
    WRYAT New Orleans Public Radio

    Have you tried NPR? Other local radio stations? Well now you are here with WRYAT New Orleans Public Radio. We are the 5th ranked public radio station of New Orleans, but secretly we are a New Orleans podcast that satires everything you love about public radio. Think Prairie Home Companion but purposefully funny. Like, subscribe, and review!
    enWRYAT New Orleans Public Radio89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    WRYAT S7E5 - Awards Show

    WRYAT S7E5 - Awards Show

    Oh, it's my favorite time of year. The time when I can wear my fanciest suit. Get a nice flattering haircut. And roll out the red carpet. This is the only way to properly appreciate Arby's. MMMM Arby's. The horse sauce alone deserves to be honored with a plaque and a heartfelt thank you speech. Oh, oh, the curly fries should have a special category just for the best shape. I would die from anticipation just waiting to hear if the not-fully-cut-but-very structurally-sound-slightly wound-up piece won. Anywho, WRYAT is going to the public radio awards show. So cross your fingers and dried out french fry daggers for a sweeping victory this year. 

    WRYAT S7E4 - The Conservation Conversation

    WRYAT S7E4 - The Conservation Conversation

    Politics today. Am I right? One dude yelling into another dude's mouth. Like a momma bird giving a baby worm chew. It's really beautiful. Nature is crazy, though. Like, this girl I knew in grade school once found one of those baby birds under a tree, and she took it home to raise it. Every night she feed it wet dog food and gave it water. Like, after a month, the thing grew up and was fluttering around the house. She stopped coming to school cause she wanted to make sure her "baby" was safe. Her parents tried to get her to go outside but she just locked herself away. I haven't been by her house in years but some say she's still there taking care of her baby birds and also starring in a bunch of movies and starting a website named after that baby bird. I think it was called Goop. Anywho, WRYAT finally has the talk about nature.

    WRYAT S7E3 - Night of Film

    WRYAT S7E3 - Night of Film

    There are times in life when you have had a rough day and all you want to do is grab a pizza and lay on the couch to watch a movie. The comfort of finally relaxing after being overworked by Tammy at the office. Getting her coffee and listening to her talk about how cute her kids are. How overbearing it is that she comes to check on you around lunch to see if you want to join several others at the office for some chicken at B-Dubs. The way she thanks you for your work and says nice things to "encourage" you. No thank you. Give me Robocop. Anywho, WRYAT explores the art of film in this week's episode.

    WRYAT S7E1 - Getting More Better

    WRYAT S7E1 - Getting More Better

    Seems like only yesterday we were just a fledgling fifth-ranked New Orleans public radio station trying to make it on our own in the cutthroat world of local broadcast journalism. Now we're a bigtime fifth-ranked New Orleans public radio station that's an esteemed member of the nationally syndicated Public Radio Now network. Gosh, time just flies by, and it reminds me to stop every so often and look at my hands. I mean reallllllllllly look at them. Those two, ten-digited octopi of creepy, wriggling appendages. Last year may have been rough, but at least I'm not one giant hand, I can tell you that much. Lord, would I be terrifying and horribly off-centered. Anywho, we're back, and thanks to our new non-profit overlords, we're getting more better.

    WRYAT - Public Radio Now Special Part 1

    WRYAT - Public Radio Now Special Part 1

    The WRYAT station is now affiliated with Public Radio Now, so the national syndicate is holding a pledge drive to raise funds for a studio appropriate for humans. This special is in no way endorsed by public radio competitors NPR, WWNO, or the New World Order.

    WRYAT - Public Radio Now Special Part 2

    WRYAT - Public Radio Now Special Part 2

    Part 2 of the Public Radio Now takeover. The WRYAT station is now affiliated with Public Radio Now, so the national syndicate is holding a pledge drive to raise funds for a studio appropriate for humans. This special is in no way endorsed by public radio competitors NPR, WWNO, or the New World Order.

    WRYAT S6E12 - WRYAT Beach Party 2022 Sponsored by Pudd Beer!

    WRYAT S6E12 - WRYAT Beach Party 2022 Sponsored by Pudd Beer!

    Live from Biloxi Beach in Mississippi, it’s the WRYAT Beach Party 2022 sponsored by Pudd Beer!

    The WRYAT Beach Party is our annual LIVE variety show concert event performed and recorded entirely on-stage on the beautiful shores of the Mississippi Gulf Coast!

    You're gonna die laughing at an uproarious live show featuring a murderer’s row of WRYAT personalities! And it's all hosted by none other than everyone’s favorite WRYAT personality: HIMBY JIMBY! 

    What else could you possibly need to know? 

    Start listening and start laughing at the most bodacious beach bash broadcast in the history of semi*-public radio RIGHT NOW! SURF’S UP, DUDES! 


    WRYAT S6E11 - Comedy

    WRYAT S6E11 - Comedy

    Lo and behold, WRYAT tackles comedy in the only way we know how, by loudly saying something is funny and not laughing, by explaining the joke for longer than the actual joke, and lastly, by asking you to come to our improv recital. Seriously, I got one coming up and I know I'm only a Level 3-Alpha 7, but if I can get three friends to come and one of them to sign up, I will have finally earned enough Carlin-Stars to advance a sub-level. Anywho, join us as we explore all that is funny at the same time we continue to explore all that is public radio.

    WRYAT S6E10 - Alternative Lifestyles

    WRYAT S6E10 - Alternative Lifestyles

    How does one become alternative? Did they have to live during that weird time in the 90s when rock was super into flannel and dudes just really wanted to mosh? Or does one need to be really deep in their song lyrics? Wait, oh goodness, I didn't read the lifestyles part. haha. What a goof! Here I am with egg on my face thinking alternative rock when this week's topic was really about people with cool kinks doing stuff at weird parties that the alt-rock kids would write sad songs about not being invited to. Whoopsie-daisy. Anywho, go do weird stuff with weirder music.

    WRYAT S6E9 - Labor

    WRYAT S6E9 - Labor

    Work can be a wonderful thing if you have a job that you're passionate about and pays you well, provides good benefits, and actually contributes to the betterment of society. I have a job where I get to write synopses for this show. Some wouldn't find that very meaningful but I do. Oh, sure, the pay could be better, as well as the benefits. Actually, any benefits at all would be nice. As far as contributing to the betterment of society, I don't know that people even read these, or even care about me or what I do. My bosses sure don't seem to care about me. Did you know they had us come in over Memorial Day weekend and [REDACTED]? Without even [REDACTED]? I mean, what the hell kind of treatment is that? 
    Anywho, we're trying to unionize this summer, so if you could spread the hashtag #wryatunionyes all over whatever social media you use, that would be swell. I haven't been to the doctor in years. Enjoy this episode about work or whatever.

    WRYAT S6E8 - Late Night

    WRYAT S6E8 - Late Night

    As the night falls over the Big Easy, I like to go to the levee and look at the West Bank. It really gets you to think. Why is the city so pretty with its lights but the West Bank turned thiers off so we think they aren't home? Why do I have this huge repulsion whenever someone suggests we drive over the bridge? What is even in Marrero? I've heard of it, but does it really exist? The night really gets you thinking when you have to go to the bathroom and you just let it rip by those bushes near the Aquarium. Anywho, time to rezip my fly, pretend like I didn't just leave a puddle, and wave farewell to the West Bank with this week's epsiode of WRYAT and its look at late night.

    WRYAT S6E7 - Investigations

    WRYAT S6E7 - Investigations

    Sometimes I sit at my desk with the lights low and I like to think of myself as a detecitve in those old movies. You know, the ones where the PI has had a hard life but still has a heart of gold. Then a woman walks in needing his help. He's dismissive at first but goes for it. Yea, I want that. I've tried online dating and it's terrible, so instead, I am opening a detective agency hoping to meet a woman like that. It's been 18 months and I've gotten a lot of cases for missing scooters and cheating spouses, but one day, she will walk in. Blue dress and hair in a bun. She wasn't your typical woman but something about her and the way she.... Anywho, sorry got zoned out there for a sec. Check out this week's episode, gumshoes.

    WRYAT S6E6 - Summer Vacation

    WRYAT S6E6 - Summer Vacation
    Remember when you were a kid and time was kept by when the school year ended and summer began? Camp, pools, and endless hours just staring at the clouds. I wish I could go back to that. I would literally do anything to relive those golden years. I would go over to an old man's house and dress up as his deceased wife and pretend that I am said wife to learn the formula he came up with in the 60s for travel to other universes using string theory. I would lie in bed with this man every night singing him to sleep so that he can whisper the secrets of time in his sleep as I write them down. And on that day I crack time travel, I will pull off that wig and thank that man. Anywho, summer is here and so is WRYAT. See you outside and I will be seeing you tonight, Prof. Ferdinand Henderson.

    WRYAT S6E5 - Local Government

    WRYAT S6E5 - Local Government

    That ol' government. It is with you when you are born and long after you are dead. It watches you when you sleep and is always there. When I was a kid, I would write the goverment notes about how it would be great if we could be together. After 25 long years, it wrote back. But the goverment said it was seeing someone else and that while it liked my weekly letters and commerative calendar of me holding goverment documents, it sadly did not think we had a spark for longevity. I get it. It has been around for 100+ years and with my eating habits, I have like 8 to 9 years tops. So WRYAT celebrates the local goverment and all it does for us.

    WRYAT S6E4 - Arbor Day

    WRYAT S6E4 - Arbor Day

    Trees. They stand there and they see everything. They see kids playing in the street. They see cars go by. They even see where that one guy who runs in those short shorts goes. The guy isn't always running but everytime I've tried to follow him home, he eludes me. Like, why is he wearing sunglasses at night? What is his deal? I just want to know where a man like that lives. Why won't the trees tell me? Why won't the trees tell me his secrets?! Anywho, WRYAT takes a look at Arbor Day on this week's episode.

    WRYAT S6E3 - Easter

    WRYAT S6E3 - Easter

    Ah, the spring is here. For 27 whole minutes, you can walk outside in your slick black jeans, wear a light top and feel the brisk air on your toes before the sun god Ra and that dumpster behind the burger place's bastard demi-god child rears their sweaty, muggy self and issues forth the reckoning of summer like no mortal should have to witness. Anywho, it's Easter or whatnot, and that means it's cool to eat whole eggs on the bus, it's the first and only time you probably will go to Mass, and it's time for us remember that we have Friday off. Wait, we do? Well thanks, Janet, for telling me now. Go listen to the podcast, I have to make some plans.

    WRYAT S6E2 - It Gets Better

    WRYAT S6E2 - It Gets Better
    Oh boy, life sure can be hard. Just last week I was walking the dog and it started barking at a tree. What an idiot. It's a tree. It can't hear you or feel ashamed that you are calling it out for not being the man your mother was hoping for or the caring individual your dad could relate to. It's just a tree. It's not like the tree can look at its life and feel slightly bad for not applying its treeself more. Anywho, I have a lot to think about and a bag of dog mess to throw away. Enjoy this week's episode of WRYAT as we say that it gets better so stick with it.

    WRYAT S6E2 - It Gets Better

    WRYAT S6E2 - It Gets Better

    Oh boy, life sure can be hard. Just last week I was walking the dog and it started barking at a tree. What an idiot. Its a tree. It can't hear you or feel ashamed that you are calling it out for not being the man your mother was hoping for or the caring individual your dad could relate to. It's just a tree. It's not like the tree can look at its life and feel slightly bad for not applying its treeself more. Anywho, I have a lot to think about and a bag of dog mess to throw away. Enjoy this week's episode of WRYAT as we say that it gets better so stick with it.