
    Your Podcast Consultant

    Small Podcast lessons (less than 9 minutes) with big value to help you plan, launch, and grow your podcast from Hall of Fame Podcaster Dave Jackson
    enDave Jackson100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    8 Reasons Every Coach Should Have a Podcast

    8 Reasons Every Coach Should Have a Podcast

    Are you a coach wondering if starting a podcast is worth the effort? Look no further! Podcasting offers an array of compelling reasons for coaches to take the plunge and hit the airwaves. From establishing thought leadership and expanding reach to building trust and showcasing authenticity, a podcast can be a game-changer for coaches looking to make a mark in their industry. In this blog post, we'll explore the top reasons why coaches should consider launching a podcast and how it can benefit their coaching practice. Let's dive in and discover the exciting possibilities that await in the world of podcasting for coaches.


    When you join the School of Podcasting, you get:

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     Why Aren't You Using Podcasting For Your Coaching Business?

    • You Will Be Seen As a Thought Leader
    • You Reach a Global Audience to An Audience That is Growing
    • Build Your Trust and Credibility
    • Showcase Your Personality and Build Stronger Connections
    • Network: Talk to people you have no business talking to...
    • Continuing Education
    • Boost Your Ability to "Roll with the Punches"
    • Create leads who are better educated and ready to take action

    Is Your Podcast Not Growing? Is it Sick?

    Is Your Podcast Not Growing? Is it Sick?

    Don't Be Afraid of the Truth: The Value of Outside Opinions for Podcast Improvement

    On this episode of Your Podcast Consultant, Dave Jackson offers sage advice for aspiring and established podcasters. He discusses the importance of prioritizing a good podcast over advertising, seeking honest feedback, and improving based on listener input. Dave also talks about the role of word-of-mouth referrals in a podcast's success and cautions against assuming heavy marketing will guarantee success. Additionally, he shares personal anecdotes about his health and weight loss journey, as well as his experience as a podcast consultant.  Tune in for valuable insights and practical tips to make your podcast stand out in a crowded market.

    Key Points

    How Fear Almost Cost Me My Health

    Seeking an honest opinion about a podcast from people who aren't friends or family

    Caution in assuming that heavy marketing will guarantee success for a podcast

    You can't fix something if you aren't aware it's broken.


    "And none of my friends told me that Dave, you, you like are singing way outside your range. And so consequently, I couldn't fix it because nobody would tell me the truth."


    When you join the School of Podcasting, you get:

    Step-by-step tutorials

    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

    A 30-day money-back guarantee

    Join today at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/listener


    What Podcasters Can Learn from the Band Queen

    What Podcasters Can Learn from the Band Queen

    We've spoken about how ChatGPT can RUIN your integrity; well, it is stating that it is only going to get A LOT worse. This reminds me of the band Queen who made sure everyone who listened knew that what you were hearing was from a guitar, a piano, bass, drums and vocals. Their guitarist Brian May wanted people to know that the "outside the box" sounds were indeed his guitar.

    What does this have to do with Podcasting? 

    A podcast hosting company today put out a blog post explaining how "Podcasting had a discoverability issue in the 90's..." I bet it did as podcasting didn't really exist until 2004 (the technology existed around 2000 when Dave Winer and Adam Curry merged RSS and an enclosure tag). So do I believe anything from this host? Not anymore. They hired a robot. 

    I'm Not Anti ChatGPT

    I've used ChaptGPT to "brainstorm" a little or create a summary of an episode. For me (someone who doesn't have a hard time writing or coming up with content), it takes just as much time to rewrite a ChatGPT penned summary as it would to write it myself. 

    But chatgpt is going to get better, and I see this as the first drop of water from a giant flood that is going to drown us all in mediocre, long content that doesn't have any real takeaways. 

    So, in the same way that Queen had a "No Synths" line on their early albums, I may start putting "No AI Was Used During the Making of This Episode." 

    Why Are My Stat Numbers So Different?

    When you look at your download numbers from your media host like Libsyn Captivate, Buzzsprout, Blubrry, etc (see free course that compares them), and then look at your number in Podcasts Connect from Apple or Spotify for Podcasters, you will see where your numbers are much lower. Why?

    When you look at your numbers in your media host, you are seeing the activity from ALL the apps. When you login to Apple's dashboard, you are only seeing activity from the Apple Podcasts app. Likewise, Spotify's numbers will only show Spotify App listens/downloads. 

    In those portals, you get additional stats like how far people listen, the number of followers, and how far people have listened. 

    So to get the big picture, use your media host's numbers and to see how far people listen use the different app portals.


    When you join the School of Podcasting you get:

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    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

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    Mentioned In This Episode

    Libsyn (use coupon code sopfree to get 1 free month)




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    Cut Your Editing Time in Half Using AI Transcription Tools

    Cut Your Editing Time in Half Using AI Transcription Tools

    Many people think transcriptions are only for making it easy for the hearing impaired to consume your content (and that is ONE way you can use transcripts), but there are other ways to use transcriptions.

    Topics Covered

    • The use of robots in podcast production

    • AI tools for podcasting

    • Transcription services and their multiple uses

    • Closed captions in podcasting

    • Importance of proper use of transcripts and SEO

    Different Uses of Podcast Transcripts

    Transcripts can serve many different purposes in podcasting. Here are a few ways they can be used:
    1. Closed captions: Transcripts can be used to create closed captions, which improves accessibility for hearing-impaired audiences.
    2. Content editing: Transcripts can be used as a tool for editing podcast content. By reviewing the transcript, podcasters can identify areas of the episode that need improvement or clarification.
    3. Quote pulling: Transcripts can also be used to pull quotes from the episode for promotional or marketing purposes.
    4. SEO improvement: Transcripts can improve search engine optimization by providing text content that search engines can crawl and understand.
    5. Alternative content consumption: Some listeners prefer to read transcripts rather than listen to the entire episode, so transcripts can provide an alternative way for audiences to consume the content.

    It's important to note that unedited transcripts may not make sense and could actually hurt SEO if used for episode descriptions, so it's important to edit transcripts before using them for any purpose.

    An Evolving Space

    The one thing that is staying the same in this space is CHANGE. There were over 1000 tools based on AI released in April. So by the time you read this, the apps I'm mentioning will have added updates, and there will probably be updates in about 10 minutes. This makes it VERY hard (if not impossible) to pick a "Best one". Capsho has the highest price if you want all the bells and whistles, and CastMagic is the best deal right now with a lifetime deal on Appsumo.

    How I Saved 40 Minutes Editing One Episode

    I got permission to play a part of another podcast. I said, hey, can I take this clip from your show and play it in mine? And they're like, "Yeah, that's fine," except it was a 50-minute episode, and I couldn't remember where that clip was. I ran it up through Otter, had it, transcribed it, and I searched for the phrase I was looking for, and there it was.

    And I could see where it was near the end of the show. So I saved at least 40 minutes looking for a certain part of the episode that I would use.

    Show Edits In a Google Doc

    You could take your transcript, and in the Google Doc there is a highlighter, and you could mark your edits on the screen and share the link with your editor

    Easier to Spot "Pull Quotes"

    You can read an episode faster than listening to it, so when you are listening for pull quotes, you can spot these easier with transcripts.

    Mentioned In This Episode







    How to Avoid Sounding Stupid in a Podcast? Practice, Practice, Practice

    How to Avoid Sounding Stupid in a Podcast? Practice, Practice, Practice

    In this episode, Dave Jackson, the podcast consultant, draws a parallel between learning how to drive a car and starting a podcast. He observes that some aspiring podcasters struggle to figure out what to talk about and advises them not to worry about it too much. Instead, he recommends that they start recording themselves, either on their phone or with a basic microphone, to get comfortable being behind the microphone. He argues that, like learning to drive, starting a podcast is a process of gradually gaining confidence and skill, and that it's okay not to know where you want to go initially.

    It's OK TO Be Unsure

    Starting a podcast can be a daunting task, especially if you're not sure what you want to talk about. Many people feel the urge to get their voice out there, but they don't have a clear direction. This can be frustrating, as it can be difficult to get started when you don't have a plan. However, I believe that you should still get behind the microphone, even if you don't know what you want to talk about. 

    Just like learning to drive a car, it's important to get comfortable behind the wheel before you hit the open road. To do this, you can record into your phone or buy a microphone like a Samson Q2U for less than $100. This allows you to get used to speaking and recording without having to worry about releasing what you record.

    You can practice and delete recordings until you feel comfortable. 

    You Don't Have to Release Everything Your Record

    It's also important to remember that you don't have to put out everything you record. You don't want to release boring content, and it's okay to delete something if it's not up to par. I've been podcasting for 18 years, and I still listen to my recordings before I make them public. I recently had an issue where the music was too loud and I couldn't hear what I was saying, so I had to go back and fix it. 

    Overall, you don't have to be perfect when you start podcasting. Everyone learns at their own pace, and it's important to focus on your own progress. If you're stuck, there are plenty of resources out there to help you. I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you need help, and I'm here to be your podcast consultant. So don't be afraid to get behind the microphone and start podcasting confidently.


    When you join the School of Podcasting you get:

    Step-by-step tutorials

    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

    A 30-day money-back guarantee

    Join today at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/listener


    Your Podcast Consultant
    enApril 16, 2023

    What the Heck Are Podcast Show Notes?

    What the Heck Are Podcast Show Notes?

    As someone who has been helping people understand technology for over 20 years, I'm here to say words matter. Today I help you understand two confusing terms floating around the podcasting space so you can stop confusing your audience. 

    Show Notes

    Show notes is a phrase I'm going to swap out for "Episode Description." We know what a show is. We know what notes are, but your listener may not understand what it means when you put them together. Podcasters created this phrase, and most podcasters understand the phrase. Listeners may be a bit confused. If you add a little more clarity, they may avoid being confused. By calling the description of your episode the "Episode Description" may lead to less confusion.

    YouTube Podcast

    Youtube launched a "feature" to turn your YouTube playlist into a "Podcast." To this, I say, Just because there is a mouse in the cookie jar doesn't mean it's a cookie." You need an RSS feed to be a podcast. 

    Yes, YouTubers create content.
    But they are no podcasters. They are YouTubers.
    Technically we are all content creators.

    Mentioned In This Episode

    Profit From Your Podcast Book

    Capsho (AI Transcription)

    Swell AI (AI Transcription)


    When you join the School of Podcasting, you get:

    Step-by-step tutorials

    A private podcast mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters

    Unlimited one-on-one consulting (not a typo)

    A 30-day money-back guarantee

    Join today at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/listener



    00:00:08 - Words Matter (Opening) 
    00:00:53 - Show Notes 
    00:02:28 - The Most Upsetting Mistake 
    00:03:21 - What Else Do You Put In Your Episode Description? 
    00:03:52 - Google Wants GOOD Words 
    00:05:06 - AI Tools Need a Human Touch 
    00:05:24 - Your Episode Description is a Blog Post 
    00:06:13 - A Mouse in the Cookie Jar 
    00:07:47 - Embrace being a "Youtuber" 
    00:08:20 - Why Do I Care? 
    00:08:44 - Join the School of Podcasting 

    Dave Jackson: The Honest Podcast Consultant

    Dave Jackson: The Honest Podcast Consultant

    Podcasting is an exciting way to share your ideas and passions with the world. But if you’re looking to monetize your podcast, then you need to have an audience. Unfortunately, many aspiring podcasters think that just by podcasting for a certain amount of time, they will be able to make money. This is not the case.

    As Dave Jackson, the honest podcast consultant, explains, you can’t monetize dust. To make money from your podcast, you need to have a sizable audience. While there are some rare occasions where you can make money with a small audience, the reality is that most podcasters need at least 10,000 downloads per episode to attract big sponsors. Unfortunately, only 10% of podcasters get 10,000 downloads per episode.

    The good news is that there are other ways to monetize your podcast besides advertising. Affiliate marketing, crowdfunding, and donations are all viable options (see the book Profit From Your Podcast). You also don’t have to make money from your podcast. If you’re doing it for fun, that’s perfectly fine.

    The key to monetizing your podcast is to grow your audience. If you have a small audience, you won’t be able to attract sponsors or make money from your podcast. You must focus on growing your audience and building relationships with your listeners. If you need help, you can sign up for my Podcast Consultant service.

    I'm truly not trying to crush your dreams and aspirations. I just want you to have accurate information for your to base your choices. Just because you have less than 10,000 downloads per episode doesn't mean you can't have a sponsor. I get between two and three thousand downloads per episode of the School of Podcasting. I've had sponsors in the past that wanted to reach podcasters. I prefer to be my own sponsor (as it is more lucrative). 

    In conclusion, if you want to monetize your podcast, you must grow your audience. This will take time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end. With the right strategies and patience, you can turn your podcast into a profitable business.

    Do You Have a Podcast Plan?
    Creating a podcast plan is essential for success. Your plan should include a list of topics you want to cover, as well as a schedule for releasing episodes. You should also decide how to monetize your podcast, such as through sponsorships, advertising, or selling merchandise. Additionally, you should create a marketing strategy to promote your podcast and reach your target audience. This could include creating a website, engaging with listeners on social media, and leveraging influencers. 

    It’s also important to have a plan for dealing with any challenges. This could include dealing with technical issues, such as audio quality, or responding to negative feedback. Additionally, you should have a plan for how you’ll grow your audience. This could include guest appearances on other podcasts, running contests, or creating a referral program. 

    Finally, it’s important to have a plan for staying motivated. This could include setting goals, creating a timeline for achieving them, and rewarding yourself when you reach them. It’s also important to have a supportive team that can help you stay on track. A podcast consultant can be a great way to get advice and support.

    Need Help With Your Podcast?

    Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know where to begin? Look no further than the School of Podcasting. Our comprehensive online courses and one-on-one coaching will teach you everything you need to know, from equipment and editing to marketing and monetization. With our proven methods and expert instructors, you'll create high-quality, engaging content quickly. Say goodbye to the frustration and uncertainty and hello to a successful podcasting career with the School of Podcasting.

    Can I Play This Song in my Podcast?

    Can I Play This Song in my Podcast?

    This is one of the most frequently asked questions about podcasting. I hear things like:

    • But I'm a small show
    • My podcast doesn't make any money
    • I'm only playing (X amount of time)
    • I bought the CD

    The reality is, it doesn't matter. You need permission from the songwriter, the performer, and whoever owns the mechanical rights (typically a record label). The problem is podcasts are downloadable. If they were streaming only, but because their not they don't fall under the same situation where a soundscape account could make you legal. Then throw on top of it that podcastin is global so what is legal in the US might be different in another country. 

    My friend Steve Stewart for a takedown notice from Spotify. (see tweet). These episodes from 2012-2014 and he just now getting notices. 

    The authors of the book Reclaiming Fair Use: How to Put Balance Back in Copyright might say it is fine as he didn't gave away the full song. However, when you use it as a bed (think soundtrack), things get murky.

    What I've seen people do is have a musician listen to the song they like and make one very similar to the original, and use it for their show. 

    There are places such as Music Radio Creative, Fiverr where you can hire people to write your own jingle. It won't be $5, but if you buy a logo at some place like Audio Jungle, it is often under $20 and then you can hire someone to do just a voice-over and put them together yourself.

    In the end, I would just stay away from playing unlicensed music (fair use or not).


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    Your Podcast Consultant
    enMarch 01, 2023

    What You Need to Know Before Starting a YouTube Channel for Your Podcast

    What You Need to Know Before Starting a YouTube Channel for Your Podcast

    Audio Over Video

    .When it comes to promoting your podcast, it is important to consider which medium you should use: audio or video. While video may seem more attractive, due to its visual appeal, audio is actually the more effective way to promote yourself.

    One of the main reasons to promote audio over video is because there are more opportunities to listen than there are to watch. People can listen to your podcast while they are driving, working, or doing other activities that don't allow them to watch a video. Additionally, audio files are generally much smaller than video files, which makes them easier to host and share. Another reason to promote audio over video is that it is often more cost-effective. Video requires additional equipment, such as lighting and editing software, which can be expensive.

    Additionally, video production and editing can be time-consuming, adding to the cost. Finally, audio is often more accessible than video. Not everyone has access to a device that can play video, but most people can access audio. Additionally, audio is more widely accepted in podcast apps, while some apps only stream the audio from video podcasts.

    In conclusion, when it comes to promoting your podcast, audio is the more practical option. It is more accessible, cost-effective, and has more opportunities for people to listen. While video can be an effective medium for some podcasts, audio is the better option for most.

    Audio Out Performs Video

    A famous comedian started a podcast that he wanted to be video only. He was talked into providing an audio option as well. When the show was launched the comedian's team only promoted the video version of the show and ignored the audio. Yet, the audio podcast out-performed the video version ten to one. 

    When Podcasters Launch a YouTube Channel

    A podcaster may think they are going to get more people to listen to their show on Youtube. Youtube viewers like to watch, so instead of growing your podcast audience, you are starting a Youtube channel from scratch. I had someone joined the School of Podcasting and said, "Oh you do audio stuff too?" (um, yeah for 17 years). So you will be growing a second audience. 


    Starting with Audio AND Video Can Burn You Out

    When you are a brand new content creator, it is hard to get into your rhythm. When you throw in video with lighting, backdrops, cameras and more, you can get overwhelmed very easily.

    Start with audio podcasting. 

    When it comes to podcasting, audio is the most accessible medium. It is easier to produce and doesn’t require expensive equipment or extensive knowledge of video production. Additionally, audio podcasts are easier to consume. They can be listened to while doing other activities, such as driving, cleaning, or exercising. This makes them more appealing to a wider audience. Audio podcasts are also more cost-effective than video podcasts. They require fewer resources, both in terms of equipment and personnel. This makes them a more viable option for those with limited budgets. Additionally, audio podcasts can be produced more quickly than video podcasts, meaning they can be released more frequently.

    Finally, audio podcasts have more opportunities for people to listen. They can be shared more easily, and they can be published on more platforms. This makes them more accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, audio podcasts can be more engaging than video podcasts. They are more intimate, allowing the listener to connect more easily with the host and the content. When it comes to podcasting, starting with audio is the best option for most people. It is more accessible, cost-effective, and has more opportunities for people to listen. While video can be an effective medium for some podcasts, audio is the better option for most.


    Are the Robots Going to Take Over Podcasting?

    Are the Robots Going to Take Over Podcasting?

    AI is a Superpower.

    AI is often referred to as a superpower, and for good reason. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and dramatically change the way we live. From the ability to do our laundry to writing scripts and designing artwork, AI is quickly becoming a part of our everyday lives.

    The possibilities of AI are truly incredible. With AI, we can now ask it to write a script, create artwork, or even write a business plan. Chat GDP is a perfect example of this. It is an AI-enabled program that can write titles, blog posts, and even timestamp audio. It can even julienne! AI is changing the way we interact with technology and is quickly becoming an invaluable tool.

    However, AI is not quite ready to replace humans just yet. While AI can produce impressive results, it still needs some tweaking. AI cannot replicate humans' unique personalities, and this personal touch can make all the difference. AI is also prone to errors, as seen when a celebrity asked it how tall he was, and it got it wrong.

    In the end, AI is not an employee but an assistant. It can be used to help us come up with ideas, shape our ideas, and even grow our audience. It can be incredibly useful, but it still needs some human input. AI is a superpower, but it still needs some help from humans to reach its full potential.

    Start a Podcast Community.
    Are you ready to join the School of Podcasting? It provides a safe space for podcasters to come together, ask questions, and get help from one another. It also provides a platform for podcast creators to share their knowledge and experiences with others. This kind of community can be incredibly valuable and can help grow a podcast’s audience.

    The School of Podcasting (Dave’s membership site) provides a safe space for podcast creators to ask questions and get help from one another. Dave also provides a lot of support and guidance to his members, smothering them with attention to get them going in the right direction. This kind of support is invaluable and can help podcast creators reach their full potential.

    Join the School of Podcasting
    Are you looking to start your own podcast but don't know where to begin? Look no further than the School of Podcasting. Our comprehensive online courses and one-on-one coaching will teach you everything you need to know, from equipment and editing to marketing and monetization. With our proven methods and expert instructors, you'll be creating high-quality, engaging content in no time. Say goodbye to the frustration and uncertainty, and hello to a successful podcasting career with the School of Podcasting. Not sure? That's OK, as you have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

    Join Today

    Mentioned in this Episode


    Swell AI

    Word Hero

    Chat GBT

    P.S. the first 5 paragraphs were written by Swell AI and tweaked by me.

    Making Smart Purchasing Decisions for Your Podcast

    Making Smart Purchasing Decisions for Your Podcast

    In this episode of the School of Podcasting, Dave Jackson shares his experiences with buying podcasting equipment and provides tips on how to make purchasing decisions that will help your podcast grow. He explains how he was able to save himself over a thousand dollars by setting logical criteria. Dave also evaluates YouTube product reviews and discusses Elgato and Logic-Tech webcams and their prices.


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    Sony ZV-1

    Sony ZV-10

    Elgato Facecam

    Imposter Syndrome - Celebrity Edition

    Imposter Syndrome - Celebrity Edition

    The negatives voices in your head tell you, "Nobody will listen to you" or "You're going to sound stupid." Well I'm here to tell you "Imposter Syndrome" is common. Seventy percent of people feel this way. Today I'm going to share a few A-list celebrities who felt that way. So feeling this way is normal. 

    We have a saying at the School of Podcasting, "Nobody will punch you in the face." It's true. 

    Don't let YOU Stop YOU from sharing your message with the world. I can help. 

    Join the School of Podcasting at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/listener to get a special price.

    You get access to:

    • Step by Step tutorials
    • A Private podcast mastermind
    • Unlimited one-on-one consulting

    Don't deprive the world of what you have to share.


    Your Podcast Consultant
    enJanuary 02, 2023

    Growing Your Podcast With Advertising On Other Podcasts

    Growing Your Podcast With Advertising On Other Podcasts

    We mentioned in the last episode that advertising rates don't work for more podcasters trying to make a living with podcasting. Today we are looking at advertising from a different angle. That angle is to make an ad to run on other podcasts. After all the listeners of these shows are already listening to podcasts. So when you find a podcast that has an audience who should like your content, you might approach them and see if you can advertise on their show.

    The Movie Strategy

    While the movie Field of Dreams promises, "If you build it he will come," that is not true for podcasts. Just creating the podcast is only part of podcasting success. You need to promote it. Gary Arndt of the Everything Everywhere podcast follows what I call the "Movie Industry Business Strategy." That is:

    • Make the best content you can.
    • Spend are large amount of your budget on marketing your movie.
    • Hope the audience tells their friends.

    Gary makes a good point. If the studios spent millions on promoting the Avengers movie (that was a sequel that everyone was waiting on), how do you expect to get any traffic without marketing your show? 

    Places You Can Buy Advertising

    I did a long-form interview with Gary on the School of Podcasting.

    Podcast Addict
    Buzzsprout Ads
    Spotify Ads

    You can track the activity and traffic using a tool like Switchy.

    Ready To Start Your Podcast?

    Along with step by step videos, a private podcasting mastermind, you get unlimited one-on-one consulting at the School of Podcasting. If you want to "Pick my brain" you can have Dave In Your Pocket.

    Your Podcast Consultant
    enJanuary 01, 2023

    Why Podcast Advertising Rates Don't Work For You: PART 1

    Why Podcast Advertising Rates Don't Work For You: PART 1

    Currently, the price for 1000 downloads of your podcast is $25. That is .025 cents per download. That means if you have 200 downloads per episode, you would make $5 per episode. 

    Less than 10% of podcasters get a "big sponsor" because the sponsors want you to get 10,000 downloads per episode after 30 days. This doesn't mean you can't have sponsors, but maybe not one of the big ones (more about that in the next episode). 

    Advertising is Still Content

    My friend Neil Hedley from Knopp Studios has an episode in the Voice in My Hed podcast where he mentions that if an advertisement can't hold your attention, how is it going to sell a product? 

    Coincidently I created a more entertaining way of saying all of my talking points while addressing the potential fears of wanna-be podcasters. 

    Podcast Advertising Is Not Your Only Monetization Option

    We all seem to have a knee-jerk reaction. 
    1. Start a podcast
    2. Get advertisers. 

    We seem to skip step 2 (the real one) which is grow and audience. There are other ways to make money with a podcast 

    I'm Not Here to Crush Your Soul

    While I realize we all want podcast monetization to be quick and easy, I just want you to come into podcasting with realistic expectations. 

    Mentioned In This Episode

    School of Podcasting

    Profit From Your Podcast

    Dave In Your Pocket

    Your Podcast Consultant
    enDecember 01, 2022

    Does My Podcast Need Its Own App?

    Does My Podcast Need Its Own App?

    There are millions of apps in the different Apple and Google stores. Most people know how to download and install one. With this in mind, should you have someone create an app for your podcast?

    As always, it depends with podcasting. If your audience isn't that tech savvy, and finding a podcast app like Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts is too much for them (and then find your show on the appl, and then follow/subscribe) it might be worth it to get an app for your show. 

    People may be doing a search in the app store, and there may be less competition. 

    Consulting Without Calendars

    Do you have podcasting questions in addition to a really unpredictable/busy schedule? Check out daveinmypocket.com.com

    Your Podcast Consultant
    enNovember 15, 2022

    Troubleshooting Your Podcast Growth While Keeping Your Sanity

    Troubleshooting Your Podcast Growth While Keeping Your Sanity

    If there is a  problem with the sound of your podcast, the way you troubleshoot it is by isolating each part of your signal chain (the path your voice takes from the microphone to the cable to the interface to the recorder, etc. 

    I recently attended an event and came back with lots of ideas I want to try to grow my audience. These include:

    • Using a tool to help with episode titles
    • Promoting the show on Tiktok
    • Better Artwork 

    and many more. 

    So when we come back from these events we are excited and we want to see our download numbers soar and we put all these steps into place at once. 

    If this works, this is great and we keep doing all the steps. However, what if you chose five things to add to your already busy schedule and only one of them is responsible for your growth? That means you are wasting your time doing something that is not helping. 

    This is how podcast burnout happens. We watch YouTube, or go to events, read a book, etc and we get all sorts of ideas and we implement them all. Then later we get more content with more ideas and we feel overwhelmed. We feel we HAVE to do them ALL. 

    If you implement one strategy at a time, you can better see if doing that strategy moves the needle. I recently started using Tiktok. Consequently, I can see where it is driving more traffic to my website. 

    I am using a tool called switch which makes it very easy to monitor if people are clicking on things. Then you can see if something is working (or not) and if it is working, is it working enough to keep doing it? I will often create a coupon code to track and see if someone signs up for the School of Podcasting. That is my goal, and if I see multiple people have used a coupon such as YPC (for your podcast consultant) I can see where it is worth continuing to do this show. 

    The key here is you need to be patient and only implement ONE strategy at a time and then give it a month. If you can, give it two. Then you can look at your data, make informed decisions and only do those strategies and actions that are working, quit doing those that don't, and save your sanity as you watch your show grow. 

    I'm Dave Jackson and I want to be your podcast consultant who helps you plan, launch, grow, and monetize your show. Let's see what we can do together...

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    Your Podcast Consultant
    enNovember 01, 2022

    How to Know What Your Podcast Audience Wants

    How to Know What Your Podcast Audience Wants

    Audience engagement is critical for the success of any podcast. It's important to know who your audience is and what they want to hear. By understanding your audience, you can create content that resonates with them and keeps them coming back for more. Today I have three strategies to help you gain insights into your audience.

    1. Amazon

    Look for your topic and then look at the 2 and 4-star reviews. These often are more constructive and descriptive.

    2. YouTube

    Look for a channel on your subject, and then sort so you can see the most popular videos. Then go into the most popular video, and you can sort by the most helpful comments.

    3. Facebook Groups

    When you find a Facebook group on your subject, be sure to read the rules. When you see a post you might want to follow, you can click on the " ... " and choose to "Turn on Notifications for this Post."

    Apply For a Free Strategy Call

    If you need help starting, planning, launching or growing your podcast join me for a free strategy call.

    Your Podcast Consultant
    enOctober 15, 2022

    They Want Me to Pull Down Their Interview?!

    They Want Me to Pull Down Their Interview?!

    I saw on Facebook that someone who has been podcasting for a while and has their guests sign a release form was contacted by a former guest who asked them to remove their interview. 

    They were going to school for psychology and they didn't want their clients to be able to find them. 

    So they have no legal leg to stand on. They signed a release. You put a lot of work into that episode. There is a certain amount of "How dare they even ask?!?!"

    This Isn't An Expose on Big Pharma - It's Your Podcast

    So yes, you could legally tell them "no, you signed a release." However, you would be missing out on one of the biggest benefits of podcast: the relationships

    I'm sure you have other episodes your audience can consume. It's not like you're going to lose your audience because you removed one episode. 

    If you're worried about "Setting a precedent," don't. Most guests are not thinking about your show. They've moved on. 

    Hopefully, you are doing interviews that make the guest look good. People don't ask to have things removed where they look good. 


    I'm a big fan of "treat people the way you want to be treated." The guest is asking for a favor. Give it to them and pull down the interview. In the future, you will have a psychologist in your network who you might find useful. 

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    See www.schoolofpodcasting.com/ypc

    Your Podcast Consultant
    enOctober 01, 2022

    How to Avoid Sounding Stupid On Your Podcast

    How to Avoid Sounding Stupid On Your Podcast

    I was on a show this week, and first let me say that my ego was not bruised, and I wasn't upset. However, I was worried that the host of the podcast that was interviewing me was throwing away his credibility. 

    When interviewing someone, be sure THEY know:

    • Why they are on your show
    • Who your audience is
    • How long the interview is slotted to be

    Then make sure YOU know:

    • How to pronounce their name
    • What website they want to promote

    Need Help With Your Podcast?

    You can schedule a strategy session to discuss your podcast, or join the School of Podcasting and get unlimited one-on-one consulting. Join worry-free with a 30 day money-back guarantee. 

    Additional Stats You Can Get From Directories

    Additional Stats You Can Get From Directories

    I'm back from speaking at Podcast Movement in Dallas. I shared a presentation, and here are some of the main points. Watch my full presentation.

    1. Never let anyone get between you and your podcast, web host, media host, etc. If you're "Podcast Manager" set up your hosting with their credit card, THEY own your show. 

    2. You can get additional stats from places like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Amazon.

    In Apple, you can see what is called engaged listeners as well as how many people are following your show, and how far they listen. 

    In Google, you can see much of the same as well as what people are entering into Google search to find your show.

    In Spotify, you get the above information in addition to demographic data for your show and your episodes.

    Did you know that when you add your show to Amazon, you can ask Alexa to play your podcast on Amazon Music? (and that your show is in Audible?). 

    This information can help you make better podcasts and grow your audience. 

    Schedule a Strategy Session

    If you need help you can schedule a strategy session at 


    Join the School of Podcasting Community

    or Join the School of Podcasting and have unlimited sessions as well as get access to videos that show you how to do this, and network with a private mastermind filled with brilliant podcasters.

    Join the School of Podcasting Community today

    Your Podcast Consultant
    enSeptember 01, 2022