

    Explore " 4.0" with insightful episodes like "T01 - Capítulo 05 - Previsión o Premonición", "Ep. 90 - Electoral & Radical Politics 4.0 ft. Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez & Alderperson-elect Jessie Fuentes", "#T1. Ep14 - Yamaha e Indústria 4.0: Transformação além do limite", "#150 MAP TECNOLOGIA 4.0 A FAVOR DA AGRICULTURA COM RAFAEL MALACCO" and "More Jeep Engines of Present" from podcasts like ""100 Segundos para la Media Noche", "Bourbon 'n BrownTown", "Kyndryl Talks", "Agrocast" and "I Speak Jeep"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    T01 - Capítulo 05 - Previsión o Premonición

    T01 - Capítulo 05 - Previsión o Premonición

    En el mes de febrero y marzo de 2022, recién iniciado el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania, comenzó a circular un documento elaborado por la RAND Corporation en 2019 denominado ´´Extending Russia – Competing from Advantageous Ground’’ el cual indicaba abiertamente ser patrocinado por la Oficina de Revisión de Defensa Quadrienal del Ejército y la Oficina del Subjefe de Estado Mayor G-8 de Estados Unidos. A su vez, dicho documento indicaba que su propósito era examinar una gama de posibles medios y escenarios probabilísticos sobre la extensión de influencia territorial de Rusia y la definición de medidas, no necesariamente violentas, que podrían estresar al ejército o la economía rusa así como su posición e injerencia política a lo interno del propio país y el extranjero, con el fin de contener dicha expansión. Lo curioso de dicho documento es que aparentemente pronosticaba de una forma muy detallada, las características del conflicto que recientemente había explotado entre Rusia y Ucrania en febrero.

    Ep. 90 - Electoral & Radical Politics 4.0 ft. Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez & Alderperson-elect Jessie Fuentes

    Ep. 90 - Electoral & Radical Politics 4.0 ft. Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez & Alderperson-elect Jessie Fuentes

    BrownTown continues to dialogue about the relationship between electoral and radical politics with Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez and Alderperson-elect Jessie Fuentes. With the historic 2023 Chicago municipal elections in the rearview, the team situates what this never-before-seen cohort of socialist and progressive alderpeople and new mayor means in terms of the city's social movements and political history. If electoralism is a mere tool in the toolbox in the work towards collective liberation, what potential does this new energy from Chicago's Left have to facilitate the conditions for political and social transformation?

    In this fourth installment, BrownTown and the alders discus everything from the decades-long history of mayors and movement, voter turnout, the power of relationships in organizing, to pop culture-saavy internet memes. We've witnessed the number of socialist and progressive alders grow exponentially from 2015 to 2019 to 2023. As insiders, Byron and Jessie share about going from movement to municipal government while all four unpack the nuances of sustaining a liberatory praxis in relationship to the state apparatus. Originally recorded April 6, 2023, two days after the municipal run-off elections.

    Full Transcription Here!

    Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th Ward) came to the US alone as a teenager where he found care in teachers, coaches, and community members who gave him shelter, guidance, taught him English, and a pathway to a good education. He eventually settled in Pilsen, a historic immigrant working class neighborhood in Chicago, and worked as an adult education teacher, founding the bilingual adult education program at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Byron became politically active when he successfully lead community efforts to keep a neighborhood public school open after then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel attempted to close it. Later, he served as the Director of the Pilsen Alliance and co-founding the campaign to Lift the Ban on rent control in Illinois. As alderman, Byron was the Chief Sponsor of an ordinance to curtail harassment of homeowners who have been targeted by predatory developers. He is a member of the Chicago DSA. Byron holds a BS in Mathematics and Business Administration, an MS in Economics, and is currently a PhD candidate in Urban Education Policy. Follow Byron on Facebook (political), Instagram (personal, political), and Twitter (personal, political). Stay up to date with his City Council work and 25th ward services at 25thward.org.

    Alderperson-elect Jessie Fuentes (26th Ward) is a queer Latina grassroots organizer, educator, and public policy advocate with over a decade of experience in education, criminal justice reform, affordable housing, community development and sustainability. A child of Humboldt Park and a seasoned organizer, Jessie’s lived experience overcoming poverty, violence and generational trauma, coupled with her professional accomplishments, prepared her to serve the residents of the 26th Ward. Through personal resilience, community support, and restorative justice she was able to turn her most challenging life experiences into tools to uplift others facing similar life circumstances. Jessie sees her new role in City Council as a message to young people that transformation and change are possible and that one’s life circumstances do not dictate their destiny. Follow Jessie on Facebook (personal, political), Instagram (personal, political), and Twitter (personal, political). Stay up to date with her upcoming City Council work at Jessiefor26thward.com.


    Mentioned or alluded to in episode:

    Episode Note: Byron SIGCHO-Lopez is NOT RAYMOND Lopez, despite what David may say...


    Opinions on this episode only reflect David, Caullen, Byron, and Jessie as individuals, not their organizations or places of work.


    CREDITS: Intro soundbite from Brandon Johnson's April 4, 2023 mayoral election victory speech. Outro song Chi City by Common. Audio engineered by Kiera Battles. Episode photo by Davon Clark.


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    No episódio de hoje eu professor Rogério Coimbra, trago para você uma conversa com o Rafael Malacco. O Rafael é engenheiro de produção e gerente de desenvolvimento de mercada em uma empresa de tecnologia voltada ao agronegócio atuante também no Brasil, a SIMA. Nesse bate-papo o Rafael nos conta como está a evolução das ferramentas de CRM disponíveis para o Agricultor. E aí ficou interessado em saber o que é CRM e como essas ferramentas podem ajudar o agricultor na tomada de decisões, então agora é a hora de se atualizar.

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              More Jeep Engines of Present

              More Jeep Engines of Present

              This episode kicks into overdrive as Neil and Scott race to finish talking about Jeep Engines of Present. I Speak Jeep has a special limited time offer announced during the episode. Tune in to find out more and be sure to go to SFJ4x4.com to vote. We need you to vote on a limited edition T-shirt for the show. We bring back the Blind React segment and listen to Neil and Scott react to a towing escapade. This weeks product spotlight is Rock Hard Winch Plate and Bull Bar featured on Jeff's Gladiator. And stay tuned for the game as Davey "The Savage" Thompson, our cinematographer, jumps into the spotlight and teams up with Jeff to take on Neil and Scott in a game of Pictionary. We find out quickly who is the better artist during this game. 

              Thanks for listening, give us a review and check us out on YouTube -SFJ4x4 and visit our website to grab some great gear or products for your Jeep, SFJ4x4.com. Don't forget, you can email Jeffc@sfj4x4.com for special content requests, blind react videos, suggestions, special guests, or general questions. Check out our Patreon patreon.com/ISpeakJeep

              T01 - Capítulo 04 - Preámbulo

              T01 - Capítulo 04 - Preámbulo

              Toda historia tiene un antecedente. Un origen a veces difuso que se escapa a la mayoría. El tiempo juega con nuestra percepción y así medimos y juzgamos las realidades más cercanas según los acontecimientos más recientes. Aquellos acontecimientos que sí se nos son revelados y están a nuestro alcance. Pocos tienen acceso a los entresijos históricos y a aquellas huellas que si no fuera por las crónicas de la época, se perderían para siempre. 

              En el caso de las guerras, pocas veces suceden por solo un factor aislado, sino que por el contrario, son fenómenos multidimensionales y archi complejos, compuestas de diferentes capas de profundidad y en la cual intervienen una miríada de intereses y figuras. 

              Abramos nuestros oídos, ojos, alma y mente. Permitámonos dar paso al pensamiento crítico y rebusquemos en los orígenes del conflicto. Por primera vez, hagamos el esfuerzo por leer el PREÁMBULO de esta novela de terror. 

              T01 - Capítulo 03 - Propaganda

              T01 - Capítulo 03 - Propaganda

              La historia está plagada de medias verdades y nosotros las consumimos constantemente. Las aceptamos como inequívocas y las replicamos. No solo ello, sino que nos encargamos de esparcirlas y acrecentarlas. Alguien dijo que una verdad es solamente una mentira repetida muchas veces, e incluso… una mentira con el marketing correcto. 

              De hecho, hoy estamos expuestos más que nunca a una maquinaria propagandística de intereses difusos, que emplea todo medio de comunicación disponible, incluidas las redes sociales, para lograr sus cometidos. Y cuáles son esos cometidos, pues colocar en nuestros idearios ‘’una verdad’’…, ‘’su verdad’’. Y quiénes son ellos? Pues cualquiera con el poder y la capacidad monetaria suficiente para mover los entramados de la industria mediática, de comunicación y publicidad. Gobiernos, redes institucionales, empresas privadas, organizaciones no gubernamentales…, en fin. 

              T01 - Capítulo 02 - Tambores de Guerra en el País de los Cosacos

              T01 - Capítulo 02 - Tambores de Guerra en el País de los Cosacos

              El 24 de febrero de 2022, pocos minutos antes de las 6 de la mañana, Vladímir Vladímirovich Putin, presidente de la Federación Rusa lanzaba de manera oficial una ‘’operación militar especial’’ en la región de Dombás, Ucrania, y casi simultáneamente se registraban fuertes explosiones en varios puntos del este de dicho país, desde Sloviansk y Kramatorsk a Járkov, a 30 kilómetros de la frontera rusa. Así daba inicio un cruento enfrentamiento entre el ejército ruso y la fuerza armada ucraniana, ambos bandos denominando a sus correspondientes cuerpos políticos como ‘’regímenes no democráticos y autoritarios’’.  Así se iniciaba un nuevo conflicto entre Ucrania y Rusia que será considerado sin lugar a dudas por el revisionismo histórico como el punto álgido y focal del quiebre civilizatorio de nuestra era pos pandemia. Punto de quebranto que realineará las fronteras conocidas y la política exterior de los herederos de Yalta. Acontecimiento que redefinirá las afinidades entre los países generando sin duda un choque entre globalismo y regionalismo, enfrentándose nuevamente Occidente con Oriente, ya no por diferencias ideológicas, sino por el choque de dos proyectos globales contrarios y cosmovisiones diametralmente opuestas. 

              T01 - Capítulo 01 - El Reloj del Juicio Final

              T01 - Capítulo 01 - El Reloj del Juicio Final

              El 20 de enero del 2022  el Boletín de Científicos Atómicos de la Universidad de Chicago volvió a mover las manecillas del llamado Doomsday Clock, el reloj del juicio final, marcando funestamente un cruento presagio. Nos hayamos a tan solo 100 segundos para la media noche. 

              Vientos de recesión económica mundial, la pandemia, crisis de la cadena de suministros global y el surgimiento de lo que parecieran conflictos inconexos en Eurasia y Asia Pacífico fueron el acabose para volver a estar, al igual que en 2021, a 100 segundos para la media noche. 

              VR-Trainings-Startup Innerspace erhält Millionen-Investment

              VR-Trainings-Startup Innerspace erhält Millionen-Investment

              Interview mit Sebastian Scheler, Co-Founder von Innerspace

              In der Nachmittagsfolge sprechen wir heute mit Sebastian Scheler, Co-Founder von Innerspace. Das Tiroler Startup erhält in einer zweiten Finanzierungsrunde ein Investment im siebenstelligen Bereich.

              Das Unternehmen arbeitet an der Entwicklung von VR-Simulatoren für die Industrie 4.0 – mit Fokus auf die Life-Science-Industrie. Das Produkt war von Anfang an ein Virtual-Reality-Simulator, analog zum Erfolgsmodell des Flugsimulators. Seit 2018 spezialisiert sich das Unternehmen auf das Training von Mitarbeitenden in der Produktion von Life-Science-Unternehmen, wie pharmazeutischen Reinräumen.

              In einer zweiten Finanzierungsrunde erhält Innerspace ein Investment im siebenstelligen Euro-Bereich von seinen beiden Bestandsinvestoren MAD Ventures und dem High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) sowie einem neuen Partner, dem AWS Gründerfonds. Bereits im Februar 2020 konnte Innerspace in einer ersten Finanzierungsrunde ein Millionen-Investment sichern. Das Startup wurde im Jahr 2017 von Sebastian Scheler, Bernhard Fercher und Andreas Berger gegründet.

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              "After Talk" with Tony Hightower "Red Clay Chronicles" Episode 11

              "After Talk" with Tony Hightower "Red Clay Chronicles" Episode 11

              Upward and Onward Productions Presents “Our Meeting at the Crossroads” music series episode “Red Clay Chronicles”. This segment is all about Tony Hightower’s road to jazz. Host Darren Lorenzo, takes you inside this musical experience. Join us for talks about Atlanta, the music industry and jazz. 

              The art of cool has been wayward since the likes of Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Mel Tormé, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane. As represented by these legends of jazz, cool is a state of mind, an attitude of confidence and strength in one’s craft. Jazz artist Tony Hightower encompasses a new age cool that is part homage and part regeneration. Being not only an admirer but a student of the genre, Hightower’s passion and direct connection to jazz music allows him the advantage of properly emulating the timelessness of the classics without the kitsch while still injecting his own interpretations.

              Tony Hightower was immersed in multiple forms of music as a child. The son of prominent jazz vocalist Theresa Hightower, his experiences with music, jazz in particular, were ingrained in his upbringing. Regularly witnessing not only his mother perform but a wide range of talented artists helped shape his own penchants for singing and arranging. Hightower’s inherent musical expertise spans genres, allowing him opportunities to create with such talents as Lionel Ritchie, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Outkast, Dottie Peoples, Charlie Wilson and a roster of other artists and producers. Critically acclaimed musicians Freddy Cole and Wycliffe Gordon have both acknowledged Hightower’s ingenuity in regards to The New Standard, with Cole providing musical guidance throughout the conception while Gordon praised the project as a “great recording.” However, accolades for this album don’t stop there; The New Standard received a nomination, amongst veterans and major label-backed artists, as a candidate for the Grammy’s 2015 Best Jazz Vocal Album. Although the candidacy did not manifest into an official nomination, this high achievement further validates the authenticity of Hightower’s purist jazz vision.

              The bare honesty in Tony Hightower’s works emit not only through his albums but also in his performances. Speaking on the live experience, he reflects, “Performing live is like a conversation, a conference call; the musicians are having a conversation on stage and then having a conversation with the audience. I enjoy the connection I’m able to have with the [listeners].” With only his passion and vocals on stage, along with the assistance of his band, Hightower confidently shares his labor of love and His respect for the cool. 

              “After Talk” Host, Director and Creator - Darren Lorenzo
              Co host, Sound Editor, Sound Mixer - Bruno Diaz 

              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #125 "Wrinkles"

              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #125 "Wrinkles"
              b768e1fb1f4bcf0d5f22f5b0afc7119e.jpgWe start with a brief note on the location for Botcon 2016. The Club Subscription Service 4.0 sign up period has come and gone, and Thunder Mayhem is upon us! Speaking of the Subscription Service, 3.0 Tarantulus has arrived, to the delight of the Twincast crew. Comic time: More Than Meets the Eye #44 is out and we really liked it! Next up we discuss the upcoming Year of the Monkey Air Attack Optimus Primal done up in G1 Optimus Prime colors. We wrap up toy talk with Takara Tomy's Legends Starscream Super Mode (aka Thundercracker) plus prototype leaks of Combiners Wars Brawl and Onslaught. We finish up the Twincast with some bragging rights!

              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #124 "Dogfight"

              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #124 "Dogfight"
              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #124: Dogfight
              Several members of the Twincast filled out a recent Hasbro UK survey, and boy do we have thoughts about this. Plus, what's this about 3rd Party items? From there we move on to TCC Service 4.0 reveals. As of this writing, Bludgeon is the latest Club reveal, and Twincast reactions are mixed. Combiner Wars wave 4 and Optimus Maximus are here! Will these versions spur us to replace our Classics and Universe figures? We've got some interesting redecos coming out of the Transformers Adventures line, including legends class Override and Runabout, and the ever-stoic and much vaunted deluxe class Vehicon General. We've end up back to the Masterpiece line, and we still have some gripes about the upcoming MP-27 Ironhide. Also, what's with this red Bumblebee? We finish up the Twincast with some bragging rights!

              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #119 "One Hour BotCon"

              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #119 "One Hour BotCon"
              Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast #119: One Hour BotCon
              Gotta BotCon hangover? Reminisce by listening to our latest podcast! Topics include: Voyager Sky Lynx, Transformers Subscription Service 4.0 - Mayhem Attack Squad, Combiner Wars Heritage characters replacing their classics counterparts?, upcoming Legends figures, including Shockwave!, Combiner Wars Bruticus, Hasbro Devastator, Club Exclusive Universe Ramjet and Skywarp, Tokyo Toy Show Reveals Masterpiece Optimus Primal and Masterpiece Ironhide, Takara Tomy's Devastator, and we close up shop talking about the leaked Titan Wars concept art. Enjoy!