

    Explore "amaterasu" with insightful episodes like "See All You Can Be", "Amaterasu Colpisce La Terra: Il Mistero Della Particella Energetica!", "Mythologie Japonaise - Les croyances du Shintoïsme", "S5E5 - Amaterasu" and "(05) Episode 5, le mois de décembre, les rituels de fin d’année et la légende d’Amaterasu." from podcasts like ""Land Of The Rising Son", "Breaking News Italia - Ultime Notizie", "Arcana", "La Librairie Yōkai" and "Tsukimi - Le podcast pour les amoureux du Japon"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    See All You Can Be

    See All You Can Be

    Seeing is believing—or—believing is seeing ʅ)ʃ

    For those of left brain persuasion and of a deeply practical nature, ‘seeing is believing’ is the order of the day.

    A most pragmatic notion accompanied by many other fine traits embedded in the left-brained brethren such as: logic, focus, and linear thinking the inborn nature—serving a very practical purpose, which more often than not, is described as realistically—indeed, by birthright all are immersed in earthly Material Sludge wandering timeless days ephemerally.
    Wandering in Material SludgeWhy not choose to tune into different frequencies, this path leads to existence inside ΩNE—frolicking inside the deepest frequency the conviction of ‘believing is seeing( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    Alas, for those destined to live within the confines of this monotonous mono-plain—the world of the ΩNE super-conscious being is undetectable by the five fragile senses of frail human-beings.

    Particularly, the highly erratic macroscopic inspection—only reveals an illusion inside self-delusion, detected and manifested as ‘real’—the pettiness of humanoid’s monotone bandwidth, decrepit and very frail, in circumspect retrospect the ‘seeing is believing’ scenario has been deemed highly suspect—earning a fat F, a genuine hard fail.

    This is a failPolishing the sensitivity of errant emerging beings is the first step to detect the immense scale of the frequencies endlessly streaming through the 5.1-Surround Sound System gifting ΩNE life-giving energy infinitely—faith and belief the constituents of this mysterious key—unlock the essence of the meaning—See All You Can Be.


    The first deviation from preconditioned norms and innately experiencing different frequencies was to have stumbled upon my first friend—who also happened to be Japanese—forever connecting Amaterasu, the Mother of ΩNE who dwells inside the Chrysanthemum Palace radiating forth from our beloved Sun.

    Launching this wandering boy into an exploratory journey—for some mysterious reason she chose her earthly resident of no fixed abode or address entreating him to Follow The Sun—forever intensely exploring the uncanny Nooks and Crannies of emergent Civilization Three—Japan and the meaning of becoming ΩNE.

    Ephemeral Dreams InfinityBreaking through to the other side—identify pretences of constructed reality—to face the truth as described to you by your personal Muse for use as an idiosyncratic lifestyle guide.

    A gift from the Sun to all humanoids installed with the super-consciousness program flowing into ΩNE—the essence of being alive, a roadmap to thrive on a stardust voyage through this infinite void—a pico-blip inside the abstract supposition of the untraceable concept called Time.

    Vanishing candle of infinite yesterdays, now reflected in exhausted eyes—the final earthly tears wiped away and dried—the ending scene drawing to a close as you wish Mother Earth a fond final farewell—the chemical matrix of your earthly makeup dissolving and resolving into ΩNE.
    The end of life and the beginning of dreams Dreams Intentionally accessing emergent frequencies represents the ultimate act of Love toward the greater Clan, becoming the change in the frequency’s chemistry as a conduit propagating Universal Love.

    To manifest something into reality, you must first believe in the possibilities of creating new paradigms of progress, building upon the resilience enshrined in the Universal Constitution, brought to you by the Japanese, the curators of Civilization Three.

    Futuristic Japan

    Truthfully, each day is composed of Personal Choices—either way, this might not be the right day to spread your wings and fly away, starting a personal journey into ΩNE on this auspicious day.

    Leave the prospect of deathbed regret behind and listen to the voice of your Muse, understanding that what she is asking of you is sublime.

    Rise above the mundane with guidance from inside—join this game of mortal human existence with the notion of life in flux, and to embrace change from within.

    Clarity Over Time - Land Of The Rising Son



    Amaterasu Colpisce La Terra: Il Mistero Della Particella Energetica!

    Amaterasu Colpisce La Terra: Il Mistero Della Particella Energetica!
    Amaterasu Colpisce La Terra: Il Mistero Della Particella Energetica!
    Un'osservazione spaziale avrebbe individuato il passaggio di una particella energetica che gli scienziati hanno ribattezzato come Amaterasu. Scopriamo qualche dettaglio in più sul raggio cosmico che avrebbe intercettato la Via Lattea per colpire poi la Terra.
    #breakingnews #ultimenotizie #notiziedelgiorno #notizie #cronaca #amaterasu #raggio #terra #colpisce #cosmico #mistero #particella #energetica #spazio #vialattea

    Mythologie Japonaise - Les croyances du Shintoïsme

    Mythologie Japonaise - Les croyances du Shintoïsme

    Le shintoïsme est la religion traditionnelle du japon, c’est une tradition animiste qui s’articule autour du culte de la nature et des grands esprits (les Kamis). Dans l’absolu, chaque montagne, rivières, forêts, pouvant être habités « ou animer » par un Kami.

    Contrairement à de nombreuses mythologies à travers le monde, les mythes et légendes du Shintô sont entre très présents dans la culture japonaise. C’est n’est pas une religion morte, mais bel et bien l’un des deux systèmes de croyances du japon actuel.
    Le shintoïsme partage l’affiche avec le bouddhisme et il existe de nombreuses connexions entre les deux, dues aux siècles de coexistence, ce qui aboutit à une forme de syncrétisme « le shinbutsu shūgō ».

    Dans cette vidéo, nous allons explorer les mythes fondateurs du shintoïsme : l’histoire des Kamis les plus importants (Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Inari, etc...), mais également des Yōkai. Ces derniers sont les esprits ou fantômes qui apparaissent dans les légendes, tels le Tanuki, le Kitsuné, ou encore le terrible Jorōgumo. Pour finir, nous aborderons la question de l’après-vie et des enfers, ou du destin des âmes dans les croyances du shintoïsme.

    ⛎ TIPEEE : https://www.tipeee.com/arcana-mysteres-du-monde  

    S5E5 - Amaterasu

    S5E5 - Amaterasu
    La déesse solaire

    * Aux origines du Japon était Amaterasu... Déesse solaire et du tissage, la déesse a de multiples secrets que nous vous révélons dans cet épisode.

    Retrouvez le podcast et les articles associés sur la french yokocho : https://www.lalibrairieyokai.fr/

    [00:00:00] Nouvelle
    Ghost Story by Kevin MacLeod
    Labyrinth of Lost Dreams by Darren Curtis
    [00:02:35] Introduction
    Pour souscrire à la Gazette Yōkai : https://www.patreon.com/librairieyokai
    [00:05:49] Le Yōkai du jour
    [00:14:29] Les légendes
    [00:26:31] Aux origines
    [00:32:24] Pop-culture
    [00:45:49] Pour aller plus loin


    Une réclamation ? Une lettre d'amour ? Envie de nous demander de vous organiser un rendez-vous avec un Yōkai ? Écrivez-nous à lalibrairieyokai@gmail.com ! Vous pouvez désormais nous soutenir sur Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/lalibrairieyokai ou regarder Amandine faire la con sur twitch.tv/lalibrairieyokai

    La Librairie vous tient au courant de ses actualités sur son compte Twitter https://twitter.com/librairieyokai et plus si affinités !
    Et sur son Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/librairieyokai/
    Ou pour plus de fun, le discord : https://discord.gg/ugWQcvRMCN

    Vous pouvez retrouver Mathieu sur son compte twitter @MensetsuKY (https://twitter.com/MensetsuKY) et suivre son podcast Mensetsu, interviews de Français résidant au Japon sur son hub podkyast : http://podkyast.com/category/mensetsu/

    Vous pouvez suivre Amandine sur son compte twitter @KouignAmandine (https://twitter.com/KouignAmandine) ou suivre les annonces de l'émission sur sa page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lafrenchyokocho

    Générique de fin par David Rampillon (http://www.davidrampillon.com)

    (05) Episode 5, le mois de décembre, les rituels de fin d’année et la légende d’Amaterasu.

    (05) Episode 5, le mois de décembre, les rituels de fin d’année et la légende d’Amaterasu.

    Dans cet épisode dédié au mois de décembre au
    Japon, nous ne parlerons pas de Noël ! Mais nous évoquerons les activités
    auxquelles les Japonais s’adonnent lorsqu’il fait froid dehors. Nous évoquons
    aussi le Warazaiku, l’art ancestral du tressage de la paille de riz. Nous
    évoquons aussi les différents rituels associés à la fin d’année : le bōnenkaï, cette soirée pour
    oublier l’année, la tradition des cartes du vœux et du grand nettoyage. Enfin,
    nous parlerons de la manière dont on passe la dernière soirée de l’année au
    Japon, avant de détailler la recette des choco-mochi, pour réaliser maison ces
    petites merveilles élastiques et chocolatées. 

    Pour avoir toutes les références, rdv sur l'article dédié : https://www.maisondumochi.fr/magazine/le-podcast-tsukimi-episode-05-decembre/.   

    Saison 3 Épisode 7 - Yatagarasu

    Saison 3 Épisode 7 - Yatagarasu

    ・Et si on vous disait que la fondation du Japon tient à un corbeau ? Un gros corbeau, mais tout de même... Retour sur l'oiseau à trois pattes le plus sûr de l'Est, sans qui le Japon ne serait pas un pays aujourd'hui.

    Retrouvez le podcast et les articles associés sur la french yokocho : https://lafrenchyokocho.com/category/articles/librairie-yokai/

    00:00:00 Nouvelle
    00:02:27 Salutations
    Son utilisé, libre de droits https://soundcloud.com/catharsisjelly/nagoya-noh-theatre-sounds
    00:05:25 Le Yōkai du jour
    00:23:24 Les légendes
    00:34:44 Pop Culture
    00:50:49 Pour aller plus loin

    Il dresse une mouette et c'est incroyable :

    Une réclamation ? Une lettre d'amour ? Envie de nous demander de vous organiser un rendez-vous avec un Yōkai ? Écrivez-nous à lalibrairieyokai@gmail.com ! Vous pouvez désormais nous soutenir sur Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/lalibrairieyokai ou nous regarder faire les cons sur twitch.tv/lalibrairieyokai

    La Librairie vous tient au courant de ses actualités sur son compte Twitter https://twitter.com/librairieyokai et plus si affinités !

    Vous pouvez retrouvez Mathieu sur son compte twitter@MensetsuKY (https://twitter.com/MensetsuKY) et suivre son podcast Mensetsu, interviews de Français résidant au Japon sur son hub podkyast : http://podkyast.com/category/mensetsu/

    Vous pouvez suivre Amandine sur son compte twitter@KouignAmandine (https://twitter.com/KouignAmandine) ou suivre les annonces de l'émission sur sa page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lafrenchyokocho

    Générique de fin par David Rampillon (http://www.davidrampillon.com)

    Why Ancestors Worship

    Why Ancestors Worship

    What does it actually mean to worship one’s ancestors?

    First of all, there are different ideas about the word “worship” and what it encompasses in a “religious” context.

    The preferred word veneration can be translated nicely into Japanese as sonkei (尊敬), which is more, “down-to-earth.”

    While thinking about the Japanese society, and the social conventions to which the Japanese adhere, one came to the realization that venerating the ancestor, along with the Sun is the best way to express gratitude toward our world and what it gives us.

    By the way, Amaterasu Oomikami is the Japanese Sun Goddess.

    Blazing Sun Upon Japan - Land Of The Rising Son

    This notion of expressing gratitude to those who came before and the life giving energy of the Sun embodies a sense of unity with all people of the world, for we all share the Sun and each has ancestors.

    One has very fond memories of one particular ancestor—maternal grandfather.

    Grandfather Richardson - Yukiko Akimoto -Land Of The Rising Son

    As a child he had tuberculosis and was cared for in a small room for a year where ones Really Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather were simply waiting to see if he lived or died.

    Helen Otta Kean -Inglis-Richardson- Stephen Kean Filiatrault Great Grandmother

    Fortunately for my mom and I, he lived (Dad is happy about this as well).

    It was during this time in sickness where he read 100s of books which left him a very well read and enlightened man.

    One’s heart fills with fondness when recalling the time spent together with grandfather and his spirit being manifested.

    This leaves feeling the spirit of grandfather as partially residing in the material world.

    One could say—once the last of the people directly touch by this extraordinary man pass away, this spirit of grandfather will also fade away.

    Even if this may be so, the spirits of the ancestors lives on in our alter along with all relatives who have already crossed the SANZU NO KAWA into the afterlife. Mitsunobu_Sanzu_River

    Here in Japan, ancestors are remembered on specific holidays.

    For example, the Autumn Equinox (Shūbun no Hi), usually occurring on September 22 or 23.

    On this day, people will reconnect with their families by tending to the graves of ancestors, and visiting shrines and temples.


    Pragmatically so, the Japanese believe all virtue and frailty of being human are natural, and look upon all of the dearly departed as some kind of Gods, representing the entire spectrum of the human experience.

    One finds the inclusiveness of this way of thinking rather refreshing, and indeed to be a much more practical way to think about and live one’s own life.

    Looking at ancestor veneration from a different lens, one also likes to celebrate present relatives who will one day become “ancestors.”

    As when taking the in-laws on an overnight trip, and saying to the cherished and beloved mother-in-law.

    “I believe we should also venerate our ancestor while still here on earth, so you also can celebrate this wonderful world you have sacrificed for your descendants while ya'll are still here.”

    She had a good laugh and concurred with these sentiments.

    Why not take some of one's precious time now, and give thanks to our shared Sun Goddess while venerate one's own ancestors, both living and dead, and let them know.

    Kokoro yori kansha moshi agemasu


    81 - Amaterasu vs. Aslan

    81 - Amaterasu vs. Aslan

    Everyone knows cats and dogs don't play well together, and when the cats and dogs in question also happen to be deities, things can get pretty hairy. Responding to the desperate prayers of the demon-cursed town of Tristram, Amaterasu, Nippon's favorite wolf-shaped, celestial brush-painting sun goddess, and Aslan, the Lion (and occasional lamb) of Narnia, have arrived to lead their newfound flock out of the darkness and into a new golden age! But only one of them can be Tristram's new, extremely fluffy savior. Which god-animal will inspire the most faith, convert the most new followers, and, y'know, kill Diablo?

    Featuring a hackles-raising argument about prophecy and magic ink supplies between Kit and Dan, a duel of the Narnia nerds between Miles and MeganBob, and Colin undergoing a fully-realized existential crisis.

    Disclaimer: The opinions stated in this episode do not reflect our opinions on either Christianity or Shinto. No religious offense whatsoever is intended.

    Additional thanks to Kevin MacLeod this week for the use of his song "Waltz of the Carnies."

    Episode 4: Oh Crap...

    Episode 4: Oh Crap...

    Oh crap...

    We messed up, bear with us!


    News, a lot of release dates, a good deal of announcement.


    What we've been playin! Screw it! We played some shit!

    (Oh, and final fantasy 13 is awesome!


    Half Year Game of the Year!

    We break down what deserves what! We will review again in January!



    We hate moving, Mccy Deez, and Editing...crap...


    New releases for the week of July 27th!

    (Starcraft 2! GET HYPE!)


    We close out! (Sorry about the shitty show...)









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