problem is for the most
    part they don't care you need to
    consistently give them useful
    interesting entertaining content theirs
    has nothing to do with your book once
    they trust you to continue to provide
    this for them and have become unwavering
    followers of what you do online only
    then should you talk about your work and
    even then this should be infrequent and
    think about yourself as a shop assistant
    if you push too hard your customers will
    just leave if however you let them
    browse and only approach them when you
    think you can genuinely help them then
    back off if they refuse that help they
    are for more likely to stay and buy
    something next get known for one
    particular thing think about your work
    your genre and your talents how can you
    bring all of these together to reach out
    to your target audience your thing could
    be something really specific about
    fly-fishing or it could just be being
    sarcastic and funny think about what you
    can bring to the table that no one else
    is doing do it with integrity of passion
    and you'll soon find more and more
    people spreading the word about you next
    have confidence when you rise do so with
    authority even if you don't really
    believe you have any if you come across
    the self-assured and knowledgeable
    you'll attract a wider audience readers
    want to read content that is written
    with conviction it's not about
    people-pleasing it's about presenting
    thoughts and ideas which make people sit
    up and take notice next be consistent
    there's no point in writing one great
    piece posting it online working really
    hard to get as many people to see it as
    possible and then going quiet for a few
    weeks if you really want to strengthen
    your online presence you have to keep
    putting content out there there is no
    respite hard work is key
    annexed understand SEO learn how SEO
    works from a technical point of view yet
    link backs from reputable and high
    authority websites learn how to rank for
    certain keywords right content that's
    and shareable if you can improve your
    SEO more people will be able to find you
    and learn about your book improving your
    online presence just like many aspects
    of writing takes time and persistence
    but doing so really can help you to
    increase your readership and sell more
    books so follow these tips keep working
    at it and it could make all the
    difference and don't forget if it's
    struggling to write or finish your book
    our free writers toolkit can help with
    it you'll learn how to overcome
    procrastination stay organized find time
    to write and finally get your book
    published to get access to it now while
    it's still available simply go to
    be sure to give us a thumbs up if you
    liked this video and of course subscribe
    to our channel for more
    I'm Peter this is writers life and I'll
    be back with more tips and advice for
    writers soon see you again bye for now

    Do You Know Who Your Writing For - WritersLife.org

    Do You Know Who Your Writing For - WritersLife.org
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    hello there is Peter here again with
    more tips and advice from writers life
    now coming up today do you know who you
    are writing for when you sit down to
    write it's always a good idea to ask
    yourself before you start who am i
    writing for the answer may be obvious
    and straightforward or it might be
    elusive and complicated are you writing
    for yourself do you have a very
    particular person in mind do you want
    your opinion or story to be heard by a
    particular group do you want to be
    acknowledged or perhaps you are just
    writing for anyone who will listen of
    course it can be a combination of many
    of these things most writers would say
    that they write both for themselves for
    the love of creating stories and playing
    with language and for their audiences
    whoever they may be how important is it
    to know who you are writing for most
    writers would argue that it is
    imperative indeed if you are hoping to
    have commercial success having a target
    audience in mind will help you to craft
    and shape your writing so that it
    appeals directly to them you might also
    want to think about how to attract
    readers from further afield not just the
    lovers of the genre or the ones who
    already agree with your opinion will
    naturally gravitate towards your work
    but those on the fringes too perhaps
    those who you would think would have no
    interest in what you have to say how do
    you persuade these audiences to listen
    to you or to take a chance on your
    writing and just give it a go
    how do you find the right balance
    between being true to yourself your
    motivations and passions and writing for
    an audience telling them what they want
    to hear the key to effective writing is
    knowing your reader and being able to
    accurately predict what they want and
    what they expect and then adhering to
    that or alternatively surprising them
    showing them something new different are
    more exciting than they have ever
    anticipated before how to identify your
    audience ask yourself the following
    questions who do you hope will read this
    write down who your ideal reader would
    be give them a name a personality bring
    them to life this person is your target
    audience you need to discover how they
    think what excites them what turns them
    off get to know them as intimately as
    possible and you will have the best
    chance of getting them to see your
    points of view engage with your
    characters buy your product or do
    whatever it is you are trying to
    persuade them to do who else might read
    this don't just limit yourself to your
    ideal audience think further beyond them
    think of all the places your book
    article blog post or newsletter might
    end up are there other people we might
    reach that you haven't considered
    how could you reach out to them and
    connect with them further and more
    effectively you also need to consider
    what you are hoping to achieve by
    communicating with your audience it
    might be to sell products increase their
    understanding of a particular topic to
    get them to share your work to sign up
    to a newsletter or it might be to
    persuade them around to your way of
    thinking to be moved or inspired by your
    story or simply to enjoy your book your
    aims are important because if you don't
    fulfill them no matter how many people
    you've reached you won't feel satisfied
    that you have achieved what you set out
    to achieve understanding who you are
    writing for regardless of the type of
    writing you are doing can make all the
    difference when it comes to connecting
    with your audience
    creating a following and motivating them
    to act so next time you sit down to
    write make sure you consider who your
    reader is and think about how you can
    speak to
    and don't forget if it's struggling to
    write or finish your book our free
    writers toolkit can help with it you'll
    learn how to overcome procrastination
    stay organized
    stay focused find time to write and
    finally get your book published to get
    access to it now while it's still
    available simply go to
    that's it for
    now be sure to give us a thumbs up if
    you like this video and don't forget to
    subscribe to our channel for more I'm Peter
    this has been writer's life and I'll be
    back with more tips and advice for
    writers soon right here on writers life
    bye for now

    Be The Writer You Know You Can Be - WritersLife.org

    Be The Writer You Know You Can Be - WritersLife.org
    Be The Writer You Know You Can Be - WritersLife.org
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