
    Your Powerful Legacy Radio with Kristina Ping-Kepperling

    Kristina Ping-Kepperling provides vital information on proper retirement planning.  The author of the book "The Retirement Train" discusses the strategies that can be custom fit for you in implementing her "on track retirement system."  These strategies include building income, employing proactive tax strategies, and the pitfall protection people need to maintain a long retirement.

    enBroadcasting Experts, LLC87 Episodes

    Episodes (87)

    What About These Taxes?

    What About These Taxes?

    In this conversation Kristina discusses retirement saving strategies, with a focus on Roth accounts and conversions. She emphasizes the importance of considering future tax changes and the potential impact on retirement income. Kristina also explores proposed changes to Social Security and the evolution of the program over the years. She highlights the significance of proactive tax strategies and the role of taxes in retirement planning. Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights into optimizing retirement savings and navigating the complexities of the tax system.

    You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Taxes in Retirement

    Taxes in Retirement

    The conversation covers various topics related to taxation in retirement, including the taxation of Social Security, pensions, interest-bearing accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, life insurance proceeds, savings bonds, annuities, and home sales. The conversation also explores the benefits and strategies of Roth IRAs, including contributions, conversions, withdrawals, and tax brackets. Additionally, Kristina emphasizes the importance of having a bucket list and incorporating it into retirement planning.

     You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Retirement Checklist

    The Retirement Checklist

    Kristina covers what needs to be checked off this list before you retire.  This includes budgeting, building income, healthcare and tax planning, legacy planning, and maximizing Social Security.  She also offers tips to help make sure you’re in sync with your spouse as you approach retirement.

    You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Retirement Game Day

    Retirement Game Day

    In this episode, Kristina discusses how football plays can tie in with financial and retirement strategies. She emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing retirement gaps, such as income shortfalls and health coverage gaps. Kristina also highlights the role of building a personal pension and the benefits of considering annuities. She advises listeners to plan for inflation and create a backup plan for unexpected events. Additionally, she discusses the importance of protecting assets and legacy planning.  Kristina concludes by highlighting her role as a retirement coach and inviting listeners to schedule a complimentary consultation.

    You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Un-Bucket List

    The Un-Bucket List

    We all know the bucket list so what would go in the un-bucket list?  That would be things to avoid so you can have a successful retirement.  That’s the discussion with Kristina at the beginning of the podcast as she talks about knowing when you can retire so you don’t work longer than necessary, not being lonely, not having an unfulfilled retirement, and not squandering the early “go-go” years.  Then the conversation moves to considerations married couples must give to have a good team effort in retirement.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Financial Goals

    Financial Goals

    Still in the New Year the podcast devotes time to considering financial goals or resolutions, how to approach them, and how to stay on track.  These include everything from paying off debt to increasing your savings and more.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling at 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Breaking Down Annuities

    Breaking Down Annuities

    Kristina answers the most frequently asked questions about annuities.  How do they differ from traditional savings and brokerage accounts?  What are the benefits and potential drawbacks?  What types of annuities are there?  Get the answers in this podcast.  The conversation then shifts to that shift in your financial life from accumulation to the necessary strategies in retirement.

    Contact Kristina Ping Kepperling at 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Avoid Sabotaging Your Retirement

    Avoid Sabotaging Your Retirement

    Warnings of what could harm your retirement start off the podcast with a discussion on having a budget, automating your savings and payments, planning for healthcare costs, and not relying too heavily on being able to work longer.  Then we take a look at what a retirement portfolio stress test could be for you.

    You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Your Retirement Questions Answered

    Your Retirement Questions Answered

    Kristina provides the answers to some commonly asked and very important questions regarding proper retirement planning.  She also looks at what should be considered in shoring up your retirement in the new year.  These include revisiting your household budget, checking your emergency fund, tackling debt, establishing financial goals, and reviewing your asset allocation.

    You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Holiday Lessons from Hollywood

    Holiday Lessons from Hollywood

    You’ll hear clips from familiar movies and a sitcom with a holiday theme.  Kristina takes these clips and shares retirement and financial lessons we can learn from them.  She also looks at how we can learn from the ghosts of Christmas retirement past and present and apply those lessons for the future.

    You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Harsh Retirement Realities

    Harsh Retirement Realities

    Kristina cuts through some harsh realities of retirement planning and offers solutions.  Some issues covered are the amount of bear markets to expect, needing more than Social Security, and longevity.  How should you mirror the traits of successful CEOs in our retirement?  That’s also covered in this podcast.

    You can reach Kristina by calling 844-823-6397.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Clock Is Ticking For 2023

    The Clock Is Ticking For 2023

    Kristina talks about what we need to consider strategically as the year draws to a close.  Most of the bullet points are about good tax moves.  She also looks at changes to Social Security coming in 2024 including the COLA, maximum taxable earnings increasing as well as the earnings test.  Then the conversation turns to what you may face in retirement such as restlessness and the need to re-define yourself.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling at 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Secure Act 2.0: Now and Next Year

    Secure Act 2.0:  Now and Next Year

    Kristina reviews Secure Act 2.0 in looking at the provisions that are currently in place and what we can expect in 2024.  She also provides answers for ten frequently asked questions by those nearing retirement.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Retirement Fears

    Retirement Fears

    Kristina addresses common retirement fears and offers solutions to overcome them.  Some of the fears include inflation, Social Security and the future of it, market volatility, and the cost of health care.  Kristina also discusses some things you should do and some things you should avoid in your retirement planning process.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Retirement Report Card

    Retirement Report Card

    The 2023 Mercer CFA Institute’s Global Pension Index recently rated retirement systems around the world.  The U.S. earned a C+.  Kristina examines that and discusses ten steps to strongly consider in an effort to score an A+ in your retirement.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Financial Bad Excuses for Putting Off Seeking Financial Help

    Financial Bad Excuses for Putting Off Seeking Financial Help

    Kristina runs through some common excuses people give for not seeking the help of a financial professional when nearing retirement.  She counters these with good reasons why it is critical to work with a financial partner.  Some excuses are:

    “I’m a DIY (do it yourself) person” Scary!

    “I’m already retired” Don’t forget second opinion.

    “I get my advice from friends and family” “Danger Will Robinson!”

    “I don’t know where to begin” A phone call is a good first step.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling at 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Scams: Tips to Avoid Them

    Scams:  Tips to Avoid Them

    Kristina offers information on the different scam operations out there and tips to avoid them.  She also dissects survey results from a Northwestern Mutual Planning and Progress study that shows Americans’ concerns about the economy and how much they would need to retire.

    You can reach Kristina at 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Expenses in Retirement

    Expenses in Retirement

    Kristina runs down some expenses that can eat away at your savings when you’re in retirement.  They include healthcare, home ownership, inflation, taxes, and longevity.  She also looks into the financial and retirement mindset and strategies that can build confidence in your journey to and through retirement.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Fact, Fiction, or Somewhere in Between

    Fact, Fiction, or Somewhere in Between

    Kristina starts the conversation by breaking down the massive baby boomer generation and discussing what needs to be considered by middle and late baby boomers.  She devotes the rest of the podcast in cutting through misinformation and declaring whether retirement statements are fact, fiction, or somewhere in between.

    You can reach Kristina Ping Kepperling by calling 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Wisdom From Warren

    Wisdom From Warren

    Kristina dissects some of the more notable quotes from legendary investor Warren Buffet.  She discusses some words of wisdom from the Oracle of Omaha in his overall investment mindset, his number one rule in investing, and what he means when he says his mistakes have been of omission.  Kristina also shares some strategies to implement and some to avoid in helping to make sure you don’t run out of money in retirement and then goes over some hypothetical case studies.

    Reach out to Kristina Ping Kepperling at 844-823-6387.

    Powerful Legacy Insurance and Financial Services

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.