
    autism mom

    Explore " autism mom" with insightful episodes like "From Frustration to Flexibility: Successful Mindset Shifts for Autism Moms", "The Spectrum of Support: When an Autism Mom’s Community Feels Empty", "Meltdowns and Milestones: Changing the Outcome with Your Strengths as an Autism Mom", "Breathing Room: Setting Boundaries for an Autism Mom’s Well-Being" and "Growing Through It: Cultivating a Growth Mindset When Autism Throws Curveballs" from podcasts like ""Thriving Moms of Autistics", "Thriving Moms of Autistics", "Thriving Moms of Autistics", "Thriving Moms of Autistics" and "Thriving Moms of Autistics"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    From Frustration to Flexibility: Successful Mindset Shifts for Autism Moms

    From Frustration to Flexibility: Successful Mindset Shifts for Autism Moms

    Hi Moms! I’m channeling the Golden Girls today. Picture it! Indiana 2024… Your son has a meltdown after finding out his favorite McDonalds is shut down for remodeling and he can’t get their chicken nuggets and fries. Yes, we all have the stories of meltdowns and disarray. 

    In this episode, I share how to deal with the fallout of unexpected meltdowns and not get stuck in your head. 

    Find the full transcript for this episode at 


    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    The Struggle is Real for Moms of Autistics

    It is so easy to get stuck in your head. We all have been there. We think, “This isn’t going to get better” and even question if we are enough for our child. 

    Psychologist Carol Dweck studied the impact of getting stuck in your head and developed the concept of a fixed mindset. This is the false belief that intelligence and abilities cannot be changed and are set in stone. 

    Through her research, she developed the idea that our brains are constantly learning and growing. This is referred to as a growth mindset.

    Our children desire structure, predictability, and a comfortable place to experience the world. They aren’t trying to be difficult. It looks like a fixed trait, but is it? Can it be a strength that evolves and grows?

    We all want consistency, structure, and comfort in our lives, right?

    Opportunities for Moms of Autistics to Grow Their Mindsets

    Individuals can grow their mindsets! When we grow our mindset, we model this for our children. Yes, our children can experience growth as well. 

    1. Shift from Focusing on Outcomes to Focusing on Effort - For example, notice your efforts such as when you remained calm during a meltdown and helped your child transition successfully. Or when your child practiced their spelling words for 5 minutes without frustration rather than 3 minutes.
    2. Embrace Challenges - View challenging through the learning lens. Ask how you can do things differently next time. Maybe create a social story for unexpected situations like having to choose another restaurant when their favorite one is closed. 
    3. Model Growth Mindset - Acknowledge when you had a misstep and that you are able to learn from it. That is so powerful for you and your child.

    Meltdowns are going to happen. You will have off days, I promise! Shifting your mindset makes all the difference. Add this to your mom toolbox and build this tool over time. 

    Also, visual timers aren’t just for your child. When you are struggling, it’s okay to say, “Mommy needs a moment to process” and set the timer. This makes it real and acceptable. Your child will recognize that everyone needs help once in a while. 

    Check out my FREE 4 Step Guide to Tap into Your Strengths, Create a Supportive Community, and Thrive Through The Autism Journey. You can find it on the home page of www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com

    I hope this helps! 

    Let’s meet up again next week!

    The Spectrum of Support: When an Autism Mom’s Community Feels Empty

    The Spectrum of Support: When an Autism Mom’s Community Feels Empty

    Hi Moms! Welcome to a space created for moms like you with children on the spectrum. It’s a place to feel understood and know you are not alone.

    In this episode, I explore a topic that all moms know all too well at least on some level. It is a hard, yet very important topic. I am talking about lacking a supportive environment or community.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at 


    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    When Moms of Autistics Don’t Have Others to Lean On

    Having a network of like-minded individuals, who understand autism is like striking gold. There is so much power and strength in having such a community. 

    Unfortunately, many moms don’t have that. If they do, it is limited or underdeveloped. 

    Raising an autistic can be quite joyful, but there are times of great struggles. It is good to have others, who empathize rather than judge and support you through it. It’s a very lonely place to be at times. 

    I often hear stories of families, friends, providers, and even strangers in public that don’t understand raising an autistic child. There are so many misconceptions making it even more isolating. 

    People tend to assume that it is no different from raising a neurotypical child and that the same strategies work for autistics. That could not be further from the truth. 

    Some moms have found groups of moms raising neurotypical but find their misconceptions even more challenging and daunting. Their expectations are so different for themselves and others. 

    The looks and judgments are harmful even when unintended. It weighs heavily on moms and often leads to feelings of anxiety and depression. These stories are all too common. 

    Does this resonate with you?

    The truth is that you are not alone. There are others like you. It’s just a matter of finding them. It’s not impossible to build a support system of individuals who understand autism. 

    I help moms create a supportive environment tailored to their needs so they can move towards thriving in their autism journey. For more information, go to the homepage of https://thrivingmomsofautistics.com/work-with-christina/ and click on “work with Christina.” 

    How Can Moms of Autistics Make a Shift Out of Isolation in the Meantime?

    Building a solid support system takes time. Here are a couple ways to jumpstart your community.

    1. Online Communities - Be cautious because not all online groups are created equal. Find one that suits your needs. There will always be one or two individuals that are difficult, but if you find a group with strong administrators, you will be supported. This is a great way to find others with similar experiences. This is a first step and does not replace in-person connections. It is a great resource and helps you see that there are others like you.
    2. Providers and Other Professionals - All families have a team of professionals helping them. Be mindful of your choice of providers. If your child’s doctor doesn’t understand autism, they are not for you. Sometimes there are barriers that are difficult to get around but do your best. It might take time to find other options. 

    The road is not easy, but you have the strength and resilience to navigate through it. Continue to celebrate small wins along the way. And you are not alone and have options. 

    I hope this helps! 

    Let’s meet up again next week!

    Meltdowns and Milestones: Changing the Outcome with Your Strengths as an Autism Mom

    Meltdowns and Milestones: Changing the Outcome with Your Strengths as an Autism Mom

    Hi Moms! Raise your hand if you have ever experienced your child having a meltdown? Don’t be shy! It happens to all of us whether we are in the car, at home, at the store… It happens! It’s just a part of it. 

    Have there been times when you thought, “I could have handled that better!” Of course! You are not alone. No worries because there will be many more meltdowns in the future for you to practice. 

    We all wish we had a magic wand to take care of meltdowns with a quick woosh, right? In this episode, I explore the one mom tool in your mom toolbox to make that happen. It’s in your toolbox. You might not realize it. 

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/69

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    Can Moms of Autistics Really Impact the Outcome of a Meltdown?

    It can feel like you have zero control when a meltdown occurs. Moms often feel helpless, especially when it comes suddenly. 

    All of us have faced these meltdowns and watched our child’s strength and resilience in the process. It’s pretty exhausting for them as well. 

    Moms possess strength and resilience as well. All humans have strengths. They just vary from person to person. Most often moms are not aware of their strengths.

    We do our best to anticipate our child’s triggers. Every child’s trigger is different. Sometimes, you don’t see the meltdown coming at all. 

    Moms of autistics are quick on their feet and adapt to ever changing situations. But we’re not perfect. However, we all have secret weapons to deal with the inevitable meltdown. 

    It’s our innate strengths. Strengths help you through the chaos and minimize the impact on your child and sometimes even the length of the meltdown. 

    What is Your Special Tool in Your Autism Mom Toolbox?

    First, it’s important to remember that sensory overload isn’t on purpose. It may seem that way to spectators, but no one wakes up and says, “Oh, I think I will melt down today!” 

    Meltdowns are not the same as tantrums. It’s a result of sensory overload and our child’s way of saying, “I am overwhelmed and need help.”

    I’ve had to learn to stay as calm as possible and take a breath. It’s hard to do when those around you are judging in their minds and sometimes out loud. 

    I have had to teach myself to leave the world around me behind. It does not matter what others are thinking. My son is my primary focus. That is not easy to do all the time. 

    This is shifting your focus and takes practice. Then you can reach into your mom toolbox and get your innate strength out that works best for this situation. 

    I often use my personal strengths in creativity and perseverance to get through these situations. It drives people crazy, but I am not one to give up. I see it through until the end and find creative ways to adjust and improve the situation. 

    My strength of perspective is helpful as well. I tend to analyze all areas of a situation to come up with the best next step.  

    As moms of autistic children, we've developed incredible strengths, often without even realizing it. We're resourceful, patient, and incredibly adaptable. 

    We've become experts at reading our children's nonverbal cues and anticipating their needs. These are all invaluable assets in navigating meltdowns.

    In my 4-month Thrive VIP program, I work individually with moms to identify their personal strengths to get through the many challenges of raising an autistic and ways to grow their strengths. To learn more go to www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com and click Work with Christina.

    You can also go to

    Breathing Room: Setting Boundaries for an Autism Mom’s Well-Being

    Breathing Room: Setting Boundaries for an Autism Mom’s Well-Being

    Hi Moms! As moms of autistics, we pour so much into our child and sometimes forget about our own well-being. It’s important to prioritize ourselves too. 

    Especially because our child is a sponge. Well-being is not a luxury. It is a necessity! 

    In this episode, we explore why setting boundaries effectively can give you a wellness boost.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/68

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    How Do Autism Moms Set Boundaries Effectively?

    Moms are surrounded by a variety of people, such as family, friends, therapists, teachers, and more.

    All with varying opinions that often differ from ours. 

    When we set boundaries, sometimes people push back, which can lead to guilt or fear of judgment. 

    Assertiveness is often confused with aggression. Moms might be accused of being mean or aggressive when they set boundaries. 

    However, setting boundaries is associated with assertiveness or standing up for your own needs and the needs of your child. 

    It’s associated with mutual respect and diplomacy. Assertive moms have higher awareness of their own rights and the rights of others. 

    They are willing to listen and work with others to resolve issues while setting firm boundaries.

    By doing so, they create the space needed to thrive and be their best version of themselves for their child and everyone else they love.

    Prioritizing Well-Beings for Moms of Autistics

    Supporting your autistic child can be stressful. That weighs on you and impacts your emotional and physical health.

    Moms constantly juggle demands and feel disconnected when others misunderstand their parenting decisions. 

    Moms of autistics face judgment, discrimination, and pressures to conform to societal norms. When this occurs, your well-being take a beating.

    In my 4-month VIP program, I work individually with moms to get creative with self-care and set firm boundaries to thrive and not just survive. To learn more go to www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com and click Work with Christina.

    You can also go to the home page, scroll down to the bottom and click self-care and boundaries to find past episodes in this area. 

    I have created a safe space for moms to get together for virtual coffee chats on the first Wednesday of every month. To learn more, check out the Thriving Moms of Autistics on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, X, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

    You are capable! You are worthy! You deserve to set healthy boundaries for your well-being. There is so much anxiety about meeting your child’s needs in addition to the loss you experience related to missed milestones and concerns about the future. 

    You have a lot on your plate. Be good to yourself, and the benefits will overflow to your child. 

    I hope this helps! 

    Let’s meet up again next week!

    Growing Through It: Cultivating a Growth Mindset When Autism Throws Curveballs

    Growing Through It: Cultivating a Growth Mindset When Autism Throws Curveballs

    Hi Moms! Moms of autistics are no stranger to challenges. We face a variety of situations that range from difficult hills to overwhelming mountains. 

    In this episode, I explore how perception impacts an autism mom’s ability to move mountains.

    So, buckle up moms as we break down barriers to keeping us from thriving in our autism journeys.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/67

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    Challenges for Moms of Autistics That Become Mountains

    Moms of autistics are faced with unique daily challenges when raising their young autistics. Sometimes it feels like the deck is stacked against you. 

    It’s enough to break your spirit and test your limits.

    It’s easy to get bogged down by the multiple barriers. It feels frustrating because you just want to help your child through their struggles, deal with others’ ideas of how you should parent your child, or deal with feeling like you aren’t enough to battle this latest challenge. 

    How Can Autism Moms Tackle These Challenges and Feel More Confident?

    Challenges are part of parenting any child. There is power in the way one views these challenges. 

    Challenges are opportunities! They are uncomfortable but viewing them as opportunities to learn and grow changes everything. 

    When we see difficulties as problems we cannot possibly overcome or are too big to solve, we get stuck. We do ourselves such a disservice when we adopt a fixed mindset. 

    Let me be clear, all of us have been broken down to the point we fix our minds and believe it can’t get better or it won’t change. 

    The human condition allows us to fear the unknown or feel discouraged. The key is to catch ourselves doing this!

    I help moms in my 4-month VIP program use their innate strengths to grow their mindsets and crush inevitable mountains. For more, go to www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com and click work with Christina.

    3 Benefits of Shifting Your Perspective as an Autism Mom

    1)    Ease your mind by changing your outlook. Moms of autistics deal with mind clutter often. They have a lot of balls in the air. If there is a way to ease their path, it’s like finding gold. And that gold exists! 

    2)    Feel Empowered by adopting a growth mindset. Embracing the discomfort of the situation and opening your mind allows you to become a catalyst for change and experience unexpected breakthroughs. 

    3)    Develop resilience in the face of adversity, which allows you to bounce back from setbacks and forge ahead to take care of your and your child’s needs. 

    Be sure to check out my weekly Minute Mom Hacks: Autism Tips on the Go on the Thriving Moms of Autistics social media platforms and YouTube Channel. 

    Find strength and inspiration by connecting with other moms once a month for an hour virtual coffee chat hosted by Thriving Moms of Autistics. Information can be found on our social media sites and YouTube.

    I hope this helps! 

    Let’s meet up again next week!

    Lost Your Spark? Find It Again with Creative Self-Care for Autism Moms

    Lost Your Spark? Find It Again with Creative Self-Care for Autism Moms

    Hi Moms! Today’s topic might feel a little uncomfortable because it is something we often feel is unobtainable. Yet, it is something we cannot be without for too long. It’s also something that moms of autistics might feel selfish about engaging in.

    In this episode, I explore self-care for moms of autistics. It’s not selfish. It’s essential for well-being, which leads to calmer, happier, and more patient moms.

    So, lets fill up your mom toolboxes with some creative self-care tips.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/66

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    Redefining Self-Care for Moms of Autistics

    The struggle is real. Part of that is because people often lump self-care into vacations, long bubble baths, and more. 

    However, busy autism moms can find moments of joy to recharge their batteries and be their best. 

    Self-care isn't necessarily about disappearing for a spa weekend or a week of vacation. It's about small, intentional acts that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

    For moms of autistics, the little things aren’t so little, right? We find joy in its simplest form and experience it more deeply. Many people miss the boat in this area. Not autism moms!

    This is such a beautiful thing. I wish others were more open to this concept.

    All it takes is 5 or 10 minutes. Even 15 minutes if you can swing it.

    What is therapeutic for one mom might not be as therapeutic for another. Does coloring calm you down? Blast your favorite music and have a dance party in the kitchen! 

    Does nature recharge you? Take a walk with your child and point out the birds singing. My son is an eloper, so I had to get creative with this. He does much better now that he is older. Also, he likes safety rules. 

    Self-care isn't one-size-fits-all. Experiment and find what sparks joy for you!

    How Can Moms of Autistics Get Creative with Self-Care Ideas

    Here are some ideas from other moms of autistics. You might create a sensory jar or fill it up with random enjoyable ideas to choose from. 

    Consider writing in a journal to get your feelings on paper just for yourself. Sometimes, it is cathartic to get it out rather than holding onto it. You can always dispose of it when you’re done. 

    You might consider a gratitude journal too. Journaling is not for everyone. You might create a microblog about your experiences. 

    Another possibility is to tap into your child’s interests. Play can be just as therapeutic for adults as it is for children. Unfortunately, my son doesn’t like for others to help him build his city, Kyleville. He is very focused and doesn’t want to be distracted.

    However, I like to tap into his crafty side. He loves doing crafts with mom. You might try something sensory driven, such as finger painting. You can build forts or have a silly dance-a-thon with their favorite music. 

    It might be something as simple as setting a timer and listening to your favorite music while your child is taking a nap. 

    Self-guilt is a Real Thing for Moms of Autistics

    Mom guilt is hard. Am I doing enough? Does my child need more? I know. I am with you, and this is very common. 

    Always remember that your self-care is related to your child. Think of the oxygen mask on a plane scenario. Find someone who gets it. If you do not have someone right now, please check out my supportive community related episodes at the bottom of the homepage of www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com

    I recently created a space for moms of autistics to come together for an hour to explore and learn. You can find more information on the Thr

    Thriving Autism Moms: Unleashing Your Growth Mindset in 5 Minutes

    Thriving Autism Moms: Unleashing Your Growth Mindset in 5 Minutes

    Hi Moms! Ready for your weekly dose of strength, support, and sunshine as you navigate your autism journey? 

    In this episode, I explore a huge game changer in all areas of life, especially your autism journey. It’s the superpower of growth mindset.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/65

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    How Moms of Autistics View Challenges Makes a Difference. 

    Imagine the last big meltdown or serious hurdle with your child. As you climb that mountain, you tell yourself, “This is too much! I can’t do this.” 

    Perhaps you think you’re not cut out to be a good mom or that you’re not made for this. That’s the voice of a fixed mindset. 

    Fixed insinuates that you’re stuck or unable to move forward. It means that it can’t get better. It is what it is, right? It also means that people can’t change. 

    According to the research, mindset plays a significant role in life’s outcomes and impacts well-being. A growth mindset means that skills and abilities can grow with effort and perseverance. One might consider setbacks as learning experiences or steps for growth. 

    Our children are good at defying the odds. They tackle what seems so impossible and do things others said they never would. We could learn from them. 

    How Can Moms Embrace a Growth Mindset?

    So, how do we embrace this growth mindset magic? Growth mindset doesn’t happen overnight. It takes practice. Here are three power moves:

    1. Control the narrative

     In the midst of a meltdown, you might shift your thinking from, He’s being so difficult” to “He’s feeling so overwhelmed right now. How can I help him through this.” Move from blaming to understanding and growing. 

    2. It is more than the outcome. Celebrate effort! 

    My son struggles with his handwriting. He hates working on it and gets frustrated easily. He often has to revise his work. I take notice with even small improvements. Noticing is encouraging. This gives him the burst he needs to persist. 

    3. You are a role model for your child. Lead by example!   

    Talk about learning new things, overcoming obstacles, and embracing mistakes as learning opportunities. My son often says, “I can do hard things.” He is right!

    A growth mindset isn't about being perfect or achieving instant results. It's about choosing hope over doubt, effort over resignation, and learning over giving up. 

    With each challenge, each setback, each meltdown-turned-triumph, we grow stronger, more resilient, and closer to that thriving mama we all deserve to be.

    So go forth and unleash your inner growth warrior! The journey, with all its twists and turns, is where the magic happens.

    Start a journal. Keep track of your growth mindset wins! Encourage yourself by noticing small changes and celebrating them.

    Be inspired to keep growing and thriving!

    And don't forget to subscribe to the Thriving Moms of Autistics YouTube Channel or your favorite podcast app for more weekly doses of sunshine on your autism journey!

    Let’s meet again next week!


    Spectrum Sisters: Building Bridges for Autism Moms

    Spectrum Sisters: Building Bridges for Autism Moms

    Hi Moms! Everyday is a good day to celebrate and empower moms of autistics. The best way to achieve this is through community. 

    In this episode, I dive into the heart of community, why it’s important, and why moms tend to shy away from it.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/64

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    What Are Many Moms of Autistics Missing?

    Close your eyes and take a deep breath. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you consider the one thing you need most? Now ask yourself, why don’t you have it? The answer is likely that it isn’t something you can get on your own.

    Think about what it might be like to have others cheering you on rather than judging or to have someone who remembers dealing with the very struggle that you are dealing with right now. Someone who gets it!

    Someone who celebrates your child’s milestones with you. A network of other moms, who are there when you fall and love you through it. 

    Sound impossible? It’s not! 

    The Missing Gem Autism Moms Need
    It might feel like trying to climb Mount Everest in flipflops doing it on your own. Why would you do that? No one enjoys feeling isolated, not fitting in, or having to explain autism repeatedly. 

    Benefits to having a supportive community:

    1. Shared Understanding is essential. I always say autism moms are educators. It’s just part of it. Most often others aren’t being mean, they just don’t have experience with autism. They can’t help that. 

    It’s nice to just be your authentic self and not have to give a dissertation to help others understand all the time. I get it. It’s nice to be validated after a meltdown rather than being looked out like you have three heads. 

    1.  Resources and Support- It’s one thing to research and dig around for what you’re looking for. But to have others at your fingertips, who have tested out that sensory toy, used the speech therapist, or found that new miracle gadget? Real-life tips from someone who's been there? Sign me up!
    2. Recharging Your Batteries- People see us as superhuman, but we’re not. Supportive communities bring respite, laughter, and connection. Sharing a potluck or coffee with moms who understand what you’re going through is the best therapy.
    3.  Advocating Together: Moms of autistics stand together! Together, we have a voice and an advocacy platform. It truly does take a village.

    What Keeps Autism Moms from Seeking Community? 
    Most women aren’t interested in going back to high school. Moms of autistics have full plates and zero time for drama. 

    I have been in mom groups that were incredibly cliquey. They made the start of my autism journey unnecessarily difficult because they knew very little about autism. 

    Autism moms need to be around others who get that we can’t drop everything to be with them or meet up. Others might not understand that we live our lives differently and have a system to adhere to.

    You deserve a community that sees you, supports you, and celebrates your victories (big and small). 

    You are not alone! We're all navigating this journey together, and a supportive community can make the road smoother, lighter, and maybe even a little bit more joyful.

    Be on the look out for the free mom virtual coffee chat I am hosting the first Wednesday of the month from 11am-12pm EST starting on February 7th. We’re talking muffins and meltdowns! So, mark your calendars!

    In the meantime, let’s meet again next week.

    Unstoppable: Unlocking an Autism Moms Superpower

    Unstoppable: Unlocking an Autism Moms Superpower

    Hi Moms! Every mom has a superpower! Actually, they have more than one. Do you know yours? Once you identify your superpower strengths and grow them, you are unstoppable.

    In this episode, I dive deeper into the strength of perseverance and how it can be used to thrive in your autism journey. 

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/63

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    Bracing for Challenges as Moms of Autistics

    Everyday holds challenges from sensory overload to appointment after appointment to endless advocacy, we rise above it all. Our love for our child fuels our perseverance. 

    When my son was 2, he wasn’t speaking. We took him to an ENT, who offered to put tubes in his ears but also shared concerns that there might be more going on. 

    Soon after he was diagnosed with autism and apraxia of speech. When I was in the hospital waiting for his birth, I recall imagining what it would be like to have conversations with him. I wondered what his personality would be like. 

    It was hard hearing that I might never hear his voice. In fact, it took a few more years for him to start talking. It was a very long wait. Some children remain non-verbal.

    Throughout the first 5 years, we experienced many challenges associated with his speech. He started out with a home therapist for a couple of years and transitioned to a speech therapist at his ABA. 

    When someone tells me I can’t do something, I often respond with a “watch me!” My son is no different. I knew if he remained non-verbal, it would be okay. We would find alternatives for communication. 

    It took hours of therapy. We implemented a communication device to assist him. It took longer for him to talk because of the apraxia, but he eventually achieved his goal. 

    My goal was to support him in the process, cheer him on along the way, and welcome any changes made possible. We knew it would be hard, would take time, but kept chugging along.

    Sound familiar? I would love to hear your stories of perseverance in your autism journey. Feel free to share on any Thriving Moms of Autistics social media platform. I love to celebrate my fellow moms! 

    On Wednesday, February 7th from 11am-12pm EST, I will host a free virtual coffee chat for moms of autistics. The theme for this month is Muffins and Meltdowns. You can find the zoom link to join on our social media page or in the transcript for this episode. It is a great opportunity for moms to share their meltdown challenges and what works for them. It is all about supporting one another. 


    How Autism Moms Can Recharge Their Perseverance Engines

    There are pitstops along the way in our journey. So, how do you fill up your tank? 

    All moms are different and have different strengths. Perseverance might not be one of your higher-level strengths. It is important to identify your strengths. 

    I help moms identify their strengths and strategize ways to best use them in my 4-month  VIP program. Check it out at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com under “Work with Christina” to learn more.

    Persevering and overcoming challenges can be hard. I’m going to share one of my mom hacks for achieving this and filling up your empty tank. 

    It’s all about perception. It won’t

    Unwavering Strength: The Resilience and Empowerment of Autism Moms Using Their Innate Strengths

    Unwavering Strength: The Resilience and Empowerment of Autism Moms Using Their Innate Strengths

    Hi Moms! Moms of autistics deal with challenges more consistently given their child’s needs. There are ups and downs in the journey requiring moms to shift focus quickly when needed. 

    The holidays are especially stressful. What stressors have you been confronted with in the last week or two? 

    Stop and imagine what it might look like to experience a less bumpy journey. What would it look like to feel confident and thrive in your autism journey as a mom?

    In this episode, I focus on shifting from feeling weighed down and stressed to growth and feeling empowered. 

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/62

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    Can Using Strengths Create Resilience and Transformation in Moms of Autistics?

    You are on a lifelong journey as a mom. There are seasons that occur along the way. You can remain stagnant or grow in your journey. 

    When I talk about strengths, I am referring to something innate in each mom. Sometimes moms are not aware of the strengths they possess. 

    They likely have some underdeveloped strengths. Once moms build their strengths, they are in a good place to thrive in their autism journey and hit challenges out of the park.

    Moms of autistics have a reservoir of inner strengths that fuels their unwavering devotion to the child. The key is to identify and build on those strengths. This is a challenge for all human beings, but I can help!

    What do strengths look like in moms of autistics?

    Some moms are observant and pay close attention to detail. We can scan a room for potential danger like no one’s business. Possible strengths in this area include judgment or prudence.

    Commonly, things occur daily to break an autism mom’s focus. But when she is focused, she is unstoppable. She can switch gears easily and refocus on the current need at hand. 

    This mom’s strength is perseverance. She can regroup in the midst of challenges and press on.

    Moms of autistics are often strong advocates for their children. This entails the strength of bravery and fairness. 

    The Power of Strengths in Moms of Autistics

    We all have strengths, but we can’t use them until we are aware of them. Then we can strengthen them and bring things to a whole new level, which changes the game.

     There are so many benefits for identifying and using your strengths. One of the biggest is the impact it has on your well-being, which influences your child’s well-being. How amazing is that!

    I work with moms in my 4-month VIP program to help them identify their strengths and grow them. It is amazing to watch moms be at their best and thrive in their autism journey. 

    I can do that for you too. Check out http://thrivingmomsofautistics.comand click on Work with Christina to learn more. 

    Let’s shine our light brightly as we use our innate strengths to thrive. Wishing you a blessed year to come.

    Lets meet up next week! 

    New Year, New Growth: My Super Tip for Making 2024 the Best Year Yet as an Autism Mom

    New Year, New Growth: My Super Tip for Making 2024 the Best Year Yet as an Autism Mom

    Hi Moms! Happy New Year! There were many joys and challenges in 2023. There will always be ups and downs raising an autistic. There will always be ups and downs for any human being. 

    We celebrate things that most people take for granted. We have experiences and challenges that others do not always understand.

    My new year’s resolution is the same every year. It is to grow and be my best. I haven’t always had that mindset. My mindset was much more fixed when I was younger. 

    I know what it’s like to be on both sides of the coin, which is pretty common for most human beings. We learn and grow as we get older. That is why I am committed to helping other moms grow.

    In this episode, I share the most powerful tool to help you thrive in your autism journey and manage the challenges you will inevitably face in the new year.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/61

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    The Benefits of Growing Your Mindset as a Mom of an Autistic

    I have explored mindset in previous episodes. You can catch past episodes on this topic by going to Thriving Moms of Autistics, scrolling down the bottom of the home page, and clicking on Growth Mindset under topics or clicking on the link in the transcript. 

    To recap, an example of a fixed mindset is “I can’t do this.” Whereas a growth mindset example is “This is hard, but I can learn.” 

    Autistics often struggle with perfectionism and OCD, which creates a fixed mindset. One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is to model a growth mindset. 

    We learn by example and repeated exposure. We help our children succeed when we encourage them to focus on effort and progress rather than perfectionism.

     Another benefit is that your mindset creates an experience of grace and hope. When we choose a growth mindset, the hard stuff gets a little lighter. 

    The challenges are still challenges, but what changes is how we view the challenge and deal with it. 

    Our load doesn’t feel so heavy. We give ourselves some grace and have hope for what is to come.

    Christmas is a magical time. As moms, we work hard to make it joyful and fun for the ones we love. It is satisfying to see the fruitful outcomes of your hard work. 

    Our son had an unusual holiday. He was hyper focused on something he wanted that was no longer made. He had a really hard time moving on from that. A social story helped but things fell apart Christmas morning.

    It was disappointing. I had to take a step back and remind myself that he needed time to process it more fully. I knew that once he did, he would be more logical and calmer. 

    He is still little and learning. I knew that I needed to model calmness and ideas to help him grow in the experience. 

    In these times, we benefit from not getting lost in our own emotions and changing our mindset. Sure enough, he processed in his time and grew from the experience. 

    Ways Moms Can Nurture and Grow Mindset in Themselves and Their Autistic

    Here are some practical tips to establish this in your own life:

    1)    Be intentional rather than leading with emotion- This takes practice and awareness. Be aware when your emotions are rising and take action to support growth rather than getting fixated on the negative.

    Model this for your child and help them work through issues as well. Ask them, Is this a big problem or a little problem. Define that for them. 

    Guide them in solving the issue and moving forward even when the outcome isn’t what they had planned. 


    The Autism Mom’s Reset: Recharging After the Holiday Hustle

    The Autism Mom’s Reset: Recharging After the Holiday Hustle

    Hi Moms! The holidays have come and gone, but the dust has yet to settle. Autistic children often take a little more time to get back into the swing of things.

    There are the challenges of sensory overload, schedule changes, and family gatherings.

    You might feel like your cup is empty and you have no more to give right about now. It’s time to fill that cup back up!

    In this episode, I explore ways to reset and recharge your batteries. There is a New Year around the corner after all! And the best is yet to come.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/60

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    The Autism Moms Post Holiday Slump

    Are you lacking that holiday glow right now? The joy of giving and receiving often brings increased endorphins until you have to switch gears and help with the sensory overload and meltdowns.

    It’s enough to give you whiplash. It can feel like you are up, down, and all around or in fight or flight mode. It is never boring and keeps you on your toes. 

    It is hard to wind down from that. Your cortisol is all over the place!

    You might be feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or feeling some guilt. Your schedule and your child’s schedule are out of whack. Your self-care practices are no where to be found.

    How Moms of Autistics Can Transition and Recharge After the Aftermath of the Holiday Season

    It’s time to make your well-being a priority again! I have some mom hacks for busy moms to make that happen!

    1. Offer a Confident “No” - No one can do it all. It is okay to say no. You can do so kindly and firmly. Consider delegating tasks or not going to that additional get together.
    2. Get Moving - take a moment to stretch your body by starting with your head and ending with your toes. It will help relax those muscles. 

    If possible, walk around the block to get some fresh air, have a dance off with the kids while you’re putting the dishes away, or do 10-15 minutes of yoga. 

    1. Bring Your Body Back to Homeostasis – Do a mini meditation using a calming app or simply breathing in for 4, hold for 4, out for 5, hold again for 4, and repeat. This is the 4x4x5x4 method. 
    2. Create a Sensory Sanctuary – You can do this by dimming the lights, putting on a soft sweater or PJ’s, using essential oils, or putting on some soothing music.
    3. Connect with Others Who Get Autism – This can be as simple as texting someone or grabbing a virtual coffee with an online support group.

    Or you can listen to your favorite podcast. Hope is powerful! My goal is to offer you some hope in your journey and ways to lighten your load. 

    I am so excited for the New Year and believe that 2024 is going to be great! It won’t be without ups and downs, but if you’re willing, you will experience amazing changes for the better. 

    I am going to leave it here because it’s time for me to light a candle, put on some soothing music, and do some yoga while my son is in bed. You have to get it in when you can!

    Looking forward to our time together next week!

    Unlocking Joy: How Changing Mindset Transforms the Autism Journey for Moms

    Unlocking Joy: How Changing Mindset Transforms the Autism Journey for Moms

    Hi Moms! Moms of autistics deal with challenges more consistently given their child’s needs. There are ups and downs in the journey. 

    The holidays are especially stressful. What stressors have you been confronted with in the last week or two? 

    Stop and imagine what it might look like to experience a less bumpy journey. What would it look like to feel confident and thrive in your autism journey as a mom?

    In this episode, I focus on shifting from feeling weighed down and stressed to growth and feeling empowered. I offer examples of how to make the much-needed shift to a growth mindset.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/59

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    Can Shifting Mindset Create Resilience and Transformation in Moms of Autistics?

    You are on a lifelong journey as a mom. There are seasons that occur along the way. You can remain stagnant or grow in your journey. 

    Mindset is an incredible tool that can get you stuck or help you navigate the joys and challenges of raising an autistic.  

    Positive shifts in one’s perspective can lead to greater acceptance, reduced stress, and an improved relationship with your child. 

    It might seem impossible at times, especially if you have held a fixed mindset over the years that has yielded negativity in your journey.

    But it is possible for everyone to shift from a fixed to a growth mindset. It takes some time and practice. It might take longer from some, but they can get there.

    How to Challenge Negative Thoughts, Cultivate Gratitude, and Embrace Self-Compassion as an Autism Mom

    First, let’s practice!

    Jessica is a mom of a young autistic and tends to have a fixed mindset. She works so hard to be patient and support her young son during his behaviors in public or in other people’s homes. 

    Jessica feels like she has successfully dealt well with a couple of issues in the car on the way to her family’s home to celebrate the holidays. 

    She feels good about this as things are going well in the first half hour of the visit but has a rush of anxiety when her child experiences a meltdown when the family member forgets to add chicken nuggets to the menu and is struggling with the holiday food items.

    In Jessica’s mind:

    I am a failure for not bringing the nuggets myself even though it was a three-hour trip and every place is closed.

    I’ve let my son down and my family. I am not enough!

    Why did we bother to leave the house. I knew I would drop the ball.

    Jessica’s mindset focuses on what has gone wrong. She is paralyzed by her anxiety, which keeps her from moving forward and experiencing grace and problem solving the issue.

    As a result:

    There is a missed opportunity for learning for all involved. When issues arise, moms can offer some education as to why the child struggles with feeding issues driven by sensory needs.

    She fails to notice the family members that are trying to support and understand.

    She fails to see this as something that happens with many moms and that she is not superhuman. This is a learning opportunity for her too and an opportunity to plan differently next time. 

    Her anxiety fuels her self-doubt that she can do better in the future and is doomed to continue to fail.

    What Autism Moms Can Do to Shift their Mindset and Grow?

    With a growth mindset, Jessica could approach the situation differently:

    "I'm proud of how hard I worked and what I learned in the process. He had a great beginning to the visit."

    "Sharing his needs and why he respond

    EP 58 –From Pushover to Powerhouse: How Setting Boundaries Transformed My Life as an Autism Mom

    EP 58 –From Pushover to Powerhouse: How Setting Boundaries Transformed My Life as an Autism Mom

    Hi Moms! One of the biggest challenges moms of autistics encounter is the perceptions of others. 

    When I was trained 30 years ago, autism was understood and treated quite differently.

    There's no denying that research has made significant strides in understanding and diagnosing autism. 

    We know more about its prevalence and have developed better tools for identification. However, this knowledge hasn't always translated to public understanding.

    And that’s okay! None of us knows everything, right?

    The gap between research and public understanding is a major barrier for families with autistic children. 

    Misconceptions and stereotypes persist, leading to judgment, social isolation, and difficulty accessing necessary support.

    Even in everyday situations like grocery shopping or school settings, moms of autistic children encounter these misunderstandings. 

    It's not uncommon to face judgmental stares, unsolicited advice, or even outright discrimination.

    In this episode, I focus on empowering moms of autistic children with practical tips for setting clear and effective boundaries with others.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/58

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    If you go to my website and scroll down the home page, you will see “topics” on the lower left side at the bottom. Click on “Self-Care.”

    Why Boundaries Are Essential for Moms of Autistics

    Setting boundaries with others is tricky but crucial. Whether it's family, friends, or even strangers, saying "no" and protecting your child's needs can be challenging. 

    But fear not, fellow mamas, I’m here to equip you with the tools and strategies you need to navigate these situations with confidence.

    As moms of young autistic children, we face unique challenges. Our children may have sensory processing difficulties, communication differences, and social anxieties. 

    This can lead to situations where other adults, even well-meaning ones, might not understand or respect our child's needs.

    Boundaries are essential for creating a safe and supportive environment for you and your child. Setting boundaries is a form of self-care. When you set boundaries with other adults, you:

    • Reduce stress and anxiety
    • Promote self-regulation and self-awareness
    • Build trust and respect between you and your child
    • Teach your child about their rights and how to advocate for themselves

    When to Set Boundaries, You Support You and Your Child 

    Consider some of these common scenarios:

    1. Unwanted physical contact: Imagine a well-meaning relative wanting to hug your child tightly, even though you know they prefer gentle touches. How do you politely say no?

    2. Sensory overload: You're at a birthday party with loud music and flashing lights. Your child starts showing signs of sensory overload. How do you create a calm space for them without offending the host?

    3. Overstimulating interactions: A friend's child is constantly touching and talking to your child, who becomes overwhelmed and withdrawn. How do you kindly redirect the interaction without causing hurt feelings?

    4. Unrealistic expectations: A medical provider pressures your child to "be more social" or "act like other kids." They demand that they focus, stop that, or make eye-contact. How do you advocate for your child's needs and communicate their individual differences?

    In each of these situations, there are ways to set clear and respectful boundaries while sti

    Essential Tips for Creating a Strong and Empowering Network for Moms of Autistics

    Essential Tips for Creating a Strong and Empowering Network for Moms of Autistics

    Hi Moms! Raising a child with autism can be an incredibly challenging yet rewarding experience. For many moms, the journey can feel isolating and overwhelming. 

    That's why having a strong support system is crucial. A supportive community can provide the emotional support, practical advice, and resources needed to thrive as a mom of an autistic child.

    In this episode, I offer tips to help you create a network to support you in thriving as a mom of an autistic.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/57

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    If you go to my website and scroll down the home page, you will see “topics” on the lower left side at the bottom. 

    If you click on Create Community, you will have access to all my episodes on this topic. Or you can click on Create Community in the transcript for this episode. 

    Can Moms of Autistics Do It All on Their Own?

    I have a confession. I am hardheaded. I know, right? I suspect many of you listening are too. It is a part of our charm as autism moms.

    If I just do it myself, I don’t have to keep explaining to others the ins and outs of autism. I can do it much more quickly. So what if it wears me down in the process. It will get done somehow. 

    What if you didn’t have to do it all yourself? You don’t! In fact, one day you will find that it simply isn’t possible. That is your WHY! 

    There are many benefits to having a supportive community around you. We were not meant to do life alone. We live our best lives when others are involved. That is when the right people are involved. Not everyone is right for you and your family needs. 

    Having a supportive community is more than professionals who get autism. It includes emotional support. 

    A supportive community provides a safe space to share experiences, ask questions, and feel validated. It can offer a sense of belonging and understanding, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.

     That's why having a strong support system is so crucial. A supportive community can provide you with the emotional support, practical advice, and resources you need to thrive as a mom.

    In fact, I consider my supportive community more than just a support system. They have proven to be a lifeline. 

    Tips for Building Your Supportive Community as a Mom of an Autistic Child

    1)     Find others who get autism! It is not necessary to find experts. Some of the most supportive people I have found are not experts. Nor do they have experience with autistics. 

    They simply care and want to learn more. They are motivated by genuinely wanting to help and understand autism better. Those people exist.

    2)     Determine what is most important to you! You will find that your best support comes from others with similar values. 

    You might run into other autism moms that do not support you well because they have different ideas or goals regarding autism and have vastly different values. 

    That is okay. You can still do your best to support one another on a different level. They might not be your primary support.

    3)     Recognize that building a supportive community has its challenges. Rome wasn’t built in a day, right? Neither will your support system. 

    Be patient with yourself and others as you navigate the waters and build your community. Taking some time will help you build a more solid community. 

    A strong support system can make a world of difference in your life as a mom of an autistic child.


    Empowering Autism Moms by Fostering Strengths and Confidence

    Empowering Autism Moms by Fostering Strengths and Confidence

    Hi Moms! Our unique strengths are the driving force for our successes. These strengths are our mom superpowers that get us through the ups and downs of raising an autistic.

     Are you aware of your superpowers or strengths? If you are aware, you can continue to grow your strengths.

     In this episode, I dive into ways to nurture your strengths to thrive in your autism journey.

     Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/56

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    Recognizing Innate Strengths is the First Step for Moms of Autistics

    If you go to my website and scroll down the home page, you will see “topics” on the lower left side at the bottom. 

    If you click on Uncover Your Strengths, you will have access to all my episodes on this topic. Or you can click on Uncover Your Strengths in the transcript for this episode. 

    To recap if you are a new listener, most individuals have a hard time identifying personal strengths. 

    Moms of autistics often exhibit a range of innate strengths, which can sometimes be missed amidst the challenges they may face. Strengths must be identified first. Then they must be nurtured to grow, and then successes follow.

     One strength that is common in moms of autistics is being resourceful, which is derived from the strengths of perseverance and on some level creativity. 

    Autism moms often develop innovative strategies for supporting their children's development, tapping into their creativity and resourcefulness to find solutions that work for their families.

    This is important because resources support moms of autistics by decreasing stressors of the unknown and increasing self-care in a variety of ways.

     Perseverance encompasses determination, resilience, and self-belief. It is key to success by helping moms overcome challenges and achieve goals. 

    How Autism Moms Can Nurture Perseverance and Grow in Their Journey?

    It’s important for autism moms to prioritize their own well-being and nurture their inner strengths.

    One way to achieve this is to seek professional support. People often assume I am talking about counseling. However, if you need counseling, it is important to seek out a professional to assist you in this area. 

    The professional support I am referring to is the professional guidance from case managers, who can provide valuable tools for managing stress through respite. 

     Perhaps you need an individual coach for brainstorming ideas to support needs and solve problems. You might gain additional guidance through support groups.

    I work 1:1 with moms of autistics as a coach. For more information, click Work with Christina on the Thriving Moms of Autistics homepage. Or click on this in the transcript for this episode.

    Case managers have vital information on supports in your community that many others are not aware of. This is also the case in support groups. You can bounce ideas off other parents that have had similar needs.

    Using Autism Mom Strengths to Thrive

    Autism moms embody resilience, resourcefulness, and unwavering love. Their strengths empower themselves and their children to thrive. Their advocacy shapes the world around them, and their unwavering dedication inspires us all.

    To all the autism moms out there, you are appreciated. Your dedication to your children is an inspiration to us all.

     Remember, you are a force to be reckoned with, and your strength is a beacon of hope for your children and the world aro

    Nurturing a Growth Mindset in Yourself as a Mom of an Autistic Child

    Nurturing a Growth Mindset in Yourself as a Mom of an Autistic Child

    Hi Moms! As a mom of an autistic child, you play a crucial role in shaping your child's growth and development. Your own mindset, beliefs, and attitudes can have a profound impact on your child's perception of themselves and their abilities. Embracing a growth mindset for yourself can empower you to effectively support your child's journey and foster their own growth mindset.

    In this episode, I explore the benefits and challenges of mindset as an autism mom and ways to grow your mindset.

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/55

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate you!

    What is a Growth Mindset for Autism Moms

    A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. It's about viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of setbacks, seek out new learning experiences, and view themselves as capable of achieving their goals. 

    There are two mindsets: fixed and growth. Where are you on the mindset continuum?

     Individuals with a fixed mindset have a statis intelligence and believe they possess a set amount of skills. They avoid challenges and making mistakes. They believe that effort is not necessary, ignore feedback, and give up easily. 

     Those with a growth mindset view intelligence as changeable, and that they can develop skills with effort. They embrace challenges and view mistakes as a learning opportunity. They crave feedback and believe that effort leads to mastery of skills. They persist in the face of setbacks. 

     Why is a Growth Mindset Important for Moms of Autistic Children?

    A growth mindset is particularly important for moms of autistic children because it allows you to approach parenting with a positive and empowering mindset. It enables you to:

    ·        View your child's challenges as opportunities for growth and development.

    ·       Focus on your child's effort and progress rather than solely on outcomes.

    ·       Encourage your child to embrace challenges and persevere through setbacks.

    ·       Model a growth mindset yourself, demonstrating the power of hard work and perseverance.

    This is more challenging for moms of neurodivergent children
    because their development is not the same. This is why flexibility is essential
    for success. A growth mindset allows for such flexibility.

    Also, when we focus on outcome, we do not meet our child where they are at. A pressured autistic child is a recipe for disaster. We know this all too well. 

    Noticing improvements and changes, no matter how small they are, is so encouraging for any human being. 

    Lastly, our children are little sponges. When we develop a growth mindset, which can be difficult given the challenges we are faced with but can be done, our children learn these attributes as well.

    Autistics can have a growth mindset. We develop this mindset at our own rate in synch with our own developmental and learning style. 

    How Do Moms Develop a Growth Mindset in the Midst of Constant Challenges?

    Here are some strategies to cultivate a growth mindset in yourself as a mom of an autistic child:

    1.    Challenge your own fixed mindset beliefs. Identify any limiting
    beliefs you may hold about yourself or your child's abilities. Challenge these
    beliefs by seeking out positive examples and evidence that contradict them.

    2.    Embrace new challenges and learning
    opportunities. Step outside your comfort

    Season 1 Spotlight Tips for Moms of Autistics to Move from Surviving to Thriving

    Season 1 Spotlight Tips for Moms of Autistics to Move from Surviving to Thriving

    Hey, it’s Christina! Now that we started the second year of Thriving Moms of Autistics, I wanted to offer one more popular Power Up Episode from early on in Season 1. It was a popular episode that listeners connected with that really set a foundation for supporting moms. Thank you for allowing me on your journey. Enjoy this Power Up Episode and get ready for a new episode next week!

    In this episode, I’ll give you tips to move from merely surviving to fully thriving. We all have the potential to thrive. Thriving doesn’t have to just be a dream. Thriving can be your reality. 

    Find the full transcript at https://thrivingmomsofautistics.com/54

    Be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. I appreciate your input and support.

    What brings joy to moms of autistics? 

    We’re all such different creatures. That’s what makes us so interesting. Some people like to shop. Others like to visit with friends over coffee. I don’t like shopping. And I don’t like coffee. I know!

    Instead, I like to be productive. No kidding. Productivity makes me happy. I like checking things off my list of things to do and get creative. This can get me into trouble quickly, especially when raising an autistic. 

    Moms of autistics tend to carry a lot of stress

    As moms of autistics, we have a lot on our plate. We stress about taking our child out in public, unexpected behaviors or transitions, loud noises, someone coming to the front door, last minute changes, IEP meetings, and the list goes on. 

    So how do you know when it’s time to slow down? Can you realistically slow down? We all have stopping points, even when there is too much going on to stop.

    And if we don’t stop, our body will for us. Let me repeat that. If we don’t stop, our body will for us. 

    There are often signs along the way that we need to slow down. We just miss them because we are busy in the midst of chaos in our lives. 

    In episode 6, I explored mom hacks for moments of chaos. One way to do this is to uncover your personal strengths as tools to counter challenging times. Now let’s dive deeper into understanding how to individually alleviate stress so it doesn’t continue to build and weigh us down. 


    Questions that guide self-care in moms of autistics

    • We tend to get stuck in worry in how to handle situations. What are some ways you can exercise your mind to shift your thoughts?
    • We often spend our time doing for others and neglect what is important to us. What hobbies would you like to engage in?
    • We neglect our physical health and focus on solely on our child. What ways are you able to get moving?
    • How can you say yes when others offer support?
    • Sometimes we isolate because people do not understand autism, and we are left to do everything on our own. What areas do you need to set boundaries the most?

    Spend some time this week thinking about your answers to these questions and evaluate where changes need to be made. Perhaps you already do well in some areas. Or maybe you are struggling across the board. 

    The word Thrive means to be successful, to grow, or to flourish. I have shared that my husband and I woke up one day and realized we were just surviving, which is pretty common in autism families. We transitioned from surviving to thriving and you can do. It is not impossible. I want that for you. So let’s thrive together!   


    5 Strategies to Boost Resiliency in Moms of Autistics

    5 Strategies to Boost Resiliency in Moms of Autistics

    Hi Moms! I am excited you are here as we celebrate season 2 of the Thriving Moms of Autistics Podcast. 

    In Episode 17, I introduced the role of resiliency when tackling challenges. When I think of resiliency, I think of flexibility in hard times. This includes mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility.  

    It is tied to how we adapt to life’s challenges. It’s a process. One doesn’t magically become resilient. It is part of growth and experience.

    In this episode, I explore why it’s so important and what hinders and what grows resiliency. 

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/53

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I love our group of moms and am excited for the moms to come. Autism moms are a force!

    Why Resiliency is Important for Moms of Autistics

    Resiliency and flexibility go hand in hand. The reason my VIP program focuses on positive affect and emotions is because incorporating daily positive habits buffer against the effects of stress that are associated with raising an autistic child.

    People often refer to resiliency as bouncing back. When we experience resiliency after a challenging event, we don’t go back. We move forward. We aren’t the same as we were before the event. We grow. 

    This is a newer and more accurate way of looking at resiliency. 

    What Might Hinder Autism Mom’s Resiliency?

    There are two areas to consider, our mind, and our experiences. 

    All moms experience stress. Our view of stress and how we manage stress can have a negative impact on resiliency. 

    When one experiences trauma, their brain changes. This impacts how one views the world and deals with challenges. These individuals must make cognitive and behavioral changes to overcome trauma. 

    Moms with chronic health conditions might experience resiliency differently as they have additional stressors and experiences that impact stress management. 

    Does that mean that moms with chronic health issues are doomed to be less resilient? Absolutely not. As someone with a host of autoimmune disorders, I know too well the challenges that present as a result. I might have to stretch a little further to achieve resiliency, but it’s not impossible. In fact, I have proven it can happen.

    What Contributes to Resiliency in Moms of Autistics?

    There are many options for boosting resiliency. 

    1)     Consider how you view stress and struggles. Optimism is a strong predictor of happiness. Even some of the most optimistic individuals aren’t optimistic 24/7. Optimism often takes practice and awareness.

    2)     Mind and Body Exercises Build Resiliency. Practicing mindfulness in times of struggle helps us gain momentum over troubled times. Even guided imagery and breathing techniques help clear our minds when we are less centered and experiencing difficulties. 

    Our bodies and minds respond to stress in negative ways, regardless of who you are. These exercises help us gain clarity to move forward. Superhumans do not exist.

    3)     Surrounding yourself with people who understand autism. We are more resilient when we experience a supportive environment. 

    4)     Self-efficacy and self-compassion lead to resiliency. Our belief that we can achieve something makes all the difference as well as our capacity to forgive ourselves when we make mistakes. 

    5)     Increased faith has led to increased resiliency. Studies have shown that individual

    Season 1 Spotlight The #1 Self-Care Tip for Deescalating Yourself as an Autism Mom When Your Child is Escalated

    Season 1 Spotlight The #1 Self-Care Tip for Deescalating Yourself as an Autism Mom When Your Child is Escalated

    Hey, it’s Christina!  As we close the first year of Thriving Moms of Autistics, I wanted to end Season 1 with Power up Episode. It was one of the most popular episodes that listeners resonated with. Thank you for allowing me on your journey. Season 2 is going to be fabulous! I appreciate you!

    Hi Moms! I wanted to share the best self-care tip I have found to date. It isn’t yoga, meeting up with friends, or a massage. As nice as these things sound, they are only immediate fixes. 

    Nope! I am talking about something more long term. It’s the same concept for all moms but varies by mom and child. 

    I notice that this comes easier for moms that are more like their child and might be on the spectrum. However, that is not the case for all moms and might require a little more work… at first. Once you implement it consistently, it becomes second nature. ALL moms can do it!

    In this episode, I tell you my #1 way to deescalate when my child is escalated, which is the ultimate form of self-care. 

    Find the full transcript for this episode at www.thrivingmomsofautistics.com/52

    Please share the podcast with other moms to help them grow in their autism journey. You can also do this by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. I love our group of moms and am excited for the moms to come. Autism moms are a force!

    The Autism Mom Challenges of an Escalating Child

    We have all been there! Our kids struggle in moments of trying to make sense of the world in a way that most of us could not fathom.

    For example, it’s really hard to communicate your needs when you have a communication disorder. It’s quite difficult to hear what someone is saying when all you can hear is the buzzing from the lights because your senses are accelerated and no one else notices it.

    I have learned in those moments to remember one thing. EMPATHY! I might not have had that experience or don’t fully understand the “why” behind the behavior. However, in that moment, I flip the switch from unnerved or frustrated to an attempt to empathize. 

    Easy, right? Not necessarily. It takes a lot of work to switch gears in some situations, but you can do it. 

    Perhaps you are struggling yourself that day. We all have bad days. That is when you might need a post-it on the wall that says, “empathize!” Right? I have an imaginary post-it in my mind to remind myself. You might need an actual post-it and that’s okay!

    I recall a visit to Costco. My son was wrapping his hands around me from behind giving me a big hug as we shopped. Everyone thought I was the luckiest mom alive and was amazed at how my son showed his affection. I heard, “Oh, that’s sweet. He just loves his mama.” 

    They completely misread his behavior. What he was really saying was, “Hey mom! This is the second store you’ve dragged me to, and I have had enough. My way!” 

    I learned quickly at the end of our Costco visit that he has a limit, and I need to pay attention to that. Let’s just say that it involved some dropping and possibly some kicking on our way out of the store. 

    Shout out to Costco for their ability to recognize and support our needs as an autism family. 

    I will often give you real examples, so you do not know you are alone. I like to give you solutions to remember that you are human and that it takes time to overcome obstacles. YOU are NOT alone!

    As a mom of an autistic, there is no testing the limits with our child. Our child makes those limits well known if we listen closely and pay attention. They are smart little ones. 

    I call this the hidden autism mom superpower. It is this superpower that will lead to increased self-care when you use it.

    How is Deescalating Myself as a mom of an Autistic a Form of Self-Care?

    Meeting your child where they are is essential for self-care. Imagine