
    Your World Within | Inspiration, Motivation and Life Stories From Eddie Pinero

    "You are always one decision away from a totally different life." Eddie Pinero, the founder of Your World Within, has reached over 200 million people around the world with his inspirational stories and speeches. In this podcast, he shares daily motivation and insights intended to help you conquer your day and live your greatest life. Follow Eddie Pinero on YouTube: YouTube.com/yourworldwithin
    enEddie Pinero718 Episodes

    Episodes (718)

    The Mirror Principle | This Will Change Your Reality

    The Mirror Principle | This Will Change Your Reality

    “The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are. If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful, the world will prove loving and friendly and helpful to you. The world is what you are.” - Thomas Dreier

    In this episode, I reflect on the idea that reality mirrors our own perceptions, a concept often referred to as "the mirror principle." Drawing from Marcus Aurelius, I’m reminded of the immense control we have over our minds and, consequently, our strength. If you don’t like the reflection life is giving you, it’s up to you to change what you bring to the mirror. This is a personal journey of recognizing that we set the guidelines for our lives, and it’s our responsibility to level up, embrace risk, and pursue growth. Reality is our mirror, but we are the artists.

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    A Lesson To Live By | Motivational Speech About Life

    A Lesson To Live By | Motivational Speech About Life

    "The acquisition of knowledge is a moral duty" Charlie Munger

    In this reflective episode, we honor the late Charlie Munger and his enduring wisdom. His words remind us that seeking knowledge is not just a journey but a moral duty, an obligation we have to ourselves and the world. This message, delivered during a commencement address, resonates profoundly for anyone at life's crossroads. It's a call to action to step forward, to learn continuously, and to embrace life's adventure. As we explore this concept, we realize that life isn't about getting it right but about being willing to grow and impact the world positively. Endings are merely the start of new beginnings, and feeling stuck is a sign that our souls are yearning for growth. This episode is a nudge to keep moving, to leverage our unique perspectives and abilities to better the world. It's an encouragement to evolve and to understand that progress is the true path to happiness, urging us to step into the unknown and map it out for ourselves and others. Let's not waste our potential; let's fulfill our duty to acquire knowledge and create waves of change.

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    Keep Going | A Motivational Speech About Getting Through Tough Times

    Keep Going | A Motivational Speech About Getting Through Tough Times

    "If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

    This episode touches on the profound difference a simple act of reaching out can make. Reflecting on the loss of friends and the loneliness that can accompany life's challenges, we discuss the importance of small gestures of support. Whether it's a message to someone who's struggling or a word of encouragement to someone who feels alone, these acts are powerful. To those facing tough times, remember: you're not alone, and there's hope on the horizon. Let's not underestimate the power of showing up for one another—it can be a lifeline in disguise.

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    The Power of Now: How to Begin Your Success Story Today (Motivational Speech)

    The Power of Now: How to Begin Your Success Story Today (Motivational Speech)

    "We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret." - Jim Rohn

    In this episode, we dive into the powerful notion that the perfect moment to start is now. It's a candid reflection on the pitfalls of waiting for the right conditions and how embracing imperfection can actually be our greatest asset. The discussion unfolds with personal stories, like the relocation of my studio and the unexpected lessons learned from delays and setbacks. It's about the beauty found in starting with what you have, where you are, and letting the real, raw journey resonate with others. This talk is a call to action: to begin your podcast with just a phone, to workout in whatever space you have, to create with the resources at your fingertips. It's not about the perfect set-up; it's about the progress and the person you become in the process. So, start now, embrace the imperfections, and let your story unfold. The world is waiting for what only you can give – your voice, your story, your unique contribution – no matter how small the beginning may seem.

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    “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” – William James

    I'm excited to share this personal collection of motivational talks I've put together with your journey in mind. Each one is close to my heart, speaking to the challenges we all face and the triumphs that await us. Over the next decade, let these speeches be your companions, guiding you through growth, resilience, and the pursuit of your dreams. They're more than just lessons; they're conversations meant to inspire action and spark a fire within. So join me, and together, let's shape a future that excites us.

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    The Number One Habit Of Successful People (Motivational Speech)

    The Number One Habit Of Successful People (Motivational Speech)

    "Do what you can, with what you've got, where you are." - Unknown

    This episode explores the notion that fear can be a motivator or a hindrance, likening it to a headwind or tailwind in our lives. It reflects on the rapid evolution of technology, specifically AI, and its impact on the present and future state of businesses. The discussion pivots on whether to view AI as a threat or an opportunity to add unique value. Through personal experiences and insights, it's emphasized that we are at a constant crossroads of growth or stagnation. The narrative challenges listeners to utilize the tools at their disposal creatively, transforming neutral circumstances into positive opportunities. The central theme is the power of adaptability and the artistry each person holds in crafting their life's canvas, underscoring the importance of perspective in dictating our reality. The takeaway is a call to embrace change, using it as a catalyst for continual evolution and improvement.

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    7 Minute Morning Motivation | The Power Of Starting Over

    7 Minute Morning Motivation | The Power Of Starting Over

    Sometimes we must step back in order to leap forward....

    In this episode, I share a crucial life lesson: the importance of building a strong foundation before seeking more. I talk about my own gym struggles and how stepping back to address fundamental issues with my trainer led to a breakthrough. It's not just about fitness; it's about life. I reflect on a friend's battle with addiction and my past relationship, realizing that genuine change often requires us to redefine our 'normal.' This mindset isn't just about overcoming obstacles, but about preparing ourselves for sustainable growth. If you're ready to build a life that's unshakeable, this talk is for you. Let's learn to fix our foundations, evolve our normal, and become stronger than ever.

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    10 Speeches For The Next 10 Years (Motivational Speeches)

    10 Speeches For The Next 10 Years (Motivational Speeches)

    “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." — Winston Churchill

    Tune in for a powerhouse compilation of 2023's best motivational speeches. This episode is a treasure trove of the year's most inspiring moments, delivering that kick you need to rise above mediocrity and chase the exceptional. These are the themes that have urged us to pivot towards our passions, to understand that quitting the mundane can be the first step towards our greatness. It's a call to live boldly, to embrace the journey of becoming our best selves, and to remember that our existence itself is a rare gift. Get ready to be fired up and fueled for your journey to the top – because greatness awaits, and it's ours for the taking. Don't miss out on these epic moments of 2023 – they're game-changers!

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    BELIEVE IN YOURSELF | Best Motivational Speeches Compilation | Wake Up Positive

    BELIEVE IN YOURSELF | Best Motivational Speeches Compilation | Wake Up Positive

    "Quit or be exceptional. Average is for losers." - Seth Godin

    In this episode, I unpack a powerful mantra from Seth Godin's 'The Dip': Quit or be exceptional. I break down why mediocrity shouldn't be our default and how quitting the wrong things can actually be a bold step toward greatness. It's not about quitting; it's about pivoting towards what truly matters and becoming the best version of ourselves. We've all won the lottery just by being here, so why waste it standing at the theme park entrance? Let's chase what's exceptional, go all in, and live a life far from average. Tune in for a dose of motivation to pursue your exceptional path. Life's too short for anything less!

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    MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS | Best Motivational Speeches of 2023 (So Far) | Start Your Day Right

    MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS | Best Motivational Speeches of 2023 (So Far) | Start Your Day Right

    “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” - Maya Angelou

    On the latest episode, I dive into life's roller coaster, comparing it to growing a YouTube channel. It's about embracing the highs and learning from the lows. When things slow down, I pause, reflect, adjust, and stay patient. This approach isn't just for content creators – it's life advice. Tune in for a real talk on handling life's dips and coming out on top. Let's navigate the ups and downs together!

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    CHANGE YOUR MENTALITY | Best Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

    CHANGE YOUR MENTALITY | Best Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

    “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” - Anonymous

    In this episode, we tackle the value of 'playing the fool' and overcoming imposter syndrome to boost confidence. I'll share why embracing moments of not knowing everything can actually be your secret weapon, and how facing the fear of feeling like a fraud propels us towards genuine growth. This compilation is all about reframing our mindset to become surer of ourselves and our place in the world. Join me and let’s learn to walk confidently in our own shoes, every step of the way.

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    IGNORE EVERYONE, FOCUS ON YOU | Best Motivational Speeches

    IGNORE EVERYONE, FOCUS ON YOU | Best Motivational Speeches

    “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” - Leo Tolstoy

    On today's podcast, I chat about the magic of dreaming big, seeing your goals in your mind, and then taking action to make them real. I share how Jim Carrey visualized his success before it happened and stress that we can all shape our futures. Dream it, visualize it, execute it – that's the formula to turn your wishes into achievements. Let's start creating our dream life, one step at a time.

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    It's time to fix your next 10 years | Best Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

    It's time to fix your next 10 years | Best Motivational Speeches | Wake Up Positive

    “Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


    In this episode, I'm diving into the magic of starting. I'll share stories about how taking even the smallest step today can lead to huge accomplishments down the line. It's about understanding that every moment is a chance to build something great. You'll hear about my own 'back then' moments and how they shaped me. So let's talk about taking action, facing fears daily, and why the journey of growth and transformation starts with the courage to begin. Join me to discover how one choice today can be the one you thank yourself for in the future.


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    MORNING MOTIVATION | Best Motivational Speeches of 2023 (So Far)

    MORNING MOTIVATION | Best Motivational Speeches of 2023 (So Far)

    “What I know for sure is that every sunrise is like a new page, a chance to right ourselves and receive each day in all its glory. Each day is a wonder.” — Oprah Winfrey

    A collection of morning motivational speeches by Eddie Pinero (the best of 2023 so far) meant to inspire and get you ready to take on the day.

    POSITIVE MORNING MOTIVATION | Best Motivational Speeches

    POSITIVE MORNING MOTIVATION | Best Motivational Speeches

    Win the morning, win the day...

    Leander Studio: The Today Is Yours Collection - https://leanderstudio.com/pages/today-is-yours

    I start this morning's motivational episode off with a discussion on the role of instinct and passion in making major life decisions, referencing Jeff Bezos's philosophy that the best decisions are not made through analysis alone. While data is crucial for navigating the path once chosen, it's the heart that should guide us to that path. I share my own experiences, such as my move to Arizona and embarking on new ventures, as examples of choices led by a deep-seated feeling rather than a calculable rationale. I stress the significance of taking leaps of faith, driven by what truly matters to us and igniting our curiosity, acknowledging that the journey and its lessons are far more valuable than what data alone can reveal. I advocate for trusting ourselves to author our life's story in alignment with our true selves.


    Once You Learn This, You'll Never Be The Same | Powerful Motivational Speeches

    Once You Learn This, You'll Never Be The Same | Powerful Motivational Speeches

    "My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it, but love it." - Friedrich Nietzsche