

    Explore " admiration" with insightful episodes like "- PARADIS ET ENFER, SUR TERRE", "- HEAVEN AND HELL, ON EARTH", "#104 Women Cheat More Than Men", "Unmasking Modern Idolatry: A Heartfelt Quest for Spirit-Led Living and Eating" and "S3E17 | Kishore Unveiled: A Peek into His Hobbies" from podcasts like ""WORLD WAR COVID GUERRE MONDIALE: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute", "WORLD WAR COVID GUERRE MONDIALE: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute", "Bandwidth", "Revelation Within On the Go!" and "Crazy For Kishore"" and more!

    Episodes (40)

    #104 Women Cheat More Than Men

    #104 Women Cheat More Than Men

    Who cheats more in relationships: men or women? Dr. Gabe explores the reasons behind infidelity in men and women and how it impacts relationships. 

    From the need for respect and sexual fulfillment in men to the importance of spiritual leadership and personal affirmation for women, this episode sheds light on the complexities of cheating and the underlying emotional and psychological factors involved. 

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    If you are interested in advertising on this podcast or having Dr. Gabe as a guest on your Podcast, Radio Show, or TV Show, reach out to info@gabrielpowell.co

    Unmasking Modern Idolatry: A Heartfelt Quest for Spirit-Led Living and Eating

    Unmasking Modern Idolatry: A Heartfelt Quest for Spirit-Led Living and Eating

    Is your heart, like John Calvin said, an 'idol factory'? This pressing question drives our latest episode, where we cast a revealing light on the modern face of idolatry. As we navigate through our daily lives, we often overlook the subtleties of what we prioritize, dedicating time and thought to things that may not always align with our walk with Jesus. 

    Encountering our idols— the intensity of a high-stress career or an obsession with fitness—propels us to seek a balance that honors godly priorities over societal commendation. Let's peel back the layers of fear and admiration that often cloud our true value, unraveling how these can contort into idols that taint our self-perception. There is liberation found in grounding ourselves in faith, a process that fosters peace and self-worth, independent of the world's ever-changing standards.

    In a world where overconsumption is often mistaken for fulfillment, we introduce a revolutionary concept: Spirit-led eating. It's here that we find solace, especially amidst Christina's personal struggle with chronic Lyme disease, which reframed her understanding of productivity and worth. We provide you with five guiding intentions to navigate your culinary journey, advocating for a mode of consumption that is as nourishing for the soul as it is for the body. Join us at our table of intention and grace, where each bite is an act of thanksgiving and appreciation for the body's divine design.

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    S3E17 | Kishore Unveiled: A Peek into His Hobbies

    S3E17 | Kishore Unveiled: A Peek into His Hobbies
    In this episode of Crazy for Kishore, Our host Sudesh Bhosale, talks about the hobbies of Kishore Da, taking us deeper into the world of Kishore Kumar, From his profound admiration for Hollywood music to his taste for Hollywood horror films, This was evident as he had a huge collection of Hollywood movies at his home, and the funny part is he never used to share them with anyone just like a kid who wouldn't share their toys with others, Ever wondered which films were his favorites? The episode also includes an intriguing tale from a concert he attended in London. Tune in now for more

    The Karol Markowicz Show: Is there such a thing as a perfect family with Nick Freitas

    The Karol Markowicz Show: Is there such a thing as a perfect family with Nick Freitas

    In this episode, Karol discusses the importance of prioritizing family despite its imperfections and conflicts. She then interviews Nick Freitas, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, who identifies America's biggest problem as an identity crisis due to a lack of shared understanding of history, logic, and the scientific method. Freitas emphasizes the importance of personal development and focusing on what we can control, rather than getting caught up in politics. He also shares his approach to social media and his personal life, including his 25-year marriage and his definition of true success. The Karol Markowicz Show is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday & Thursday.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Radical Respect with Kim Scott

    Radical Respect with Kim Scott
    Respect, being valued, feeling like you belong, appreciating your contribution – these are things all of us want from our employers. Some of us get that respect, too many don’t particularly if you feel like more of an “other”. Why is respect such a key component of motivation? What do you need to be doing as a leader? What should you do if you get it wrong with someone? How does respect create a more inclusive environment? Tune in to learn how to do the right thing.

    From Anti-Dependency to our Soft Girl Era: Redefining our Relationship Mindsets

    From Anti-Dependency to our Soft Girl Era: Redefining our Relationship Mindsets

    Welcome back to another captivating episode of "Shit Just Got Real". Hosts Alina Gutierrez and Taylor Dini dive into the intricacies of embracing a new mindset in relationships, the soft girl era. 

    Get ready for an enlightening conversation as they share recent experiences and offer valuable insights on self-reflection, vulnerability, and the importance of setting early expectations. 

    They encourage listeners to overcome their fears and engage in uncomfortable conversations to foster authentic relationships. It's hard, but so worth it!  This episode is a must-listen for those seeking a healthy approach to relationships and the nuances of opening up emotionally.


    I. Approaching uncomfortable conversations 
    - Understanding the potential outcomes 
    - Being prepared to handle the conversation maturely 
    - Maintaining emotional range 

    II. Addressing someone who is still admired and considered a friend 
    - Importance of not completely closing the door on the person 
    - Acknowledging their potential role in one's life 

    III. Dating mindset and setting expectations 
    - Discussing changes in approach to dating
     - Importance of setting standards and communicating value in relationships 
    - Avoiding partners who won't commit or don't treat you well 

    IV. Dependency in relationships 
    - The difference between healthy dependence and codependency 
    - Experiencing hyper-independence and questioning its implications 
    - Trusting and depending on people in our lives 

    V. Vulnerability and communication 
    - The difficulty of being vulnerable and having uncomfortable conversations 
    - The importance of vulnerability in building meaningful relationships 
    - Avoiding false promises and seeking clarity in relationships 

    VI. Pursuing meaningful relationships 
    - Acknowledging potential pain and disappointment in the search 
    - Setting personal values and boundaries to find compatible partners 
    - Rejecting casual encounters in favor of meaningful connections 

    VII. Emotional processes and growth 
    - Relationship experiences that led to personal growth 
    - Learning to let someone love you and fostering emotional openness 
    - Struggles with vulnerability and expressing feelings 

    VIII. Balancing grief and learning from losses 
    - Alina's approach of finding the positive and learning from bad experiences 
    - The difficulty of processing emotions after heartbreak 
    - Remaining vulnerable in the face of pain and trauma 

    IX. Investing effort and intention in relationships 
    - Reflecting on past relationship patterns and self-reflection 
    - Rediscovering the desire for deep, thoughtful relationships 
    - Being clear with oneself and others about desires and intentions 

    X. Temptations and the risk of reverting to old habits 
    - Friends warning against falling back into past behaviors -
     Amusing friends' ability to predict one's behavior 
    - Resisting the temptation to revert to old habits for intentional relationships 

    XI. Balancing criteria with humanity in partner selection 
    - Overlooking potential connections due to rigid criteria 
    - Considering the humanity of individuals beyond checkboxes

    With love,
    A + T

    Follow us on social media to stay up to date with us :)

    Another Look at Praise

    Another Look at Praise

    At the end of Acts, Paul continues to show that Jesus is the Messiah from Moses and the prophets.  It is the same that Jesus does from the end of Luke while on his way to Emmaus. Let’s look at some of those Scriptures over the coming weeks. Today I would like to look at some prophecies in the Psalms: and why they are so important and valuable to all of us.  As I was reading Reflections on the Psalms by CS Lewis, I was quite taken by his insights into the topic of Praise. 

    Why praise? Why is it so important? – Let’s look at it from a non-Christian perspective:

    Many have said to me, why would I want to go to heaven? Sitting around and playing harps all day.

    How we view people who always want to be admired, constantly be assured of their virtue, or intelligence, how good they are at what they do?  We look down at the clouds that meet the demands of dictators and gratify their egos. So, what do we think of a god who demands praise from his followers?

    How are we to equate that with being humble of heart? 50:14,15

    Or it appears as though the Psalmists try and negotiate with God: if you do this for me, then I will do this for you. 54:1,6

    Or the blackmail technique: If you don’t defeat my enemies, then I will go down to Sheol, and who will praise you then? 30:9

    Or why does God demand we praise him? Or encourage others to motivate us to praise him? Does he really need it? Is he like humans, wanting to to be number 1 and all the world to know it? 119

    In all of these negative approaches to Scripture, we fail to see the value and the importance of biblical praise. Let me begin with a couple of my experiences.  When the kids were little, Jan had to stay at home a lot. I traveled to May wonderful and exotic countries. The truth is, I only wanted to be there long enough to finish the work I came to do. I had no interest in sightseeing. Why, because Jan wasn’t there to enjoy it with me.  Now, when we are just the two of us, I have very rarely traveled without her, and when we go places, we love to try new foods, see new things, examine the similarities and differences in culture and appreciate it together.  So our trip to New Zealand, or Manu other places lives on in our hearts, not because of the pictures, but because of our identification and expression of our admiration.

    This makes praising God different from seeing him as a benevolent dictator who wants to rob us of life and joy.

    Why does God demand our worship? As the all-sufficient one, why does he demand we go to church and not forsake the assembling of ourselves together? Because in the corporate worship he communicates his presence to mere mortals. It is not for his sake, but for our sake that praise is most needed. God is not so vain that he needs our complements, but it is us who need to get to know him, appreciate him, and understand his magnificent ways. When we praise, and examine his laws, his character, his virtues, his will, his thoughts, his desires, our hearts are flooded with his wisdom, his understanding, his joy, and we become partakes with him in these divine experiences.

    Often we only look at praise as being a complement, approval, or giving honor where it is due.  But look around us. Look at where praise happens: who do you praise? Your lover, your walks in the countryside, a good book, your favorite football club, a friend, your home, a picture, our lives overflow with enjoyment when we praise.  When we criticize, it falls flat and into arguments. Praise is what brings about encouragement and the best in all of us. It really begins when we can praise God.

    That is why in the Psalms we have so many clear indications of God’s great plans and purposes. Hidden in dual meanings of the text, but which point directly to Jesus and his work and his joy and his salvation.

    It starts in Psalm 1 with a view of the glory of heaven – trees with fruit every month revelation 22:2

    “On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2

    Compare with this: “Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the Law of the Lord, And on His Law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season, And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.” Psalms 1:1-3

    Then we see Jesus as the good shepherd in Psalm 23 and in John 10:11

    In Psalm 22 we see the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus: “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Far from my help are the words of my groaning. All who see me deride me; They sneer, they shake their heads, saying, “Turn him over to the Lord; let Him save him; Let Him rescue him, because He delights in him.” I am poured out like water, And all my bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; It is melted within me. My strength is dried up like a piece of pottery, And my tongue clings to my jaws; And You lay me in the dust of death. For dogs have surrounded me; A band of evildoers has encompassed me; They pierced my hands and my feet. I can count all my bones. They look, they stare at me; They divide my garments among them, And they cast lots for my clothing. ¶I will proclaim Your name to my brothers; In the midst of the assembly I will praise You. All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, And all the families of the nations will worship before You. For the kingdom is the Lord’s And He rules over the nations.” Psalms 22:1, 7-8, 14-18, 22, 27-28 - compare with Jesus in Luke 23:33-48 Bible

    In Psalm 24 we see the triumph of Jesus over sin, death and the devil for all time, and his receiving the crown of glory with all authority in heaven and earth for the salvation of all who will call upon him. 

    “Lift up your heads, you gates, And be lifted up, you ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Lift up your heads, you gates, And lift them up, you ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in! Who is this King of glory? The Lord of armies, He is the King of glory.”

    Psalms 24:7, 9-10 see Phil 2:9-11 and Eph 1:20-23

    “For this reason also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11 NASB2020

    “which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and made Him head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” Ephesians 1:20-23

    In Psalm 2 we see him as the conquering  king over all:  “Why are the nations restless And the peoples plotting in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers conspire together Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ¶He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them. “I will announce the decree of the Lord: He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have fathered You. ‘Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth as Your possession.” Psalms 2:1-2, 4, 7-8 and see Matt 28:18-20

    “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”” Matthew 28:18-20 

    When that becomes clear to us, that God wants this known among all peoples everywhere, that his love surpasses all other loves, then the door that leads us into that courtyard is the door of praise. Our lives explode with the joy of worship and all finds its place of worth and value within the presence of the Lord. As we begin to live in praise, we start to praise one another, it changes our attitudes, it builds us all up, we become less critical of one another. It brings healing to our souls, our bodies, our approach to life.

    We praise what we value! And we want others to enjoy it with us. We have to tell others about it, and we want to tell those who will appreciate it the most! The reason we do that with others is that praise with others completes the enjoyment!  Our delight is something is incomplete until it is expressed! The worthier the object of our praise, the more intense our delight will be!  As imperfect our attempts of worship are, we do glimpse it at times when God breaks through into our lives and the flow of praise erupts, as we join even for a brief moment the wonder of heaven and glimpse a bit of the love God has for us. What we begin to experience in our own prayer closets, let us bring in joy as we worship him together. Let us consummate our enjoyment of Jesus and the Father by Tell it to him, and to each other!

    S3E2 | Mr. X in Bombay: A retrospective With Amit and Sumit Kumar

    S3E2 | Mr. X in Bombay: A retrospective With Amit and Sumit Kumar
    In this episode, hosts Amit and Sumit takes you to the intriguing world of Kishore Da's science fiction thriller, "Mr. X in Bombay." one of the first science fiction movies of Bollywood, the film's music was composed by the talented Laxmikant Pyarelal, and interestingly, Kishore Da himself expressed admiration for his work. Surprisingly, did you know Kishore Da didn't request any compensation for lending his vocals to a song in one of Rajesh Khanna's movies. Well, tune in to know more.

    Assertiveness, Spontaneity and the Art of 'Nexting'

    Assertiveness, Spontaneity and the Art of 'Nexting'

    The critical role of assertiveness and spontaneity when interacting with women. How these traits play into forming both professional and personal relationships. How quick decision making and a sense of self-control are attractive qualities. How to embody those in your interactions.

    We, dissect the delicate balance that women seek: They want us to appreciate their physical beauty especially, but they also need to be seen as a unique individual with special gifts. Women cannot resist a spirit of sincere admiration.

    Your perceived status can make or break your relationship. You want to learn self-respect and self-control rather than seeking punitive measures when things don't always go your way with your partner.

    Nexting isn't about ending things, but rather building a healthy dynamic that keeps both parties happy. It's a strategy you can adopt to tackle your natural fear of losing your partner. Learning self-respect will foster healthier relationships for you and help you tackle the fear of losing your partner. 

    Any woman who is attracted to you will forever test your conviction and self-respect, Learn how to cultivate and demonstrate personal strength, manage congruence tests, and steer clear of controlling behaviors. 

    The Joseph W. South Show – Volume 1 is packed with even more practical insights and personal stories than what you saw in my last book. Building on the success of Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man, this book provides you with a deeper understanding of female psychology and how to apply it to everyday interactions with women.

    Whether you're a new reader or a returning fan you'll find plenty of useful advice in these pages. I bring decades of experience to the table, having made every mistake possible when it comes to the opposite sex. From divorce and child custody battles to wild sex and successful relationships I've seen and done it all!

    It's not just men who stand to benefit. Female readers of the original book have raved about how PFP helped them understand their own thinking and the differences between masculine and feminine thought processes.

    In a world where dating, sex, and relationships are complex and difficult to manage, I offer practical advice on how to overcome shyness, interact comfortably with the opposite sex, and find sexual partners. I share experiences of meeting and having sex with a lot of women, despite not being super rich, tall, or with model-good looks.


    A "With God" Approach to Food and Eating Featuring Amy Carlson

    A "With God" Approach to Food and Eating Featuring Amy Carlson

    Today Heather is joined by one of her favorite guests, eating disorder expert, dietitian, and biblical truth seeker, Amy Carlson. Amy and Heather dig into some of the messaging around food that they've observed floating around from Christian content creators. Today, the duo gets real and analyzes some of these messages. With an MS in Nutrition and more than twenty-five years of experience working with women with eating disorders and disordered eating, Amy challenges us to think about God as being with us on our eating journey instead of against us. A lot of the messaging around food coming at Christians casts food as "temptation" or "evil," but today's conversation looks at how God really intended us to relate to food and why demonizing food is not the best way to find a healthier relationship with it. Instead, we can invite God into this space and into our relationship and struggles with food.

    Heather and Amy also discuss the dangers in using Bible verses and stories to support disordered eating habits. Amy vulnerably shares how scripture played a role in her own journey into an eating disorder and how confusing and dangerous it can be to miss the context and goal of God's word and verses like, "commit your ways to the Lord and your plans will succeed" and twist it into a message of disordered eating.

    You're going to need to listen to this one twice! Get ready for a thought-provoking episode that just may challenge you to think about your relationship with food in a different way. Whether you've had a restriction-based eating disorder, or wrestling binge eating, if you've dieted all your life, or never been sure of how to handle food in a God-honoring way, this episode will encourage you. If it does, please leave a review.

    Learn more about Amy Carlson and the Peace With Food app at helloPeacewithfood.com

    Listen to Heather's other episodes with Amy Carlson about our relationship with food here (some are mentioned in today's show):

    How to Really Feel Better in Your Body Featuring Amy Carlson, RD

    Letting Go of “Good” and “Bad” Food Labels Featuring Amy Carlson, RD

    Is Self Control Really the Solution to Our Food Issues? Featuring Amy Carlson, RD

    Do I Need More Self-Control to Stop Eating? Feat. Amy Carlson, RD

    Amy Carlson, RD Shares What to Do if You Need to Lose Weight 2

    What if I Really Need or Want to Lose Weight? Feat. Amy Carlson

    Do Food Choices Make Us Righteous? Diet Culture & Purity Culture

    Romans 14: Good Foods and Bad Foods? Featuring Amy Carlson Part 2

    Should I Fast if I Had an Eating Disorder? A Look at Fasting

    Daniel Fast, Sugar Fasts, and the Truth About Biblical Fasting


    Are you ready for the next step to freedom in your body image journey? Check out Heather's new Christian online body image course: The Body Image Freedom Framework. Save $50 by using the code: PODCAST

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Jessie Torres: Finding Light in the Darkness of Adversity, Living an Unshakeable Life and an Army Of Angels

    Jessie Torres: Finding Light in the Darkness of Adversity, Living an Unshakeable Life and an Army Of Angels

    This week on Acta Non Verba Jessie Torres shares her personal journey of overcoming abuse and trauma, as well as her commitment to breaking the cycle of abuse in her own family. Listen in as we explore the importance of facing adversity and finding the light in our darkest moments. We emphasize the power of changing our perspective and taking ownership of our emotions and actions. We also discuss the need for greater focus on wellness, emotional intelligence, and acts of kindness in society.


    For the last 20 + years Peak Performance Coach and Life Strategist, Jessie Torres has coached thousands of High Performance People from all walks of life and various parts of the world that have achieved success and the highest level of fulfillment. Out of the top 120 coaches on the planet, Jessie ranked either number 1 or top 3 in every measurable category while working with the top coaching company in the world. Jessie is fueled by a passionate love for humanity and a burning desire to end suffering. She is driven to discover the truth of the client’s deepest potential and unlock the limitless opportunities that leave others in the dark ages! Bringing all levels of mindset, emotional intelligence, energy and strategy with an authentic, client driven approach. Jessie’s teachings will help you transform your life from pain or trauma into purpose and passion, what Jessie refers to as “Fierce Grace”.


    You can learn more about Jessie at: https://unshakeablelife.com


    Learn more about the gift of Adversity and my mission to help my fellow humans create a better world by heading to www.marcusaureliusanderson.com. There you can take action by joining my ANV inner circle to get exclusive content and information.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Healing Power of Shamanism: Lisa Lansing's Journey through Loss and Transformation

    The Healing Power of Shamanism: Lisa Lansing's Journey through Loss and Transformation

    Almost ready to kick off the next season of Together We Seek with some amazing women! But before we do, I am so excited to share my conversation with Lisa Lansing. Her journey is remarkable!


    Lisa Lansing’s life was rocked when her infant daughter of 3-months died of a rare metabolic disorder in The Netherlands in 1999. For 15 years, Lisa Lansing. struggled with grief. After pursuing energy medicine and deep healing work, her grief became a catalyst for great personal transformation. Today Lisa is a modern-day shaman, or energy medicine practitioner, and loves to explore all things related to energy medicine! She’s an avid flower gardener and small-batch flower essence blender. She offers virtual meditations with crystals and sound bowl experiences at her studio in Shaker Heights. She runs a diet and detox program geared for healers, and sees energy medicine clients at Coral Poppy, her energy medicine practice. Coral Poppy is next door to her movement practice of 20 years, Inspiral Motion. i

    The building where her two businesses are located will be torn down sometime in 2025. Lisa dreams about what her next steps will be. She is currently developing an energy medicine-based support program for women who’ve lost babies and hopes to launch it sometime within the year.

    Visit her here in the community and on her website at https://www.coralpoppy.com/

    Lisa Lansing is originally from Seattle but has lived in New Mexico, Minnesota, California, Wisconsin, Scotland, and The Netherlands. She loves low-key travel. In 2022, Lisa received her Spirit name, Crystal Morning Star, at a naming ceremony in Amarillo, Texas. In May, she is traveling to Mount Shasta to attend a ceremony with the Q’ero Shamans of Peru, her Shamanic lineage.

    But in the Summer, she’s often found in the back flower garden with her husband, son, and fur children in the urban forest of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. She believes the summers in Cleveland are spectacular! Especially for gardeners!

    Join Live Discussions inside Together WE Seek: https://www.togetherweseek.online

    SEEKING - JJ's New Book: Seeking: 74 Key Findings to Raise Your Energy, Sidestep Your Self-Doubts, and Align with Your Life’s Work

    Website: https://jjdigeronimo.com/

    Respect is the Anchor of a Relationship, Not Love

    Respect is the Anchor of a Relationship, Not Love

    S3 Episode 1: Respect is the Anchor of a Relationship, Not Love


    Episode Summary

    R E S P E C T, find out what it means to me.  Everything.  The foundation of a relationship should always be respect, not love.  Love ebbs and flows between two people, but respect should be a constant.  You can love a person and not respect them.  You can love a person and not trust them.  You can love a person and violate their boundaries.  That’s why love is never enough in a relationship.

    Ideally you want both in a romantic partnership.  However, when two people display respect to one another, it nurtures trust, personal responsibility and accountability.  When those qualities exist in a relationship, security and intimacy can thrive.  In other words, it is the perfect environment for love to grow.

    Be careful not to fall into the trap of staying with a partner you don’t respect.  Unfortunately, it’s a common occurrence and leads to a lot of conflict and hurt in relationships.  If there is respect in the relationship, there is never physical or emotional abuse!

    At the end of each episode, Marlee and Lis vent about commonly experienced issues in romantic relationships. In this episode, the ladies discuss when people hide purchases from their partner.


    Show Notes

    We’re taught from an early age that love is what we need to search for, that love will always save the day, and it’s just not true. Love is not enough to sustain a relationship. You can’t have a successful relationship without respect, but it’s quite different from love. You develop respect by watching the other person be consistent, fair, and do what they say they will do.

    Once you have respect for someone, it’s easy to build upon it. It’s a stronger foundation than love alone. In a relationship, you ideally want both love and respect. People love in very different ways, but there should always be a component of respect alongside it.

    There are certain situations where neither love nor respect is present in a relationship, but one person or both people in the relationship fail to see it. There are other people who would never maintain a relationship without love and respect, believing them to be mutually exclusive. Many people stay in a relationship out of love, despite a lack of respect.

    With respect comes trust, another important cornerstone of healthy relationships. Without respect, it’s easy to justify less than trustworthy behavior. Staying steady with respect throughout the course of your relationship allows for communication, teamwork, security, and intimacy.

    In this episode, the vent session topic is: When people hide purchases from their partner. It’s shockingly common in marriages. It can be very selfish behavior, especially if there’s debt. It signals a lack of communication and can be a red flag. It shows a breakdown of trust, and hiding purchases indicates a clash in values.

    Please make sure you subscribe to the podcast so you can receive notifications of new episodes right when they are released. Also, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

    Visit us at www.romancipation.com



    How To Feel More Appreciated In Your Relationship

    How To Feel More Appreciated In Your Relationship

    110  If you don't feel as appreciated in your relationship as you want to, you are not alone. Lots of highly sensitive women have shared with me that they feel the same. I want to help you turn that around.

    Because there's SO much to appreciate in all that you do and all that you are. And I want you to FEEL that. So today I share 5 tips to start shifting the very culture of your marriage into one way more full of appreciation.

    We also look at some of the things that can get in the way of being and feeling appreciated–both from your own end and your partner's end–and how to work with these so they don’t get in the way anymore.

    The truth is, just because  your marriage doesn't feel as appreciative and loving as you want it to, there is nothing that needs to stop you from inviting more of it into your relationship starting today.

    To do so, dive into this episode and start  harnessing the power of influence you have to make your marriage appreciation-full.



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    The Grand Parade Of Desire

    The Grand Parade Of Desire

    In this episode of "Navigate The Day", I reflect on my past experiences with chasing pleasures and desires that ultimately didn't bring me true fulfillment. I realized that I had let my ego take the driver's seat and pursued fame and surface level connections that weren't truly fulfilling. However, as I enter a new season in my life, I am learning to focus on more meaningful pursuits, such as improving my personal finances and setting clear goals for myself. I recognize the importance of self-discovery and taking the time to understand my strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve my fullest potential. Through journaling and practicing stoicism, I am learning to pursue rational and intelligent change for the better. Ultimately, I am coming to the realization that true fulfillment comes from within and I must focus on pursuing desires that align with my inner self rather than external forces.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Perception vs. Reality

    Perception vs. Reality

    The Salad With a Side of Fries podcast is hosted by Jenn Trepeck, discussing wellness and weight loss for real life, clearing up the myths, misinformation, bad science & marketing surrounding our nutrition knowledge and the food industry. Let’s dive into wellness and weight loss for real life, including drinking, eating out, and skipping the grocery store. 

    In today’s episode, Jenn discusses perception vs. reality while using social media. Many people spend a lot of time on social media, but what is it really doing to our mental health? Focusing on others’ highlight reels can leave us envious, jealous, and trapped in a cycle of comparison and competition. In this episode, Jenn provides some insightful information and helpful tools for how we can handle social media intake and other people’s highlight reels to maintain a healthy relationship with it. Tune in today to learn how to change comparison into a healthy admiration and celebrate other’s joy!


    ●   [6:23] How have we lost the sense of what’s real in life? The overuse of autotune, facetune and filters. 

    ●   [12:09] What is the balance between curated information and the over-sharer on social media?

    ●   [16:05] With Twitch’s recent suicide, what have we learned about the highlight reel and what may be going on behind the scenes? 

    ●   [20:26] We don’t know most of the people we are following; we only know the persona they are putting out there.

    ●   [21:42] What do we see from celebrities on social media and their ads? 

    ●   [31:08] What we see and assume based on someone’s posts is likely an inaccurate depiction of their life. 

    ●   [37:06] How can we manage how we feel when looking at social media? 

    ●   [40:20] What happens in our minds when looking at social media and magazines?  

    ●   [42:10] How do we recognize that our brains are wired to connect dots?

    ●   [47:16] How do we experience comparison and competition from what we see on social media? How is comparison similar to admiration?   

    ●   [54:10] How do envy and jealousy differ?

    ●   [57:47] What does Freudenfreude  mean and why do we need more of it in our lives?

    ●   [1:01:30] What is Self Righteousness and how does it play into our wellness journeys?

    ●   [1:04:10] What must we do to avoid issues with social media?  


    ●   What we see on social media is inaccurate, but it intensely impacts our life and perception of reality. Our brain likes to connect dots and makes assumptions - which leads us to believe that what people show themselves doing on social media is what they are doing every day of their life. 

    ●   Comparing ourselves to others is 100% not a choice. We are hardwired to compare, and we will always do it. All we can do is be aware of it and choose how we let it affect us. 

    ●   Finding admiration and joy in uplifting others is something that we can all benefit from. Surrounding yourself with people trying to do better and be better will help you move away from comparison, jealousy, and envy and move you towards working on yourself to become the best version of yourself (which is not a version of anyone else).


    “What we see, we assume, is somebody’s all the time. What we see somebody eat, we assume it's what they eat all the time. What somebody wears, what somebody is doing, any activity, like when somebody posts a video of themselves on a boat, we assume they are on a boat every day. There's something about those assumptions and filling in the blanks and filling in the dots; that’s part of this challenge.” - Jenn Trepeck 

    “Women need other women who think they are a big deal, no competition, no backhanded comments, no jealousy, not hate, just I love you, I support you, and there’s no one on earth like you.” - Jenn Trepeck  

    “I just want everyone to think about and remember, especially as we look at wellness stuff, and especially as we make progress and progress through this year even, everybody is simply just doing the best they can in any given moment with the tools and knowledge, and information and resources that they have at the time.” - Jenn Trepeck  


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