
    Zoo Logic

    Zoo Logic with animal trainer, zoo advocate, and ZOOmility author, Dr. Grey Stafford, is a weekly conversation with zoo, aquarium, and animal experts about Nature, wildlife, pets, animal training with positive reinforcement, health and welfare, research, conservation, and education, sustainability, zoo politics, activism and legislation, and all things animals! On Zoo Logic, we’ll go behind the scenes with animal professionals and influencers from around the world to explore the latest Zoos News and issues affecting wildlife, wild places, and people. Communicating with humor, cool stories, and candor, we’ll discover the interdependent connection between civilization, conservation, and commerce.
    enDr. Grey Stafford309 Episodes

    Episodes (309)

    Gorillas in the Mist and Mud

    Gorillas in the Mist and Mud

    War, genocide, human population growth, food insecurity, poaching, limited range, climate change and land use policies are just some of the reasons why mountain gorillas have been on the brink of extinction for decades. A reality made more stark given the subspecies was only "discovered" by the West as recently as 1902. Today, the Mountain Gorilla, made part of the public consciousness by the embedded research and advocacy efforts of the late Dr. Dian Fossey, and later by modern zoos and zoo media personalities like Jack Hanna, has rebounded somewhat in the beautiful central African country of Rwanda. While these conservation gains are far from guaranteed, concentrated research, public education, greater security, and well-managed ecotourism efforts have preserved mountain gorillas for now. Join Zoo Logic from the field for a real time glimpse at what trekking to see this charismatic species entails for them and for humans in a small country still coping with the legacy of genocide. 

    Animal Care Software

    Kigali Genocide Memorial


    Marine Mammal Research Network

    Marine Mammal Research Network

    Recently, a group of scientists and animal facilities announced  a cooperative program called the Marine Mammal Research Network to match researchers and students with institutions interested in conducting investigations for the conservation and welfare benefit of wild populations and those living in human care. Dr Jason Bruck returns to discuss the group's formation and goals, as well as, how interested students, facilities, and/or researchers can get involved.

    Animal Care Software

    Zoo Logic
    enMay 25, 2023



    Recently, labor journalist Asher Elbein published a story in Undark Magazine describing a legal settlement in favor of a primate researcher claiming sexual assault and retaliation against an accredited zoo director and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. What is the remedy when an organization created to assist facility and individual members, and at the same time hold them accountable to higher standards of animal care and professional conduct, fails to act or worse, treats some within its ranks better than others?

    Animal Care Software

    Zoo Logic
    enMay 18, 2023

    Telling the Emperor He has No Clothes

    Telling the Emperor He has No Clothes

    Known for its snarky videos and scathing websites directed at exposing animal rights groups, Berman and Co may have new leadership, but its purpose remains: speaking truth to power and revealing the hypocrisy of those bent on eliminating zoos, aquariums and animals in human care. The organization's new executive director, Jack Hubbard, discusses their new website  EnvironmentandWelfare.com, which includes easy to access "activist" profiles, issue briefs, and videos to assist consumers and animal attractions push back on the false narratives promoted by well-funded activist groups.

    Animal Care Software

    Zoo Logic
    enMay 11, 2023



    A few chapters in to A Future in Flames, by returning guest Dr. Danielle Clode, one realizes that Australia has a unique relationship with wildfire unlike any other large land mass. On the one hand, wildfire has helped shaped the continent and the plant and animal life we know today. At the same time, this isolated continent's natural and anthropogenic-driven evolution, especially over the last 100,000 years has affected the nature of wildfire itself. As other regions around the globe experience climate and habitat changes in the coming century that favor larger, more destructive events, what lessons can wildfire prone countries learn from the Australian example to preserve life, ecosystems, and property?

    Animal Care Software

    Zoo Logic
    enMay 04, 2023

    The Future of Conservation Research & Improved Welfare: Animal Data Portability

    The Future of Conservation Research & Improved Welfare: Animal Data Portability

    Three leaders behind some of today's top animal record-keeping software management systems discuss their joint effort to establish data portability as the new standard for zoos, aquariums and related organizations. On the surface, David Kleven, Mark Simmons and Tony Niemann are competitors in the electronic animal record-keeping arena. Behind the scenes, however, these three recognize the greater purpose for their collaboration when it comes to seamlessly sharing critical animal data profiles to foster better individual and species level understanding and care. 

    Animal Care Software

    Animal Data Sharing

    Zoo Logic
    enApril 27, 2023

    Toki's (a.k.a Lolita) Truth

    Toki's (a.k.a Lolita) Truth

    With so many competing outside voices claiming to know what is best for the 57-year-old orca named Toki, we knew it was important to better understand the unique individual behind the stage name Lolita by those who actually cared for her daily for decades. Experienced animal professionals Heather Keenan and Marni Wood spent decades at Miami Seaquarium caring for and building relationships based on trust with Toki. They describe this impressive animal's strengths and significant limitations in accepting disruptions to her routine, companions, and habitat to the point of shutting down mentally and physically at even modest changes. Their hope is to sit down with all the stakeholders that will determine Toki's fate and discuss why, much like Keiko before her, moving this elderly animal across country to a sea pen and separating her from her human family will needlessly place her welfare and life in jeopardy.

    Animal Care Software

    Truth 4 Toki

    Balancing the Needs of the Many with the Needs of the One Named Tokitae (Lolita)

    Balancing the Needs of the Many with the Needs of the One Named Tokitae (Lolita)

    The social and traditional media response in the wake of news that owners of Miami Seaquarium have partnered with groups bent on returning ailing 57 year old Lolita to her home waters of the Pacific Northwest after more than 50 years in human care has been extraordinary. With few details about how such a project would be completed and sustained safely and successfully for her and the few remaining critically endangered southern resident killer whales, we asked researcher Dr. Jason Bruck and Orca Conservancy Executive Director, Shari Tarantino to discuss the huge gaps in scientific knowledge that need to be filled before such a move can be seriously contemplated and authorized by regulatory agencies. Remarkably, given the potential zoonotic risks to the resident whales and the ongoing threats to their survival like acoustic noise, pollution, and most of all, starvation from dwindling salmon stocks, Shari and her team oppose such a move despite the fact her organization was originally created in the mid 1990's to return Toki to her home waters. Both Shari and Jason agree that any decision to relocate her must be based on objective science and behavioral data that ensures her welfare, not what makes people feel good.

    Animal Care Software

    How Not to Solve a Problem Like Lolita

    How Not to Solve a Problem Like Lolita

    Late last week the zoological world was blindsided by the announcement that the owners of Miami Seaquarium had entered into an agreement with anti-zoo organizations and a wealthy philanthropist from the NFL to return the oldest orca in human care named Lolita (a.k.a. Tokitae) to her original range in the Pacific Northwest.

    Against the backdrop of the disastrous results of how Keiko (Free Willy) was returned and died alone at sea over 20 years ago, professionals from all sectors of the zoological, research, and conservation communities, especially those involved with marine mammals, have expressed skepticism and outrage about moving a geriatric, chronically ill and possibly deaf orca, with documented limited ability to adapt to changes in her immediate environment and routines to compromised habitat of the critically endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales. 

    Former IMATA and AMMPA president, Billy Hurley and Killing Keiko author and Keiko's former trainer Mark Simmons weigh in on the news and share their historical, scientific, training, political, and welfare concerns about this beloved animal.

    Animal Care Software 

    Preserving Waterways Mechanically not Chemically

    Preserving Waterways Mechanically not Chemically

    Along with her late husband, Tara Lordi has channeled her passion for the outdoors, lakes, and ponds she enjoyed in her youth into developing non toxic solutions to preserve our vital waterways and water treatment facilities from overgrowth of invasive weeds. With runoff from farms, industry, and faulty septic systems, the nation's fresh, brackish and marine ecosystems are under siege from invasive plants which pose a significant economic impact on communities and aquatic life. To help communities sustainably maintain their water resources without the use of herbicides, Tara's Florida based company has developed small workboat solutions to remove organic materials. With the giant seaweed blob headed towards the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, her aquatic weed harvester solutions are in high demand.

    Animal Care Software 

    Zoo Logic Podcast

    Zoo Logic
    enMarch 30, 2023

    Neighborhood Cats

    Neighborhood Cats

    There are millions of unwanted feral cats roaming the US, leaving an indelible mark on vulnerable species conservation. Before appreciating the size of the problem that feral cats present globally, Neighborhood Cats founder, Bryan Kortis recognized the issue in his own NYC backyard as he tried to rescue and place a few kittens found next to his apartment. Turns out one useful strategy is known as TNR, trap, neuter and return.  Bryan suggests TNR has to be applied in a targeted fashion in order to have high sterilization rates in defined locations resulting in gradual but significant population decline and control of feral cats. He discusses the nuanced application of TNR in sensitive nesting areas in places like Maui, as well as, the pushback his efforts have received by many in the conservation biology community.  Have we in the zoological and conservation space made an as yet unrealized perfect solution the enemy of the good?

    Animal Care Software

    Zoo Logic Podcast

    YAS/SeaWorld Research & Rescue

    YAS/SeaWorld Research & Rescue

    Seven years ago SeaWorld was approached with the idea of building a world class marine animal facility in Abu Dhabi. Long time SeaWorld and Busch Gardens curator, Rob Yordi, was involved in planning this immense indoor park from the start.  While we don't yet know exactly when in 2023 SeaWorld Abu Dhabi will open to the public, the Yas/SeaWorld Research and Rescue center has launched to serve the conservation and educational needs of the region.

    Animal Care Software

    Zoo Logic Podcast

    Zoo Logic
    enMarch 16, 2023

    IMATA-ABMA Joint Conference

    IMATA-ABMA Joint Conference

    After years of delays due to scheduling, hurricanes, and COVID, the long discussed combined conference of trainers from the Animal Behavior Management Alliance (ABMA) and the International Marine Animal Trainers' Association (IMATA) is underway in Atlanta.  Zoo Logic is live with two of the organizations' long time leaders, Nicki Boyd, Curator of Applied Behavior from San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance and Will Elgar, Director of ZOO Miami. While animal training in applied zoo and aquarium settings will always be the primary focus of these groups, both leaders recognize the growing importance and industry influence their alliance of behaviorists have on the global zoological community. 

    Animal Care Software

    KORE Enrichment Products

    Zoo Logic
    enMarch 09, 2023

    Conserving Ukraine

    Conserving Ukraine

    Environmental journalist Marlowe Starling recently published an article in Mongabay about the efforts of Ukrainian biologists and their colleagues around the world to preserve data, specimens, and research sites in the war ravaged country. These biologists have risked their lives to transport, recover, and most importantly, share conservation data with scientists around the globe. The urgency is great as field research on vulnerable and endangered species such as the sandy blind mole-rat, the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin, migratory birds, and native plants has come to a standstill or has been severely curtailed, and original data sets have been lost. 

    Animal CareSoftware

    KONG Zoo

    Zoo Logic


    Greater One-Horned Rhino Birth

    Greater One-Horned Rhino Birth

    With all the activist and conservation challenges confronting the zoological world, it's important to just stop and appreciate good news when it happens. Recently, the Tanganika Wildlife Park announced its first successful birth of an Indian rhinoceros, also called the greater one-horned rhino. This large species of rhino once numbered as few as 100 individuals in the wild. Today, while still considered vulnerable, it has made a remarkable comeback to approximately 4000 animals according to sources like the International Rhino Foundation. Even more remarkable is this young calf was born to a mother who was conceived through artificial insemination--proving that reproductive assistance techniques developed for humans has a role to play in species conservation. The park's curator of research and welfare, Dr. Samantha Russak and primary rhino keeper, Sierra Smith discuss the new arrival and all the adjustments needed as a result of this significant birth.

    Animal Care Software

    KONG Zoo

    Zoo Logic 



    In the 20th century, it was the norm for people over the span of decades to work at and eventually retire from the same company. With the approach of the 21st century, a monumental economic shift occurred in which most employees now have a more varied work history with multiple employers over much shorter durations. So to meet zoological professionals with a lifetime of experience at one location with the same individual animals, not just the same species, is increasingly rare. Nicole West, animal manager at Dolphin Quest Oahu, discusses what growing up and working with  the same individual animals for nearly a quarter century has meant to maintaining their behavioral and psychological well-being in good times and bad.

    Animal Care Software (https://animalcaresoftware.com/)

    KONG Zoo (https://kongzoo.com/)

    Zoo Logic (https://www.facebook.com/ZooLogicpodcast)

    Dolphin Quest (https://dolphinquest.com/)

    Zoo Logic
    enFebruary 16, 2023

    Space Invaders

    Space Invaders

    Board certified veterinarian and author, Dr. Doug Mader returns to discuss the growing problem of invasive species throughout Florida and especially, the Everglades and Keys. Given the perfect climate and bountiful food availability, it's no wonder why one such invasive species, the green iguana, has flourished to the point of being deemed a nuisance animal by the state. Still, there are some residents that want to protect the iguanas despite their overgrowth which only serves to complicate matters and thwart potential solutions to reduce population numbers.

    Animal Care Software

    KONG Zoo

    Zoo Logic

    Zoo Logic
    enFebruary 09, 2023

    Zoological Research in a Post Blackfish Era

    Zoological Research in a Post Blackfish Era

    Historically, many if not most scientists dismissed the value of studying wild animals in managed care settings like zoos and aquariums. With dwindling wild populations in need of immediate conservation solutions and increased competition for research funding, the importance and relevance of studying animals in human care has been on the increase. Friend of the podcast, Dr. Jason Bruck and some of his graduate students discuss the challenges and opportunities of developing working relationships with zoological facilities and staff, as well as, the "game changing" emergence of smaller, cheaper, and more powerful technologies with which to study marine and terrestrial animals.

    Animal Care Software

    KONG Zoo

    Zoo Logic Podcast



    By the mid 2000's, Chris Fischer began to lend his business, angling, and media acumen to answering a basic question facing ocean scientists and all of humanity: how do we ensure our grandkids will be able to eat a fish sandwich? Having grown up in the 1970's and all too familiar with the depleted fish stocks of the western Atlantic at that time, Chris realized the biggest threat to our world oceans was a data deficit and the siloing of well-intentioned researchers stuck in an antiquated and dysfunctional system of funding. So he set about disrupting the research status quo by forming Ocearch to bring a multidisciplinary team of cooperating scientists and a uniquely equipped ship and experienced crew to study, assess, and track apex predators like white sharks. As Chris points out, he's not a shark guy, rather he's an abundance guy.  His goal is to restore balance to the oceans through shared data, public education, and informed policymaking.

    Animal Care Software

    KONG Zoo

    Zoo Logic Podcast

    Zoo Logic
    enJanuary 26, 2023



    Few species are as widely recognizable as Australia's koala. Despite its iconic status and reams of studies, there is much we don't know about this species and the threats to its survival. As a result, Dr. Danielle Clode chose to explore "why this species is the lone survivor of a once-diverse family of uniquely Australian marsupials."  Her new book Koala: a natural history and an uncertain future (W.W. Norton & Company) released this month examines their behavior, physiology, and complex relationship with the "distinctive" trees upon which they depend.

    Animal Care Software

    KONG Zoo

    Zoo Logic Podcast


    Zoo Logic
    enJanuary 19, 2023