
    Your Fertility Hub

    Uniquely focusing on the emotional side of infertility and providing you with information, tools and support to enhance your fertility and make your journey a more positive one. Tune into the Your Fertility Hub podcast for interviews, stories and tips to help you feel more supported, empowered and informed AND improve your chances of conceiving by learning all about the power of mind-body tools to boost your natural fertility. Hosted by international fertility coach, Karenna Wood, each podcast brings you new insight from the exciting world of mind-body medicine for fertility. At Your Fertility Hub.com, you can browse all the articles, interviews and inspiring stories and join the FREE toolbox members area and community where you can find exclusive mind-body tools and techniques for fertility.
    enKarenna Wood64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    EP62 - Multiple Pathways & Perspectives

    EP62 - Multiple Pathways & Perspectives

    Exclusively letting you in on one of our Toolbox favourites - our monthly mindset moments! Each month in our infertility support app (Your Fertility Toolbox), we release a new audio challenging your mindset or a new meditation/relaxation track. These are one of the most popular items in our Toolbox!

    This month we’re sharing this with you on the podcast!! Today we’re challenging you to open up to multiple pathways and perspectives on your fertility journey. Even when you can’t change a situation, you can change how you think and respond to it.

    Listen in for some examples, practical ways to go about it and to learn how to be curious and allow new ideas, ways of thinking and solutions to come to you.

    EP61 - Building resilience during infertility - 3 simple ways

    EP61 - Building resilience during infertility - 3 simple ways

    Resilience isn’t just about getting naturally stronger as you endure the horrendous ups and downs of infertility. That’s just endurance! Here are 3 practical ways you can build yourself up to feel stronger and better able to cope with the fertility storm!

    Learn from international fertility coach, Karenna Wood, about 3 simple ways you can become more resilient and also happier and more positive too!

    Find more tools, community and support in the Your Fertility Toolbox app - get supported and let us help you find your way through and out of infertility! https://yourfertilityhub.com/toolbox/

    EP60 - Fertility Yoga - The basics

    EP60 - Fertility Yoga - The basics

    Fertility yoga combines the mind and body. It can help you truly relax in a way that other techniques just can't - helping you move emotions and thoughts by moving your body. Bringing you that calm, peaceful mind you crave.

    Meet Deb, our new resident yoga teacher at Your Fertility Hub, who brings us new classes every month into our wellness support app - Your Fertility Toolbox.

    We talk about how to get started, what gear you need and what you can expect from our classes.

    Get excited and join us with a 30-day free trial of the Your Fertility Toolbox app. Find out more at https://yourfertilityhub.com/toolbox/

    EP59 - "I was a lost cause!" Bethany's story

    EP59 - "I was a lost cause!" Bethany's story

    Born with a crippling uterine birth defect (nonvascular uterine septum) and severe endometriosis. After seven miscarriages, eight surgeries, a false Asherman's Syndrome diagnosis, failed frozen IVF, experimental endometrial lining therapy and deep mental health struggles, Bethany finally conceived and delivered her daughter in 2016.

    Now she shares her story of feeling like a lost cause to inspire others. Despite the uterine septum and many other significant challenges, she conceived against all the odds. 

    Tune in for hope, inspiration and one hell of a story!

    “I literally delivered my fully-formed baby dead in a bedpan by myself.” 

    In this episode:

    Uterine Septum

    The realities of miscarriage

    The deep impact of miscarriage

    Asherman Syndrome - nearly

    Failed Frozen IVF (FET)

    Endometrial lining therapy

    The mental health and relationship struggles caused by infertility 

    You may also like:

    EP51 - Getting real and raw about miscarriage with Sam - https://yourfertilityhub.com/podcast-51-miscarriage-support/ 

    EP11 - Rememberance for miscarriage and baby loss - https://yourfertilityhub.com/podcast-11-remembrance-for-miscarriage-and-baby-loss/

    EP37 - Bianca’s strategies for surviving infertility - https://yourfertilityhub.com/podcast-37-bianca-surrogacy/ 

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Your Fertility Toolbox - Free resources, tools and exclusive community for emotional support during infertility - https://yourfertilityhub.com/toolbox/ 

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/yourfertilityhub

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yourfertilityhub/

    Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com.au/yourfertilityhub/ 

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjEG761nvI3WNT9J3j0IYw 

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2

    EP58 - Finding balance during infertility

    EP58 - Finding balance during infertility

    Find out about the incredible benefits of acupuncture and chinese medicine during infertility with Michelle Oravitz from the Wholesome Lotus.

    Today’s guest is the wonderful Michelle Oravitzfrom the Wholesome Lotus in Miami, Florida. We chat about the amazing benefits of acupuncture she personally experienced through TCM and how she changed her career and now helps others improve their health. 

    We talk specifically about her specialist area of fertility and how she beneficial acupuncture has been for so many of her clients.

    Balance is tricky to achieve during infertility, however acupuncture is always seeking to return you to overall balance - it aids you in supporting both your mind and body to work towards this. 

    In this episode:

    • Meet Michelle Oravitz and hear her story of how acupuncture radically changed her gynaecological health
    • How acupuncture works for fertility
    • Does acupuncture work for fertility?
    • Finding balance during infertility
    • The amazing benefits of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine
    • Ways to achieve balance 

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    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. 

    EP57 - Corinne's live fertility coaching call

    EP57 - Corinne's live fertility coaching call

    We’re excited to be able to share with you a live fertility coaching call with one of our spotlight members - Corinne.

    Normally these, like everything in our Toolbox app, are kept private to members only. However, kindly Corinne has allowed us to share her call to inspire and help others.

    Each month in the Your Fertility Toolbox app, we feature a member in a spotlight member call. We know how important hearing other people’s stories are so we showcase these in various ways. The spotlight member call is really special as you get to listen in to the recommendations and suggested tools given to each member and apply them to yourself!

    Fertility coaching is action-orientated which differs from fertility counselling. It means we get specific and are forward-facing rather than mostly looking backwards.

    It’s incredibly successful in helping women improve their mindset, hope and positivity during infertility.

    The 'Your Fertility Toolbox' app is a coaching-orientated wellness space for women going through infertility. Access hundreds of mind and body tools, regular events and dedicated support from fertility coaches, experts and mentors.

    This month, you can join as a VIP member for free using the discount code ‘MARCHMADNESS’ - giving you your first month free (normally $19 per month). Learn more and join us here.

    In this episode:

    • Corinne shares her highly-relatable story of waiting to have kids then realising it wasn’t going to be easy to conceive
    • Hear her journey through IVF and where she is at now
    • Corinne talks of her struggles with comparisons to others and we discuss specific strategies she can use to support herself
    • We talk about planning for results and how she will communicate with her partner around it
    • Find out about her ‘optimistic boots!’

    You may also like:

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    • Your Fertility Toolbox - Free resources, tools and exclusive community for emotional support during infertility.  Use code ‘MARCHMADNESS’ to get your first month of VIP membership for free.

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/yourfertilityhub

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yourfertilityhub/

    Pinterest -https://www.pinterest.com.au/yourfertilityhub/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjEG761nvI3WNT9J3j0IYw 

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility.

    EP56 - Dealing with pregnancy announcements during infertility

    EP56 - Dealing with pregnancy announcements during infertility

    Pregnancy announcements can be so debilitating when you’re trying to conceive. It feels like everyone around you is getting pregnant (easily!) and you are the only one. 

    They can send you spiralling into days of sadness and tears and worst of all they can be sprung on you at any moment seemingly from all directions. 

    It’s time to take back control. Yes, we can’t control others getting pregnant but we can set some boundaries, learn more compassion for ourselves and use some mindset tools to help cope in a better way.

    Listen in as Karenna chats you through her top tips to help you deal with pregnancy announcements during infertility or read our blog on the topic too!

    In this episode:

    • Setting boundaries
    • Developing a ‘how to tell me’ plan
    • The pain of avoiding friends and social situations
    • Validating your feelings
    • Being compassionate with yourself and others
    • Practical tools to help you cope better

    You may also like:

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

    EP55 - Just the inspiration you need - FREE motivational audio for infertility

    EP55 - Just the inspiration you need - FREE motivational audio for infertility

    In the first episode of 2021, we’re here to inspire and motivate you for your fertility journey.

    Some days are hard and so dark. Don’t give up.

    Infertility is temporary, you will get through this.

    Listen to this motivational audio when it all feels too much. 

    In this episode:

    • A motivational audio for infertility 

    You may also like:

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

    EP54 - Coping with lack of control during infertility

    EP54 - Coping with lack of control during infertility

    Infertility = a total lack of control!

    It can often be the first time you’ve felt in a complete tailspin but how do you cope. In this episode, we talk through some top tips for coping better with the feelings of lack of control.

    Karenna talks through alternative ways you can find solidity and security, dealing with overwhelm, the power of movement, mindfulness and gratitude and lastly why relinquishing some control can be good for the soul!

    Karenna shares a story of one VIP member in the Toolbox (our amazing emotional support and wellbeing app) where she went through an IVF cycle doing all the right things - she gave up foods, she took the right supplements, didn’t over-exercise etc and she still got a negative. Afterwards, she felt so out of control - like nothing she did could impact the result.

    After joining the Toolbox and learning some practical tools through our unique IVF Thrive materials - she experienced her next cycle very differently. She focused on life outside IVF, enjoyment and nurturing herself and relationships and guess what - this cycle was successful. 

    Learning to live differently is key. Listen in for tips on how you can live differently through infertility and how this can help you find your way out! 

    In this episode:

    • How to cope with lack of control during infertility
    • The importance of validating what you feel
    • Dealing with overwhelm
    • Relinquishing some control
    • Finding solace in others
    • The power of mindfulness, gratitude and movement
    • A story of hope when control was relinquished

    You may also like:

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

    EP53 - A story of love, loss and IVF

    EP53 - A story of love, loss and IVF

    Listen to Monica’s heartbreaking journey through 5 IVF cycles, miscarriage and stillbirth. We talk about love, loss and how you can make IVF a better experience through planning and key tools. 

    We love sharing fertility stories and are excited to share Monica’s journey through successful IVF cycles and sadly how 2 cycles ended in loss.

    We talk openly about baby loss and how this affected Monica and her relationship. 

    As an IVF Support Coach following her experiences, Monica shares her tips to journey through IVF in a better way. 

    In this episode:

    • Monica’s fertility story
    • Multiple IVF cycles
    • Stillbirth
    • Early miscarriage
    • The effect of grief on relationships
    • Tips to weather the storm of IVF
    • 2WW tips
    • Colouring Mandalas for IVF

    You may also like:

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

    EP52 - Wellbeing DURING infertility

    EP52 - Wellbeing DURING infertility

    It’s time to focus on you.

    You’re hurting, you’re sad, you’re suffering- You’re not ok!

    Your focus is purely on ‘baby’ but what about you?

    We talk about how it’s hard to accept that you need to look after yourself during infertility, that wellbeing DURING infertility is so important. 

    Not only can it help you reach your goal (check out all the research listed on our website!) but it helps make the journey better and that’s important too.

    Tune in and get inspired to take action to improve how you journey through infertility and change your reality NOW even whilst TTC.

    In this episode:

    • Karenna gets real about why we can’t accept we need emotional support
    • “You’re not fine”
    • The hurt, the suffering, the pain - but you keep going
    • How you can have big shifts in how you feel NOW even whilst trying to conceive
    • Call to arms - take one action today for YOU

    You may also like:

    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

    EP51 - Getting real and raw about miscarriage

    EP51 - Getting real and raw about miscarriage

    Every tale of miscarriage is unique. But what is sadly the same throughout most stories is the lack of miscarriage support.

    Sam and the team at Pink Elephants are on a mission to change that!

    Following her own experience of feeling alone, confused and traumatised by her miscarriages, Sam co-founded and runs the wonderful Pink Elephants support organisation which focuses purely on miscarriage support - peer support, research, online resources, events, lobbying and so many more things on her list. 

    In this podcast episode, we chat to Sam about her miscarriage experiences, the emotions that follow and how she is determined to change the narrative around miscarriage to improve the experience for the 1 in 4 women who will go through this. 

    Hear how she opens up about her very recent miscarriage and actually following this interview took a month off work - finally recognising she needed some time to heal and recover in order to be able to help others. 

    Karenna shares about the new partnership between Your Fertility Hub and Pink Elephants which strives to provide more specific miscarriage support for those going through infertility and how some of the amazing Pink Elephants resources are now available in the Your Fertility Toolbox app. 

    In this episode:

    • How important miscarriage support is
    • Sam’s personal journey through miscarriage
    • Why the current system of miscarriage support is either non-existent or not working
    • How we can change the narrative around miscarriage
    • Why we shouldn’t wait 12 weeks to announce our pregnancies
    • The big plans for Pink Elephants

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    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Connect with us on social media:

    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. 

    EP50 - We're starting a caring revolution!!!

    EP50 - We're starting a caring revolution!!!

    In today's podcast, I'm getting pretty honest and I open about how I feel we're just not valuing emotional support enough on an individual level and within the fertility industry. In my view, emotional support should be a core component of anyone's fertility journey - everyone should have access to support and ways to make them feel better. 

    So I'm calling it and starting 'a caring revolution' where we place value on the emotional side of going through infertility. Listen in to find out more! 💕

    In this episode:

    • Celebrating Episode 50 
    • How I wept and shouted ‘Why the **** doesn’t everyone know this?’ before I started Your Fertility Hub
    • We’ve come far, but no where near far enough
    • Women aren’t valuing the role of their emotions and emotional wellbeing on an individual level
    • As an industry and society, we’re not valuing the major impact emotional support can have on anyone going through infertility
    • The caring revolution starts now!

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    Links mentioned in the podcast:

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2

    EP49 - Fertility Treatment: The importance of emotional support

    EP49 - Fertility Treatment: The importance of emotional support

    Hear from fertility specialist Dr Gad Lavy and relationship therapist Samantha Lavy about the importance of emotional support during fertility treatment and how they are making it a priority in their clinics. 

    It’s a fact - the take up of in-clinic counselling or therapy is very low. In Australia, it’s mandatory to offer counselling but clinics vary in their approach and promotion of this.  

    In this interview with the amazing couple, Dr Gad and Samantha Lavy, from the New England Fertility Institute and JSRC, they chat with us about their unique approach and understanding of the importance of emotional support during fertility treatment. 

    In this episode:

    • A call to arms to talk with your clinic about the emotional support they offer and ask for more!
    • Dr Gad Lavy shares the challenges of going through infertility treatment and impact on relationships
    • We talk about the importance of emotional support during fertility treatment and how this should be prioritised by the industry and individuals

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2

    EP48 - East meets west with Dr Jill Blakeway of Yinova

    EP48 - East meets west with Dr Jill Blakeway of Yinova

    Amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York, we chat to the wonderful Jill Blakeway to find out more about the integration of eastern and western philosophies for fertility. 

    In this episode, we learn about the importance of balance, setting clear goals for therapy and the success of the integration of acupuncture particularly for IVF success.

    Listen in to hear Jill’s tips and for more information, she details her approach in her best-selling book ‘Making Babies’ - https://amzn.to/3aThUOU 

    In this episode:

    • The story of how acupuncture and Chinese medicine have been gradually accepted and now integrated into infertility
    • The research behind the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for fertility
    • A structured approach to working with clients and how setting tangible goals helps both the practitioner and the client
    • How anyone can take the principles of finding balance and apply these in their life
    • The importance of emotional support during infertility 

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2

    Infertility game-changer

    Infertility game-changer

    Your Fertility Hub is on a mission! We believe everyone should have access to emotional support and today’s podcast shares with you our new app - Your Fertility Toolbox. A complete fertility wellness centre on your phone. Access our private community, a huge toolbox of resources, fertility coaching, regular events and guest experts - all in one place.  

    This isn’t like other infertility support groups or free downloads - this is incredibly comprehensive, backed by scientific research and focusing on positivity, light and inspiration. 

    We’re here to walk with you through the ups and downs of infertility and show you how you can use mind-body tools to make you feel better now (yes, even whilst TTC) and optimise your natural fertility. 

    We want to help you get into the best possible place to get pregnant, either naturally or through treatment and to give you the tools and techniques you need to do that. 

    The web-based app has been created by award-winning fertility coach, Karenna Wood, who has collaborated with some amazing guest experts from all over the world to bring you a curated selection of the best emotional and physical wellness tools for fertility. No longer do you have to trawl the internet - come to the app for a safe space for information, community and direct message coaching. 

    Through the app, you can message Karenna directly for support (as a monthly member) and connect with others and message them too. Everyone’s asked to fill in their fertility story in their profile upon joining so you can read other stories and connect with people in your area or going through the same things as you. 

    It’s completely free to join and once joined if you want to access the full toolbox, monthly events and direct message coaching, click one of the premium folders in the Toolbox to upgrade to a monthly member. 

    With no contracts and incredible value, what are you waiting for? This could be just what you need to find your way through and out of infertility!

    In this episode:

    • Karenna shares with you her dream for all women TTC
    • The new Toolbox app
    • The private community
    • What’s in the Toolbox
    • Guest experts and what they’ve provided
    • Monthly events
    • Direct message coaching
    • Focus on positivity, light and inspiration, not information in the community
    • How to join Your Fertility Toolbox

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2

    EP47 - Is this the new way to beat infertility?

    EP47 - Is this the new way to beat infertility?

    Dr Ali Domar is a world-renowned Harvard scientist and scholar who has devoted her career to helping couples live through infertility in a better way and ‘lots of pregnancies are the happy result’ she says.

    In this episode, we find out what mind and body means, how it can help you get pregnant and hear many stories about couples who’ve conceived despite all the odds after going through her mind body programs for infertility. 

    We chat to her about how she started out in this field and how over the years she has created a wealth of experience and scientific studies into the impact of mind body programs on infertility patients.

    Dr Domar was fundamental in setting up the Domar Centre for Mind Body Health and is the director of Mind Body programs at Boston IVF. 

    We delve into what ‘mind body programs for infertility’ comprise, what makes them successful and how you can apply some of these techniques in your own lives. 

    We talk about the complex relationship between stress and infertility and why relaxation is a central component of the mind body programs for infertility patients. 

    Dr Domar shares the complexities of natural pregnancy and IVF success rates but how over the years, her research has consistently demonstrated a doubling of these rates when mind body programs are employed. 

    Together we champion how everyone going through infertility should have access to these programs and how clinics should be taking their part in offering these. 

    Karenna also alludes to the new digital program she is launching soon - Your Fertility Toolbox - which is based on the excellent work and studies Dr Domar has undertaken over the last 30 years. 

    In this episode:

    • Dr Domar - how she started out working in infertility
    • How the mind body program was born (from women uncontrollably crying when she told them they couldn’t participate in her study)
    • What she has learned about the mind body connection and how this impacts pregnancy rates 
    • Stories from women and couples who have gone through the mind body programs for infertility patients in Boston
    • The future of mind body programs - the apps she developed (Ferti Calm and Ferti Strong) and the new Your Fertility Toolbox app being launched by Your Fertility Hub

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2

    EP46 - A fertility story you can't miss!

    EP46 - A fertility story you can't miss!

    This infertility story is so incredible, it’s almost unbelievable. Shen and her husband battled through 6 recurrent miscarriages, international surrogacy, change of laws mid-way through and then miraculously got pregnant naturally, TWICE! Hear it all here

    We’ve had many incredible fertility stories featured on the Your Fertility Hub podcast, but I think Shen’s is one of the most courageous stories that demonstrates their willingness to NEVER GIVE UP!

    Following the pain of 6 recurrent miscarriages, culminating in a week-long miscarriage where she gave birth to her fetus at home alone - they knew they had to look for another way. Following the miscarriages, international surrogacy with their own egg and sperm seemed the best way forward. 

    At the time, Thailand was the best option for international surrogacy from Australia and Shen tells of all the ups and downs, crazy running around for medication, flights and timing it all. 

    When in Thailand after the birth, disaster struck. Another couple decided to only take one of their twins back home, not only leaving their other baby but also a country in complete lockdown over surrogacy. Everything stopped. Shen and her husband were staying in a hotel will dozens of other parents with surrogate babies - all at different stages. As their son was a full genetic child of theirs, they were allowed home with their baby but they were one of the lucky ones. 

    When thoughts turned to having a sibling, they steeled themselves for the long journey ahead. Unbeknownst to Shen, her husband had been researching options. He didn’t want to go back to the days of recurrent miscarriages, international surrogacy was again the answer and his research led them to Russia.

    Just as they were collecting together winter clothes to cope with the minus 20-40 degree chill in Russia, Shen’s Mum planted a seed in her mind - what if she could conceive and carry a pregnancy naturally? As they’d never had trouble getting pregnant, Shen quickly conceived but never believed it would hold. 

    Continually delaying their trip to Russia as the pregnancy progressed, they still never relaxed believed this was possible. Drama ensued at 31 weeks when Shen awoke covered in blood - they feared the worst. Somehow, she managed to hold on to her little boy until 38 weeks.

    Even more miraculously, they then went on to have a little girl completely naturally too. 

    In this interview, Shen opens up about this incredible story of recurrent miscarriages, international surrogacy and how amazing it was to carry and give birth to two children after their earlier ordeals. She shares how she coped and her advice for anyone else out there struggling right now. 

    Finally, Karenna asks all listeners to join the FREE Fertility Toolbox so they are the first to hear about the upcoming launch of our new ‘Your Fertility Toolbox’ app and how it can support you to find a better way to live through infertility. 

    In this episode:

    • How they battled through 6 recurrent miscarriages before looking at other options
    • IVF couldn’t help them
    • International surrogacy options for Australians
    • The process of international surrogacy with your genetic child in Thailand
    • Coincidences and how the stars aligned for them
    • The brutal change of law in Thailand that nearly stopped them bringing their baby home
    • Investigating surrogacy in Russia for baby number 2
    • The idea that she could carry a pregnancy to term turned into a reality
    • How they went on to have 2 natural pregnancies
    • Talking to your child about surrogacy
    • Advice for anyone going through infertility right now

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

    EP45 - Tara's story of Everlasting Hope

    EP45 - Tara's story of Everlasting Hope

    Tara’s journey began like many others - trying from month to month with no success. Finally a positive pregnancy test but then miscarriage shattered their hopes. 

    Living in a rural town in North Dakota, they kept quiet about their silent heartbreak and progressed through more appointments and rounds of IUIs. Each failure adding to their sadness and the mileage on their car with doctors being over 2 hours drive away. 

    Everything seemed to be going against them. As a nurse herself, Tara was only too well what the numbers meant. Sometimes being a medical practitioner going through infertility can be an advantage - you can interpret your results, you know the right people and you can anticipate the next steps. However, sometimes this increased knowledge can go against you emotionally.

    In the end, they decided to take a break which coincided with a fabulous career opportunity for Tara - a fellowship in Washington (which would prove really helpful later on…!)

    The break really helped and renewed they progressed and their Everlasting Hope paid off - they conceived a healthy baby boy. 

    We chat about the drama of a placental rupture at 32 weeks, an emergency caesarean and how she felt during this pregnancy after the 3 years of infertility. 

    Infertility never really left Tara and inspired by the need for more local fertility support and information she put forward a bill in Washington and formed the not-for-profit ‘Everlasting Hope’. 

    Everlasting Hope was created to reach out to the general community in support of North Dakota infertility patients. Everlasting Hope strives to provide assistance to patients who must pay out-of-pocket for prescribed medical care and to raise awareness that that Infertility is a treatable medical condition and that the community as a whole benefit when these patients have access to medical care.

    Finally, we chat together about how we wish that emotional support was woven into every couple’s fertility journey and how Your Fertility Hub is on a mission to make that happen.

    Karenna asks all listeners to join the FREE Fertility Toolbox so they are the first to hear about the upcoming launch of our new emotional support programs aiming to address this need. 

    In this episode:

    • The shock of miscarriage
    • Failed IUIs
    • Being a nurse suffering from infertility
    • The extra stress of rural infertility and travelling to appointments
    • Taking a break from all the fertility stuff
    • Eventually conceiving a healthy baby boy
    • Inspired by her fertility journey she created Everlasting Hope

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility. https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/your-fertility-hub/id1281991003?mt=2 

    EP44 - Coping strategies for infertility

    EP44 - Coping strategies for infertility

    In this episode, international fertility coach Karenna Wood discusses 8 strategies you can use to help you cope better and feel stronger during your fertility journey.

    Right now the world is trying to cope with the pressures of Coronavirus and life in isolation. The pandemic is really taking a toll on people’s mental health. 

    Just as this crisis puts the spotlight on emotional wellbeing, this episode sheds light on the importance of looking after your mental health during infertility and especially during the pandemic, which has caused added extra stress and worry. 

    In this episode, Karenna draws on her experience as an international fertility coach and expert in positive psychology and therapy for infertility, to bring you 8 different strategies you can use to cope better on your fertility journey. 

    She discusses the goal of ‘healthy coping’ - not just managing or keeping a lid on it and how building up your resilience can have wide-ranging effects on your emotional wellbeing and can actually impact your fertility too. 

    “When you’re stronger, you’re better able to think clearly and affect change in your environment so how we feel impacts our actions. Studies show that optimists actually function better than pessimists.”

    Karenna discusses the important role optimism can play in coping better and how you can and should feel optimistic about your chances of conceiving despite setbacks and disappointments to date. 

    Tune in to hear top ways you can build your resilience and keep fighting your infertility!

    In this episode:

    • Why we need coping strategies now more than ever amidst the pandemic
    • Why coping better is important
    • What is ‘healthy coping’
    • The role of optimism in building resilience
    • How optimism can help you function better and problem solve
    • Activities you can do to help you cope better and feel more positive whilst TTC

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    Join us on social media for our regular inspiration and information and so much more!

    For more insight, subscribe to the show for regular episodes and please leave a review on i-tunes so we can share the message and help more women find their way through and out of infertility.