
    ZLORD podcast

    ZLORD chronicles inner and outer adventures and whimsical musings of artists teZa and Carter Lord. Sometimes teZa, the ZLORD herself shares solo. When together, the cohosts dedicate their conversations to helping to heal our divided blended family of humankind by spreading every aspect of the verb/noun "love." They explore Spirit in all its various forms. (No politics, ever). Whether traveling to Patagonia, the Pacific Northwest, or speaking from their comfy couch, each episode is sure to surprise you with its honest approach to some of life's pressing questions. These two Americans (30+ years married) live freely and explore how to uplift one's own level of inner peace. With great joy they strive to help others to experience (and maintain) higher states of being free of fear. They adhere to the preciousness of the Present Moment. Carter is a committed Christian who believes in reincarnation, while teZa is a non-duality, mystical yogi. Sometimes their discussions reflect how they came to their mutual love of Spirit through their very different paths. However these two may differ, they both speak about the truth of Oneness. A fan calls them "the George and Gracie Burns of spirituality." Archives of the years' of podcasting cover pandemic explorations from their living room couch, dedicated to life's inner awakenings. Even earlier episodes follow the weekly exploits of the Lords' 6-months of car-and-tent camping in the Wild (start listening in June 2019 and join their fun-camping life starting from Maine, westward through Canada, south along the Pacific Northwest, into the spectacular canyons of the West, to Big Bend along the Texas-Mexico border, and East back to Florida, where the couple reside next to the sea. Please send comments and suggestions for future conversations to zlordpodcast@gmail.com. Presently they rarely have guests since they use a simple iPhone for these lo-tech, often nomadic recordings. teZa, a 5-book author and spiritual activist, is a frequent guest on other podcasts. See tezalord.com. She publishes her first novel in early 2024. teZa offers MindStillers, free guided meditations on her YouTube channel. Carter is a feature filmmaker (Lithium Springs, and The Enchanted) and currently shows short videos on his YouTube channel. On his site carterlord.com you can stream his previous features and find a link to his YouTube. Carter is an avid tennis player so look for the world championship match he filmed in Bolivia, 2023. Friends, Stay Strong, Stay in the Light! And remember ... Love is the weapon of mass illumination.
    enteZa Lord225 Episodes

    Episodes (225)

    The Bridge Tender, teZa Lord’s New Eco-Novel

    The Bridge Tender, teZa Lord’s New Eco-Novel

    Just released this week! 
    THE BRIDGE TENDER, find it on Amazon. 
    Fiction is the only way for some truths to be told.

    Yann Martel, NY Times bestselling author of LIFE OF PI: “teZa Lord leads the charge against dark times.”

    A #visionaryStory of one woman’s #transformation that leads us all closer to #enlightenment  




    For the Mentally and Spiritually Distressed, Young and Old —choose Love!

    For the Mentally and Spiritually Distressed, Young and Old —choose Love!

    teZa going solo another episode, but glad to have a heart-to heart about what’s been increasing obvious—people being anxious, sad, depressed, angry, confused—filled with fear in all its many guises. Here are some effectual suggestions to make to reverse hopelessness. See tezalord.com. Her new book THE BRIDGE TENDER is on Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/yv4w9zfu #spreadLove #nofear



    teZa introduces her new book, a novel that will blow your mind. Visit Amazon and type in the search “The Bridge Tender, teZa Lord” and pre-order your 99-cent ebook TODAY. On Feb 26 join the launch party and put up a short n SWEET review! If you want a PDF to read before the ebook is available, the same day your review is requested to be posted after your Purchase, write and ask for it: dearteza@gmail.com

    The Best Cure for Anger

    The Best Cure for Anger

    Many people are emotionally strained these days. With both national and worldwide events escalating daily, many are nervous, many are angry, some are contemptuous of others on “the other side.” In this episode cohosts teZa and Carter Lord discuss what is the obvious solution: civility. And detachment from toxic people and situations. How to practice these choices though, when face to face with others’ incivility is the solution for changing negative-dark situations into more positive, light-filled ones. See tezalord.com and carterlord.com for info about hosts.  

    What Matters Most TODAY

    What Matters Most TODAY

    Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than Knowledge.” Cohosts teZa and Carter Lord share how they navigate through life’s smorgasbord of current issues facing humankind: Global and Local Leadership Challenges. Fear vs Encouragement. Localized Wars Escalating. Personal Growth. Social-Racial-Religious Conflicts. Environmental Discoveries. Negative Thinking.  Constructive Debates. Celebrations. Hope. Love. Harmony. Human Neurosis. The Sacred in Everyday human existence is as diversified as a family of ten sitting down to a meal. See carterlord.com and tezalord.com for more. 

    The Weapon of Mass Illumination

    The Weapon of Mass Illumination

    Life on planet Earth is getting more tense by the moment. Some of us though, see all challenges as opportunities for choosing how to live in conflicted times — responding, not reacting, with peace and calm instead of revenge and violent solutions. Cohosts teZa and Carter Lord share their perspectives on the hyper-explosive situation in the Middle East, compounded by the ongoing conflict between the dominance of Russia over the fighting-for-survival Ukraine. See tezalord.com and carterlord.com for more about the hosts. Comments or suggestions: zlordpodcast@gmail.com 

    When is Revenge Acceptable?

    When is Revenge Acceptable?

    Whether a world crisis or a personal resentment, we all contribute to elevating our world (or not) by the action we choose to take. In this episode, cohosts Carter and teZa Lord talk about the recent atrocities in the Middle East’s Gaza, and how we can relate this show-down between extremist-Hamas and Israel in the bigger world arena—to having a resentment against our neighbor, something all of us can relate to. See tezalord.com and carterlord.com for more about hosts. 

    Is Religion Relevant?

    Is Religion Relevant?

    After last week’s unprecedented violence by Hamas extremists in Israel’s Gaza Strip, cohost teZa and Carter Lord attempt to explain their relationship with the Divine, the blatant cause of too many wars. For these two long-marrieds, they experience the Sacred through both personal inner experiences, like meditation and serving others, as well as through spiritual teachings, such as “The Word” offered in religious texts. Both defend their very different stands on the modern question of: “Is God dead?” debated by various seekers and anti-religious alike. The Lords’ conclusion? Yes! ALL Religions serve as a beacon of hope for many in our otherwise insane world. But extremists—of any ilk—can make anything a trip to hell with their narrow, intolerant interpretation of what is, in essence, simply one’s version of goodness: being a decent human being. Comments welcome zlordpodcast@gmail.com see tezalord.com and carterlord.com about the hosts. 

    Facing Our Immortality In Peace

    Facing Our Immortality In Peace

    All of us face many unknowns. Our health could be threatened or we might lose a loved one suddenly, or any of a long list of worrisome “could be’s” accompanies each of us, every day. In this episode Carter reveals to cohost teZa his concerns over a serious surgical complication that has arisen from his recent joint replacement. With good cheer the pair discuss the endless possibilities of both life—and death. The hosts agreed with Warf the feisty Clingon of Star Trek fame, who says at any given opportunity—“It’s a good day to die!” See tezalord.com and carterlord.com for more about the hosts. 

    Stay Positive in Face of Crushing Reality

    Stay Positive in Face of Crushing Reality

    Cohosts teZa and Carter Lord discuss a subject everyone can relate to these days—how not to despair over the many crises our world has: the bio-diversity gloom, the threat of escalation over the Ukraine war, the crippling political divide, ongoing racial and economic imbalance. Here we offer REAL and true ways of not allowing these realities to overwhelm either our personal life—or the fate of our beloved planet Earth. See tezalord.com and carterlord.com 

    Thoughts Are Energy: Watch YourSelf!

    Thoughts Are Energy: Watch YourSelf!

    Yea, we can! Yes, we can help transform any challenge by changing the way we think. Cohosts Carter and teZa Lord discuss specific steps we can all take to change fear and disappointments into hope, loving energy—and by so doing—discover positive creative solutions for virtually any difficulty we meet personally or collectively. See tezalord.com and carterlord.com 

    Are You Listening?

    Are You Listening?

    Human communication keeps getting better the more we become aware, and practice in our everyday happenings. Being aware of awareness is key to self-growth as well as to interacting with others. In this episode cohosts Carter and teZa Lord share insights, experiences, and proven techniques they use that have helped this long-coupled pair get better at listening, the basis of true, unbiased communication skills. See tezalord.com and carterlord.com 

    Today’s Climate Reality

    Today’s Climate Reality

    After a much-needed break, with time to heal and reflect, ZLORD’s cohosts teZa and Carter Lord return, refreshed and renewed! With a new focus that was announced in the last episode: sharing about the environmental crisis. The conversation’s energy is vivacious and soul-baring.

    Both hosts are in unique positions to disseminate their individual perspectives. Carter, who is a barefoot entrepreneur, has made two feature films honoring humankind’s relationship to Nature, and currently created many YouTube shorts. teZa, a barefoot botanical illustrator, visionary author of many Nature wisdom books, is a born-again farm girl and former ex-pat who sailed Third World islands for a decade. Together, these 3-decade-long lovers of each other and planet Earth care about what matters most, always! See tezalord.com and carterlord.com 💜

    NEWS FLASH: The Environmental Tipping Point Has Been Reached

    NEWS FLASH: The Environmental Tipping Point Has Been Reached

    There comes a time in everyone’s life—and in this case, our four fun years of podcasting about life’s journey itself—when a crossroads is reached. In this episode cohosts teZa and Carter discuss her recent period of reflection, and how she’s made an important and necessary decision (she is, after all, the motivating force behind the creation of ZLORD podcast). So now—the tipping point of human awareness and openness to expressing compassion for our planet has been reached. It is time (it’s never too late!) to help raise awareness of our Earth’s climate crisis, and what we—as both individuals and as a blended family of humankind—can do to make a difference in solving it. Change begins with awareness. See tezalord.com and carterlord.com