
    Yes& Body Politics

    We are two women who are passionate about body positivity and empowering people. This podcast is an opportunity start the conversation about being fierce. Self Esteem, Image, pressures, fashion, love, sex, feminism and more. Follow us on instagram: @yesandbodypolitics @curvykimchi and @grrshubz E-mail: yesandbodypolitics@gmail.com
    enTresla and Guru Shabd88 Episodes

    Episodes (88)

    Ep 708: Fatphobia, Shame, Disability & Movement

    Ep 708: Fatphobia, Shame, Disability & Movement

    Why do people make fun of me being fat? What is ableism? Why do I feel bad about being fat? I am fat and disabled why are doctors so focused on my weight? Why can't I get help for my disability? Why is it hard to ask for help? Why is there limited resources to support my disability? Why is accessibility so limited in the world? What is the morality of health? Why do I want to be skinny so bad? How do I find a supportive gym? Is my gym judging me?

    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before. I am fat and feel like I have to shrink in order to be allowed to exist.

    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com

    Ep 707: Fatphobia in Reproductive Healthcare & Pediatrics

    Ep 707: Fatphobia in Reproductive Healthcare & Pediatrics

    Does being fat make it hard to get pregnant? Does obesity affect fertility? Do hormones impact weight? What science do we actually know about being fat and conception? I want to have a baby and my doctor won't stop telling me to lose weight, why does this happen? Is my infertility all my fault? Does morning after pill/plan b work on fat people? Why doesn't my doctor have more answers about my period? Is it ok for my doctor to put my child on a diet? What age do we worry about my child's weight? Why don't we know more about women's reproduction? Why didn't my doctor catch my endometriosis? How painful is a period? Why isn't there more research about female bodies? Is the male body same as the female body? Does a male body react the same as a female body? Why do females have to fight so hard for care? Why does my doctor judge what food I feed my children? How can I have a healthy relationship with food if my doctor keeps bringing up my weight? How do I advocate for myself at my doctors? Why do people hold on to their prejudiced beliefs and not actual researched science? Why is there a limited amount of woman's healthcare science?

    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before.


    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com

    Ep 706: Fatphobia & Mental Health

    Ep 706: Fatphobia & Mental Health

    Is my therapist mad at me for being fat? Why does my therapist want to know my BMI? Does being fat affect how people treat me? Does being fat make me mentally ill? Is my therapist prejudiced against fat people? Should my therapist give me diet and exercise tips? Why do I feel so guilty after seeing my therapist? Is my therapist judging my obesity? Is it worth taking a psychiatric medicine if it makes me fat? I am a mental health clinician, how can I help my patients who are fat? I am a therapist how can I support my clients in dismantling oppressive systems? How can a therapist help me be confident in my fat body? How can I find a therapist who isn't fat phobic?

    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before.

    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com

    Ep 705: Fatphobia in Medical language, insurance, and clinician communication

    Ep 705: Fatphobia in Medical language, insurance, and clinician communication

    Why does my doctor say I am obese? Does being obese mean I am not healthy? What does obese mean? Is obese a medical term? Is obesity science? Is obesity a disease? Why do I feel shame around the word obese? Do I need an advocate at my doctors appointment? Why does my doctor treat being obese like a death sentence? How do I get my doctor to believe me and do something besides focus on my weight? I am fat, why can't I get help from my doctor? Why do I feel so bad when I go to the doctor? Why does the doctor make me feel guilty? Why does my medical paperwork and doctors notes make me feel stressed? Why do doctors need to know our weight?

    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before.

    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com



    Ep 704: Fatphobia, Weight Loss As A Cure All

    Ep 704: Fatphobia, Weight Loss As A Cure All

    Will losing weight make me healthy? Is my doctor practicing outdated science? Is my doctor hurting me? Does the BMI tell me if I am healthy? Why does my doctor want to put me on ozempic/semiglutide to lose weight? Is there a cure for being fat? Do fat people need to be cured? Why does my doctor only look at my weight and not my health? Why doesn't my doctor believe me? What does the latest research say about obesity and health? Why do doctors focus on weight? Why is it so hard to get insurance to cover ozempic?


    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before.

    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com 

    Ep 703: Fatphobia, systemic racism, patriarchy, cultural stigma and norms

    Ep 703: Fatphobia, systemic racism, patriarchy, cultural stigma and norms

    Is fatphobia racist? Is fatphobia prejudice? Is the medical system practicing racism by vilifying obesity? Do people of color get worse medical care? Is my doctor actually helping me? How can I tell if my doctor is biased? Is BMI meant for women? What are the racist origins of fatphobia? Are doctors and clinicians participating in harming and marginalizing people seeking help? What are concrete steps to dismantling systems of oppression?Do doctor's and clinician's ethical oaths include anti-racism?

    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before.

    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com 

    Ep 702: Fatphobia, The Obesity Crisis, & The Medias Portrayal

    Ep 702: Fatphobia, The Obesity Crisis, & The Medias Portrayal

    Is there an obesity crisis? Is TV and social media fatphobic? Is public health information wrong about being fat? Did the war on obesity work? Why was there a war on obesity? Why do people hate fat people? Does social media and tv still represent old problematic beliefs that aren't actual science? Why should we be careful trusting fatphobic public figures? Why should obesity be a social justice issue?

    *retraction/correction: 7min 10 seconds the BMI DOES change with age

    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before.

    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com 

    Ep 701: Fatphobia How Doctors & Clinicians Can Help

    Ep 701: Fatphobia How Doctors & Clinicians Can Help

    What is fatphobia? Why does fatphobia matter? Why is fatphobia so prevalent? What can doctors and clinicians do about it? Is the BMI real? Is the BMI even science? What are concrete solutions and steps that could help improve the medical system and our relationships with Doctors and Clinicians?

    Guru Shabd, LMFT and Tresla, Advocate and Public Speaker get into this with collected peer reviewed journal research and even more passion than before.

    All cited sources found at yesandbodypolitics.com

    Insta: @yesandbodypolitics.com

    TikTok: yesandbodypolitics

    Email: yesandbodypolitic@gmail.com



    Ep 614: Know When to Take a Break

    Ep 614: Know When to Take a Break
    This week we talk about self compassion. When is it important to recognize our limits and prioritize certain needs. It can be hard, but changing the world, building a business, or being your best self is a long process. You need to make sure you can handle the marathon, not just the sprint. You deserve rest and respite. You deserve to celebrate even the smallest of victories. We will see you in season 7. We love you!

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz)

    Ep 613: Why Are Doctors Fat Phobic?

    Ep 613: Why Are Doctors Fat Phobic?
    How do you feel when you think about doctors visits? Are you filled with dread, excitement, anxiety? Join us as Guru Shabd talks about her recent experience, and how we can take care of ourselves and our bodies even when “authorities” are telling us the opposite. 

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz)

    Ep 612: I Feel Ugly

    Ep 612: I Feel Ugly

    This week we get VULNERABLE! How do we deal with feeling ugly and unattractive, when despite our best intentions, it feels impossible? Join us as we practice being gentle with ourselves and each other, and try to navigate difficult feelings we often leave unsaid.

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz)

    Ep 611: AITA Others Shitty Opinions

    Ep 611: AITA Others Shitty Opinions
    AITA Body positive edition continues with uncovering how other peoples beliefs, comments and attitudes can change and form our opinions about ourselves. Join us as we talk about and ask: Ways family, friends and even strangers can add to the self loathing that hurts us and what if we didn’t have to internalize other peoples issues, and we just got to be our authentic self?

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz)


    Ep 610: AITA Hurt People Hurt Others

    Ep 610: AITA Hurt People Hurt Others
    Am I the asshole body positive edition continues as we talk about how people who are hurting hurt people. What happens when we have internalized our trauma and never work on it? Join us as we review some doozies, and thank a 17 year old for being incredible BOPO advocate!

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz)

    Ep 609: AITA Fat Fashion & Friends

    Ep 609: AITA Fat Fashion & Friends

    It's 2022 Baby!!! Tresla & Guru Shabd are back (and so is our friend Mercury Retrograde)! AITA body positive edition continues as we talk about pandemic doldrums, shopping, sizing autonomy, plus size small businesses, and fast fashion. Who knows your body and victories better than you?


    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics, @curvykimchi, @grrshubz

    Ep 608: Body Shaming and The Holidays

    Ep 608: Body Shaming and The Holidays

    We are pausing ATA and we're talking about the fall and winter holidays, (all of them). We talk about the things that are challenging or triggering, like having family comment on our bodies and food, or the overwhelming weight loss messaging we expect with the New Year. Join us as we discuss how can you protect yourself, remember your worth and advocate for what you need when your family is less than on board with your choices.

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics, @curvykimchi, @grrshubz

    Ep 607: AITA Eating Disorders & Toxic Traits

    Ep 607: AITA Eating Disorders & Toxic Traits

    Am I the asshole body positive edition continues as we talk about toxic behavior during the holiday season. How do you feel about Bill Maher encouraging fat shaming? Do you know toxic relationship trait red flags? Join us as we talk about ARFID, and how people can be cruel around food needs they just don't understand.

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics, Tresla (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd (@grrshubz)

    Resources: AITA, Bill Maher, Red Flags

    Ep 606: AITA Dating A Fat Girl (Ft: @MandaPaints)

    Ep 606: AITA Dating A Fat Girl (Ft: @MandaPaints)

    Am I the asshole body positive edition continues with our special guest Amanda Lee. Join us as we talk about self respect, our need to defend our fat to strangers, the culture of fat phobia, and navigate dating, health and living in joy.


    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz), Amanda Lee (@mandapaints)

    Ep 605: AITA Fat Shamed in a Relationship

    Ep 605: AITA Fat Shamed in a Relationship

    Am I the asshole body positive edition continues as we talk a lot about terrible relationships, manipulative situationships, unhealthy marriages and mean siblings. Join us as we remind ourselves of our worth and making sure we are being treasured and cared for as we deserve!

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz)

    Ep 604: AITA Do I Need To Tell People I'm Fat?

    Ep 604: AITA Do I Need To Tell People I'm Fat?

    Am I the asshole body positive edition continues as we navigate self image and how we allow others to dictate our worth. Why do we have to keep proving our worth and choices? Join us as we discuss dating expectations, weight loss challenges, and fat phobic triggering bullies in the work place.

    Follow us on Instagram: @yesandbodypolitics

    Producers: Tresla Friedrick (@curvykimchi), Guru Shabd Khalsa (@grrshubz)