
    Your Good Body Podcast

    Your Good Body is a podcast dedicated to cultivating a better relationship with our bodies. So often we think of having a "good body" in terms how our bodies look. In reality though, we become at peace with our bodies by cultivating a better relationship with the woman in the mirror. Your body is GOOD (strong, intelligent, capable, you name it!) right now, today, without changing one single thing! Find freedom with food, movement and actual health and wellness without the emphasis on the size, shape, or composition of your body. Leave each episode feeling refreshed and one notch closer loving your good body.
    enJennifer Taylor Wagner60 Episodes

    Episodes (60)

    BOOKaversary! Here's what worked, what didn't, and my advice to someone who wants to be an Author!

    BOOKaversary! Here's what worked, what didn't, and my advice to someone who wants to be an Author!

    SURPRISE! It's a bonus episode! It's the one year anniversary for Your Good Body (the book!) coming into the world and I thought it'd be fun to record an episode where I spill the deets about all things book writing! 

    In this beefy episode I'm sharing:

    • What went well
    • What I'd do differently
    • What surprised me
    • What was really special, and
    • What advice I'd give to someone who wants to write a book of their own!

    At the very end I answer the burning question I know you'll be asking once you start listening!

    If you enjoy this one, send it to a friend who dreams of being an author!

    Order MY BOOK and start making peace with your body. 

    Enroll in my course Body Image Boot Camp to start living freely in your body. 

    Snag my Intuitive Eating Mini Course to learn all about it in a few hours time!

    Find me on Instagram @YourGoodBodyPodcast or @JenniferTaylorWagner

    Finding Contentment Exactly Where You Are In The Journey

    Finding Contentment Exactly Where You Are In The Journey

    Well this is the very LAST EPISODE of season two!! I can hardly believe it! What a great second season we have had! Today we're chatting about how we can become content with exactly where we are, and how we can even begin to apply that contentment to the way we see our bodies--even understanding that that does not mean we are at a stopping point. 

    Have a very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year and I'll see you right back here in January!

    ​​Grab my AS IS necklace as a gift to yourself or someone else!

    Order MY BOOK and start making peace with your body. 

    Enroll in my course Body Image Boot Camp to start living freely in your body. 

    Snag my Intuitive Eating Mini Course to learn all about it in a few hours time!

    Find me on Instagram @YourGoodBodyPodcast or @JenniferTaylorWagner

    Today I'm In The Hot Seat And My Hubby's The Host

    Today I'm In The Hot Seat And My Hubby's The Host

    Just a little flip-the-script action happening today! My hubby Phil took over and asked me all the things. He didn't tell me what he'd be asking me, OR what we'd even be talking about, but the conversation just flowed so smoothly and effortlessly. It was especially hilarious to hear him greet me the way I normally greet our guests, and to hear him close out the show. He did great though and I couldn't love this episode more!

    We talked about inflection points, pivoting and changing your mind in your health journey, and he also asked me if I ever feel like a hipocrite with what I do in the body space. Woah there, Phillip. I loved every second of it, and have already listened to this one a handful of times!

    Grab my AS IS necklace as a gift to yourself or someone else!

    Order MY BOOK and start making peace with your body. 

    Enroll in my course Body Image Boot Camp to start living freely in your body. 

    Snag my Intuitive Eating Mini Course to learn all about it in a few hours time!

    Find me on Instagram @YourGoodBodyPodcast or @JenniferTaylorWagner

    The Gifts Of Each Enneagram Type In Friendship - Carina Schoen

    The Gifts Of Each Enneagram Type In Friendship - Carina Schoen

    Today on the podcast we're hashing out the gifts that each Ennegram type carries and offers to the world around them! My friend Carina Schoen is a certified Enneagram Coach and she's walking us through all the ways that we can appreciate the special aspects of our friends and loved ones and also how we can see the unique gifts that we offer to the world around us. 

    Be sure to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW! And send this episode along to someone who might enjoy it! Thank youuuuu! 

    Find me on Instagram: @JenniferTaylorWagner and @YourGoodBodyPodcast

    Follow Carina on Instagram: @Carinaleeschoen

    Find Carina's Enneagram Resources HERE

    Dear Body, Thank You.

    Dear Body, Thank You.

    Need something to be thankful for? How about your body? Truth be told our bodies do so much to keep us alive every day, and we often spend our time being more hard on our bodies than grateful for them. So let's take less than five minutes to honor our bodies. To honor the story we've lived in our bodies. And to simply offer gratitude for what is. Happy Thanksgiving, friend!

    My course Undoing Diet Culture is having a MASSIVE Black Friday Sale, tap HERE to subscribe to my emails so you can hear all about it starting tomorrow!

    Are we friends on Instagram? Come find me! @YourGoodBodyPodcast and @JenniferTaylorWagner

    Give the gift of body freedom this year! Grab my book, Your Good Body...  HERE it is on Amazon!

    10 Things to do on Thanksgiving (Other Than Obsess About Your Body)

    10 Things to do on Thanksgiving (Other Than Obsess About Your Body)

    If you're used to spending your whole Thanksgiving day, week, month (etc!) worrying about what you'll eat, how you'll resist, what the scale might say, or how to actually enjoy the time with family and friends... this episode is for you. We're chatting about what you can do to take your mind off of the constant both anxieties you're used to experiencing. It's all about creating a new mental pathway so that you can do things differently this time. Because who wants to spend these next few days and weeks with body woes?! Not us!

    My course Undoing Diet Culture is having a MASSIVE Black Friday Sale, tap HERE to subscribe to my emails so you can hear all about it. 

    Are we friends on Instagram? Come find me! @YourGoodBodyPodcast and @JenniferTaylorWagner

    If you haven't read my book Your Good Body... You can grab that right HERE!

    A Holiday Season Full of Food Freedom - With Victoria Yates

    A Holiday Season Full of Food Freedom - With Victoria Yates

    Do you feel rising anxiety entering the holiday season because you're not sure how to navigate the food and festivities without guilt, shame, and feeling out of control? We see you. It's a real thing. When you've been struggling with body stuff for a long time, it can be tricky to come to place of freedom when you're dealing with a difficult and complicated relationship with food. In today's episode Victoria Yates is joining us, and she's giving us a real-time view of what it looks like to walk through the next few weeks with food freedom and intuive eating. This is ultra important for avoiding the trap of starting a new diet in the new year! 

    Another important little (but not so little) announcement is that next week I'm having a MASSIVE Black Friday sale! If you've been eyeing my courses and hoping to jump into the diet-free life... keep your eyes and ears open! I'll be emailing all the details next week, so subscribe HERE if you're not already getting my emails! And if you are, but haven't seen one in a while, be sure to check your junk folder in case it snuck its way into there! Either way, you're for REAL not gonna want to miss the Black Friday sale I've got in store for you!

    Are we friends on Instagram? I'd love for you to come say hello! Find me at @YourGoodBodyPodcast or @JenniferTaylorWagner

    Find our guest Victoria Yates on Instagram HERE.

    Grab Victoria's freebie HERE.

    You can also learn more about Victoria Yates and her other services by visiting her website HERE!

    Having a Conversation with God Through Prayer - Kayla Craig

    Having a Conversation with God Through Prayer -  Kayla Craig

    We've been talking a lot about prayer lately! Today I get to share with you a very special guest. Author of To Light Their Way, Kayla Craig is joining us to talk about how we can enter into the conversation that God is already having with us. No need to overthink this whole praying thing. God really just wants us to be with Him. As we quiet our hearts and reflect on who He is, the words will come. 

    You can download The Body Freedom Prayer HERE.

    Find Kayla Craig on Instagram 

    Find Jennifer on Instagram @YourGoodBodyPodcast or @JenniferTaylorWagner

    Read To Light Their Way

    Your Good Body Podcast
    enNovember 08, 2022

    The Body Freedom Prayer

    The Body Freedom Prayer

    BONUS EPISODE! Not sure what to pray when it comes to your body journey? How 'bout freedom? How 'bout wholeness? How 'bout the Word of God?

    In this episode, I'm sharing with you my own body freedom prayer. Jump ahead to the 3-minute mark to skip straight to the prayer!

    HERE is a printable .pdf version of the body freedom prayer! 

    Order my book: Your Good Body

    Find me on Instagram: @YourGoodBodyPodcast or @JenniferTaylorWagner

    The Power In Your Story - Erika J Foster

    The Power In Your Story - Erika J Foster

    Erika J Foster uses her story from a ski slope to help women through the challenging moments of life. How does she do that?! Well... that's the magic of sharing your story. In today's episode we're chatting about just how powerful your story is, and why. AND... where to even begin! Make sure you subscribe to the podcast and share this episode with a friend!

    HERE'S The Gallon Water Jug Erika & I Both Use

    Order your copy of Honest As A Mother HERE

    Find Erika on Instagram HERE

    Cultivating A Loving Relationship With Yourself - Sarajane Case, Enneagram & Coffee

    Cultivating A Loving Relationship With Yourself - Sarajane Case, Enneagram & Coffee

    The truth is that you're going to live the rest of your life with yourself. Sarajane Case joins us today to talk about the beauty in cultivating a loving relatinship with ourselves. We also talk about the different Enneagram types and how we can lean into the lower side of our personality rather than shy away from it. This is suchhh a beautiful conversation, and I know you'll enjoy it! 

    Find Sarajane On Instagram: www.instagram.com/sarajanecase

    Visit Her Weibsite: www.sarajanecase.com

    Order The Enneagram Letters: www.theenneagramletters.com

    Find Jennifer On Instagram: @YourGoodBodyPodcast

    The Magic In Your Story

    The Magic In Your Story

    Consider me your way-too-hype cheerleader today, my friend! I'm opening up about how sharing my story, years ago, led to utimately being able to help thousands of women in THEIRS! But I'm telling you that because I have a big, audacious, crazy challenge for YOU! Get ready to be inspired to shine! 


    Subscribe To Emails HERE

    Follow Along On Instagram: @jennifertaylorwagner and @yourgoodbodypodcast

    Share this episode with someone you love!

    Intuitive Eating Series - Principle 3: Give Yourself Unconditional Permission To Eat

    Intuitive Eating Series - Principle 3: Give Yourself Unconditional Permission To Eat

    That's right! We're talking about neutralizing foods, and giving ourselves unconditional permission to eat! There's an actual, pretty important, reason to do this! Today we're talking about how attaching morality to foods drives guilt, fear, and confusion about what to eat. But developing a good relationship with food will make decision making easy and effortless over time. Listen to all of our Intuitive Eating episodes!

    Enroll In The Intuitive Eating Mini Course


    Subscribe To My Emails HERE

    Follow On Instagram: @jennifertaylorwagner and @yourgoodbodypodcast

    Sometimes The Only Way Out Is Through

    Sometimes The Only Way Out Is Through

    You've heard this quote but Robert Frost right? It's SUCHHHH a good one, except it's not always that easy to digest! But today we're talking about going in circles in our body journey versus going through the journey and making our way to FREEDOM. 


    Subscribe To My Emails HERE

    Follow Me On Instagram @jennifertaylorwagner and @yourgoodbodypodcast


    Intuitive Eating Series - Principle 2: Honor Your Hunger

    Intuitive Eating Series - Principle 2: Honor Your Hunger

    Actually your body needs food. Like every single day. All day long. So instead of trying to hold off for as long as possible, or trying to ignore your hunger, or eating as little as possible, let's try honoring our hunger instead. In today's quickie episode we're talking about what hunger actually feels like and how you can re-awaken your awareness of hunger cues. Spoiler: Your body is sending you signals when it's time to eat. You may not be hearing them though. So let's dig into that so we can develop a better relationship with food and rebuild trust with our body. 

    Enroll in my Intuitive Eating Mini Course HERE

    Subscribe to my emails HERE

    Follow me on Instagram @JenniferTaylorWagner and @YourGoodBodyPodcast

    7 Body-Related Behaviors That Might Be Meeting A Deeper Need, with Brittany Braswell

    7 Body-Related Behaviors That Might Be Meeting A Deeper Need, with Brittany Braswell

    MAJOR GIVEAWAY STARTS TODAY!!!! Details inside the podcast episode!

    Today we're talking to Brittany Braswell who is passionate about helping women ditch chronic food and body obsession using a Christ-centered approach to help them overcome the lies of diet culture and rediscover their God-given identity.

    Brittany is a Registered Dietitian specialized in the treatment of eating disorders and body image.  She owns a Christ-centered coaching practice for Christian women ready to break free from the bondage of food guilt and body shame.

    You can learn more about Brittany here:

    Needs Assessment - www.brittanybraswellrd.com/needs

    Website - www.brittanybraswellrd.com

    IG - www.instagram.com/brittanybraswellrd (handle - @brittanybraswellrd)

    Facebook community - www.facebook.com/groups/christianwomeninrecovery

    Intuitive Eating Series: Principle 1 Ditch Diet Culture

    Intuitive Eating Series: Principle 1 Ditch Diet Culture

    Welcome to our quickie-episode series on Intuitive Eating! I'll be making my way through all ten principle of Intuitive Eating, and today we're talking about diet culture, the dieting mentality, and how it's actually sabotaging you. And then what to do instead. Because let's be serious, no one teaches us how to embrace health and be at peace with our bodies without dieting!

    Check out our other Intuitive Episodes:

    • Episode 6: Beginning Steps of Intuitive Eating
    • Episode 10: The Five Stages of Intuitive Eating
    • Episode 12: An Overview of the 10 IE Principles 
    • Episode 14: How Diet Culture Wrecks Your Body Image

    And if you want to enroll in my self-paced mini course on Intuitive Eating, head HERE to get started!

    We're Back! Here's How God Works In Our Body Journey

    We're Back! Here's How God Works In Our Body Journey

    Great news! God is not forcing you around like a big mean bully. He doesn't work that way. He's not going to magically zap your body OR your body image into alignment with Him, but what He WILL do is work within you as you walk out your freedom in Him. It's quite a beautiful thing. 

    In today's episode I'm giving you a little glimps of what's ahead on season two, and also sharing a little body image bible talk. 

    By the way, did you know you can access my FREE 7-day devotional on the YouVersion App? Download the app and search Body Imag God's Way! Or head HERE!

    Have you subscribed to my emails?! They're short and sweet but lots of fun! Head HERE to subsribe, and you'll also get my 21-day Dietr Detox Challenge!! 

    The WHY Behind Your Workout, With Keri Harvey

    The WHY Behind Your Workout, With Keri Harvey

    Believe it or not, the WHY behind our workout matters tremendously! If you struggle to enjoy moving your body, you're probably still holding on to some negative mindsets that are hindering you from experiencing the incredible health benefits that could make you feel absolutely amazing. And here's a hint: Your why doesn't need to have anything to do with getting a six-pack, or building your muscles, or ANY body-composition motive at all!

    Keri Harvey is a personal trainer, the owner of K Harvey Fit, and the host of Grace and Gains podcast. She hosts a beutiful Instagram community where she inspires us to move our bodies in ways that are specific to our individual body and needs.

    In this episode we're chatting about the drive behind our love (or lack thereof) of fitness, how we can get motivated to move, and how self-compassion can lead the way in our pursuit of an active lifestyle. 

    Grab my new book: Your Good Body!

    IG: @KHarveyFit @JenniferTaylorWagner

    Work With Keri HERE