

    Explore "bandage" with insightful episodes like "Too Cool", "Surgical Chic", "S13.EP8 什麼!原來我在機上可以這麼做!", "Hilfsmittel und Heilmittel Mythen und Trends" and "#25 Bandagen & Orthesen - Bringt mir das was?" from podcasts like ""Billified: The Bill Moran Podcast", "Billified: The Bill Moran Podcast", "我的飛行日記", "Ortho meets Physio" and "Physiotalk - Die gesprächige Physiotherapiepraxis"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    Too Cool

    Too Cool
    Too Cool:
    Bill, still wearing an over sized bandage on his face, explains to Dan and Kevin the skin cancer procedure he went through the other day. He explains why he is telling people who ask if he is any discomfort, that he is not. Maybe you will agree with the reason. Bill says this did make him think more carefully about life and has advice to get what you want, it may not be who or what you expect, but it will be amazing and probably better than you may have ever imagined. Bill plays a news story from Phoenix about a fireman discouraging someone from calling an ambulance saying the cost and the person could drive their loved one themselves. The guys discuss the lack of EMS and ambulances in the area. How significant a problem is this and how about towns that rely on volunteers? The Buffalo Bills made significant and somewhat surprising moves to free up cap space, find out how lifelong Bills fan Dan feels about the changes. Would you participate in “Balls Out Bowling?” Before you answer learn what it is! The Oakland A’s will soon be the Vegas A’s, which sounds perverted, but the rendering of their new stadium is very unique. Hear some surprising facts about Oreo cookies, something Bill avoided...until the edibles kicked in! Have you ever had a memorable encounter with a stranger? Bill reads some very interesting stranger encounters from Buzzfeed, Dan wonders if some of the “strangers” are angels? You may agree. Do you think you are cool? That is a question asked to 35,000 Americans and the majority’s answer surprised Bill, Dan and Kevin. Bill thinks you can say you do cool things, but whether or not your cool is not determined by you. Bill reads a text from a listener wondering if he really violated “the bro code” as his friend claims? The guys answer, see if you agree. Bill closes with a little wisdom saying stop banging your head against the proverbial wall, let go and get back to your core feeling about whatever the subject is you are trying to get! It may just work. Enjoy! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/billified-the-bill-moran-podcast--5738193/support.

    Surgical Chic

    Surgical Chic
    Surgical Chic:
    Bill welcomes Comedian Doug Phelps to the pod and Doug guesses whay Bill has a giant white bandage on his face just above his lip! Bill explains he had a basil cell skin cancer removed today and admits it was a bit more than he expected as he fully explains how the procedure unfolded. Any conspiracies about Facebook and Instagram going down on Super Tuesday? Bill talks about a segment he saw on the CBS Morning show about being happy and how avoiding politics is suggested. There are families still not speaking over differing political views. Bill tells Doug about the oldest person in the world, a 117 year old woman who was born in the U.S., but has lived in Spain most of her life. Bill explains her secret to a long life is family and friends near by. Bill wonders if we value the wrong things in the United States because Spain he quickly becoming the leading country, over Japan, with people living the longest. Bill and Doug discuss a survey of men about masculinity, where half the men surveyed say they feel pressured to be ‘manly.’ Bill and Doug discuss what makes a man and blame it on Bill being in discomfort, but he gets animated saying stop living for others approval! Do whatever feels good and right to you. Monroe County Sheriff Todd Baxter wrote a letter apologizing to the victim at St. John Fisher University saying, “the criminal justice system let her down.” Sheriff Baxter was not able to come on the pod, but Monroe County Deputy Sheriff Hurley joins to explain what did happen in the St. John Fisher University situation and how citizens can make their concerns known to representatives. There have been concerns about squatters and what are their rights and Doug has some more fun with Bill’s oversized bandage! Enjoy!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/billified-the-bill-moran-podcast--5738193/support.

    S13.EP8 什麼!原來我在機上可以這麼做!

    S13.EP8 什麼!原來我在機上可以這麼做!
    疫情後其實有不少人第一次搭飛機,也又或者大家太久沒搭機出國了,要馬就是上機時很貪心什麼都想拿,要馬就是過於小心翼翼完全不敢動,就讓菜來跟大家說說到底機上有哪些你可以做的事吧~ 👉闇黑小本本:貪心的時刻 👉機上小物 👉酒水飲品 👉藥物繃帶 👉盛裝水壺 👉更換座位 👉保母服務 👉紙巾擦拭 ※歡迎在各大平台關注、訂閱「我的飛行日記」,收到最即時的上架通知 ※如果你喜歡「我的飛行日記」,請到Apple Podcast給予⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐及文字評價唷~(安卓人可用電腦下載itunes免費註冊使用) ※FB、IG:「我是菜菜,歡迎登機」👈 真心歡迎大家私訊/留言/許願/意見/想法/回饋… ※你的一杯咖啡,是支持我繼續創作的動力❤️: https://bit.ly/2VGTtRg ※活動、商業合作邀約: airtsai106.1@gmail.com

    Maximilian Zinner – Auf dieses Equipment darfst du nicht verzichten! Part 2

    Maximilian Zinner – Auf dieses Equipment darfst du nicht verzichten! Part 2
    In dieser Episode des „The Age Of Iron Podacst” hatte ich die Freude, meinen guten Kollegen Maximilian Zinner mal wieder als Gast begrüßen zu dürfen. Für all diejenigen unter euch, die Maxi bisher nicht kennen, stelle ich ihn kurz noch einmal vor. Maxi ist einer der stärksten deutschen Powerlifter und zudem Powerlifting Coach. Hauptsächlich über Instagram teilt er tagtäglich sein Wissen mit seiner Community. Im Rahmen der Folge sprechen Maxi und ich anknüpfend an Part 1 über das Thema „Equipment im Bodybuilding & Powerlifting“. In der letzten Episode, die wir zusammen aufgenommen haben, sind wir bereits auf das richtige Schuhwerk für dein Training, die Anwendung von flachen oder fersenerhöhten Schuhen, den optimalen Gewichthebergürtel und vieles mehr eingegangen. Wenn du die letzte Episode noch nicht gehört hast, dann solltest du das unbedingt tun! In diese Folge gehen wir mehr auf das Thema Bandagen & Chalk ein. Besonders die Handgelenksbandagen werden von uns einmal unter die Lupe genommen. Wir erklären dir die Unterschiede der verschiedenen Typen und gehen auf verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele und die Relevanz im Bodybuilding sowie Powerlifting ein. Darüber hinaus sprechen wir über Chalk und die individuellen Unterschiede sowie Anwendungsempfehlungen. Alles in allem ist eine Episode entstanden, die für die meisten Kraftsportler eine gute Hilfestellung bezüglich der Überlegung zur Besorgung von Equipment ist. Wenn dir die Episode gefällt & du den Podcast unterstützen möchtest, dann lass doch gerne eine 5 Sterne Bewertung und einen kleinen Kommentar bei Apple Podcast dar. Das hilft dem Podcast zu wachsen und noch mehr Leute zu erreichen! Ansonsten lade ich dich gerne dazu ein, den Podcast auf der Plattform deiner Wahl zu abonnieren, sodass du keine Episode mehr verpasst. Viel Spaß bei der Folge! Dein Daniel

    Smart Bandage Detects Invisible Wounds

    Smart Bandage Detects Invisible Wounds
    "We set out to create a type of bandage that could detect bedsores as they are forming, before the damage reaches the surface of the skin," said Michel Maharbiz, UC Berkeley associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and head of the smart bandage project. Thanks to advances in flexible electronics, Berkeley engineers, in collaboration with colleagues at UC San Francisco, have created a new "smart bandage" that uses electrical currents to detect early tissue damage from pressure ulcers, or bedsores, before they can be seen by human eyes and while recovery is still possible. Series: "UC Berkeley News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 30060]

    Smart Bandage Detects Invisible Wounds

    Smart Bandage Detects Invisible Wounds
    "We set out to create a type of bandage that could detect bedsores as they are forming, before the damage reaches the surface of the skin," said Michel Maharbiz, UC Berkeley associate professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences and head of the smart bandage project. Thanks to advances in flexible electronics, Berkeley engineers, in collaboration with colleagues at UC San Francisco, have created a new "smart bandage" that uses electrical currents to detect early tissue damage from pressure ulcers, or bedsores, before they can be seen by human eyes and while recovery is still possible. Series: "UC Berkeley News" [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 30060]

    0358 - Critical Medical Skills For Everyday People

    0358 - Critical Medical Skills For Everyday People

    Often, when people make the decision to take an active role in their own safety, they take steps that seem to have a great impact as opposed to steps that really make marked difference in the safety of the life they lead.

    A perfect example is the rush that many people have to acquire a firearm, ammunition, accessories and training that they believe will keep them safe.  Now do not take this the wrong way folks!  For some people, that firearm WILL mean the difference between life and death.

    But for many more, there are other skills and tools that will be the keys to saving lives.  Skills like, first aid and CPR.  Skills that deal with choking, or treating someone with traumatic injury.

    Nope.  Not anywhere near as sexy as defending your family with a gun, But, it is statistically MUCH MORE LIKELY that you will provide someone with life saving care than protect them with your gun.

    To that end, today we are going to talk to Caleb Causey of Lone Star Medics about the importance of emergency medical skills.  What skills are the most critical?  Who needs to have them?  What tools are critical to saving lives and where you can get those skills?


    I am looking forward to sorting out some important ideas regarding defensive training today with Caleb Causey of Lone Star Medics.


    When folks think about their personal security and self-defense they immediately move towards shooting, striking, you know the sexy stuff.  But the fact is that is only part of the equation.


    People like Caleb Causey of Lone Star Medics are critical to personal protection as they help round out the package and help you develop all the skills you need to truly be safer that is why we are talking to Caleb today and that is why we will be hosting Caleb next month for Lone Star Medics Medicine X EDC.


    • During today’s episode we talk about:
    • Caleb’s Background
    • His work with the Personal Defense Network
    • Why Medical Skills are so important
    • What medical tools are important for preserving life?
    • We answer some of your medical related emails


    And a whole lot more!

     On March 21st and 22nd we will be hosting Lone Star Medics here in Cleveland Ohio to teach Medicine X EDC.


    This is a two day course that combines a touch of lecture, a strong dose of practical medical skills with life fire and FoF scenarios to help you gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with injuries that you or someone you love could sustain in a violent attack or simply while going about your daily life.


    Sign up for a medical course.

    Then get a tactical medical course under your belt!


    Register for Medicine X EDC


    Our next episode we will be back to talking about holsters!



    Thank you for investing your valuable time with us today!  I appreciate it greatly.

    Get out there, get some training, some medical training.  When you do, keep it simple, stay safe and as always have a great day!


    Please visit us at Safety Solutions Academy for information about Med X EDC and other important courses.

    0358 - Critical Medical Skills For Everyday People

    0358 - Critical Medical Skills For Everyday People

    Often, when people make the decision to take an active role in their own safety, they take steps that seem to have a great impact as opposed to steps that really make marked difference in the safety of the life they lead.

    A perfect example is the rush that many people have to acquire a firearm, ammunition, accessories and training that they believe will keep them safe.  Now do not take this the wrong way folks!  For some people, that firearm WILL mean the difference between life and death.

    But for many more, there are other skills and tools that will be the keys to saving lives.  Skills like, first aid and CPR.  Skills that deal with choking, or treating someone with traumatic injury.

    Nope.  Not anywhere near as sexy as defending your family with a gun, But, it is statistically MUCH MORE LIKELY that you will provide someone with life saving care than protect them with your gun.

    To that end, today we are going to talk to Caleb Causey of Lone Star Medics about the importance of emergency medical skills.  What skills are the most critical?  Who needs to have them?  What tools are critical to saving lives and where you can get those skills?


    I am looking forward to sorting out some important ideas regarding defensive training today with Caleb Causey of Lone Star Medics.


    When folks think about their personal security and self-defense they immediately move towards shooting, striking, you know the sexy stuff.  But the fact is that is only part of the equation.


    People like Caleb Causey of Lone Star Medics are critical to personal protection as they help round out the package and help you develop all the skills you need to truly be safer that is why we are talking to Caleb today and that is why we will be hosting Caleb next month for Lone Star Medics Medicine X EDC.


    • During today’s episode we talk about:
    • Caleb’s Background
    • His work with the Personal Defense Network
    • Why Medical Skills are so important
    • What medical tools are important for preserving life?
    • We answer some of your medical related emails


    And a whole lot more!

     On March 21st and 22nd we will be hosting Lone Star Medics here in Cleveland Ohio to teach Medicine X EDC.


    This is a two day course that combines a touch of lecture, a strong dose of practical medical skills with life fire and FoF scenarios to help you gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to deal with injuries that you or someone you love could sustain in a violent attack or simply while going about your daily life.


    Sign up for a medical course.

    Then get a tactical medical course under your belt!


    Register for Medicine X EDC


    Our next episode we will be back to talking about holsters!



    Thank you for investing your valuable time with us today!  I appreciate it greatly.

    Get out there, get some training, some medical training.  When you do, keep it simple, stay safe and as always have a great day!


    Please visit us at Safety Solutions Academy for information about Med X EDC and other important courses.


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