
    Your Unique Brilliance: Self-Help for Entrepreneurs

    Welcome to Your Unique Brilliance Podcast with a weekly fresh flow of guidance, inspirations, tips and conversations designed to help you empower your work and life effectively, create your vision, and reconnect to living your greatest diamond potential by discovering your unique brilliance for success. It is time to own your value and motivate your desire for daily excellence into a reality. Nicola Salter is British and lives in Los Angeles, she has been a life path Mentor for over 23 years and shares her personal experiences and the mentoring techniques she uses with many female entrepreneurs and women looking to create a new fulfilling career or business for themselves that balances their lifestyle with success and financial freedom. This podcast focuses on becoming your best self, discovering and expressing your voice, your truth and creating new choices.
    enNicola Salter70 Episodes

    Episodes (70)

    Gwen Dittmar | 4 Tips for Relationship Breakups

    Gwen Dittmar | 4 Tips for Relationship Breakups

    Managing life and going through a relationship breakup can be tough, challenging and intense. Find out today what you can do to make this journey smoother, understand how the relationship has served you and the opportunity for grow from it, along with understanding your inner wounded child’s needs and your partner’s plus 4  tips to support you through this emotional process whilst you handle life, family work and the financials.

    Today Nicola’s fabulous guest is Gwen Dittmar who is a coach, breathwork guide and healer and shares her guidance on navigating the break-ups, owning your part of the process, being vulnerable, what completion of a relationship means and the steps she has taken in past relationships to manage the emotional rollercoaster.


    Jenny Lorant Grouf | How Partnering With Your Body & Being Your Own Advocate Will Be Your Greatest Success

    Jenny Lorant Grouf | How Partnering With Your Body & Being Your Own Advocate Will Be Your Greatest Success

    Discover this week how learning to listen to our body’s wisdom, dropping the wonder woman complex and all of society’s narrative thrown at us about how we should live as women, is discussed with Jenny Lorant- Grouf who is a certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner, Perinatal Massage Therapist.

    Jenny shares her own personal health issues that built her confidence to learn how to partner with her health care providers, ask questions and take her health into her own hands, as well as generously sharing an extremely personal episode in her life demonstrating how she came into doing the work she does today and how we can process and resolve deep seated emotional reactions that can create chaos and health issues in the body.

    Jenny and Nicola offer tips and guidance about the importance of self-care and preventative medicine to build health and deeper more connected self-awareness, and how as women we can empower younger women to become the best advocates for ourselves.


    Laura Rhodes Levin | 3 Tips for Letting Go of the Past

    Laura Rhodes Levin | 3 Tips for Letting Go of the Past

    If you are finding yourself forever looking backwards when times were different or seemed better, or still holding onto some shame, guilt or embarrassment over something you did a long time ago, this episode is for you. Find out how letting go of the past can catapult you into living the life you want.

    Nicola’s guest this week is the fabulous Laura Rhodes Levin who is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, owner and creator of the Missing Peace 4 Anxiety Center. She shares how she made her dream a reality, what she had to let go of to do so after a heart attack at the age of 37,and the 3 tips she offers us for; letting go of the past, becoming more present, and how we can heal them from the past.



    Jamie Wollrab | How to Connect With Your Voice, Speak Up Authentically and Improve Your Relationships

    Jamie Wollrab | How to Connect With Your Voice, Speak Up Authentically and Improve Your Relationships

    A super rich episode as we meet Jamie Wollrab, voice coach, actor, director, producer and writer who joins Nicola today to explore the power of our voices and truly expressing ourselves and impact we can make when we come from an authentic place within us. Discover how embracing our fear and using it to our advantage when we are in situations that make us nervous.

    Enjoy this relaxed conversation as two mentors dive into supporting women begin the process of connecting with their true voice, speaking up, and moving away from old belief patterns that may sabotage them and great new practical advice about what to say in challenging relationship situations. You will relate!

    You will also hear one great tip for women to learn when we are not feeling happy with our guys and how we can express ourselves without using words! Jamie shares with us books he has read during his personal journey and coaches he admires. Listen in, this a super fun  and mindful episode.




    Bento Leal | How to Improve Your Communication in Life, Love and Work

    Bento Leal | How to Improve Your Communication in Life, Love and Work

    This week discover the xyz approach to improved communication, why blurting can hurt and what to do about it, discover how to find the courage to speak up during a heated conversation, watching body language, disrespectful tone of voice and find out what to do when your partner is just not listening.

    This week’s guest Bento Leal, brings some valuable information and nuggets of wisdom for improved communication at work or with your loved ones, and what is the ultimate goal all of us can make when we are hurt, feel unheard or dismissed in a conversation, that you will remind yourself to do over and over again.

    Fabulous information and guidance to help all of us who have a hard time expressing a hurt and  be able to identify and share it in way with the person who has hurt us without triggering resistance, defensiveness, shutting down, or putting up a wall of silence.


    Bonita Inza | How to Reinvent Yourself

    Bonita Inza | How to Reinvent Yourself

    Discover why making a transformation or reinventing yourself could be one of the best things you ever do and find out how Bonita Inza, Stress Reduction Coach, left her corporate world behind to reinvent herself, begin a new business and make a difference.

    Listen in if you are curious about reinventing yourself, taking the first step for change, finding out what doing reinvention with grace is all about and how you can re-orientate your life and let go of those aspects of life that are no longer working for you and the key to shifting gears.


    Alyshia Ochse | Becoming Your Truest Self

    Alyshia Ochse | Becoming Your Truest Self

    Discover why becoming your truest self and un-labelling yourself in terms of what you do but just being who you are, bring deeps profound self- awareness and greater fulfillment in your life, with this week’s fabulous guest, Alyshia Ochse, as she shares her life challenges and perspectives on letting go of attachment, expectation and pursuing your goals gracefully without pressure on yourself.  Find out more about Alyshia’s podcast That One Audition, along with her latest book Life Letters.

    Nicola introduces you to flower essence you can use when you become overwhelmed and exhausted, and how dropping our need to control, and taking greater care of ourselves to build our capacity and expand ourselves into all that we love to create is a gentle reminder just to be and enjoy life without putting ourselves under pressure.


    Lisa Carmack | How to Keep Your Love Life Hot Whilst Balancing Life

    Lisa Carmack | How to Keep Your Love Life Hot Whilst Balancing Life

    Join Nicola for this week’s entertaining, open, honest and vulnerable interview with Lisa Carmack, Licensed Clinical Psychologist PHD, who takes us on her journey of managing personal relationships and creating time for them, whilst balancing work and her own creative expressions.

    Nicola offers great tips this week about being openhearted with your partner,  listening, communicating with each other in cooperation rather than conflict, agreeing to disagree,  talking deeply, talking passionately, avoiding judgement and so much more!

    As Lisa would say – stay curious with your love life!



    Lee Knaz | How to Encourage Your Man to Be Open, Vulnerable and Fulfilled

    Lee Knaz | How to Encourage Your Man to Be Open, Vulnerable and Fulfilled

    Discover the importance of helping our guys reconnect to their divine masculine and authentic selves, and hear from today’s guest Lee Knaz, finalist on Master Chef, how he turned his life around after he became disconnected from his man-self, gave in to life’s expectations and had to step outside of the box to  regain a deeper, more fulfilled life for himself with his wife and daughter and come home to his truest self.

    This is a fantastic interview for those of us women wanting to support our guys and relationships make a change, without being over-exacting and demanding. Plus some great tips from Nicola’s mentoring experience with women, and 3 tips she gives them as they grow their business and career and also want to support their man.  She also dives into what is the divine masculine and what it looks like and what the divine feminine looks like. 

    This episode gives a unique perspective on helping your man to open up.


    Dr. Claudia Helade | How to Overcome Your Excuses and Procrastination

    Dr. Claudia Helade | How to Overcome Your Excuses and Procrastination

    Discover 4 powerful tips for avoiding procrastination and dive into that life of adventure which is calling you.  Dr Claudia Helade helps us define on a deeper level how to connect with our emotional intelligence so we can move away from distractions and better understand why and how we are in this time and space to learn what we need to know and apply it to our daily lives, rather than feel victimized.

    This is a deeply connected interview and great opportunity to delve deeper into our self-awareness and how we imprint this on the world and our belief patterns that can override it to stop us from achieving what we have come here to do.

    You will hear about your journey of the hero, what this means and how it can help you put into practice new skills and help you come from a heart and soul-based perspective when creating something new for yourself, either at work or a life change.


    Mary Elliott | 4 Easy Steps for Improving Financial Wellness

    Mary Elliott | 4 Easy Steps for Improving Financial Wellness

    This week we are looking at improving your financial wellness and defining your money values and taking those steps forward that will create financial freedom and have you living your diamond potential. 

    Discover how your money values contribute to your financial flow, and learn how to ask yourself some key questions that will help you flip your belief patterns around money, raise the bar, release fear and have you generating abundance.

    Mary Elliott joins Nicola in this episode and shares how she turned her life upside down and created more financial freedom for herself when she went from being a masseuse to a successful lifestyle realtor in Santa Barbara … a really successful realtor. 



    Nicola Salter | How to Improve 6 Areas of Your Life that are Craving Your Attention for Success

    Nicola Salter | How to Improve 6 Areas of Your Life that are Craving Your Attention for Success

    Explore how to make some small, easy daily improvements in your life that will benefit you at work and home and have you feeling; confident, proactive, expressing yourself clearly, paying attention to your diet, creating more time for your relationships, and just feeling so much a part of life and fulfilled. 

    Find out how 6 areas of your life would love your attention right now, to help you connect with your diamond potential and brilliance as Nicola shares more insights from her mentoring work for you to pick and choose from … and keep moving forward.

    Being an entrepreneur and professional takes stamina and having these 6 key areas in balance accelerates your success.


    Essential oils from: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/site/aroma1

    Kelsey Chapman | How To Get Your Dream Idea to Flourish

    Kelsey Chapman | How To Get Your Dream Idea to Flourish

    Discover 3 tips from Nicola to help you move your dream or idea forward, and why it's so important to define what resonates with your soul before moving forward and committing to a new venture.

    Find out how Nicola’s special guest Kelsey Chapman started her business from scratch without an investor, and her relatable experiences as a first- time entrepreneur during her first year of building out, to taking time out, creating online programs and multiplying her followers to create a heart based community. Her great tips and generous advice are fabulous for those of you considering moving your new venture forward.

    Find out why she also agrees that knowing who you are and your purpose is paramount for your success.

    Essential oils from Doterra


    Nicola Salter | 5 Empowering Tips to Activate Brilliance & Wealth In Your Living Space

    Nicola Salter | 5 Empowering Tips to Activate Brilliance & Wealth In Your Living Space

    Own your space, clear negative energy and create a working environment and home that embraces wealth, abundance and success as you build your business or offering.

    Discover more from Nicola as she shares her experience and training about how the energy of your home and office impacts your creativity, how to clear negative energy  and declutter your space, and why laying out your desk correctly can lead to a greater flow of money, the crystals to use, and the essential oil that will have you reconnecting to your feminine energy.

    Suzanne Quast | 3 Essential Tips to Own Your Power

    Suzanne Quast | 3 Essential Tips to Own Your Power

    Discover why it is so important for your success to stand firm in what you believe, stay true and break free of being mediocre as you dive into your excellence. Some great tips from the amazing Suzanne Quast, Actress and Host as she offers the insights she has gained from life’s experiences and the importance of growing from challenges, finding your true self through finding what is true for you, accountability and resilience.

    A great spontaneous open, raw and vulnerable interview to inspire and awaken you to being ok with your mistakes and challenges from the past and using them to motivate you.

    Amy Johnston | Sharpen Up and Toughen Up for Success

    Amy Johnston | Sharpen Up and Toughen Up for Success

    Step outside of your comfort zone to sharpen your diamond self for success with this week’s show and discover easy and effective methods Nicola uses with her clients to avoid taking things personally, reduce second guessing and becoming strong in yourself to carry through your ideas, offerings and your new reality.

    Learn from the fabulously talented Amy Johnston, how practicing her martial arts and daily divine feminine warrior helps her stay on top of her game in life and in the movies. Wonderful, strong and compassionate woman who shows us how to stay feminine and strong.



    Charlie Palumbo | Empower Your Inner Divine Feminine Warrior Without Losing Your Femininity

    Charlie Palumbo | Empower Your Inner Divine Feminine Warrior Without Losing Your Femininity

    Nicola shares with you today perspectives for empowering your inner divine feminine warrior, and how important this is as you create your vision and living the life you want.

    She invites the amazing Charlie Palumbo, a female veteran who served her country and has also authored a book called The Face of a Memory: Emerging after the Military through Poetic Voice and their conversations spans Charlie’s service but also the conflict of being a woman in a very much male dominated world, and what she did to turn this around, become a mum and stay connected to her true divine feminine self. 

    Charlie Palumbo's LinkedIn

    Nicola Salter | Energy Vampires & The Art of Not Minding

    Nicola Salter | Energy Vampires & The Art of Not Minding

    This week’s nugget episode, is a short, fast and focused piece of shared wisdom,  all about the people you surround yourself with as you begin to create what you want in the world, and begin to make new choices and redefine yourself.

    Energy vampires will want you to follow them on their path and disrupt your own life to such a degree that there is nothing left but exhaustion for you. How do you handle this? What does your true tribe of supporters look like to you? What is the heart-based life you  want to create for yourself by surrounding yourself with like-spirited souls who nourish and lift you up with support  in every way.

    For this week, Nicola will ask you to approach 2-3 of your like-spirited friends and ask them how they see you, your qualities, your strengths, the work they feel is totally fitting for you, how they can support you and then ask them how you can support them. You may find their feedback enlightening, empowering, truthful and very useful in how you see yourself in the world and how you want to present yourself.

    Julia Zarro | 4 Tips for Dropping the Need for Perfection and the Science Behind Why We Can Multitask So Well

    Julia Zarro | 4 Tips for Dropping the Need for Perfection and the Science Behind Why We Can Multitask So Well

    You are already perfect! Yes, today we are going to be talking about the importance of working passionately at what you love, not sacrificing your life and avoiding that driving need for perfection, whilst we explore the science behind multi-tasking and why us women are just so good at it (and forget we need to keep it in balance).

    Research has shown women find it easier than men to multitask and switch between tasks. Women can jump between incoming emails, phone calls, and assignments, while running in and out of meetings more easily.  However, both women and men slowed down and made more mistakes as they switched tasks and tried to work faster.  You are going to discover more today about multitasking and why letting go of being 200% perfect is ok.

    Nicola’s very special guest today is her best friend and sister, Julia Zarro, who is the very epitome of being able to balance life and work whilst leading an Experiential Marketing Agency for some of the largest Tech organizations in the world.

    Website: zedink.com