
    advanced features

    Explore "advanced features" with insightful episodes like "Razors" and "TypeScript Fundamentals × Narrowing, Discriminating Unions, and Type Guards" from podcasts like ""Sliced Bread" and "Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats"" and more!

    Episodes (2)



    It’s something most of us will have used at some point, and a product that has been around for decades in various forms. But do all the advertised fancy features, pivoting heads, multiple blades and higher price tags, really make a difference to your shave?

    Listener Tim got in touch, asking just that, as well as whether all the extras on razors these days also have an impact on the environment?

    Greg Foot focuses on modern cartridge razors in this episode, and cuts through the marketing hype to get answers, by speaking to a leading Dermatologist, as well as one of the top scientists at one of the largest razor manufacturers, Gillette.

    This series, we’re testing and investigating your suggested wonder-products. If you’ve seen an ad, trend or fad and wonder if there’s any evidence to back up a claim, drop us an email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or you can send us a voice note to our new WhatsApp number: 07543 306807.

    PRESENTER: Greg Foot PRODUCER: Kate Holdsworth

    TypeScript Fundamentals × Narrowing, Discriminating Unions, and Type Guards

    TypeScript Fundamentals × Narrowing, Discriminating Unions, and Type Guards

    In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about TypeScript Fundamentals, including narrowing, discriminating unions, and type guards.

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    Show Notes

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