
    Xtinction Agenda

    Post apocalyptic introspection, looking at pictures. And pictures that sometimes move. Grant Morrison. 90s Image, Doug Moench. Junji Ito. Old Vertigo Stuff. Avatar Press. We take the piss out of the things those other people enjoy. And enjoy what is only ours. You and we, dear listener. We drink the same water and share the same soul, don't we? DON'T WE? You like Terminator? Takashi Miike? Sniper? Fight Club? Do you like to criticize capital while engaging in enthusiastic consumption? We got your medicine. Best there is at what we do. Weekly.
    enXtinction Agenda, LLC264 Episodes

    Episodes (264)

    Mark Millar - Civil War

    Mark Millar - Civil War

    These atomic powers and super suits are like guns, maaaan. And those super science types, they're, like, working for the government, dude. So we gotta stop them from taking our powers and make sure that we're free to save lives and serve justice, you know what I mean? They take our powers from us and we're lookin' down the barrel of a freakin' police state! I mean, whose side are you even on?!

    "Somebody said we should go on strike if they mess with us like this. Does anybody else think that's a good idea?"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enMarch 08, 2024

    Ed Brubaker - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    Ed Brubaker - Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    History is the nightmare from which we cannot awake. That's what they say, anyway. For Captain America, these words are twice as true. He is a dream born of nightmare. Living in the world of here, he remains there, serving the kingdom as a paladin in a world of dark illusions. History is a long told lie in which truth struggles to be born. Luckily there is a soldier out there guiding us to freedom.

    "Keep your satisfaction to yourself, sadist."

    Xtinction Agenda
    enFebruary 29, 2024

    Rambo: First Blood Part II

    Rambo: First Blood Part II

    Cut free from the oppressive straps of hypocrisy and cowardice. Technology will not keep you safe. Not in the jungle. You can't trust anyone out there in the jungle. To survive the jungle you must become the jungle, become the creeping vines and the mud walls and swallow up your enemies. Ideology is the enemy of truth. And truth can only be found in the mind. 

    "You may scream. There is no shame."

    Xtinction Agenda
    enFebruary 24, 2024

    Kihachi Okamoto - The Sword of Doom

    Kihachi Okamoto - The Sword of Doom

    Come on in, we have no tea. You are in the house of an evil mind now, a theatre of misery, cruelty, and violence. The sword style of this house is empty. Nothing can defeat it because it isn't really there. We stand among the unfurnished interiors, all design, no content. Remember that this is the point. The emptiness is the depth. Remember and disappear.

    "Don't think about winning or surviving. Be prepared to die. Risk everything, and you might have a chance."

    Xtinction Agenda
    enFebruary 17, 2024

    X-Men: X-Cutioner's Song

    X-Men: X-Cutioner's Song

    The man in the wheelchair is shot by a pervert kidnapper. He lay poisoned by the future. Later, when the threads of then and now entwine and leave the present seemingly tied, the student will show that the open hand can injure just as well as the closed fist. Is this why the big guy up there won't cut him some slack? 

    All we can say with certainty is that a baleful song haunts the valley of death. We'd better look after that cough.

    "Why has Apocalypse been awakened in an unfinished state of organic coherence?"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enFebruary 11, 2024

    J Michael Straczynski - Captain America #1-5

    J Michael Straczynski - Captain America #1-5

    Born of destitution and sickness, he arises from the cold womb, from ice as hard as the grave of his long lost mother. This is Captain America. Living between two worlds - worlds of war and inequality; for him, every period is an ever present now. He's seen it all. He's seen it all and continues to stand, a sentinel of liberty, fighting so that no one else need ever be born from ice.

    "Got your master race right here, pal!"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enFebruary 03, 2024

    Michael Mann - Thief / Manhunter

    Michael Mann - Thief / Manhunter

    No browns or reds allowed on set. Tonight, we are in Michael Mann territory. We are at the intersection of music videos, gangster movies, and critical literature. We are in the swirling, pastel vortex of Hollywood becoming. If one does what Michael Mann does enough times, one will become as Michael Mann is.

    "Did it ever occur to you, to try to work for a living? Take down your own scores?"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enJanuary 28, 2024

    Art Spiegelman - Maus

    Art Spiegelman - Maus

    In what way did humanity persist within the camps? In what way after? What lessons are to be learned? Why did we ever do this? And why does it seem so likely that we one day will again?

    It's a bundle of laughs over at the Xtinction Agenda this week. Transform yourself into an anthropomorphized animal nationality and pull up a seat. Today, Vladek will tell us his story.

    "I've just gotta write this conversation down before I forget it!"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enJanuary 12, 2024

    Peter Milligan / Mike Allred - X-Cellent

    Peter Milligan / Mike Allred - X-Cellent

    For their image to be carried swiftly around the globe, many have paid a terrible price and many will again. Dignity, privacy, humanity, everything for sale just so long as a person in line at the grocery store knows their name. 

    Fame and celebrity name a ritual act, a sacrifice. They are the keys to the kingdom, a means of ascension. But also a gateway to omnipotent madness.

    "For someone who calls himself Mr. Sensitive, that was totally tactless."

    Xtinction Agenda
    enJanuary 05, 2024

    It's A Wonderful Life (1946)

    It's A Wonderful Life (1946)

     “What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.”

    Xtinction Agenda
    enDecember 29, 2023

    Frank Miller - The Dark Knight Strikes Again

    Frank Miller - The Dark Knight Strikes Again

    Tyranny is a collage of small, empty voices, false faces that talk and talk and talk, responding constantly to each other but never saying anything, never standing for anything, never seeing. Blind perspectives and holographic authority, these are the servants of the secret rulers, the fat men and horrors. We live in the world they created. 

    Who will save us from this? What force can wrench us free? And where do they get such wonderful toys...?

    "Babes? Hey. I do babes."

    Xtinction Agenda
    enDecember 22, 2023

    Rambo: First Blood

    Rambo: First Blood

    He brought the war back home to them, back to all those sweaty little men who got their kicks from telling Leroy to sling that paint, boy. He brought a war like they wouldn't have believed. And the world watched. They watched when at first there were lies and then again when only the awful truth remained. They watched the colonel bring the war hero to justice, closing the loop, sealing the wound so that it could be once again forgotten.

    "Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off!"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enDecember 18, 2023

    Batman / Judge Dredd

    Batman / Judge Dredd

    Justice before the dark mirror is not anti-justice. It is death and insanity. And every principle of goodness requires a strong man. Or, in this instance, two strong men. And a telepathic woman. Persons willing to get their hands dirty in order to set things right, to battle death and enclose madness, to save the hedonists from themselves. 

    "Let the dead fluidsss flow!"

    Garth Ennis - Punisher MAX #1-12

    Garth Ennis - Punisher MAX #1-12

    The Devil whispered into the young Captain's ear, "I just want you to think big, Frank, for Christ’s sake!"

    The young Captain, overrun, turned his mind to the hunger inside him and to the vision set before his eyes and he said 'yes'.

    He thought as big and wide as one could manage and then grabbed the sixty. It was time to finish them. All of them. Every god damned last one of them.

    "Not every day you meet your polar opposite."

    Mike Baron - The Punisher Vol. 2 #10-11

    Mike Baron - The Punisher Vol. 2 #10-11

    People are creeps. Just a bunch of creeps crawling around with their tongues out licking the ground for food. Frank knows this. He hunts for the biggest creep he can find and gives him what for. Tries to anyway. The man in red, overcoming the barrel roll, carries the creep off to justice.

    In response, Frank does drugs in Mexico.

    "I'll need my uzi to handle this mob."

    Xtinction Agenda
    enNovember 25, 2023

    Jason Aaron - The Punisher

    Jason Aaron - The Punisher

    Put on The National. We are sad dads. Sad dads who cannot be glad. Who cannot be glad about being dads. 

    It's dark, bro.

    Give us a day or two to post a new episode. Please. 24 hours. Something. Just put the gun down.

    We are doing it for Maria and the kids.

    Xtinction Agenda
    enNovember 24, 2023

    Tournament of Hacks 2023

    Tournament of Hacks 2023

    Even if the improvisation of serialized fiction is eternal, nothing stays the same. All is change. The mainstream comics world has new blood, writers who have entered the scene since 2017. We decided to find out who they were and then pit them against each other. We wanted blood. And we got blood. A river of it. 

    Gerry Duggan vs. Tini Howard, Kelly/Lanzing vs. Tom Taylor, Kelly Thompson vs. Saladin Ahmed, Steve Orlando vs. Philip Kennedy Johnson, Zeb Wells vs. Jed MacKay, Leah Williams vs. Ram V, Ed Brisson vs. Al Ewing, and Joshua Williamson vs. Torunn Grønbekk.

    After nearly two hours, a champion stood at the crimson mouth, arms raised, challengers strewn or drowned. 

    It was good.

    "He loves you Selina. And so do I."



    Xtinction Agenda
    enNovember 17, 2023

    Grant Morrison - JLA #8-9

    Grant Morrison - JLA #8-9

    Reality is bending. If we wake up, it breaks. Or does it? Does it matter if The Key finally slides into The Lock? Or has it already happened? Would we know the difference if a drug addled, megalomaniacal lunatic merged with the fabric of being itself? 

    The punch is spiked, the phone is back on the hook, and we are spinning wildly three years into the past. Tie us up before we cause too much harm.

    It's showtime!

    "Wreck it completely!"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enNovember 10, 2023

    Let The Right One In (2008)

    Let The Right One In (2008)

    She's been twelve for a long time, under the care of her own inept Renfield. Now she is alone. Meanwhile, he's been building his quiet rage, preparing himself for the pleasures of murder. Outcasts both, they find each other, tapping kisses into the pine. 

    Twenty five years earlier, Tony Scott makes an extended music video.

    Somehow these are both vampire movies. Find out why!

    [Sarah smiles, shakes her head, and then spills wine on her top]

    Xtinction Agenda
    enOctober 31, 2023

    Nightcrawler (2014)

    Nightcrawler (2014)

    This one goes out to Swedish Noble, Jake Gyllenhaal. The Swifties done did him dirty. Like, maybe he was a mean boyfriend to Taylor Swift at the tender age of twenty. Maybe he didn't hold her hand at that party. So what? GROW UP. Jake is a phenom who will not be stopped by some clingy, stupid little girl. He's got movies to make. Movies like Dan Gilroy's Nightcrawler. Movies that expose America for what it is. Not like you, Taylor, not like you at all

    #teamjake #erastoursux #alltoowell #cringe.

    "Is that blood on your shirt?"

    Xtinction Agenda
    enOctober 27, 2023