

    Explore "alcala" with insightful episodes like "Serienmörder: Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer", "El INAI seguirá dando la batalla", "Episode 5: Serious issues, Serious fun", "Episode 3: Community issues, spring critters and Camp Courage" and "Terrorizzò gli Usa, muore uno dei serial killer più feroci" from podcasts like ""Die STAR FM Creepy Hour", "A Ras de Tierra, con Ricardo Raphael", "Eye on NE Kansas - The Podcast", "Eye on NE Kansas - The Podcast" and "ANSA Daily"" and more!

    Episodes (17)

    Serienmörder: Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer

    Serienmörder: Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer
    In der neuesten Folge der Creepy Hour widmet sich Bibi einem der erschreckendsten Kapitel der amerikanischen Kriminalgeschichte: dem Dating Game Killer - Rodney Alcala. Ein Serienmörder, der Ende der 60er Jahre einen regelrechten Horrorstreifzug durch Amerika begann. Über ein Jahrzehnt lang trieb er sein grausames Spiel, mal im Verborgenen und mal sogar vor aller Augen, getrieben von Eitelkeit, Überheblichkeit und düsteren Gedanken. Bibi führt dich auf eine beklemmende Reise durch die 70er Jahre in den USA und offenbart eine Zeit, die leider für Serienmörder wie Alcala viel Raum bot. Wir diskutieren die perfide Masche dieses Killers und geben dir einen verstörenden Einblick in seine Taten, die die Gesellschaft und die Ermittler lange Zeit im Dunkeln tappen ließen. Hinweis: Diese Episode enthält Themen wie Sexualverbrechen an Frauen und Kindern. Listener Discretion Advised.

    Episode 5: Serious issues, Serious fun

    Episode 5: Serious issues, Serious fun


    The Kansas Legislature is on its first adjournment, with some essential items still unsettled.

    Rep. Fred Patton, R-Topeka, is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. He visited Eye on NE Kansas to share his perspective on what's been accomplished in the session so far and the work that remains.


    April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

    Every Tuesday this month, Eye on NE Kansas is taking time to focus on the issue.

    It is a sensitive subject, making it tough to talk about. Michelle McCormick, executive director of the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, offered suggestions to start the conversation.


    Kansans are invited to take time next week to remember and reflect on the Holocaust.

    The annual State of Kansas Holocaust Commemoration has a theme this year of "Home and Belonging."

    Rabbi Sam Stern and Topeka attorney Harold Youngentob, who will give the keynote address, visited Eye on NE Kansas to discuss the event's importance.


    With news of failing banks and bailouts, many people worry about the impact the financial world's volatility could have on their savings and retirement accounts.

    Carl Carlson, founder and CEO of Carlson Financial, visited Eye on NE Kansas to offer strategies to navigate it.


    It's all about kids at the Topeka and Shawnee Co. Public Library next week.

    April 16 to 22 is National Week of the Young Child. Diana Friend with TSCPL visited Eye on NE Kansas to determine what they planned to celebrate.


    Topeka's Salvation Army has forged a partnership with Topeka Police, Topeka Fire, and local volunteers for a free program getting kids active with some life lessons along the way.

    It's the Three Shields Boxing Academy. The shields refer to the partnership between the Salvation Army, TFD, and TPD.

    State Rep. and volunteer coach John Alcala, TPD Officer Darren Campbell, who works with the program through the Police Athletic League, and Grandpa Clay, a volunteer coach whose grandson went through the program, visited Eye on NE Kansas to share how the program works, how it's grown, and why it's proven valuable for young people from across the area.

    Episode 3: Community issues, spring critters and Camp Courage

    Episode 3: Community issues, spring critters and Camp Courage


    Shawnee County District Attorney Mike Kagay said everyone plays a role in ensuring children are safe at school.

    Kagay visited Eye on NE Kansas Monday, hours after police say a woman shot out a door to get inside a private Nashville school, then killed three children and three adults before she was killed in a confrontation with police.


    The Topeka City Council listed improving the city's appearance among its priority outcomes discussed in their work session on March 28th.

    Council members Karen Hiller of District 1 and Christina Valdivia Alcala of District 2 visited Eye on NE Kansas to share details and fill us in on upcoming informational sessions.


    Dennis Dinwiddie from the Topeka Zoo visited Eye on NE Kansas to offer reminders for getting along with the wildlife around us.

    Dennis also brought a reptile along for some show and tell.


    The annual Topeka Fire Department's Camp Courage invites young ladies aged 14 to 20 to experience various aspects of a firefighter's job.

    Brendy Muninger with Topeka Fire, Sara Thielenhaus with Shawnee Heights Fire and Riley Co. EMS, and Rachel Frehe with Soldier Township Fire visited Eye on NE Kansas to talk about the camp and to share their own motivations for joining the fire service.

    All Killa No Filla - Episode 77 - Rodney Alcala - Part 2

    All Killa No Filla - Episode 77 - Rodney Alcala - Part 2

    Join comedians Rachel Fairburn and Kiri Pritchard-McLean as they explore a shared passion, serial killers. Each episode the pair will talk all things murder and macabre and have a right laugh doing it. Episode 77 Part 2 is another look at The Dating Game Killer, Rodney Alcala. This episode focuses on the majority of his murders and the girls still find time to talk about Etsy, The Word and insomnia.

    Ep. 53 /Part 2/ Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer

    Ep. 53 /Part 2/ Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer

    In this Part 2 episode of the Crack House Chronicles, we discuss the murder of Robin Samsoe that finally brought down Rodney Alcala. We also discuss numerous murders discovered through DNA later on by Rodney.


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    Ep. 52 /Part 1/ Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer

    Ep. 52 /Part 1/ Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer

    In this Part 1 episode of the Crack House Chronicles, we dive in to Rodney Alcala - The Dating Game Killer.


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    If you use this link or or Promo Code CHC, BetterHELP will give you 10% off your first months bill.






    Episode 41 - Balancing Family and Ministry w/Joey Alcala, pt 3

    Episode 41 - Balancing Family and Ministry w/Joey Alcala, pt 3

    Raising children in a ministry home is tough enough. When you add the challenges that come with technology in today’s world it can become even more difficult. Listen today as Tim and Todd wrap up their conversation with Joey Alcala, Next Gen Pastor at the Oaks Fellowship, as we wrap up our conversation on balancing family and ministry. www.advancement.cc


    The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch



    Facebook group – Parenting in a Tech World

    Episode 40 - Balancing Family and Ministry w/Joey Alcala

    Episode 40 - Balancing Family and Ministry w/Joey Alcala

    Raising children in a ministry home can be difficult. Ministry children are positioned to be exposed to the good and bad of the Christian faith and leadership. Leading our children and protecting them so that they can develop healthy lives of faith and commitment to Jesus is the ultimate goal. Listen today as Tim Ware, Todd Barham, and guest Joey Alcala discuss raising children in a ministry home.


    Nicolas Alcala of Future Lighthouse talks VR filmmaking

    Nicolas Alcala of Future Lighthouse talks VR filmmaking

    Learn more about how, and why, Nicolas Alcala of Future Lighthouse has made the switch from traditional filmmaking into the world of VR & AR filmmaking.

    Nicolas talks about this and shares tips on how content creators can also make the jump and why they should consider it and much more.

    Feel free to connect with Nicolas Alcala and Future Lighthouse via the links below.



    Connect with Nicolas Alcala and Future Lighthouse:



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    Kevin Harvell is a professional podcaster with over 300+ episodes of hosting, co-hosting and producing experience with a primary focus on consumer technology. Current shows Kevin is involved in either by hosting and/or producing include, the Tech Informist and the Who's Who in St. Lou Show.  Kevin also loves spreading his passion for podcasting with others via speaking engagements at technology conferences and helping others launch their own podcasts.

    27 mayo. Delicioso enredo colonial

    27 mayo. Delicioso enredo colonial
    La representación en el Teatro Principal de Alicante de "Don Gil de Alcalá" nos ha permitido aclarar la duda de si esta obra de Manuel Penella constituye una ópera o una zarzuela. Es evidente de que se trata de lo primero tanto por el tono solemne de la música y del canto como por la presencia de declamación en vez de los diálogos, más propios de la zarzuela. Tampoco creemos que se trate de una ópera cómica como reza el subtítulo del programa pues las tribulaciones de la pareja de amantes dominan el resto de líneas argumentales. En una obra de estas características (ópera española infrecuente en los escenarios y representada en una capital de provincias), el principal riesgo estriba en que todo se quede en una pachanga de amigos. No ocurrió así en el "Don Gil" de Lucentum Lírica en el Teatro Principal: la dirección de escena supo crear la necesaria tensión entre todos los participantes para cuajar una función notable apoyada en voces solistas y orquesta. Las voces, muy profesionales y con dotes dramáticas, rayaron a gran altura aunque fueran irregulares. Tanto la soprano que caracterizó a Niña Estrella, Svetla Krasteva, como el tenor en el papel de Don Gil, Ricardo Bernal, mostraron mayor capacidad en el registro agudo que en los graves, donde pecaron de una dicción deficiente. Destacó la Krasteva en su aria del Acto I y en la escena del baile. No tiene una voz excesivamente bonita Ricardo Bernal y le falta volumen para imponerse a la orquesta cuando ésta entra al completo; sin embargo, lució excelente técnica en los pasajes en solitario y resolvió con aplomo admirable y gusto exquisito las dificultades de su romanza del jardín. El resto de voces cumplió de forma sobrada su papel de enriquecer el registro vocal y el argumento. Marian García como Maya con una voz de mezzo bien redondeada y el tenor Diego Fuentes en el papel de Chamaco aportaron el contrapunto humorístico. Dificil resultaba que lo hicieran mal contando con el apoyo de la orquesta que había en el foso, la Sinfónica Ciudad de Elche dirigida por José Alberto Aznar. Lo cierto es que la parte orquestal de "Don Gil" resulta asombrosa por su belleza, armonía y preciosismo. Tal es así que, en ocasiones, uno llega a abstraerse de lo que sucede en el escenario mientras escucha un mariachi, un vals, una pavana o la célebre habanera. La Orquesta de Elche trasladó la partitura de forma impecable y estuvo colosal toda la noche a pesar de presentarse únicamente con la sección de cuerda más arpa, según el libreto original. Esperamos poder escucharla más a menudo en el foso del Principal. Los decorados estuvieron en consonancia con la línea habitual, o incluso un poco más flojos: apenas mobiliario y resuelta la papeleta con dos tapices de fondo. Las luces fueron escasas y previsibles (azul en el convento y cálidas en el baile). Por último, echamos en falta información sobre la pareja de cantantes protagonistas en el programa de mano. Escuchemos a Svetla Krasteva acompañada por el Coro Rabinos y la Orquesta Sinfónica Ciudad de Elche, dirigidos por José Alberto Aznar, interpretando la célebre 'Habanera' de "Don Gil de Alcalá" de Manuel Penella en el Teatro Principal de Alicante.