

    Explore " autopilot" with insightful episodes like "Fall Into The Gap Year", "Social Soap Box", "AI & Us", "EQ, IQ, and the Human Condition" and "Emotions" from podcasts like ""Ends with Z", "Ends with Z", "Ends with Z", "Ends with Z" and "Ends with Z"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Fall Into The Gap Year

    Fall Into The Gap Year
    With uncertainty of the status of in-person college classes occurring in the near future, more and more students and parents are considering deferring college admission for a year until the traditional college experience hopefully will be possible. Known as a gap year, in the past for many who took a gap year, this time off was a privileged option rather than a necessary precaution. Is taking a gap year right for everyone? What should be considered making a decision? Are all gap years created equal?

    Social Soap Box

    Social Soap Box

    Words have power.  Standing on your soap box in the town square to get you message across in the old days now has the immediate distribution and far-reaching power of a TV network in the digital age of the internet and social media.  Tune in as we discuss the power of the social soap box, callout and cancel culture, the power of words or silence (positive and negative), and the consequences that result.

    AI & Us

    AI & Us
    AI, or artificial Intelligence, is not a future state possibility, it is a present day reality. But what is it and how is it affecting us as humans? With technology advancing faster and faster each day, the effects of AI, automation, and machine learning are far reaching and here to stay. In this podcast, we have a topline discussion about artificial intelligence and how it is changing society, the future of work, and the very essence of what it means to be human.

    EQ, IQ, and the Human Condition

    EQ, IQ, and the Human Condition
    EQ is emotional intelligence, which is gained through self- and social awareness and the ability to recognize emotions and their impact on yourself and others. In this podcast, we engage in a lively discussion on the importance of emotional Intelligence, what it is, where it comes from, how it is developed, the impact it has on the human experience, and why EQ awareness matters now more than ever in both our personal and professional lives.


    Emotions are energy set in motion by our thoughts as they move through our bodies and to the outside world. Tune into this podcast as we dive into our emotions, discussing from where they originate, how they influence our thoughts, and how to manage our emotions before we choose the actions that we take.


    At its core, a relationship is an exchange and connection/bond from one individual to another or to a collective. In this time of uncertainty, social change, and the pandemic, our relationships have been tested like never before. In this podcast, we discuss exactly how our relationships—with ourselves, our partners/spouses, families, friends, and co-workers—are being tested. We look at the positive and negative implications and consequences that today’s crises are having on our relationships.

    What’s Your Superpower?

    What’s Your Superpower?
    What if your job has changed dramatically or is not there as a result of the pandemic? What will you do? Understanding your own personal superpower is key. Knowing and cultivating the core foundation of your skills (what you are good at) and having the ability to adapt, learn, and engage are superpowers we can all access, develop, and harness.

    Social Distancing

    Social Distancing
    With our personal space now increasing to 6 ft. because of COVID-19, we break down the term social distancing in this podcast—how it is defined, how it affects us emotionally, what the lack of human connection does to the social being, how we can minimize the negative consequences of being socially distant, and the surprising positive aspects that have arisen. And why it matters to remain socially engaged while being physically distant.

    Electrify America, Tesla Autopilot Takeback

    Electrify America, Tesla Autopilot Takeback

    Host Tom Appel and co-hosts Jill Ciminillo and Damon Bell kick off the show by discussing the recent incident in which Tesla remotely and retroactively removed Autopilot features from a used Model S that was originally equipped with those features--after it sold the vehicle to a used-car dealer, who in turn sold it to a new buyer who discovered the features were missing. Next, we talk about our test-drive experiences with the Audi Q8 crossover SUV. Richard Steinberg, Senior Director of Green Cities, Marketing and Communications for Electrify America, calls in to discuss Electrify America's expanding network of EV charging stations. Tom has another fake-trim-level quiz for Damon and Jill, and Damon runs down the latest articles on the Consumer Guide Daily Drive blog--including additional coverage of the 2020 Chicago Auto Show. The crew wraps things up by discussing how feasible it would be for each of us to own a pure-electric vehicle in light of our respective lifestyles and residences.

    Autonomous Vehicles, Driving Us Into the Future

    Autonomous Vehicles, Driving Us Into the Future

    This week Josh and Austin are talking about autonomous vehicles! In light of this being episode 007, the James Bond theme will be taking over so be sure to have your shaken, not stirred, martini handy (unless you’re driving, of course)! Some of the topics they will discuss include the levels of autonomy, the major players in the industry, concerns and legal issues surrounding the technology, and predictions for the future of autonomous vehicles. They'll also provide their take on Tesla, Google, and other investment opportunities related to this industry. So sit back, relax, and let Josh and Austin take the wheel (get it?) on this week’s episode of The Invested Dads!

    If you'd like to see show notes, links, and the transcript from the podcast, visit https://theinvesteddads.com/007

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    S1 E7 Creatures of habit: can we change?

    S1 E7  Creatures of habit: can we change?

    Within this episode Heidi Hadley and Dr. Sarah Wilson, ND will explain how and why your habits and routines influence your life.  You will learn how your subconscious operates and is often in the driver's seat, dictating your day to day activities.  You will be encouraged to identify your habits and create proactive measures from the take away points Heidi and Sarah share with you.

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    Heidi’s website: https://heidihadley.comhttps://totalsomatics.com

    Sarah’s website: https://www.sarahwilsonnd.com - https://www.advancedwomenshealth.ca

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    #4 - "Mein Traummann ist unerreichbar für mich"

    #4 - "Mein Traummann ist unerreichbar für mich"

    Der Comedy-Podcast voller Wahrheiten & Schicksale

    „Plötzlich Prinzessin“ trifft „Drama Carbonara“, den neuen Comedy-Podcast voller Schicksale und Wahrheiten! In dieser Episode begleiten die Hosts Asta, Jasna und Tatjana die erfolgreiche Anwältin Sandra R. (28) auf ihren Irrwegen durch den Dschungel namens Leben. Sandra ist von Kindesbeinen an in ihren Cousin Ingolf verschossen. Doch statt sie eines Blickes zu würdigen, heiratet er eine andere und wird schon bald zum Familenvater. Sandra konzentriert sich daraufhin auf die Karriere, bis eines Tages ein Unglück geschieht und sie doch noch die Chance bekommen, Versäumtes nachzuholen. Wird die kindliche Liebe zwischen den Verwandten eine Chance bekommen oder wird Sandra ihr Glück unter gänzlich unerwarteten Umständen finden?

    Euch hat die Geschichte gefallen, aufgeregt oder ihr habt euch darin sogar wiedererkannt? Das interessiert uns brennend. Schreibt uns in Kommentaren über Facebook und Instagram unter @dramacarbonara. Dort werdet ihr auch die in den Geschichten besprochenen Fotos finden und endlich sehen können, was wir sehen … Falls ihr noch mehr fantastische Geschichten mit uns lesen wollt, können wir euch schon jetzt versprechen: das Repertoire ist unerschöpflich, wir staunen jedes Mal aufs Neue, was möglich ist. Abonnieren per RSS-Feed, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer oder Google Podcasts ist der Schlüssel zur regelmäßigen Versorgung. Über Rezensionen freuen wir uns natürlich extrem und feiern diese gern auch prominent in unserem Social Media Feed.

    Jede zweite Folge kommt übrigens ein/e Gastleser*in zu uns ins kuschelige Wiener Hauptquartier und unterstützt uns mit Theorien zu Charakteren und Handlungssträngen. Wenn ihr einen Wunschgast habt oder gern selbst mal vorbeischauen wollt, sagt Bescheid. Wir können nichts versprechen, aber wir freuen uns immer über Vorschläge.

    Wenn ihr Lust auf Extra-Content und Community-Aktivitäten habt, unterstützt uns mit einem Abonnement auf Steady und kommt in den Genuss des kompletten "Drama Carbonara"-Universums: https://steadyhq.com/de/drama-carbonara/about

    Falls ihr daran interessiert sind, Werbung in unserem Podcast zu schalten, setzt euch bitte mit Stefan Lassnig von Missing Link in Verbindung. Verbindlichsten Dank!

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    026 - How to design meetings that we love to attend - with Gustavo Razzetti

    026 - How to design meetings that we love to attend - with Gustavo Razzetti

    In this episode, I talk to Gustavo Razzetti, a speaker, author, change facilitator and the founder of Liberationist. He is an active blogger and has written over 400 articles on change, on leadership and team development.

    We speak about organizational and behavioural change, about leadership and about meetings that are an integral part of a change process. We discuss the difference between meetings and workshops and how you stop having meetings on auto-pilot.  

    Gustavo shares his concept of workshops being a tool for experimenting and practising new behaviours. And along these lines, he shares some of his favourite exercises that you can apply in regular meetings and which will help to foster communication across hierarchies.  

    Click here to download the free 1-page summary

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    Feeling inspired by the conversation in this episode? We can have our own - take a seat at my virtual table as part of a Mastermind Group.

    Questions and Answers

    [3:23] What do you mean when you call yourself a “change instigator” and to what extent is it different from a “change consultant”?

    [4:34] How much will do you need from the organisation to really drive the change?

    [5:53] What do you think is the biggest misconception of change?

    [8:15] How do you help leaders to find comfort in this uncertainty? 

    [10:16] What does it take for a leader to trust their team?

    [20:48] What is the key difference between a meeting and a workshop according to you?

    [23:39] If you could change one thing in the way how organizations meet, what would you change?

    [24:53] What is according to you, the best strategy to get out of autopilot?

    [26:28] How do you get everyone to speak? 

    [29:58] How do you avoid auto-pilot in recurrent meetings that tend to follow the same structure every week?

    [32:16] Do you believe in virtual meetings?

    [36:48] Do you think this is related to the safe space? 

    [38:11] What would be your advice to a new team leader to have meetings that matter?

    [41:15] How important do you consider courage for a team lead or for team leaders to be good meeting facilitators?

    [47:03] What makes workshops fail according to you?

    [49:19] What is your favourite exercise?

    [53:27] How do you build the pairs of two?

    [55:30] Anything you would like to share that we haven't touched upon?

    [56:09] Would you have this conversation with a team? 

    [57:12] When did you start calling yourself a facilitator?

    [1:00:32] What do you want the audience to remember?

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    Auto Setup of Mongo Replicas in Docker

    Auto Setup of Mongo Replicas in Docker

    In this episode, I give a quick answer on how you might design MongoDB and other database servers for auto-clustering inside Docker.

     ★Show Notes★

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    This week's guest, Rahul Sonnad, The Autonomous Car Man

    This week's guest, Rahul Sonnad, The Autonomous Car Man

    This week we chat with Rahul Sonnad, The Autonomous Car Man. Rahul is the Co-Founder and CEO of Tesloop, a sustainable travel company that provides city-to-city transport in electric vehicles with a ride sharing business model. Autonomous driving or self driving cars are set to not only revolutionize the auto vertical but also a number of business categories. Rahul is a serial entrepreneur who has been involved in a number of successful startups and ‘Love to create great products that transform how people live.’ He’ll share with us the true status of autonomous driving, where the auto industry is going and what he’s learning about working within this fast moving business category. Join us to dig into the future of sustainable transportation with Rahul Sonnad, the Co-Founder and CEO of Tesloop and The Tech Cat.