

    Featuring real-life stories from young people across Western Australia, together with a mix of high profile personalities and professional speakers to offer practical support and advice. YChats has been created following focus groups with young people across the state where they identified the need for a safe space for them to talk through their own lived experiences as well as hear from experts on how best to navigate difficult times and situations. YMCA WA's aim is to start conversations about those topics people often find difficult to discuss, whilst removing stigmas.
    en-auMaeson Harvey31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    30: All Voices Have Value

    30: All Voices Have Value

    Welcome to YChats in 2024!

    With a facelift and continued passion for amplifying the stories of young people, in this kick-off episode, YChats host Maeson chats to an incredible youth advocate from Northam in Western Australia - Joshua Patrick. 

    Josh, like many young people today, has a had difficult journey. But at the same time, some incredible opportunities that through his own courage and determination, and the skills and experiences he has gained in life, he’s been able to seize and make the absolute best of. 

    Josh has an interesting story and an inspiring message both for those working with young people and for young leaders themselves. So, let's hear it!

    YChats - a podcast for young people by young people.

    Thanks to the WhyNot platform and the Y WA for supporting the production of this podcast.

    en-auMarch 01, 2024

    What does Meaningful Work look like for young people? Global Youth Survey!!

    What does Meaningful Work look like for young people? Global Youth Survey!!

    Did you know that 3/4 young people lack the skills needed for employment?
    Did you know that a 15-year-old can expect to have 17 jobs across 5 different industries?
    Did you know that 40% of the global workforce is considering leaving their employer this year?

    We dream of a world where all youth have access to dignified, meaningful, and purposeful work. To achieve that dream, we need to understand the opinions and experiences of young people. The Y Australia and Deloitte have teamed up to research how the ever-changing work landscape is affecting young people's expectations of work.

    Listen to YChats host Maeson chat with Sandesh on Youth Jam Radio where they tell you all about the survey and how you can have your voice heard!! Check out Perth's youth-led, youth-focussed radio station at https://www.youthjam.com.au/ 

    If you are 18-35, let your voice be heard and take this 15-minute survey to help design solutions for young people, with young people. Complete the Youth Meaningful Work Survey today at https://youthmeaningfulwork.com/ and pass it on to your friends! 

    Filled out the survey? Over 35 but still want to help? Share this survey with your organisations and networks!

    If you're 16 - 30, you can also have your thoughts heard via the WhyNot platform! Share your unfiltered thoughts on the Work Revolution at https://www.whynot.org.au/unfiltered-thoughts/

    28. Why does the need for queer activism still exist?

    28. Why does the need for queer activism still exist?

    In the last episode of YChats host Maeson spoke to Ashara Wills from Let's Queer the Air, all about IDAHOBIT - what it is, what it means, and how we can all show up to support the LGBTQIA+ community.

    To continue this conversation, Maeson spoke to three LGBTQIA+ advocates from across Australia who shared their connections to the LGBTQIA+ community and activism, their thoughts on why the need for queer activism still exists, and their messages as we work towards a just and inclusive world. 

    Hear what they had to say in this episode of YChats!

    More about our incredible guests!

    Ollie Peppermint is a transmasculine bisexual from Ngunnawal and Ngambri country in Canberra, ACT. He studies social work part time at the Australia Catholic University and is the secretary for the Signado LGBTQIA+ Society. Ollie was a major player in 'flaggate' (listen in for all the details!) and talks about what we can do to foster safety for LGBTQIA+ people. 

    Jarrod Chakos was born in Coffs Harbour, NSW, and moved to Darwin, NT, 18 months ago to start work as a doctor. Jarrod is on the Top End Pride Committee and assisted with organising Darwin Pride 2023. Jarrod says the territory has been a fantastic place to start his career and engage with the LGBTQIA+ community. 

    Zee Schorsch (he/they) is an Inclusion Coordinator and LGBTQIA+ Inclusion in Sport Advocate. Zee founded an advocacy organisation called Sport Beyond the Binary and also sits as an Advisory Board Member at Proud 2 Play. Through the work they do, Zee's aim is to promote and share the experiences of trans- and gender diverse people within sports. 

    This episode is part two in our IDAHOBIT series, make sure you check out part one: episode 27. What is IDAHOBIT? 

    YChats - a podcast for young people by young people.

    If you need additional support:
    QLife - 1800 184 527
    Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636

    en-auJune 30, 2023

    27. What is IDAHOBIT?

    27. What is IDAHOBIT?

    Every year on May 17th we celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia, the day that homosexuality was declassified as a mental illness by the World Health Organisation.

    In this special episode, Maeson chats with Ashara Wills of Let's Queer the Air, to clear the air on what this day means, it's significance, and how we can all show up to support the LGBTQIA+ community.

    This episode will be part one of two in our IDAHOBIT series, so keep an eye out for part two coming out before the month is over!

    YChats - a podcast for young people by young people.


    If you need additional support:
    QLife - 1800 184 527
    Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636

    en-auMay 17, 2023

    26. What's it like working in the music industry?

    26. What's it like working in the music industry?

    Have you ever wondered what it's like working in the music industry? Or how you can get into it as a young person? Check out this week’s episode of YChats to find out!

    This episode we throw it back to our previous host of the podcast, Alana who chats with Brodie of Y HQ and Heaps Cool Music. Brodie gives a behind-the-scenes look into the music industry, telling us how she started working in the industry and giving advice to young people considering a career in it themselves.

    Y Chats - a podcast for young people by young people.

    en-auApril 28, 2023

    25. Why do we need youth voice?

    25. Why do we need youth voice?

    YChat's is back! After a long hiatus, a little rebranding, and a new host - your favourite podcast is back with a new episode.

    In this episode, we're asking why - Why do we need youth voice?

    New host Maeson talks to two young people about their experience in advocacy, young people's place in decision-making, and the barriers we face to having our voices heard. 

    This episodes guests are Alicia from Perth, WA, and Remi from Ballarat, Victoria.

    Alicia is a third year university student studying Political Science, International Relations, and Anthropology. They are dedicated to social justice, being involved in many social causes. Alicia is currently co-directing and co-producing a short documentary that looks at youth homelessness. 

    Remi is a mental health, disability, and LGBTQ+ youth advocate. He is studying to be a radio host alongside creating music with his friends. He listens to pop punk and emo music, draws, plays video games, makes fantasy stories, creates and paints his own clothes, and doom-scrolls the internet in his spare time. He has always loved singing and dreams to perform on a huge stage one day. 

    Let us know what your thoughts are on youth voice and this episode!

    Get in touch:

    • Facebook: www.facebook.com/YMCAWesternAustralia
    • Instagram: @ymca_wa
    en-auFebruary 24, 2023

    24. Stamping out sexual violence

    24. Stamping out sexual violence

    Trigger warning: sexual assault

    This week Alana sits down with psychology student and cofounder of Young Women Against Sexual Violence (YWASV), Joey Lim.

    Joey talks about her choice to start YWASV after experiencing sexual violence with the goal of creating a safe space for women to share their stories of sexual violence, to know they are not alone, to be supported and believed, whilst encouraging the community to reflect on what healthy relationships look like.

    Young Women Against Sexual Violence:


    • 1800 Respect National Helpline - 1800 737 732
    • Women’s Crisis Line - 1800 811 811
    • Lifeline - 131 114

    Get in touch:

    en-auJuly 14, 2021

    23. Body Image Unfiltered

    23. Body Image Unfiltered

    Most of us experience poor body image at some stage.

    This week, Alana sits down with Director of Higher Degrees (Coursework) at UWA and a body image activist Dr Marilyn Bromberg to chat all things body image, how our expectations of our bodies have been impacted by social media, and what needs to change.

    If you’re struggling with body image, know that you’re not alone. If you need someone to talk to, you can reach Lifeline on 13 11 14.

    en-auJune 28, 2021

    21. Self stigma in LGBTQIA+ young people

    21. Self stigma in LGBTQIA+ young people

    Today Alana is joined by queer young person, provisional psychologist and PhD student at Telethon Kids Institute Dylan Gilbey and Head of the Early Neurodevelopment and Mental Health team at the Telethon Kids Institute Amy Finlay-Jones, to chat about self stigma experienced by young LGBTQIA+ people and how self compassion can combat it.

    en-auMay 17, 2021

    20. Gender Equality is Everyone's Issue

    20. Gender Equality is Everyone's Issue

    We're back with season three of YChats!

    This episode, Alana sat down with other women to talk about how issues such as the gender pay gap and sexual assault are still impacting women today.


    • 1800RESPECT National Sexual Assault Domestic Family Violence Counselling Helpline - 1800 737 732
    • Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline - 1800 007 339 
    • Women’s Legal Aid Service - 9272 8800
    • Women’s Health and Family Services - 6330 5400 
    • Sexual Assault Resource Centre - 1800 199 888 
    • The Samaritans - 135 247 
    • Multicultural Women’s Advocacy Service - 9328 1200 
    • Djinda Service - 9200 2202
    • Yorgum Aboriginal Family Counselling Service - 1800 469 371 
    • Q Life - 1800 184 527 
    • Family Relationship Advice Line - 1800 050 321 
    • Fair Work Ombudsman – 13 13 94 
    • ESafety commissioner – to report online abuse etc. https://www.esafety.gov.au/report
    en-auApril 12, 2021

    19. What career is right for you?

    19. What career is right for you?

    We’re coming to the end of the year when we are being asked to make some big decisions about our future and career. It’s perfectly okay not to know exactly what you want to do but we've got the tools to help make it clearer!

    We're joined by Kendal Drew, Director at Strategic Career Management and a qualified professional career development practitioner. 


    en-auOctober 29, 2020

    17. How to ask R U OK?

    17. How to ask R U OK?

    It’s September 10 which means it’s R U OK Day – our yearly reminder to connect with the people around you and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life. 

    Young person Chloe shares her story about bullying and how people reaching out helped her. Rob Tiller, mental health counsellor, shares practical ways to ask people "are you okay?

    en-auSeptember 10, 2020

    16. Exploring Trans, Gender Identity and the Binary

    16. Exploring Trans, Gender Identity and the Binary

    We're speaking about transgender, gender identity and sex. Kai Schweizer is a sexologist and LGBTIQA+ specialist, and transperson sharing his lived experiences, along with Sam Winter, clinician, researcher and teacher working in the field of trans health, wellbeing and rights.


    Transfolk of WA




    13 11 14

    13. Do you know who you're talking to online?

    13. Do you know who you're talking to online?

    So you're sending nudes or meeting up with people you met online? Cool but there's a smart way to do it! Young people have autonomy over their own decisions but there's a way to do these things safely. 

    Phil Doorgachurn, YMCA Australia's Executive Manager for Safeguarding, speaks with Alana about how to make safe choices online and look after yourself. 


    eSafety Commission: https://www.esafety.gov.au/report

    12. How Domestic Violence is Magnified by COVID-19

    12. How Domestic Violence is Magnified by COVID-19

    Right now we’re all being told to stay home for our physical health due to COVID-19 but for some, home is not a safe place to be. So what can you do to keep yourself safe in that situation?

    Rita is a Neuropsychotherapist who has worked as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner/Family Court Advocate/Supervisor and Clinical Practice Trainer in the Family Law Services field for over 14 years and is a Family Domestic Violence Specialist working with both victims and perpetrators. She's sharing practical advice for staying safe in lockdown. 



