
    Your Teen, Anxiety and You

    Any parent of an anxious teen knows first-hand the worry, fear, frustration & heartache this can bring. And sourcing any kind of help can feel like a minefield. I’ve gotcha. Recently listed as No.3 in the UK Best Anxiety Podcasts by Feedspot (https://blog.feedspot.com/uk_anxiety_podcasts/), Your Teen, Anxiety and You is dedicated to helping all mums (& dads, grandparents, caregivers or educators) who are struggling with their teen’s anxiety – to give them some hope and a little hug. With episodes packed full of insight, awareness, practical tools and strategies, join parent support coach & emotion-release practitioner Moira Healy as she takes a weekly dive into all things Teen Anxiety and You – the emotions, the behaviours, the importance of mind/body connection, the neuroscience and lots of other great content that will help you feel more confident, more capable and less overwhelmed. And of course ultimately, to help you help your teen - so you can both truly thrive. If you want to be able to put an end to the meltdowns & shutdowns, to skyrocket your relationship with your teen, to improve communication, and to fully understand the real story behind your teen’s anxiety, then listen & follow wherever you get your podcasts because this one is for you. Let’s turn the tide on teen anxiety – together.
    en-gbMoira Healy49 Episodes

    Episodes (49)

    The Fundamental Question Every Parent of an Anxious Teen Must Ask

    The Fundamental Question Every Parent of an Anxious Teen Must Ask

    When our teen’s world is hit by anxiety, it can certainly turn a parent’s world upside down too.

    It hurts to see them struggling, it is hard to know what to do, and there may be a feeling of failure, inadequacy, or even a little bit of embarrassment on our part.

    And the first questions a parent usually asks are:

    What do I do?

    Who should I speak to?

    Where can we get help?

    And all these questions are valid.

    But in this week’s episode, I reveal the ONE fundamental and crucial question that should underpin all your attempts to help your anxious teen.

    So tune in to discover this simple yet powerful question that will help you build a stronger, more resilient connection with your teen.

    Because with real connection, comes real transformation.

    Listen today!


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    Exciting news! Your Teen, Anxiety and You has been listed as #3 in the top 35 Anxiety podcasts in the UK!

    Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and supported it so far. The full list can be found here: 



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.


    Navigating Your Teen's Friendships: Top Strategies for Concerned Parents

    Navigating Your Teen's Friendships: Top Strategies for Concerned Parents

    Few friends? No friends? Problematic friends? Friend dramas? 

    There is nothing more important to a teen than their friend circle. But sometimes navigating those friendships can feel like a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainties - for both teen and parent.

     Join me this week to help you help your anxious teen ride more smoothly through the often tumultuous world of friendships.

    Whether your teen is dealing with a shortage of friends, tangled in friendship dramas, making questionable choices in their associations, or if you're simply worried about their social skills, this insightful episode is here to provide you with guidance and support, because as we all know, when your teen struggles, it can feel like our world is spinning too.

    Discover effective strategies to empower your teen, boost their self-confidence, improve their relationships with peers, and strengthen your own bond with them.

    Tune in today and equip yourself with valuable insights to navigate the complex landscape of teen friendships.

    If you are ready to tackle teen friendship turbulence - listen now!


    What to do next?

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    Join the Mailing list and become a One in a Million Mum!

    Or check out my Website


    Exciting news! Your Teen, Anxiety and You has been listed as #3 in the top 35 Anxiety podcasts in the UK!

    Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and supported it so far. The full list can be found here: 



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.


    How to Raise a Resilient Family: A Conversation with Susan Horton LMFT

    How to Raise a Resilient Family: A Conversation with Susan Horton LMFT

    This week, get ready for an episode that's all about strengthening family bonds and creating open, honest communication within your home.

    In today's episode, we're joined by Susan Horton, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has been on the front lines, helping countless families navigate through their toughest times. And she's not just a therapist; she's a mum of four too, so has lived all of this personally!

    Susan is also the author of the fantastic book, 'Raising a Resilient Family,' and she's here to give us some serious wisdom on how to create stronger family bonds & explore the crucial role parents play in fostering emotional well-being & safety in their children’s lives.

    If you’ve been wondering how on earth to break down those communication barriers with your kids & improve your relationships, then Susan's got the practical tools and strategies you've been longing for.

    So if you're yearning for a stronger connection with your anxious teen or simply looking for ways to enhance family communication, you cannot afford to miss this episode!


    For further information:

    Check out Susan's book & accountability loop model

    Or email: sp.horton915@gmail.com


    What to do next?

    Follow @teenanxietyandyou on Instagram 

    Join the Mailing list and become a One in a Million Mum!

    Or check out my Website


    Exciting news! Your Teen, Anxiety and You has been listed as #3 in the top 35 Anxiety podcasts in the UK!

    Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and supported it so far. The full list can be found here: 



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.


    From Troubled Teen to Teen Mentor – The Journey Home with Ciara Fanlo

    From Troubled Teen to Teen Mentor – The Journey Home with Ciara Fanlo

    From the tender age of 8, my guest today was already questioning her place in the world, and as she grew older she continued to struggle with anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, bringing chaos & disruption to the whole family.

    In this episode, Ciara opens up about the countless interventions & therapies she endured, sharing what worked & what (mostly) didn’t. She also explores the pivotal role that a parent can have in true recovery and how she has now transformed her pain into a powerful sense of purpose.

    Offering hope & guidance to both parents & teens, Ciara’s journey is an inspiring reminder that healing is possible, and with the right support, every teen can find their way back home to a place of love, acceptance, and belonging.

    Listen now for valuable insights into how to help your teen overcome adversity.


    What to do next?

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    Join the Mailing list and become a One in a Million Mum!

    Or check out my Website


    Exciting news! Your Teen, Anxiety and You has been listed as #3 in the top 35 Anxiety podcasts in the UK!

    Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and supported it so far. The full list can be found here: 



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.


    Cracking the Code: 6 Causes and ONE Ultimate Driver Behind Your Teen’s Anxiety

    Cracking the Code: 6 Causes and ONE Ultimate Driver Behind Your Teen’s Anxiety

    Are you a bit confused as to WHY your teen is struggling so much?

    Do you wonder how on earth you ended up where you are?

    Are you worried that you/they will never find a way through?


    Understanding the WHY around your teen’s anxiety is key.

    With this episode, I give 6 reasons for the surge in anxiety in teens – and the ONE overarching driver behind them all.

    Discover the truth about your teen’s inner world and gain invaluable insights & actionable steps to help them thrive.

    Listen now to make the change!


    What to do next?

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    Join the Mailing list and become a One in a Million Mum!

    Or check out my Website


    Exciting news! Your Teen, Anxiety and You has been listed as #3 in the top 35 Anxiety podcasts in the UK!

    Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and supported it so far. The full list can be found here: 



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.



    Navigating Back to School Anxiety: Essential Strategies for Anxious Teens and Parents

    Navigating Back to School Anxiety: Essential Strategies for Anxious Teens and Parents

    Is your teen dreading the return to school after the Summer?

    And are you dreading how you are going to handle it?

    The school environment can be a huge trigger for many anxious teens & going back to school after the long summer holidays can be particularly challenging.

    In this week’s podcast episode, I dive into strategies to help both parents & teens ease back into the school routine and offer up practical ways that parents can invaluably support their teens through this transition.

    If you need some much-needed light at the end of the back-to-school tunnel, this episode is for you!


    What to do next?

    Follow me on Instagram 

    Join the Mailing list and become a One in a Million Mum!

    Or check out my Website


    Exciting news! Your Teen, Anxiety and You has been listed as #3 on the top 35 Anxiety podcasts in the UK! Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and supported it. Full list can be found here: 




    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.


    Empowering Your Anxious Teen: 6 Common Fears & 5 Key Steps

    Empowering Your Anxious Teen: 6 Common Fears & 5 Key Steps

    In this week’s episode, I shine a spotlight on 6 of the most common fears that often underly your teen’s anxiety.

    And I give you 5 key parenting steps to take that can unlock a stronger, deeper connection with your anxious teen and steer them towards a more fearless future.

    So if you are ready to strengthen the bond with your teen, help them feel more confident and if you are curious to know how your own fears may be playing a role in their anxiety, hit the play button now!


    What to do next?

    Follow me on Instagram 

    Join the Mailing list and become a One in a Million Mum!

    Or check out my Website


    Brene Brown: 3 minute short video on Empathy vs Sympathy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Evwgu369Jw&vl=en-GB


    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.


    Breaking Through the Resistance: What to Do When Your Anxious Teen Refuses All Help

    Breaking Through the Resistance: What to Do When Your Anxious Teen Refuses All Help

    Are you caught in a deadlock?

    You know your teen is struggling; they know they are struggling….. but getting them to agree to any type of support leads to arguments, doors slammed shut, tears, and a flat-out, defiant NO!

    Hang on in there – because this episode gives you a way forward and a way out.

    This week, I uncover the No.1 reason for your teen's resistance and I dive into a simple but crucial shift in perspective that can truly change the game for both of you.

    And discover the biggest ‘oops’ that you can make as a parent, that might unwittingly push them further away from you and deeper into the anxiety.

    Tune in now to dissolve the deadlock and find the support strategy that your teen will actually respond positively to!


    What to do next?

    Follow me on Instagram 

    Join the Mailing list and become a One in a Million Mum!

    Or check out my Website


    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional, diagnosis, or treatment.


    Is Your Anxious Teen Stuck in a Negative Mindset? - 5 Ways to help your teen (& you) to happier, healthier thoughts

    Is Your Anxious Teen Stuck in a Negative Mindset? - 5 Ways to help your teen (& you) to happier, healthier thoughts

    Got an anxious teen that can never see the good?

    Are they stuck in a negativity cycle that they can't seem to get out of?

    Are they bringing everyone down and you are desperate to help but just don't know how?

    This episode is for you!

    Learn 5 Key Strategies to end the negativity loop for you and your teen and pave the way for them to feel happier and healthier - both physically and mentally.

    And learn the reason why 'positive thinking' is never enough!


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.



    How to Support a Neurodiverse Teen Struggling with School, Bullying and Self-esteem

    How to Support a Neurodiverse Teen Struggling with School, Bullying and Self-esteem

    Do you have a teen with a suspected or diagnosed neurodiverse condition such as dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia or ASD?

    Or maybe a teen who just feels ‘different’ from everyone else or is highly self-critical?

     In today's episode, I delve into the challenges commonly faced by neurodiverse teenagers (as well as neurotypical ones), focusing on the story of Sarah.

    Listener and mum Sarah reached out, seeking guidance and support for her son who has been struggling with dyslexia, behavioral issues, and bullying.

    So this week, I explore the themes that emerged from Sarah’s story and provide practical strategies and insight into exactly how all parents can offer support and understanding to their teens when they are struggling.


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.


    Keen to reduce your teen's screen time? 6 Reasons Why Your Efforts May Not Be Working!

    Keen to reduce your teen's screen time? 6 Reasons Why Your Efforts May Not Be Working!

    Are you a parent who has tried everything but  you still feel like you are getting nowhere with your teen’s tech usage or screen time?

     In this episode, I explore the reasons why this may be the case and look at 6 ways you might finally be able to make some headway.


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.


    How much screen for your teen? Navigating tech use & screen time with teenagers

    How much screen for your teen? Navigating tech use & screen time with teenagers

    Is your teen glued to a screen? Do you have to prise them off their gaming device? Or are you worried about what or just how much they are consuming?

    You are not alone! With nearly 90% of children using technology as entertainment and 60% of parents having concerns, navigating the screen time and tech use of our teens is an ongoing issue.

    So with the onset of the summer hols, I take a look at how parents can create a balanced and healthy relationship with tech & their teens whilst promoting connection, well-being, and understanding – rather than resistance, power struggles and strops!

    For a tech-happy, teen-happy summer, you don’t want to miss it!


    Be part of the community! - Join the mailing list

    For regular tools & strategies! - Follow me on Instagram

    And for more information or to get in touch, head to my website


    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.


    The Summer Survival Guide for Parents of Anxious Teens

    The Summer Survival Guide for Parents of Anxious Teens

    Does the thought of the long weeks of the summer break fill you with relief and joy?

    Or maybe panic and dread?!

    The onset of the summer holidays can mean a welcome break from the normal routine (and often a natural reduction in your teen’s anxiety) – but it can also bring fresh challenges for us as parents!

    With my top ten tips, learn how to positively navigate those challenges, manage the juggle and still have room for some relaxation and fun!

    Join me as I explore ways of creating a balanced and enjoyable time for all as well as looking at how the impact of a positive & supportive summer can last long after the school year begins again.


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.


    Healing the Wounds: helping a teen through trauma – Caroline’s story

    Healing the Wounds: helping a teen through trauma – Caroline’s story

    How do you help your teen through trauma & adversity and what do you do if they refuse all help?

    This is the situation Caroline finds herself in with her 15-year-old daughter who is battling severe anxiety due to the loss of her dad a few years ago….

    In this episode, I look at the practical steps Caroline can take, how she can best support her daughter through the challenges, and ways in which she can build on their relationship to help her daughter come through the other side.

    **Please note this episode contains references to suicide**


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

    Follow me here instead:


    Mailing list



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.


    The Power of Parental Support: A mum’s path to empowerment with Zoe Hewett

    The Power of Parental Support: A mum’s path to empowerment with Zoe Hewett

    So many parents can feel powerless around their teen’s struggles and anxiety.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way!

    My special guest today is Zoe Hewett who has faced many challenges as a mum and is currently fighting for her daughter’s rights and education.  Zoe shares how she has overcome obstacles and become a true advocate for her daughter’s well-being & future.

    We delve into the pivotal role of decision-making and commitment, the importance of self-care & support, and how to embrace our own inner leadership to make a real difference in the lives of our children.

    Get ready for an inspiring and empowering episode!


    • Highlights:

      -          Embracing inner leadership

      -          Mastering mindset

      -          Harnessing self-regulation

      -          The power of repair & forgiveness

      -          Letting go of mum-guilt


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Mailing list



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.



    How to help your teen during an anxiety attack – Practical advice and strategies: part 2

    How to help your teen during an anxiety attack – Practical advice and strategies: part 2

    Get ready for the follow-up to last week’s Part 1, as we dive into more essential tools and invaluable tips for you to help your anxious teen conquer their anxiety attacks.

    In this second part, you’ll learn how to help your teen liberate themselves from anxiety for the long haul.

    And I’ll reveal the crucial ways you can guide them in effectively processing their emotions, enabling the chances of a reoccurrence to be reduced.

    This is a hands-on, practical guide with powerful steps that parents can immediately put into action.



    -          Discover the importance of moving through the anxiety alongside your teen

    -          Learn the transformative power of acknowledging and articulating emotions

    -          Understand why relying on distraction techniques can never provide a long-term solution

    -          Fully grasp the significance of our role as parent

    -          Uncover the practical steps for lasting release


    Get more support by joining our community Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS)

    Join the mailing list

    Follow me on Instagram

    And for more information or to get in touch, head to my website


    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.


    How to help your teen during an anxiety attack - Practical advice & strategies: part 1

    How to help your teen during an anxiety attack - Practical advice & strategies: part 1

    As a parent, dealing with anxiety in our teens is hard enough. Dealing with an actual attack, where the anxiety escalates to a whole new level can be terrifying.

    But it doesn’t have to be.

    Join me for part 1 of the practical strategies that you can adopt to help your teen through the hardest time.

    Learn the key steps to take to help bring your teen (and you) back to calm.

    Short-term strategies – long-term relief.



    -          Recognising the different ways an anxiety ‘attack’ can manifest in our teens

    -          Short-term strategies for long-term effect

    -          4 things NOT to do

    -          The #1 objective when dealing with your teen’s anxiety attack

    -          Practical steps – how to bring your teen back to calm


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

    Follow me here instead:


    Mailing list



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.



    Anxiety & Autism: A Mother and Son's Journey with Eve & Alfie

    Anxiety & Autism: A Mother and Son's Journey with Eve & Alfie

    In this incredibly inspiring episode, I talk to mum Eve, and her 18-year-old son, Alfie.

    Alfie was diagnosed with autism whilst in primary school and experienced anxiety from an early age, resulting in extended school absences and a serious decline in Alfie’s mental health.

    We discuss the personal challenges it brought to both of them, the difficulties they faced in getting the support they needed, how Eve was to become the ultimate support system for her son, and how Alfie is now able to successfully manage both his anxiety and autism.

    A remarkable example of the power of a positive parent-teen relationship, self-discovery, and healing. 

    Tune in to listen and be inspired by these two incredible guests!



    Exploring the challenges of neurodiversity – Eve’s story

    Autism, anxiety and education – Alfie & Eve’s experience

    Self-awareness & sacrifice – a mum’s love

    Overcoming anxiety and finding success - Alfie's triumph


    Sensitivity warning: there is a brief reference to suicide around the 19 minute mark.


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Mailing list



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.



    Unlocking Confidence: 5 Top Strategies to Help Your Teen Overcome Social Anxiety

    Unlocking Confidence: 5 Top Strategies to Help Your Teen Overcome Social Anxiety

    Let’s face it, social anxiety can be a huge source of discomfort for a lot of our teens (as well as many adults!)

    In this week’s episode, you will learn 5 top strategies for helping your teen navigate their fear of judgement, social awkwardness, or that acute feeling of embarrassment around other people.

    Understand where the anxiety comes from, what you can do to provide a secure and safe environment and how to help your teen build confidence to overcome the social anxiety they feel.

    With practical tips you can start putting in place immediately, tune in - you don’t want to miss it.



    Understanding social anxiety and spotting the signs in your teen

    Finding and establishing crucial support anchors

    Practical tips for you and your teen

    Specific strategies for social anxiety at school


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.



    Transform Your Relationship with Your Anxious Teen with a Crucial Perception Shift and One Simple Question

    Transform Your Relationship with Your Anxious Teen with a Crucial Perception Shift and One Simple Question

    Being the parent of an anxious teen can be challenging!

    In this episode, I delve into how parents can navigate these challenges whilst still maintaining a healthy bond with their teen and their own sense of calm.

    Join me to discover the crucial perception shift that can transform your understanding of your teen’s experience and discover the ONE question that can foster transformative connection and support.

    Embrace the personal growth to become the best version of yourself as a parent!



    Understanding your teen in a changing world

    The biggest perception shift to see real change

    The ONE question you have to ask

    How to be the best version of you


    UPDATE: the facebook group Teen Anxiety Parent Support (TAPS) is no longer running but you can still be part of the community!

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    Mailing list



    Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational & educational purposes and is not intended to replace medical advice. The use of this information is at the listener's discretion and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist or other qualified professional, diagnosis or treatment.